Chapter 19

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Eddard POV

Lyarra leads the wildings in slowly as the brothers of the Nights Watch glare at them. Eddard can not help but look for Mance Rayder, whose face is a mystery to him. The queen dismounts and walks toward Eddard at her side was a man with a strangers face. "My lord uncle, this is Mance Rayder, the lord of the Dreadfort." The mans dark eyes meet his.

"Lord Stark, you won't remember me but we've met." Shock passes through him as he thinks of the Dreadfort being given to him. "You are right I do not, but I worry about your new status. Many people will not like it." Lyarra speaks up. "Well you can help him learn how to rule over his new land." He feels his mouth open but he just nods instead of talking.

Lyarra stands on a staircase and addresses all of the men. "You all know why we are here and I know many of you doubt me but we must protect the realm from these things. The Others care not about your banner or your words, not even your families and it is them we must all fight for now. We march north on the morrow." She walks and leaves the men to think of what they are to do.

Barristan POV

The twins have grown since he had last found the time to visit them. He has been busy with the smallfolk and the coming winter. He looks at them deeply and both boys have eyes like their mothers, a mixture of grey and blue. How anyone can tell them apart he will never know. The children had recieved names from their mother before she left. One was called Tyrion and the other was Steffon. Both names mean a lot to her.

As he watches them he thinks of the war their mother is in and if they will ever see her again. He thinks about the possible father to them. There's only one name he can think of, Jon Goldstark as he is now called. He had never seen the boy but he wonders what he looks like. He asks himself if Lyarra and Jon look like eachother.

He leaves the boys in the nursery to go in to the throne room to hold court. As he sits upon the Iron Throne he looks upon the smallfolk he must help. The people want more food, that he knows but with the country at war and with winter on it's way, he must ration it.

He deals with a pair of brothers who are fighting over their fathers mill, he gives it to the older brother. The younger brother shouts at his older brother. As the older brother leaves the gold cloaks have to escort the younger brother out of the keep. Barristan feels totally drained and tired. All he wants to do is sleep but he has a duty to his Queen, so with a flick of his wrist, the next person is brought in.

Eddard POV

The northerners and Wildlings march through the Wall, he sits on his horse watching them march. Mance Rayder sits beside him on a horse. Ned looks at the Queen as she commands western men to go north. He sees Jon standing beside her. The boy had arrived during the night all clad in furs and leathers.

He knows many of the men will not return. The cold could kill men within seconds in the wild north. "Lord Stark, your men are loyal. Many of your people will die but some may survive." He looks at the new Lord of the Dreadfort. "Your men may share that fate." His voice dripping with venom as their eyes lock. Eddard joins his men for the long march north.

He over hears some of his men saying that the queen is leading them to death. He thinks back to Torrhen and asks himself if the boy would have brought them all this way north. The boy may not have bothered, he could have been like his father and been a terrible king, a good man but a terrible king. Eddard and his men travel through the tunnel to the wild north.

The forest is thick and cold. As the men march in their furs, Ned sees a beautiful collection of heart trees. Their faces are almost the same as the one at Winterfell. He says a silent prayer to the Gods as they march, the cold bites at his face, he quite enjoys the feeling of the cold.

Bran POV

He wears his house colours as he plays swords with Arya. They all mourn their mother still but they deal with it different. He sees Sansa holding a wooden sword in her hand. Her hips had began to widen, her dresses had become tight around her chest, this had caused many of the men in the castle to desire her. Bran would never allow them to touch her again.

Now that he thinks of it he himself had grown taller but Arya was still the taller of the two. Fighting them makes him feel bad, they were both new to swords, he had been raised to fight. Now he will be taught to lead and rule. Just as Robb was.

Petyr Baelish appears in the doorway staring at his older sister with the shadow of a smile on his lips. Bran had never trusted that man, his sister Sansa would and has put her trust within him. "Sweet Sansa you look more like your mother everyday." He says to her as she fights Bran. Sansa doesn't even look at him, she swings at Bran and almost gets him. He dodges then stabs her in the belly. "You did good Sansa." He smiles at her lightly.

"But she died." Petyr says to Bran. "She did but she didn't get distracted by you." He says looking up at the grown man. "She is learning, my lord." He scowls at him and leaves them aloneto do as they like. Rickon and Shaggydog growl at him as he walks by them. It seems they don't trust him either.

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