The Dark Mark

Por loislame0384

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Non Magical AU. Hermione Granger is a university students and is looking for a job when her friend convinces... Más

Help Wanted
Her First Day
A Trip to the Pub
Sorting it Out
After the Fair
Bella's Mystery
Little Black Box
The Aftermath
What Happened to Lily?
A Celebratory Dinner
You Did What?!?
A Threatening Message
What's the Plan?
Meeting Harry
Whatever it Takes
The Other Mrs. Black
The Dog Park

The Story Continues...

445 15 0
Por loislame0384

6 months later

Hermione couldn't believe it. The day she had been waiting for for so many years had finally arrived. Today was her graduation day. After she walked across that stage and received her diploma, she would no longer be a child, she would finally be an adult. She wasn't entirely sure she was ready to venture into adulthood but she had enough love and support around her to guide her into the gauntlet of life. Hermione had been dating her girlfriend for over nine months now and it was the most serious relationship she had ever been in. She wouldn't trade it for the world. After learning of Bella's past, she felt an unconditional love that she didn't know was a possibility for her. Hermione didn't spend too much time thinking about Bella's criminal past as it wasn't affecting her current state of being or the immediate future. Hermione wasn't in denial of Bella's past; she just didn't think her past mistakes dictated her current and future self. Around Christmas, Bella had asked Hermione to move in with her. An official answer was never given but over the course of a few weeks, Hermione had moved all of her belongings into Bella's studio. She was sad to leave her long term roommates but she knew they were secretly happy to live alone together.

Hermione stood in front of the floor length mirror in her shared bedroom staring at herself. She had on a cream skater dress that had a flowery embroidered top, white heels and her graduation gown was hanging open. She was pinning the front of her hair back, letting her loose curls fall around her shoulders. After staring at herself for what seemed like an impossibly long time, there came an impatient knock at the door.

"Pet?" Her girlfriend called out to her. "If you don't hurry that cute little ass up, you are going to miss your graduation. I'm coming in..." Bella announced opening the door and stepping inside. Her smile shifted when she caught sight of her girlfriend. There was a hint of something different in her eyes. "Look at you." She smiled, coming over to place a kiss on Hermione's cheek. "Now, this isn't my usual style but," Bella said, bending slightly to zip up Hermione's gown, "I'd much rather be unzippering all of this." She smirked, "but graduation starts in 40 minutes and I'd hate for Ginny to blame me for you being late. Now," she smacked Hermione on the ass, "move that sweet little ass of yours out the door. We have places to be."

The ceremony was lovely. Hermione noticed the pride in her girlfriend's eyes when she walked across the stage and received her diploma. When the dean called her name, there was a small cheer coming from her band of loyal friends but to her surprise, alongside Bella was her niece and two sisters. Hermione wasn't sure when the transition happened but she went from being an employee to being a friend to eventually becoming considered a part of the family. With her own parents abroad for so many years, Hermione felt her heart fill looking into the crowd and seeing the smiling faces of everyone she loved.

After the ceremony, graduate rushed to meet her friends. She was swept into a hug by Ginny and Luna. "Oh my god. There's our girl. All grown up." Ginny reached out and pinched Hermione's cheek which earned her a playful slap on the wrist. "Seriously Mione, we are so proud of you. I can't believe you are finally done and won't be at Uni with us next semester."

"Who knows? I may come back for my PhD one day."

"It has to be exciting though. Knowing you don't have to come back and you get to start living your life," Luna said, coming in to hug Hermione and hand her a small bouquet of daisies. Hermione inhaled the familiar scent and sighed.

"What do you mean? She's set. Her super hot girlfriend got her the inside hook up with her criminal psychology hero." Ginny grinned.

"It's not the hook up. Bella just got me an interview with Minerva McGonagall. She wasn't even looking to hire another therapist. I suppose Bella has some pull with her but I assure you, I have to have a stellar interview to get the job. I'm not expecting her to just hand it to me because I'm dating Bella."

"Oi!" Tonks shouted from a few yards away, coming up to punch Hermione lightly on the shoulder. "How does it feel to be the most educated of the lot now?" Tonks took a final drag from her cigarette before tossing it to the ground and stomping out the butt. "Well except for my mum of course. Dr. Black will take offense if someday you surpass her in education."

Hermione laughed, "challenge accepted then though I bet your mum is quite scary when pissed off."

"You have no idea." Tonks rolled her eyes, "but enough about that. Tell me you aren't going to abandon us all together at the shop when you become a hot shot criminal psychologist."

"You know I never could leave you guys. Plus," Hermione grinned, "someone needs to be there to oversee that no women step out of line with my girlfriend. Can't trust you to do it properly."

