Forget, Love, Hurt (ON HOLD)

By Invisible_xShadow

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Mason is the Alpha's son. He is soon to be the Alpha once his dad steps down. First, he has to find his mate... More

Chapter 1 - Painful Past, Scarred Future
Chapter 2 - A New Beginning With A...Mate?
Chapter 3 - Unwanted Roommate
Chapter 4 - Player Said What?! Part 1
Chapter 5 - Player Said What?! Part 2
Chapter 6 - A Perfect Date To End A Perfect Day
Chapter 7 - Mystery Visitor
Chapter 8 - Happy Halloween!
Chapter 9 - Wonderful Day With A Wonderful Mate
Chapter 10 - Who The Hell Are You?
Chapter 11 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Chapter 12 - The Girl With The Past
Chapter 13 - The Past Revealed And Secrets Hidden
Chapter 14 - Merry Christmas~*~* Part 1
Chapter 15 - Merry Christmas~*~* Part 2
Chapter 16 - Annabel's P.O.V.
Chapter 17 - Simply Lost, Full Of Hate
Chapter 19 - Just Another Day

Chapter 18 - The Blue Stone

924 23 2
By Invisible_xShadow

Chapter 18 - The Blue Stone

Christina's P.O.V.

     My days continued to drag on, and on. Everything seemed to flash by me as I continued to stare at the necklace that once belonged to my mother. The blue stone continued to gaze up at me and twinkle at times when the light reflected off from it. It seemed as school and my life continued to pass on by, not giving me anytime to register what day, or time it is. My life was slowing down as time sped up, confusing me more and more each day. All that I could focus on...was a stupid necklace. A necklace that gave me power. A necklace that once belonged to my wolf, Annabel. A necklace...that brought me nothing but more trouble.

     Humans gazed at it with envy, wanting something like it, to show off that they are wealthy, and rich. Werewolves continued to stare at me with burning jealousy, obviously, wanting it, since they know the legend of the necklace.

     "Christina," someone whispered into my ear while snapping their fingers in-front of me. I jumped and snapped my eyes over to who it was. My brother.

     "Yes, Johnny?" I asked, pocketing the necklace away in my jeans as the sounds of chatter and noises came back to me, making me notice I was in the cafeteria with everyone else.

     He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking ahead of him.

     "I know you're going through alot right now, but please, try to stay focused, I don't like worrying about you all the time," he said, gazing back down at me with a worried expression.

     I sent him a forced smile while nodding.

     "Yeah, sorry, I was just, blanking out," I said.

     "Like usual," said Alex. I looked over at him with a glare as he just shrugged and continued eating and talking.

     I looked down at my food and smiled. This morning, Johnny had spent his morning making everyone's lunches. I picked up the ham and cheese sandwich and bit into it. Moaning at the melted cheese.

     I looked up at my brother and smiled.

     "This is good," I complemented, while taking a sip of my juice. He smiled and bit into his own lunch. I looked over at everyone else, noticing relief deep in their eyes, making me more upset. I hated knowing that everyone worried about me. I just wanted everything to stop, rewind, and go back to where all the good days were.

     I looked into Mason's eyes and noticed worry lined deep within his eyes, although his eyes showed nothing but love, passion, and relief as he gazed at me. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. The jolts of shocks running throughout our body as my head made a connection to his shoulder. His arm wrapped around my waist, holding me to him.

     Sometimes, I feel like I have just been over thinking about some stuff. To say, I had to help Mason connect with his inner wolf, since I could feel Annabel's spirit weakening within me. She needed her mate, she needed love. I also had to find out who could be the possible person to betray me. My mind was jumbled with thoughts, some of them were simply useless too.

     I sighed and stood up, I needed time to myself.

     "Christina, you okay?" asked Arial. I nodded.

     "Yeah, I just need to get some fresh air," I mumbled as I walked out of the cafeteria, alone. I walked out of the school and onto the football field. I sat down on the hill, my back leaning against the tree. I closed my eyes and let myself calm down.

     My thoughts went to my parents as I continued to let the air cool me. My eyes continued to stay shut as I pulled the memories up, slightly smiling at each of them.

     "Mommy!" I cried as I ran towards her. She picked me up and settled me on her hips, smiling at me before flicking my nose. I giggled and wrapped my arms lightly around her neck.

    "What is it, sweetie?" she asked as she continued to make her way towards the kitchen. The pack members that passed us smiled and gazed at me lovingly.

