The Return of Leroy; Book 1#

By BlazeTheWolf6

1.7K 48 0

Two years after Sabre left the Steve World, someone else returns after many years. Leroy- the Yellow Steve wa... More

Return of a Legend
A New Friend
Unexpected meet-up
A Diamond Steve?
The Hunter Green Steve
The Preperations
The Fight against the Diamond Steve
A Growing Bond
Something's Wrong
A Future King
Life Of A Warrior
Not Good
Where The Light Leads
The Only Way
The Confrontation
The Final Battle
Diamond Steves Defeat
The Truth
The End

Green Steve

125 4 0
By BlazeTheWolf6

Assistant Steve looks over, "Yeah. Let's go see what that is." He says, Leroy and Assistant Steve run over to the smoke, but then they see that it is a house but not just a house, it was Green Steves house. "Hold up. It's Green Steves house." Assistant Steve says, "Oh." Leroy says, "Well I'm worried about running into more steves, especially since I've been gone." "I'm sure it should be fine." Assistant Steve says, Leroy sighs, "Alright." He says, the two go up to the house, Assistant Steve knocks on the door, Green Steve opens the door, "Oh. Hi Assistant Steve. What are you-" he notices Leroy, "Oh. Hello." He says, "Hey Green Steve." Leroy says, "What are you two doing out here?" Green Steve asks, "Well it's kind of a long story." Assistant Steve says, "Well come in if you'd like." Green Steve says, Assistant Steve and Leroy go inside, "Why are you two out here?" Green Steve asks sitting down on the chair, Leroy and Assistant Steve were sitting on the couch, "I just met Assistant Steve after I passed out outside the lab. I just all of a sudden got a headache and I passed out." Leroy explains, "Yeah, I found Leroy outside the lab and he wanted to leave the lab." Assistant Steve says, "Wait wait wait wait wait. Back up. Did you just say Leroy?" Green Steve asks, "Uh yeah." Assistant Steve says, "Oh my gosh. That's impossible. Leroy, you died in that war. Didn't you?" Green Steve asks, "I did but I was sent back to the Steve World." Leroy says, "Well I guess that explains the wounds. Why did you pass out?" Green Steve asks, "I just got a headache out of nowhere but I'm alright now." Leroy says, "Leroy, didn't you say something about an Orange Steve earlier?" Assistant Steve asks, Leroy did talk to Assistant Steve about Innocent Orange Steve before they left, "Yeah. Innocent Orange Steve, my old best friend. He died after I did. I uh, I first met him in a flower field I found after I left the Yellow Kingdom to explore on my own- especially after my teachers death- I saw him being chased by a demon Steve and I saved him luckily. Although sadly, when the demon Steve war came, I sacrificed myself to try and protect the citadel when Forest Steve died before he could save me, but right after I made it to the World Beyond, he came there too and I met him there." Leroy says, Green Steve puts his head down, Assistant Steve does it too, Leroy shuts his eyes sighing, "I, I'm so sorry Leroy. I never knew that was what you were going through." Green Steve says, "I didn't know either. I'm really sorry." Assistant Steve says, "It's alright. It was a long time ago. I don't really ever like to talk about it." Leroy says, "I understand. Losses can be hard. But why didn't you go back to the Yellow Kingdom?" Green Steve asks, "I'm worried on what people will think when they see I'm alive." Leroy says, "Well I understand your fear but I still believe you should go back to the Yellow Kingdom to reveal it. They're probably going to find out at some point anyway." Green Steve says, "You have a point." Leroy says, "We will come with you." Assistant Steve says, Green Steve nods, Leroy sighs and nods.

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