"Well I won't pee on my aunt to assert dominance for you around all the women who flirt with her if that is what you are insinuating." Hermione slapped her on the back of the head. "Oi! watch it. I actually fixed my hair this morning."

"Sometimes you deserve more than a smack to the head," Hermione rolled her eyes dramatically. A broad smile overtook her face when she saw her girlfriend politely excuse herself from her sisters and make her way over, never breaking eye contact. The sight of Bella in a black pencil skirt and black button up shirt with her sleeves rolled up made her mouth water. She had her hair piled up in her usual messy bun but somehow still managed to look completely over dressed for a Uni graduation. The abundance of tattoos peeking out from her dress attire set a coiling low in Hermione's stomach that she would never tire of.

Bella closed the distance, reached out and grabbed her forearm, leaning in to place a kiss on the side of her mouth. She spoke low enough that only Hermione could hear her. "Hello, gorgeous. Congratulations. I'm so proud of you." When Bella pulled back, she saw a glimmer in her girlfriend and spoke in a louder tone, "come for a walk with me?" Hermione nodded and said goodbye to her friends.

"Meet us at the shop!" Tonks called after the pair as they made their way across the lawn.

"Why are we meeting at the shop?" Hermione turned to question her girlfriend.

"Never mind that now," Bella said, locking her fingers with Hermione and pulling her quickly into the main brownstone building of the University. "Come, I've always wanted to do this." Bella said practically running through the hallways stopping every so often to check a door to see if it's locked.

Hermione was being dragged along for the ride but eventually stopped causing Bella to jerk backwards, "what are we doing?"

"Finding a place to have sex of course," Bella said smirking.

"You want to have sex at my University?" Hermione sounded genuinely shocked.

"Of course!"

"You're not joking." Hermione asked when she saw the very serious look on her girlfriend's face. "We can't have sex here. This is... well was my school and it's a very public place."

"Semantics, love. Where's your sense of adventure? Plus a university has always been on my 'fuck it' list."

"Do I want to know..." Hermione started to question.

Bella waved her hand dismissively, "it's like a bucket list but if all the places I want to have sex before I die."

"And a university is on this list."

"Yes!" Bella almost shouted with excitement feeling she was close to cracking her girlfriend. "Plus you know," she started, laying her puppy dog eyes on thick, "I didn't get to go to Uni. I was in prison."

"Really? You are going to use your prison sentence as a reason for me to have sex with you at school?"

"Yes." Bella said simply.

Hermione looked as if she was debating with herself, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. "Fine," she said almost grudgingly before smiling, "but we have to find somewhere with a lock and it has to be quick."

"I accept all of those terms. Now help me look for a spot." Bella continued to pull Hermione down the hallway.


The pair had spent more time in that empty classroom celebrating than they had originally planned so when they walked through the doors of the Dark Mark it was well into the evening.

"Look who finally had the decency to show up," Narcissa announced as the pair made their way into what appeared to be a celebration for Hermione. "Seems like when someone makes plans for their girlfriend, she might actually want to show up with said girlfriend."

"Oh come now Cissy, you know exactly the kind of celebration these two had for the past two hours." Hermione turned a bright red when she checked her phone. Had it really been two hours?

"Look," Bella started, "if you think I'm going to apologize, I'm not." Hermione nudged Bella which caused the older woman to grumble something Hermione couldn't quite make out. "Okay fine. I don't apologize for our celebration but I guess I apologize for keeping you all here." Bella gazed around and saw the usual crowd of characters had already helped themselves to the food and booze so she didn't feel too bad. "It looks like the lot of you got a start on the party as it is so let's just forget this misunderstanding and do what we came here to do and that's celebrate this beauty." She finished by gently pushing Hermione into the center of the room.

Tonks was laughing from behind the counter, "look at her turning all red. Do you have a speech prepared for us?"

Hermione came to love the back and forth sibling banter she came to expect from Dora however this was not one she was prepared for which was shown on her face when a look of dread overtook her for a second.

"Leave her alone, Dora." Bella spoke from behind her girlfriend.

"No," she shook her head, "it's fine. I can speak." Hermione took a deep breath and looked around the room at all of her friends. "Thank you all for coming to my graduation today. You all being there made the day incredibly special and one that I will never forget. Some of you have been in my life for its entirety," she looked at Ginny and Luna, "while the rest of you are newer permanent residents in my life. I love you all like family and you all mean so much to me." Hermione smiled and nodded her head. "There. That's all you get for a speech Dora." Hermione started to head over to pour herself a drink when she stopped and added, "oh and if I know you were all here, we would've come back a lot sooner."

Bella added quickly, "doubtful."

Hermione grabbed a glass of wine before walking over to Narcissa and Andy. "I'm sorry we were late." She said sheepishly.