     "Teach me how to dance, please! Johnny was being mean to me and showing off his dance moves with his friends!" I yelled. My mom chuckled and settled me on the counter, pressing a kiss to my temple before she went over to the fridge and pulled out some vegetables.

     "Is that what you really want?" she asked. I pouted and nodded.

     "Sweetie, have you ever thought about maybe why he is showing off his dance moves?" she asked as she pulled out a knife and began chopping the carrots.

     "No," I simply answered as I gazed lustfully at the carrots. Yes, I love carrots. My mother chuckled, obviously catching my expression and handed me a plate full of carrots and ranch on the side. I dipped my carrot in the ranch and bit into it.

     My mother sighed and looked over at me.

     "Maybe it's because he wants to be better at something, since you basically beat him at everything," she said. I frowned and began chewing slower.

     "What do you mean?" I asked.

     "Havn't you ever noticed? Every time you finish drawing a picture, everyone adores your picture better than your brother's, and when you guys do races, you always end up in first place. Not to mention that you always have everyone's attention, instead of your brother. Not that I don't love you sweetie, it's just that it's supposed to be the other way around. He's supposed to be future Alpha, therefore him having the attention," she said as she began cutting the cucumbers and celery.

     I frowned and realized she was right. My brother always had an hatred expression towards me, but when he was with my mother and father, he had a smile, a true smile, not the fake ones he would always give me.

     Ever since that day, I let him win everything. The races, drawing contests, and any other contest that we had. Since then, Johnny and I began to get along more, and that's how we ended up being this close now.

     Before you know it, there was always that one memory that I banned to the back of my head, never allowing it to rear it's ugly head back into my memories, but now, I had no control of it.

     It was spring, and it was currently raining. I waited for my brother at the front doors, looking at the rain wearily. Since he had the umbrella, and we were supposed to walk home together. I was dressed in a flower dress, and white tennis shoes. My Care Bear backpack was on my shoulders, filled with my Care Bear pencil case and my Care Bear coloring book. I also had a purple notebook that held all of my writing exercises.

     I was just rocking back and forth on my feet, glancing behind at me once in a while, since Johnny was late. I sighed in frustration and went to sit on the bench, in the school hallway and waited for my brother.

     "Christina?" said a women's voice. I looked up and saw my teacher standing there, looking at me oddly.

     "Hello, Mrs. Kenna," I said with a big, bright smile. She smiled and sat down next to me.

    "Why are you still here? School ended twenty minutes ago," she said, gazing over at the front door, that was open, and looking at the rain.

     "I'm waiting for my brother. He's supposed to be walking home with me," I said, smiling.

     "Are you sure? I can call one of your parents to come and pick you up," she said softly.

     I smiled and shook my head. "No thank you, Mrs. Kenna. I love walking home with my brother at days like this. The both of us splashing into puddles and laughing together. I love it."

     She smiled warmly at me, but there was an unrecognizable expression in her eyes that I couldn't read, but soon it disappeared as she got up and said goodbye, before walking away.

     My head snapped over towards the doors at the end of the hallway, where Johnny and a few other human boys walked out, laughing. I hopped off the bench and waited for my brother to reach me. Once he reached me, he stopped and looked at me.

       "Ewe, Johnny. Why is your little sister here?" asked one of the guys, looking at me distastefully.

      "Well, I was supposed to walk home with her..." he trailed off, while looking at me wearily. I frowned and looked at the other guys.

      "You're kidding, right? Ditching us, for...the little brat?" he asked. My brother glanced at me, then to the group of guys, before he handed me the umbrella.

     "Go home, Christina. I'll see you later," he said before he walked out of the school building with his laughing friends. I stood there, shocked, before I ran out of the building to catch up with him. I grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He yanked his arm out of my grasp, but his arm was longer, so he ended up smacking me in my face, hard. I stood there, shocked as my hand slowly moved up to my stinging cheek. My brother stood there, looking at me with wide eyes. He took a step closer to me, but I took one step back. I let my tears fall out as I continued to rub my stinging cheek.

      His friends looked at my brother, then to me, before they began to laugh hard. I stood in the rain, with them, looking at my brother as he stared at me wide-eyed. I dropped the umbrella on the concrete, and ran past them. One of the guys pulled out their leg, and tripped me. I landed in a puddle of mud, messing up my dress. The guys continued to laugh as I got up and ran home, I didn't forget the fact that it wasn't too soon before I heard his chuckle.

