Game of thrones fanfiction

By Superooosssshhhhh

33.6K 408 15

Lyanna and Robert had been married a year prior to the events of Harrenhal. Lyanna had given him two children... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

553 3 0
By Superooosssshhhhh

Catelyn POV

Weeks had passed since Sansa was attacked and something had changed within Cat's eldest daughter. The girl had become almost a Tully version of Arya, she now joins Bran and Arya to play at swords and she had given up the stitches she once had loved.

She watches Sansa run alongside her sister with a wooden sword in her hand. They both have breeches on with a tunic with the Direwolf of Stark. Bran watches them too she notices, Cat thinks of how brave her little boy had been in fighting that bastard Marillion, his lip had healed and he wore a smile again.

She wants to tell Ned about what had happened, she wants to weep then fall in to his arms and his bed. She wants his seed, she wants his babe. Another Stark, with the face of Robb. Thats what she wants, it had been too long since she had bore Rickon. But Ned was not at her side and she did not carry a child within her.

Petyr takes a hold upon her arm and pulls her away from her children, in to a corner and out of sight. "Petyr, why am I here? Let me go." "I have always loved you, not your sister." She feels sad for him as she doesn't feel the same. "Let me go." As she walks away he says "I still remember the taking of your maidens gift." She immediately stops turns and slaps him. "I never dishonoured myself." "But you begged me..." "I did not. If I were to dishonour myself it would have been to Brandon not the likes of you."

His face contorts and his hands wrap around her throat before she can blink. His grip tightens and Catelyn struggles to breathe. She claws at his face, his arms, anything she could. She leaves deep furrows that run red with blood. Her chest burns for air and her life leaves her.

Lyarra POV

She and her men had reached Winterfell its grey walls were left even greyer by fires that had been set by the ironborn. She allows her men a days rest then they set off to Eddards camp at the Wall.

The air gets colder the futher they travel. Lyarra sees that her men have doubt this war that she is leading them to. But they follow her still. Stannis marches alongside her and her two Direwolves. When they had passed through the riverlands the Freys had joined them. Before they had even left the Twins many of the Frey men had refused to march behind a woman. So she had him stripped naked and he was forced to march infront.

"Thank you again for joining us uncle." "I didn't march because you ordered it. I marched because Melisandre told of a great war between life and death." Her eyes meet his. "I am your Queen and your blood, why would you refuse me?" "You are inexperienced, hotheaded and have a tendency to be lead astray by your emotions." He looks from her to the grey sky. "You are right uncle. You may want to keep your distance but I need your help."

She looks at him. "I could give you the freedom to choose another woman to take to wife. She could give you the heir you deserve." "Selyese will give me a son, the lord of light will see to that." "Uncle both your God and my Gods are blind. You may never get an heir." "You are right but Shireen will have Storm's End." "And when she weds her husband will have it. Your trueborn son should have it." She trots forward tojoin the Frey man who was leading them to the Wall.


The wedding feast was extravagant more so than he was used to. The foods were rich and the wine was strong. He knew he may die but that mattered little. His little wife looked beautiful in her white gown. She still wore the cloak of crimson and gold that Jon had placed around her shoulders. At his own request it was now the Goldstark banner instead of Lannister.

The feasting ended with Jon walking the girl back to her chambers. He had refused to share a bed or chambers with her until she had flowered. She had his name and that would do for now.

He returns to his chamber to rest before he sails north. Jon remebers how he always wanted to take the black, that was before war and loss had shown him what truly matters in life. As he lies in bed he can't help but think of Lyarra.

Her lips upon his, her breasts in his hands, his cock within her. He grows hard t that thought, so he tries to think of something else anything else but he can't so he cups himself. He then rubs until he spills his seed over his sheets. He begins to feel intense guilt. He had just been married. He scolds himself for doing it as he lays down sleep takes him.

Bran POV

Their mothers death had been felt by them all. Arya grew angry, Rickon had screamed, Sansa had wept and he had forced himself to be strong and fierce. I am a Stark and the heir to Winterfell, I must be not weep. The Maester had told them she had been killed. Bran suspects who had done it but no one could say for sure.

They had all donned black as they had prepared for supper. Petyr sits at the head of the table looking at them all. Bran notices that he keeps glancing at Sansa. He will not have her. He thinks as Rickon screams at them all for taking away their mother.

After the meall is done they return to their mothers chambers. They all decide to sleep in her bed. So they strip to their night clothes and climb into the bed. They begin to talk. "When will we go home?" "I don't know, Arya." Sansa says. "When father is done with the war." Brans says. "I want to go home now." "Shush little Rickon. We will be on our way soon." Sansa whispers to him quietly. "Let's sleep, we have lessons with the maester on the morn." Silence falls and soon after the sound of soft breathing. Until he himself begins to sleep.

Eddard POV

Lyarra had brought two armies with her. They are all camped around castle black. Ned had seen his brother Benjen go north weeks ago. Please be safe brother. Soon after a horn blasted twice, it had scared him. But the numberless wildlings kept to the forests as to keep from sight.

The queen was set to march out there to meet them. He wanted to accompany her but he knew he couldn't. She must show her strength. So he waves her off as well. She wears brown furs with a Baratheon cloak. Beside her are the Direwolves he had given her and Torrhen.

As she fades from view, the wait begins and anxiety takes over him. Will they kill her on sight or will she declare war against them. The sound of a horn brings him out of his thoughts. As he moves to the gate to see her, he sees thousands of people marching behind her. As she approaches men put their hands to their steel and get ready to fight.

Theon POV

After hearing about his uncle setting sail to the Iron Islands. Theon had gathered some captains and ships. He sets sail to meet the uncle he had never met before.

After a few weeks of sailing they see Eurons ship. Theon shouts out to him. "Euron Greyjoy! Return to your exile!" The man looks at him like he has lost his mind. "I take it you're Balons last boy, I don't take orders from you!" "You do now, I am the Lord of the Iron Islands." "Why be the Lord when you can be the king?" "If you do not turn back now, my men will sink your ship!" "Try it boy." Theon orders his men to grapple them.

They do as they are ordered and they pull the ships together. Theon pulls his steel out and screams "Board them!" His men attack Eurons. Many of Eurons fall, as many are not seasoned warriors. Theon cuts at men until he comes to his uncle.

"Lay down your sword and return to your exile." Euron draws his own steel and he sets about slashing at Theon. He dodges easily and slices at him. Euron turns around and swings at him. Theon stabs him through the belly. As he bleeds out, he falls to his knees as Theon ends him with a slash across the neck.

He sets to killing the men around him, he hears his men cheering loudly as Eurons men yield to them. Theon orders his men to take what they can from the ship then burn it. As he returns to his ship the Ironborn men search the ship and take Eurons remaining crew prisoners. Soon after he returns to the Islands, to his little wife and her growing bump.

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