"Oh we don't blame you dear," Narcissa said with a motherly tone in her voice.

"We've known for years that when Bella is horny there is nothing we can do to stop her." Andy added playfully trying to lighten the mood. "Though we wouldn't try... she would kill us."

"Well, that might be true but I just wanted to thank you both for coming today. It truly meant a lot to me for the two of you to be there for me." As soon as the words escaped her mouth, Hermione found herself smack in the middle of a Black Sisters sandwich . She truly felt sisterly love from both of these women.

"You can't have a Black Sister group hug without the best sister," Bella said, coming up behind Hermione and wrapping her arms around the three women.

"She's just jealous," Andy whispered in the middle of the circle. "Can't have us touching her girlfriend without the green eyed monster appearing."

"That's not entirely true," Bella said as the hug broke down. "I just couldn't resist the cute moment and wanted to be a part of it."

"Who are you and what have you done with our sister?" Andy deadpanned.

"Ha-ha," Bella responded in the same deadpan, wrapping her arm around Hermione's waist.

"You have to admit, Andy. Since Ms, Granger has come into Bella's life, she's been much more loving and polite, dare I say even more put together."

"Please, Cissy. Sure she's changed but you are talking about feats of strength and magic that I don't even think Hermione possesses."

"Well I see when I'm not wanted. Come, pet." Bella smirked and pulled Hermione away from her sisters but not before turning around and flicking them off.


Another month had passed before Dr. McGonagall had an availability in her schedule to meet and interview Hermione. She was fine waiting except it made her anxiety skyrocket just thinking about all of the things she might be asked. Hermione tried to drown her mind by working everyday at the shop. It helped keep her busy and she loved spending extra time with her girlfriend.

"Just relax," Bella said looking up from her client long enough to smile at her girlfriend reassuringly. "Minnie will be stupid to pass you up." Bella dipped the tip of her tattoo gun into a cup of water, wiped it off and dunked it into a different color. Just as she was going back to her piece, she took her foot off the pedal and added, "plus you look hot as fuck in that tight little suit you are wearing."

"She's not wrong there," Tonks added to the conversation looking up to get a glimpse of Hermione who was blushing when both customers nodded in agreement.

"Okay you guys really aren't helping with the whole anxiety situation I have going on. I can't look 'hot as fuck'," Hermione put in exaggerated air quotes, "while meeting my real life hero. This might be my one and only chance to impress Dr. McGonagall and I have to make it perfect."

"Love, you could show up naked and impress the shit out of Minnie." Bella smirked up at her girlfriend. "You've got this. I've already told her so much about you. Trust me, if she wasn't intrigued by you, you wouldn't be meeting with her. She wants to meet you."

"Well," Hermione gulped. "No pressure at all then." She rushed back to the customer bathroom to flatten down her hair and give herself another once over in the mirror. She saw Bella come up behind her in the mirror discarding her tattooing gloves into the rubbish bin. Bella wrapped her arms around Hermione's stomach and pulled the younger woman into her. Hermione sunk into the strong and familiar hold of her girlfriend. "What are you doing back here?"

"My guy needed a smoke break and I thought you looked like you needed a hug." Bella kissed Hermione on her neck, humming before whispering, "you smell nice."

Hermione relaxed even more, letting Bella hold the bulk of her weight. "I don't think I can do this. I'm nowhere near good enough to work alongside Dr. McGonagall. I'm so far out of my league here."

Bella stared back at her through the mirror, "look at me." She commanded and Hermione snapped her eyes up staring back at her. "You are brilliant, determined, stubborn as hell and nothing will stop you from getting what you want. More than that, you deserve this opportunity with Minerva. You are extremely gifted and there are many people out in the world who will benefit from what you can offer them. If Minnie didn't think you were worth her while, she never would have agreed to meet with you. Plus, she's just a big old crotchety teddy bear. You'll love each other." Bella fixed her with a more serious gaze. "Now, stop this self-deprecating bullshit and go nail that interview. I plan to take you out for a celebratory dinner and orgasm later." Bella kissed Hermione on her cheek and let her go making sure her feet were stable before smacking her ass and leaving her to finish getting ready.

"Just one orgasm?" Hermione called after her girlfriend hearing a loud cackle coming from the other room.


Hermione sat nervously in the waiting room of Dr. McGonagall's office playing with her fingers, a nervous habit she had exhibited since childhood. She was trying to focus on deep breathing exercises and clearing her mind so she wouldn't be nervous when she was finally called back. Her cell phone vibrated a few times and when she checked her screen she had a couple of good luck messages but she didn't check them in fear of being caught with her phone, a crime Hermione thought punishable by Minerva. So she switched her phone off and shoved it deep in her bag thinking, "out of sight, out of mind." The sound of a door opening jolted Hermione out of her inner thoughts and back to the present. "Ms. Granger?" The soft but stern voice called out, "please come in." Hermione looked up to see Minerva McGonagall standing by the open door, gesturing for her to go on through. She had a tight lipped smile but Hermione noticed a softness behind her eyes.

