The Dark Mark

By loislame0384

9.5K 383 38

Non Magical AU. Hermione Granger is a university students and is looking for a job when her friend convinces... More

Her First Day
A Trip to the Pub
Sorting it Out
After the Fair
Bella's Mystery
Little Black Box
The Aftermath
What Happened to Lily?
The Story Continues...
A Celebratory Dinner
You Did What?!?
A Threatening Message
What's the Plan?
Meeting Harry
Whatever it Takes
The Other Mrs. Black
The Dog Park

Help Wanted

1.2K 27 1
By loislame0384

The end of summer only meant one thing. It was time to go back to Uni. Hermione was walking down the street arm in arm with her best friend, Ginny.

"I can't believe it's already time to go back." Ginny said pulling Hermione over to the store window to look at the puppies. "Let's get one?!"

Hermione rolled her eyes and pulled Ginny along. "You know the apartment manager would throw us out the minute he found out there was an animal in our flat. Besides, with me entering my s research thesis and your football starting back up, who would have time to spend with a puppy? We can't leave it at home all day."

Ginny sighed loudly. "God why are you always so right?"

"Just my nature I suppose." Hermione said bumping her hip into Ginny's playfully.

Hermione was entering her third and final year of grad school. She had to start her research project on criminal psychology this semester and while she was excited, she knew there would be loads of library time. Her best friend was only starting her first year in grad school. Ginny didn't particularly want to continue her education but when she found out she could extend her football career, she of course jumped on it. She hoped to be scouted to the Premier league before she graduated. Any chance to end school early, Ginny would take it.

The girls were spending the afternoon looking for a part time job for Hermione. Ginny worked at the local Aldi for the past four years. Now that the girls were no longer living on campus, Hermione needed to bring in some sort of wage to earn her place in the flat. She refused to accept rent money from her parents. They were already paying for Uni.

"Come on 'Mione. We've been up and down these streets five times. I haven't seen any help wanted signs. Have you?"

"No. I have not."

"You can always come work at Aldi with us." Ginny said looking hopeful.

"No offense but spending unnecessary time with your brother seems like more work than work would be. It doesn't seem worth the 10 pounds per hour." Hermione laughed.

"Understood. Oh look here." Ginny said stopping outside of a store at the end of a small street. "Hermione look. Help wanted."

"Ginny. Did you see the type of shop this is?" Hermione said pointing to the neon sign in the window.

"The Dark Mark Tattoo Parlor. Seems like a good prospect." Ginny said shrugging one shoulder.

"Ginny, look at me." Ginny looked her best friend up and down. Hermione was wearing a pair of khaki pants, a white scoop neck T-shirt and a burgundy light weight cardigan. She wore her hair down and had little make up on. "Do I look like the type of person who frequents tattoo shops? I don't know the first thing about tattoos."

"That's not entirely true. You know you have a thing for tattooed women." Ginny said smirking at Hermione.

"That doesn't mean I know anything about tattooing or tattoo shops." Hermione said trying to tame her blush. Ginny wasn't wrong though. Hermione did have a thing for bad girls.

"It doesn't say they are looking for an artist. It just says 'help wanted: ask for Bella'. Help could be anything like answering phones, running stencils, cleaning the loo, giving Bella neck massages while she's tattooing."

"Ginny stop." Hermione squeaked out turning red again.

"Come on. Let's just go in and see. What's the worst that could happen?" Ginny said pulling her friend into the shop.

They stepped into the empty and very clean tattoo shop. There was a blonde woman sitting behind the desk browsing the internet on the computer.

"How can I help you ladies?" The blonde woman said looking up from the computer.

"We are here for the help wanted sign."

"You are both interested in a job?"

"No. Just my friend here." Ginny said, pushing Hermione forward. "This is Hermione Granger. She's looking for a part time job."

"Hi," Hermione said quietly, extending her hand to the blonde. "Are you Bella?"

"No dear. I'm her sister, Narcissa. I'm just here to go over her books and help make appointments for her until she finds some help. Bella is a little particular with the way she likes thing run around here. Her niece is also an artist here. She's in the back right now preparing for an appointment. The last shop girl only last a month before Bella had her running from the shop in tears."

