Chapter 24

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As they make their way towards the Fist they meet the army returning to the Wall. Jon feels relief when he sees his "father" but when he notices Lyarra is missing his relief turns into a sickening realisation that she must be dead.

He turns to see that the men he was previously leading to battle are relieved and joining the host south. Eddard Starks face is one of sorrow and grief, Jon feels a great pity for him. News had reached the Wall of Catelyns death.

Eddard shows signs of relief when he sees him. "Jon." He breathes. "Thank the gods you are safe." "Where is Lyarra?" Jon asks. His fathers face seems to drop a little at the mention of her name. "What happened to her?" "She disappeared with The Nights King." Jon hears his fathers words but can make no sense of them.

"THE Nights King?" "Yes." Eddard says quietly. "We have to go get her." Jon shouts loudly. "Calm yourself boy. They will not bother no more or we them." Jeor Mormont says to Jon grabbing his reins to stop him from riding away.

"She did it for us, Jon." Eddard says with a voice full of grief. The air gets colder than before. "You have a little bride waiting for you at Casterly Rock and two sons in the Red Keep. You have to be there for them." Jeor breaks in to add.

Jon looks past his father to the wild lands of the north and reluctantly turns his mount around. You will always have my heart sister. Calling her sister leaves a bad taste in his mouth. But that is what we are. He thinks as joins his men on the journey south.

Bran POV

It had never dawned on Bran that being the heir may come with its pressures. He was sitting before two miller boys that had been orphaned by the war. He sits up straight in his fathers chair and does what father so often does. He puts on the face of The Lord of Winterfell.

"Boys you are welcome to serve House Stark here within the walls of Winterfell. You can serve in the stables for now until the war is over then you can return to your mill." They smile brightly with their long brown hair hanging down from their heads. "Thank you m'lord." The older of the two mutters. "Oh and someone give them a haircut."

A few smiles appear on the faces of the older men but he hears Sansa laugh. That makes him smile. He hadn't heard her laughter since they were in the Vale. "That was well done Bran." Maester Luwin says as the boys are shown out of the Great Keep. Summer sits at his feet watching everything.

"You can come and practice swords with us now Bran." Arya states with a smile. Bran looks at the maesters grey, old, worn, face. "Go on boy. Be a child." Bran stands and addresses the people attending. "Pray forgive me, I must retire for the time being my lords. Excuse me." He leaves the Keep, goes to the yard and picks up his wooden sword.

Eddard POV

The Wall was not as cold as the world beyond it but it was far from warm. He stands with the Lord Commander at the top of the Wall. "Thank you for your help, My lord." Eddard says. "We did what had to be done. Tell me Ned. Did you know that I knew your father?" Eddard wonders where the conversation was headed.

He can only nod. "Rickard was like you, a very good man with children to be proud of. He loved you all dearly, I suspect he would have fought The Nights King singlehandedly and died for you." Remembering the way his father died was always hard on him. He always imagined the way he must have screamed and Brandons unanswered pleas.

"He didn't deserve his fate." Eddard says with a sadness in his voice. "Many of the people that die don't deserve their fate. But their fate happens nonetheless." Jeor looks at Eddard. "You still have your children, go and teach them." He puts a hand on Neds shoulder. "Travel well, my lord." He takes his leave.

Ned thinks of Winterfell, Robb, Catelyn, Lyanna, Brandon, his mother and his father. And lastly he thinks of the maid with deep purples eyes he met all those years ago. All the people he had lost to one war or another.

Roberts Rebellion was caused by Rheagar and Aerys but all the death and destruction had come from other hands. Tywin and Jaime Lannister were the only people he could think of that had escaped justice when the war ended. Elias blood on ones hand and Aerys' on the others.

But that didn't matter anymore Tywin had died and Jamie had taken the black. Both were monsters in their own way but one more than the other. Tywin had given an order to slaughter children as they sat with their mother then he turned a blind eye to the rape and murder of Elia Martell. He deserved his fate.

"Lord Stark." A too familiar voice says. He turns to see the golden lion himself standing before him head to toe in black. "I liked Lyarra and wish she had returned." Eddard bit his tongue and looks away. "She was a niece to be proud of." Anger rises within him like a flash. He storms over to Jamie and punches him in the face so hard his nose breaks. "Fuck you Lannister." He spat the last ward as if it were poison. He decides his time at the Wall was over and it is time to return home.

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