"Thank you," Hermione said, getting up, grabbing her bag and walking through the open door. Hermione quickly unbuttoned her blazer jacket and took a seat in the chair opposite the older woman's desk. She noted a couch in the corner and momentarily thought of Bella and all the hours that she had probably spent on that very same piece of furniture. Shaking her head, she pulled herself back to the present. She couldn't let her mind wander to Bella when she was trying to focus on the task at hand. "It's really an honor to finally meet you. I've been a big fan of all your work and books since starting University and I can't believe you've opened your office to me." Hermione knew she was rambling but couldn't stop herself.

"Ms. Granger. Please take a breath." Dr. McGonagall said gently. "Deep breathe in... hold it," Hermione automatically followed the older woman's instructions. "And exhale. Again, inhale... hold it." McGonagall paused, smiling at the nervous girl in front of her, "and breathe out. Good. Feeling better?"

Hermione sighed, "much. Thank you. I have a tendency to ramble when I'm nervous."

"I was anticipating that. Bella spoke a lot about you prior to our meeting today. Very highly I might add."

"She has?" Hermione asked with a questioning look on her face.

"You seem surprised. Some days you are all she can talk about. I've seen many positive changes in her since you came into the picture."  Hermione smiled thinking about her girlfriend and Minvera sensed her relaxing a bit. "So tell me about yourself, Hermione. Bella said you've gotten excellent marks in all of your classes and she even managed to sneak me a copy of your thesis to read." Minerva chuckled lightly at the gobsmacked expression on the younger woman's face. "And I must say. It was remarkable. It is clear you have a gift for criminal psychology."

"Thank you?" was all Hermione managed to say. She was curious how Bella obtained a copy of her thesis though living together did give her girlfriend an opportunity to access her computer and printer. "I've always felt that everyone deserves a second chance no matter the circumstance. Though some people are resistant to help, help should be offered to everyone. I believe that people are influenced by their surroundings and upbringing. People are products of the environment they are exposed to. People are honestly just the most fascinating topic of conversation."

Minerva smiled, "you sound like me when I was younger. Full of hope and inspired to change the world."

"Oh no," Hermione corrected. "I don't believe I can change the world but if I can help at least one person learn to help themselves then I'll feel like I've accomplished my goal." Hermione smiled, "sort of like what you did for Bella."

"I see," Minerva hummed. "That's quite an undertaking you are talking about. Not many people would've given Bella a chance, before or after prison. She was written off as a lost cause." Minerva tapped her fingers on the desk. "I also feel that nobody is a write off. Don't let my words send mixed messages, when people are guilty, they are guilty. People who commit heinous crimes need to face the consequences of their actions. However, even they deserve to be heard. Then there are people like your dear Bella who wasn't guilty of what she was accused of. She was guilty of other crimes and did her time for them but she got the help she needed and her name cleared for what she didn't do." Hermione just sat there absorbing the words the older woman was imparting and nodding vigorously. "I've read your thesis and your CV and I have to say, you are quite a remarkable individual even without your girlfriend speaking so highly of you." Hermione blushed at Dr. McGonagall's words. "Based on everything that was presented to me, I'd like to offer you a sort of internship." Hermione looked only slightly confused. "With pay of course," Minerva added quickly. "I'd like you to come in at an intern level until you've proven that this is in fact what you want to do for a living, then we can revisit full time employment. This internship will be three days a week and it'll give you time to sit in on cases and help wherever possibly then when you are comfortable, I'll give you your own clients to work with. There will always be supervision with me of course." Hermione's mind was working overtime taking in all the words presented before her. "How does that sound?"

"That sounds amazing, Dr. McGonagall."

"Wonderful!" The older woman clapped her hands in front of her. "I will expect you here Monday, Thursday and Friday," noting the look on Hermione's face, "it would be a conflict of interest to have you here on Wednesdays when Bella comes in so for now, you won't be working Wednesdays. I hope that's not an inconvenience for you, I feel it's best for both you and Bella."

"No, not a problem. I completely understand." Hermione smiled as Minerva got up from her desk. "So when do I start?"

"Eager," Minerva laughed, "I like that. Now, how about I give you a little tour of the office and you can start on Monday."

"This is a dream. I'm definitely dreaming." Hermione followed Dr. McGonagall from her office as they made their way through the twists and turns of the small, well decorated office.

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