Chapter 16

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Lyarra POV

She was set to leave Kingslanding and march back norh but she had unfinished business in the dungeons. She walks through the dark, dank corridors to the cell that still held Cersei Lannister. Upon opening the heavy door she is greeted by the sight of Cersei being taken from behind from the gaoler.

The old queen still looked beautiful with her overgrown filthy golden hair, she looked up at the her, Cerseis head rocked with each thrust given from behind. The gaoler didn't seem to have noticed Lyarra standing in the doorway. "Stop this now!" She shouted at him. He waved her off and cursed through gritted teeth.

Lyarra withdraws her Valaryian steel and points it at the mans throat. That gets his attention. He stares up at her with wide eyes. "Your Grace, I didn't mean to offend." "Well you did. Now stand, face my justice or take the black." He pulls out of Cersei and kneels before her. "Please don't send my north." "Face my sword then." She takes his head with a quick swing.

She kneels before the previous queen. "I apologise my lady." Confusion covers her face. "Why would you help me?" "You should not have suffered that." "Where are my children?" Her voice drips of concern. "Myrcella is on her way to Casterly Rock to wed Lord Jon Goldstark. Tommen is within the Eyrie with the Stark children." "And Joffery?" "Torrhen ended him on the field." Cersei cried and began to pull at her hair.

"He died quick and with honour. But that isn't the reason I'm here. War is upon us again and I must take your head, my lady." She looks up at her with tears running down her face. "Do it." The Queen does as she's commanded. She walks away from the two bodies and tells the guard to get the Silent Sisters.


He waits for her to arrive so he can secure his claim. Even though she was too young to bed but she could still have his last name. That it would stay that way until she bleeds.

He already had an heir and a second born but they are bastards and of no kinship to the Lannisters. He needed a Lannister and the realm knew that. So did his Queen. She wanted to have him as a husband but that would not happen at all.

His forces are probably at the Wall already. His father would lead them until he had wed her. Well Eddard wasn't his father really but he had always cared and loved him. He knew that Lyarra would be joining the northerners and the westerners.

War could wait for now he had work to do with the wedding and so he begins his plans. He decided to marry in the Sept to please the girl. Eddard had done so when he wed Catelyn and Jon would now follow him.

Bran POV

The man who had married his aunt gives him the chills, Arya fells the same too. He looks at their mother and Sansa like they are pieces of meat, it unnerves him. Bran really didn't understand why he had to stay here in the Eyrie as the war was over now.

He wanted so much to climb the walls but he couldn't as he had promised Mother he wouldn't. So he filled his time with practicing swords and playing with the direwolves Summer, Lady, Shaggydog and Nymeria. They were kept in a small courtyard, as far away from Robin as possible, where the children could visit them.

He didn't know what to do with himself today. He first went to see Arya but she was forced to attend a personal sewing session with Septa Mordane. Mother had allowed her to play swords with him but she still made her learn stitches.

He found Rickon and Robert Arryn in the boys chambers. But he finds them boring so he sets out to find Sansa. She could read to him or they could play a game. So he walks to the chambers she shares with Arya and he sees Sansa pinned against a wall by the singer Marillion. He has his hand between her legs with her dress pulled up. Bran freezes as he looks on.

The singer hisses at his sister asking if she likes that, she shakes her head, she opens her eyes and sees Bran standing there. Marillion looks soon after and tells him to go away and play. Bran is a wolf and Sansa is in his pack. I have to protect her. He lunches his eight years self at the singer and begins to punch at him.

The singer pushes him away. "Your sweet sister is wet for me. I'll have her maidenhead boy now get out of here." Sansa cries and her face turns a crimson shade. Bran pulls himself up and punches the singer between the legs. He falls and so does Sansa, her weeping makes Bran want to kill Marillion. But Sansa brings him out of his thoughts as she stands and takes Brans hand, they then take refuge in their mothers chambers.

Eddard POV

They camp and wait for the Queen and her men. The Night Watch had been very accommodating to them. He had seen The Old Bear for the first time after many years, he had last seen him when his father and brother were alive.

They had spoken of times that had long passed. Eddard had spoken to him about his son Jorah and his crime. Joer seemed to acknowledge his sons crimes and he asked Eddard to allow him to take the black if he returns. Eddard had assured him that Jorah would be given the choice.

He and Benjen stand atop of the Wall looking out over the untamed lands beyond. "There's a Wildling keep not far from here. We may need to go out and get the Wildlings on our side." He looks at the last brother remaining to him. "Will you need my help Ben?" He shakes his head. "Wait for the Queen. If I don't come back know that Father would be proud of you and your boys." This saddens him.

He embraces his brother and leaves him at the top of the Wall. Eddard thinks of Mance Rayder the King Beyond the Wall and if he will save his people from what is riddled through out the wild north. He returns to his men at their camp.

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