Chapter 20

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Bran POV

He had told his aunt Lysa that he, his family and the party that had accompanied them to the Eyrie were leaving at the moons turn. She had scowled at him but agreed that it may be best. Little Robin gad cried when he had heard the news, he had become attached to Rickon and Sansa, but it was time for them to go home.

Bran had collected his mothers bones to take them to Riverrun. He had once heard that the Tullys return to the river upon their death. The Starks have their customs as do the Tullys. He must do what his father would have taught Robb to. He must respect the customs of others.

He, Rickon and his sisters make their way down the mountain. Bran was secretly happy to finally leave Petyr Baelish behind. His father would see to it that Sansa marries a high lord and leaves Petyr behind. The wind hits their faces and Bran feels free as if he is atop of the Great Keep at Winterfell.

The grey and black wolves pant as they walk alongside the mules down the steep mountain side. The journey to and from the Eyrie were long and hard, as the winters are, but the Starks will endure as they always have. Bran and his siblings were no exception.

It would all be his Winterfell and the North. He must uphold his families name and reputation. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword he could hear his father say to him.

Lyarra POV

They had been marching for weeks, they had stayed at Crasters keep for three days to allow them to rest. She had looked at the girls that Craster had fathered ad asked them if they would like to return south with them when or if they marched back. One had nodded but the others looked around suspiciously at the army. She had given them her promise that none of her men will hurt them, she intended to keep that promise.

They had continued to march until the men of the Nights Watch had told them they had reached the Fist of the First Men. They had made camp there, the Wildlings were used to the bitter cold but other were not. Men shivered in their furs, she had made a point of marching alongside the men.

She wants to show that she may be their Queen but she was willing to suffer with them. She wants the respect of her men but she knows that they never will respect her the way they had respected her brother Torrhen. It seemed that a cock earned the respect she deserved.

She begins to think that she should marry in to the Martells. Dorne treats women as good as any man. She may have to apply that Dornish law to the rest of Westeros. But she knows that the ruling lords will not accept that law. She knows that she must survive this, raise her sons and teach them that women are as important as men.

Eddard POV

They had been camped for nearly a week when they first saw the first of The Others, three horns had disturbed them. Men put wooden spikes in the floor and impales the undead. The men fire arrows of flames at them and they hear the awful dying screeches of the creatures.

Many were caught by flame others were impaled but for every one that fell five more seemed to appear. Silently Eddard accepts that he will not survive this battle but he must fight for his people, his sons, for everyone he had ever known.

He unsheathes Ice, he walks to the impaled ones and cuts the Others heads off they begin to crumble into dust. Men bearing the lion sigil look at him with astonishment. He looks at Ice it's Valariyan steel. Forged with spells he thinks. "Lyarra!" He screams as the girl queen is cocking a flaming arrow and fires at one of the Others. Its screams echo as it passes the flame to another undead.

She looks at him and he gestures her to come to him. She runs to his side, she looks like a true Stark with white snow flakes melting in her hair. She is clad in her armour and furs. Like all the men here her cheeks are a bright pink. "Valariyan steel use it on them." She draws her steel and cuts at the Others trying to get through the defences the men had put up.

She sees what Eddard had seen. Lyarra begins to cut at them and Ned follows her. The two of them cut down the dead as they breach the defences. Jon appears, he begins to attempt to do as they are but without Valariyan steel the boy will die as others are.

Barristan POV

News had reached the Red Keep of Catelyn Starks death, he had not liked it one single bit. The Queen had sent Petyr to the Eyrie and now Lady Stark was dead. Everyone in the Capitol knows how he had boasted of having taken both of the Tully girls maidenheads.

Barristan himself never believed it, the older girl was betrothed to Brandon Stark, it was her duty to be a maiden for him and the Tullys always been known to do their duty. The younger girl however was not betrothed and may have spread her legs to him but Lysa Tully was said to be very different then her sister.

Littlefinger always had had a way of getting people to trust him. Barristan had never really but he had never truly trusted the Eunuch. He whispers scared him more than facing an army, atleast you know your enemy on the battlefield. In Kingslanding you don't know who will smile to your face and then put a knife in your back.

You and everyone else must always be on guard especially here. A pit of liars, thieves and murderers. It had started way before Robert's Rebellion, it began when Ageon founded the city. The reign of the Dragons had begun all of the lies, that still continue to this very day.


His father had sent him back to the archers, he knew how to do that atleast. Some men were not good but others were like Stannis Baratheon. He hit many targets and saved many men. Jon looks from the Others to Stannis, he could see the Red Woman watching the fighting over theStag lords shoulder.

He could see that she wears nothing but that red gown and cloak, neither were very thick. But even without the thick layers she still had a certain amount of heat to her that many men sought after. But none received that heat but Stannis.

Maybe she could help us stop this. He thinks desperately as he draws another arrow and sets it alight. He fires his arrow at one of them that was making a run for Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, the arrow catches it in the chest. The Lord Commander of the Nights Watch looks up at him and Jon nods at him.

The light of day begins to fade and the battle continues until the Red Woman begins to pray to her God and then set several fires at the corner of the camps. Jon also sees that she tells the Queen to burn her dead. So Lyarra gives the order for men to gather the dead for a fire.

Thankfully the pile was not big, made up of twenty men, when the fire was lit, blue eyes opened and looked at the men then died. No one wants to watch the men they had fought with burn. So they return to their tents and their furs, sleep does not come easy for any of them.

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