Chapter 13

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Barristan POV

He had seen this girl mature within a few months. She had ordered food and supplies to be gathered for the coming winter after the white raven came from Old Town. The war in the north was all she talked about, the planning, the strategies, everything. She planned to lead the army herself but she had to forget that when she found that her clothes no longer fitted her.

The realm was horrified to learn that their new Stag Queen had a bastard on the way. He himself was one of such people but he did his duty. He accompanied her on the journey to Dragonstone to meet with the Beggar King and his sister. The direwolves that had come from the north with them had to remain in Kingslanding. Gods I hope they don't kill anyone.

The ship docks and they walk on to the birthright of the Targaryens. It was a sight for sore eyes, a magnificent castle standing proud as it should. His queen walks with him linking his arms. They enter the keep and see the walls bare. "What a magnificent place." Her voice echoes as they stand still. "Aye and it's mine along with the rest of the seven kingdoms." A familiar voice bellows from behind them.

They turn to see what could only be Viserys and his sister Danaerys. They are both dressed in silks, silver hair hanging from their shoulders, purple eyes. Ashara! Barristan thinks to himself. The beauty he had lost to the sea goes through his mind. The Dragon maid looked as solemn as a Stark, Viserys has his hand on a sword at his side.

"So you're the Usurpers Bitch." The Stag Queen steps forward, letting his arm go, her swelling bump showing. "And you are The Mad Kings seed." She almost spits at him. The young girl standing at his side looks terrified at Lyarras words. "I'll cut that bastard out of you right now." With that he drew his steel and begins to swing clumsy at her she dodges easily as Barristans own steel meets his. "I brought you here to speak of peace and you would ruin it over the truth." He knocks the boy over easily.

Barristan kicks the sword away from the fallen dragon. "He was not mad!" He shouts his voice echoing around the hall. "That he was but he was your father so I will hold my tongue and not speak of it." The I will give you the lordship of Dragonstone in return for your loyalty to the throne." "It is my throne!" He screams at her.

"Your claim means as much as it did when your father burnt my unle and grandsire alive, nothing." "They deserved it they were traitors!" The dragon stands and launches himself at the Queen. Ser Barristan ends the boy as he swings and slices her cheek. They watch as the boy dies and Danaerys sobs in the corner. "Ser Barristan please see that Lady Danaerys calms down." He calms her down with some pleasing words.

The girl is a beauty, her silver-gold hair hangs loose her eyes a deep purple. She is a female Rheagar or Ashara Dayne born again. he thinks. The Queen bleeds from her cheek but still escorts the dragon maid to the ship to sail. Barristan sets Viserys' body alight, the body lights up the island shoreas they sail away.

Eddard POV

Jon had arrived and the western men camped outside Winterfell. His wife had refused to even see the boy, she ignored his existance even though he sat upon the high table she would not glance his way. He and Jon had been planning to move forward to White Harbour and war with them. They had made preperations to move out when he decided to send Catelyn, Rickon, Sansa, Bran and Arya to the Eyrie, along with all their direwolves. For their own protection.

But there was a hitch in this plan. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. His fathers vioce echoes in his head. He had waved them away as he had welcomed his brother Benjen in to Winterfell. The Old Bear had permitted him leave at Eddards own request after three ravens being sent. With Benjen being a ranger he could protect Winterfell.

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