     That day, was the day that I wanted to forget the most. It was the day where he had ever first slapped me, left me for his friends, and laugh at me when I fell into the mud. When I had gotten home that day, I ran into the pack house, everyone stopping in their spots and looking at me. People gasped and mind-linked each other to get the Alpha and Luna. I dropped my Care Bear backpack onto the floor and ran up the stairs. Ignoring my fellow pack members. As soon as I reached my bedroom, I ran inside and slammed my door shut. Since my dress was still muddy, I sat down in the corner of my room and cried. After I had finished crying, I looked up and saw all the photos of me and my brother.  I huffed and stood up. I took off my dress and shoes, along with my pink hearts underwear, before I changed into my blue Care Bear underwear, and my cotton candy pink My Little Pony pajamas. I quickly removed all photos of me and my brother. When I had finished, I took all of the photos and placed them in a small shoe box, and placed them under my bed. I was the type of little girl that believe in the boogie man, or monsters under your bed, so I never looked under there. When things got lost and I couldn't find them, I would never look down there.

     After I had finished that, I opened up my bedroom door and climbed back into bed, snuggling under the covers. Later on that day, my mom and dad came into my bedroom and gasped. I looked over at them and saw that they were looking at my walls, that were now blank. Yes, I had alot of photos with me and my brother, I placed them around my wall, but now, there was nothing there but the light blue paint. My mom and dad ended up questioning me what happened and I ended up telling them everything. Let's just say...they were furious at my brother's actions, but all I could focus on was that when Johnny had gotten home, my parents called him into my room. When he walked in my room, he first glanced at my walls surprised, but I saw the pain and sadness in his eyes, but I didn't let that fool me. When he made eye contact with me, I looked away and snuggled deeper into my larger bed, holding my Care Bear plush close to me.

     When that day passed, I ignored him for completely three months. I walked home alone, I never once stayed in the same room with him, I never ate dinner or breakfast at the same time as him, I never acknowledged him. I continued on with my life.

     The only reason why I began to talk to him again was when I came home one day and went straight up to my bedroom, I saw a box on the middle on my bed. In that box was a brand new Care Bear plush and a note. It just simply said that he was sorry. I ended up running out of my door, holding the plush in my arms, and launched at my brother. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him, while I cried. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. He began to mumble things about him being a jerk, and that he made a mistake that day, but I quickly silenced him.

     I jumped when a felt a finger run over under my eye, making me realize that I was crying. My eyes snapped open and saw my brother standing there.

     "Hey," he said softly as he sat down next to me.

     "Hey," I mumbled, sniffing back the tears. I glanced up at the sky and noticed it was dark and cloudy now.

     "What are you thinking of?" he asked.

     "The time you first smacked me," I mumbled as I looked over at him. He noticeably flinched and looked over at me, frowning.

     "If I could turn the clock and rewind that day, I would, I didn't mean to hurt you that day," he whispered as he gazed lovingly into my eyes.

     I smiled and nodded, before resting my head on his shoulders.

     "I remember walking into your room that day. I was shocked that you had gotten rid of all the photos of us. I hated seeing your walls so empty, so boring. It made me realize how much I had hurt you that day. I wanted so badly to jump into bed with you and hold you to sleep that night, but you wouldn't talk to me, hell, you didn't even want to be in the same room with me, for three months!" he whined. I laughed and looked at him. His bottom lip was sticking out in a childish way as he glanced down at me. I smiled and ran my thumb over his pouting lip. I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and kept him close to me.

      "What do you think is going to happen the next few weeks?" I whispered, as my hand went down to my jean pocket, which held the necklace.

     "Well, knowing Annabel, she would probably take you away from us and make you train harder, since we have no idea what we're going up against. But, honestly? Whatever happens here on out, I want you to know that I love you and that I want you to be careful, okay? I can't lose you in this battle," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

     "I promise," I replied, glancing up at him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. I never wanted him to let me go. Although, being with Mason made me feel safe, I wanted the warmth of my brother. He protected me in every way, I was used to his love, not Mason's. I loved Mason, I really do, it's just with what happened with Annabel, I wanted to keep some distance in between us. He could be the person to betray me, but like I said, he could be the one.

     But what do I believe in?

     That fate was simply mistaken a-lot of times.


This chapter was to shed some light on other things, like some memories, and the way Christina began to think. I hope that you guys will understand that the end of the school year is approaching very quickly, and I am very busy studying my butt off, so please know that if I don't update alot, then you'll know why.




This chapter has been edited.

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