Hermione visibly gulped. "Oh don't worry dear. You look," Narcissa looked Hermione up and down " nice and cooperative." She winked at Hermione.

"Would this be a part time job? Or?" Ginny spoke up behind Hermione. "Hermione in Uni and starting her research project this semester."

"Ah well hours, days and pay is something that would be worked out between Bella and Ms, Granger here."

"Seems reasonable."

"Now Ms. Granger, would you be interested in meeting with Bella for an interview? And will your redheaded spokesperson be coming with you or will it just be you."

"I'd love an opportunity to meet Bella and no it'll just be me coming back, ma'am."

"Please never call me ma'am again. Narcissa or Cissy will be fine." She said, offering the girl a smile. "Let me send Bella a text real quick. Hold on a moment."

Ginny tapping Hermione on the shoulder. "See this is a good thing." Hermione rolled her eyes at the girl.

"Okay Bella said to come on by tonight around 9pm. Her last client will be leaving and she'll be cleaning up for the night. Will that work for you?"

"Yes, ma... I mean Narcissa. I'll be here tonight. 9pm. Thank you so much for the opportunity."

"Oh don't thank me yet dear. Don't let Bella push you around too much. She can seem a little abrasive at first but she's a little teddy bear once you get to know her."

Hermione nodded and smiled. She and Ginny left the store.

"An abrasive tattoo shop owner. Sounds just like your type Mione."

"Three things, Ginny." Hermione held up one finger

"Oh god. Here we go. I'm surprised you haven't whipped up a PowerPoint presentation for your list." Ginny said playfully, pushing Hermione's shoulder.

"One. I'm going in for a job interview. Two. I need the money so I can't fuck this up. And three. She might not even be gay. So I don't see what the issue is."

"Well just go in there and show your true self. Your smart and funny. You'll be fine. Though if this Bella is anywhere near as hot as her sister... you might be in trouble."


It was 8:45pm and Hermione was just nearing the corner where The Dark Mark took up residence. Hermione let out a few deep breaths. "I got this. I'm charming. I can be a receptionist." Hermione gave herself a pep talk outside of the shop. She noticed a woman with pink hair standing just outside the shop smoking a cigarette.

"Oi. You must be the girl coming in for the shop girl position. Narcissa mentioned someone would be by tonight. I had to stick around and see for myself." The girl took a drag from her cigarette and tossed it on the ground. She held her hand out for Hermione to shake. "I'm Nymphadora. Bella's my aunt. Been working here for about three years and we've been through a lot of shop girls." Nymphadora laughed.

"Pleasure to meet you Nymohadora. I'm Hermione." Hermione said dropping the other girl's hand.

"Oh please. Only my mother calls me that. Or my aunts if they are pissed at me. Call me Tonks."

Hermione smiled. "Okay Tonks it is."

"Good luck in there Hermione. Bella's really not that bad. She's the type of person who grows on you."

"Ahh yes her sister said something about an abrasive yet tiny teddy bear."

Tonks laughed out loud. "Yeah that's one way to describe her." She shook her head pushing off from the wall with her Doc Marten clad foot. "Well I hope to see you around here again, Hermione."

"Bye Tonks." Hermione waved as the woman walked away lighting up another cigarette.

After two more deep breaths, Hermione pushed opened the door to the shop and walked inside. She decided to dress more casual and in an outfit that she deemed cool. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a white tank top and a red flannel with a pair of white vans.

"Hello?" Hermione spoke tentatively. She didn't hear a response but she hear music coming from the back of the shop. She started making her way to the back. Rounding the corner to the tattooing area, she spotted a short woman with a load of black curls piled into a messy high bun. The woman was wearing a black tank top and a pair of army cargo pants that fit her in exactly the right places. Hermione noticed that her arms where covered with tattoos. None of which she could make out from her distance but she did notice a phases of the moon tattoo going down the back of this woman's neck.

"Oh I'm in trouble." Hermione thought. The woman was dancing around with a mop singing some punk rock song Hermione was sure she had heard before.

Hermione took a final deep breath then cleared her throat. "Bella?"

