Chapter 12

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Eddard POV

He had returned to Winterfell and buried his son. In Robert's rebellion he had known grief but it had almost destroyed him seeing Robb killed in that manner and Jeyne who had been a Stark for a short time had shared his fate it was a new level of grief . But even with Theon a captive the old kraken had wrapped it's tentacles around the north and murdered his son even his wolf had been slaughtered.

He sits at his table thinking of the war to come. "My lord." He looks up to see his wife standing infront of the door. Her eyes puffy and red from sobbing. "Cat, you should be resting." "I am done with rest. Show me the letter, Ned." His face darkened "I'm sorry but no. Do not upset yourself." "Show me Ned." He walks to her and holds her to his chest as he holds back tears. "It is a threat, Cat, to our children. You need not see it."

"Where did you find it? They are saying they nailed it in to him. Is it true?" His voice breaking he confirms it. She does not break or sob she remains still in his arms. "I must go to the sept, my lord, to pray for him." Her voice grave, with that she leaves him alone in his scolar.

Lyarra POV

She had claimed her brothers crown after his death but that did not secure her throne. Renly Baratheon had pushed his claim forward, supported by the Tyrells, he claimed that the seven kingdoms could never be ruled by a woman. Soon after Stannis followed him claiming himself to be the rightful king. Lyarra had never felt as betrayed as she did then when the news broke.

With Highgarden, Storm's End and Dragonstone rebelling a crown that should be hers, she plans who and where battles will be fought. With the north being attacked by Ironborn she felt isolated from the people she loves. Jon sits infront of her "You have the western support and men, no matter what happens." "I know Jon. Take your forces north to Winterfell and I'll take the Dornish, Tully and Arryn men south to Storm's End."

Edmure Tully sits to her left "I will follow you, Your Grace." At her feet two direwolves sleep as she makes her plans. She smiles lightly. "They want war I will give them war." She stands and walks to the door. "We will march on the morrow my lords." She leaves them with Night and Orys following her.

Oberyn POV

The Queen had been pulled in to another war this time she did not start this one. "Arianne Martell had been promised to your brother. Your Grace you should honour this promise to Sunspear." He had told her. Her crown had straightened her hair, she seemed to have grown since she donned the crown. "I will marry her younger brother." She had replied to him immediately.

Over the months he had known her her pale skin had slowly turned as grey as the direwolf on the Starks banner. Her face was like chiseled stone when she wore the crown that was forged for Torrhen Baratheon. Her beauty was that of her mothers. The lady Lyanna who had taken the dragon princes heart and caused a war. Like mother like daughter it seemed.

They march south to meet Stannis outside of Kingslanding. "Uncle lay down your crown now and I will forget this treason. I will grant you your birthright Storm's End." He looks at her looking like a true Baratheon. "You'll give me Storm's End? What of Renly?" "He was the first to commit this treason to me. For this he will gain no castles but he will keep his name and his honor." Her uncle took off his crown and laid it on the floor infront of him. The crown is gold with long proud antlers upon it.

She strides forward to him and wraps her arms around him. "Thank you so much uncle. This needn't come to war." He feels shock as the stag lord hugs her back. Both Baratheons open the gates to the city and enter. Oberyn had tried to enjoy this small victory but as the forces march into Kingslanding he found himself thinking where was the Mountain, would Dorne ever find it's justice? Only the gods know.

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