Chapter 10

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Torrhen POV

He sits in his guarded tent resting as all of his men fight, even his sister is in the battle and he is left out, forgotten about.  My people will see me as a craven. He thinks as he stands. Pain shoots down his leg, he grits his teeth and dons his armour. The twenty men Jon Arryn had ordered to protect him followed him as he mounts and rides towards the sound of steel hitting steel.

Beside him two Direwolves run by his side, he often found it wierd how his sisters would only truly settle when at his or her side. As they tear down men he unsheathes his valariyan steel sword and attacks men in the lions colours. Lyarra slits a mans throat as she noticed her brother. "You left? You idiot!!" She slaps him hardly. "You have left us open from the rear." He stands next to her and kills a man beside her. She orders some Tully men to protect him and storms off.

Lyarra POV

She walks to find the golden lion himself. She cuts down man after man as they are fighting others. She comes upon Tywin by himself, she runs to him and slashes right, left, right and left. He blocks every one, she sees him look to his brother Kevan who falls at Oberyns hand. She slashes left and hits his armour, a piercing screech echoes amongst the men.

He slices at her and she blocks his blows. She brings him to him knees as she stabs her dagger through the leather breeches he wore underneath his steel armour. Oberyn marches over spear in hand. "Lord Tywin Lannister. I want to hear you confess to the murder of Elia and her babes." Tywin sneered at him.

"She had to die. You know it as did the fat King Robert." Oberyn goes to swing his spear to take the Lannisters head. "Where is the Mountain?" Lyarra shouted. Tywin looks coldly at them both. "You'll never find him." With that Oberyn took the head of Tywin.

The battle ended with Tywins head being shown to his men who threw down their swords and surrendered. The realm knew if Tywin Lannister falls all was lost for the West.

Lyarra had entered Casterly Rock with Eddard Stark, Edmure Tully and Jon Snow. What they found destroyed her, she found Tyrion sat upon his fathers seat his face purple, swollen and uglier than usual. A sign sat upon his lap, it read 'You will never have us.'

She ran to his side and wept. Her armour rang through the lions hall. Eddard had rested his hand on her shoulder and helped her up. They had gave him a lions grave. She had stayed in the Godswood all that night, praying to the old northern gods. Eddard had taken her to bed in the morning and she had slept for a day and a night.

Eddard POV

He sits at the high table breaking his fast on boiled eggs and bread. The other high lords sit in the hall. All sat here but Jon Arryn, who had fallen in the battle, in truth he was too old to be in a battle but that hadn't stopped him from fighting.

With no heirs left living Casterly Rock should go to Kevans son William but that couldn't happen. The princess sits next to him barely eating anything. Tyrions death had hit her hard, she said that he had taught her the history of Westeros and thay had became good friends. Her grief must wait for the realm must heal from the war.

The king sits the other side of him his face as solemn as his bastards. The boy had been told his leg will need to be taken because of corruption. Both of them had lost things in this war, their Direwolves sit at thier feet looking as glum as their masters. He thinks of the day they found them in the snow, how far away they were from all the others apart with Ghost, Jons wolf.

He thinks of his sister who's children would have made her proud, all of her children. Promise me Ned. Her words had haunted him since she had muttered them through her fever. "My lords I must take my leave." Lyarra says. She rises and leaves. "I am worried for her, she's taken this hard." Torrhen says. "She will be fine. Do not worry for her, Your Grace." The hall emptys as many lords prepare to return home and rest from a short war.

Eddard prepares to return north to Winterfell, Catelyn and his children, he had been gone for months one of which he spent one within Casterly Rock.  Jon approaches him "My lord, I would like to speak to you." "Jon you can speak to me any time my boy." "I cannot return to Winterfell."

"No you are coming home with me." "Winterfell is not my home. I have no home or name." Eddard takes his sons shoulders. "Winterfell will always be your home." "It won't. I'm no Stark. I couldn't protect Robb and your lady wife will hate me for that." "My boy t'was not your fault." He turns his back on his father and refuses to return to the north. "Jon I cannot leave without you." "Of course you can, my lord."


Disobeying his father was the worst thing Jon had ever done. He couldn't return knowing that he had failed what he had promised to the gods. He sits on the bed he had taken to after the castle fell. He had packed his armour in to a light chest. "Where are you going?" "I don't know, to The Wall." Lyarra walks to him and sits beside him.

Over the last months thay had grown closer to eachother. "If you are going to take the black you may as well have some fun before." He looks at her and pales as she kisses him softly. He pushes her away but she places his hand on her breast. He feels himself harden as she takes off her tunic revealing her bare chest.

He kisses her neck then takes off his and her breeches. He lays back and his member stands hard as the girl takes him. He spills his seed within her. She lays next to him and hugs him. The bastard has taken the princess' maidenhead. He thinks and scorns himself.

"Why did you do that?" "You wanted me and I wanted you. Now you have had the best part of me and I you." He puts his arm around her waist and sees her maiden blood between her thighs. "No man will have you now." She kisses him on the chest. "I don't need a husband, I just need you." She smiles at him and lays on his chest. They breathe together and their hearts beat closely.

He wakes to see her at his side naked as the day she was born. He wakes her and they dress. I should preserve her honour and take her to wife but I'm a bastard. He kisses her and pulls her close to him. "Do you think your brother will give me a name?" She smiles sweetly. "Of course he will." He feels himself begin to love this girl. Her hair was beautifully messy, her skin was as pale as snow.

In that moment the princess stole his heart. I will marry her. I love her. She is mine and I am hers. They leave the room and find Torrhen in the former scolar of Twyin. He looks at them and knows what has happened. "Lyarra you didn't? He's a bastard." She moves to him "We love eachother." He looks at her.

"Gods you want me to legitimise him don't you?" Jon felt shame. "No I'm no Stark. I need my own name." The king smiles at him. "What name?" "Goldstark. For your sister." She smiled slightly at him. "Well your father has been sent north to throw back an ironborn invasion. But I shall do it, for you sister." She gives her a hug and kisses Jon. "Kneel Jon."

The bastard did as he was ordered. "You knelt before me a bastard of Eddard Stark, now rise Jon Goldstark." He stands and an document is written out declaring Jon the founder of house Goldstark. "Jon I hereby give you the seat of Casterly Rock." Jon stands shocked as the king gives the documents to the Maester.

"Now we need a sigil and words for your house." "My sigil will be a golden stag and a black wolf against a silver background, my words will be 'We Will Endure'" The Maester sends ravens telling of the new lord of Casterly Rock.

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