The smaller woman turned around fast. She put the mop back into its bucket and wiped her hands on a towel. "Sorry about that. I didn't hear the door." She walked over to the brunette. Hermione felt as if the shorter woman was sizing her up on her way over. "You must be here for the shop girl position. I'm Bella. This is my shop." She said, extending her hand.

"Hi. I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger." She responded by taking the woman's hand in her own. Hermione swore she never felt a softer hand in her life. Trying to keep her blush at bay, she removed her hand from the shake.

"Well Hermione. Hermione Granger. Please come into the office so we can talk." Bella said putting her hand on the small of Hermione's back leading her further past the work area and into a small yet comfortable looking office. There was a desk with a computer, a couple of chairs in front of the desk and a couch along the far wall. Bella took a seat behind the desk and pointed to one of the chairs for Hermione to take a seat.

"Dont look so nervous pet. I won't bite. Unless you ask me to." Bella said giving Hermione a wicked smirk. "Forget that. As Cissy would say, sometimes my mouth speaks before my brain." She chuckled softly.

"So Cissy said that you are a grad student and are looking for part time employment. Is that correct?"

"Yes I'm going into my final year. I'll be doing my research thesis this year. I'm a little nervous but excited. I've always been good at my studies and research. I'm certain my thesis will be exemplary." Hermione said with a big smile.

"Confidence. I like that in a woman." Bella smiled back at the girl. "What are you studying?"

"Criminal psychology."

"Why? If I may ask that." Bella said, tapping a pen on the desk.

"I feel that there is always more to everybody. Everybody deserves a second chance and a chance at a real life. Some people just aren't given the resources to get better and get the help they need to pursue their happiness."

"Fascinating. My sister Andy would love to speak with you. She, too, has a bleeding heart. She's a social worker. She works with under privileged youths."

"She sounds fascinating herself." Hermione hadn't been to many interviews in her life but she wasn't sure this amount of eye contact was typical or items of such personal nature was often talked about. Hoping to bring the conversation back to the job, she asked "so you own this shop?"

"Yes," Bella cleared her throat and continued, "I've owned this place for about ten years. It was sort of gifted to me by the old owner when it went to hell and I built it back up."

"And I met Tonks outside. She seems nice. Spoke very highly of you." Hermione said with a small smirk.

"I bet she did. Pain in my ass that one. She's good at what she does though and all her clients love her." Bella said rolling her eyes while folding her arms in front of her on the desk.

"Your tattoos are beautiful. What's that say on your forearms?" Hermione tilted her head to read it. "Avada Kedavra. What's that mean?" She looked back up at Bella expectantly.

"That Hermione is a story for another day." Bella said changing the subject. "So when can you start?"

"Start? You've barely asked me anything about myself."

"I think I've got a decent idea. And you haven't annoyed me yet so that's a plus. Also you've already passed Narcissa and Dora and lived to talk about it."

"But I don't know very much about tattoos. I'd love to learn more. I'm a quick leaner."

"Hermione if I wanted a resume and references I'd have asked for them. I like to think I'm a good judge of character. Consider this a trial run and a learn on the go kind of thing. If you like it, the job is yours. If not, no hard feelings."

Hermione sat looking at the other woman. There was no reason not to try. She needed the money and Ginny would never let her live it down if she turned down this opportunity.

"Okay." Hermione simply said. "I have classes Monday-Wednesday until noon then I have to research Thursday evenings but I can work around those and weekends of course."

"Semantics. We can work that out later. You are free on Friday? Come by around 4pm. That's when I get in. Narcissa and Tonks will be here earlier if you are the type to arrive early and something tells me that you are." Bella winked at Hermione. "You can work my shift with me for a couple of days and see how it feels then we can work out your days and hours if you choose to stay with us."

"Sounds perfect."

"Great." Bella said, getting up from her seat. Hermione followed her out of the office. Bella led her to the front door. "Until Friday. Have a good week of classes. Study hard." Bella wink and reached out to give Hermione a final handshake.

Grasping Bella's hand, Hermione replied, "until Friday." Hermione left the tattoo shop and Bella locked the door behind her. Shaking her head she said out loud, "oh Black, you are in trouble now."

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