Chapter 14

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He had to escort the Asha Greyjoy to Pyke. She had tried provoking him, seducing him and even killing him but it had all proved useless. Thay had reached Pyke within a few weeks. Theon had named himself Lord of the Iron Islands. His men had refused him at first but Theon had called Lord Gorold Goodbrother to give his hand to his daughter Gysella.

They had arrived at Pyke soon after and Theon had married her in their custom. Balon had returned at the news of his sons marriage, he had began to fight the northern and western men. But he was outnumbered and he fell upon the battlefield to Jons direwolf.

Theons uncle Aeron had given the would be king to their drowned god. Jon and Eddard had wanted to help him but they were not welcome on the Islands. They and their men took their leave. Jon sits below with Ghost. He strokes the soft white fur of the direwolf. "We are going home boy." He looks in to the red eyes and he saw the heart tree his father and his queen worships.

He thinks back to her. She has a Stark face but Baratheon hair and eye. Jon remembers her touch upon his skin, the touch of her lips on his and the feeling of him inside her. He wanted her but he couldn't have her again. He was to marry Myrcella Waters. A bastard borne of incest. But with their children he would secure his claim upon Casterly Rock.

She was a young girl he had never set eyes upon. He didn't want to marry her, but he would have to just as his father had married Lady Catelyn. Ghost leans into him. "You did good boy." He rubs his red muzzle. Thats Kraken blood. He thought as his father walked in.

"We'll be back on land in a few days. You are more than welcome to march back to Winterfell with your men." Jon looked at his father. "I should return to Casterly Rock. Lady Stark will not have me at Winterfell again I fear." His fathers face was solemn. "My boy she cannot refuse you from your home." "It never was my home. I was an intruding on your family from the beginning." "You are my son not an intruder!" He bellows.
This shocks Jon he had never in his 15 years, nearing on 16 years, seen his father shout. "Tell me father who is my mother." Neds stiffened for a moment. "I promised not to tell you, to protect you from those who would cause you harm." Jon wanted to know about the mother who had haunted his dreams ever since he could remember. "Tell me please." "She was my sister." His fathers voice was quiet.

"Lyanna bore you." Jon feels sick to his stomach. "But she... Am I Rheagars son?" Lord Eddard nods. A deathly silence comes over them that neither one wants to break. He requires answers but the shock is too great and raw.

Barristan POV

The queen had returned to Kingslanding to hear the news that war had ended once more. This had pleased her until the black brother came with his pickled hand. She sits on the Iron Throne as tall as her brother was before her. A brother of the nights watch comes forward with a jar. "My lord what have you there?" She speaks with a stone voice, she knows weakness cannot be shown to anyone.

"I am Ser Alister Thorne of the nights watch. Sent here by Lord Commander Jeor Mormont to show you proof that the Others walk again." He holds up the jar to reveal a hand as black as his cloak. "How did you acquire this hand?" Her face is solemn. "We were sent to scout for wildlings north of the wall. We found two of our brothers lying frozen to the ground. We brought them to the wall to bury them, but during the night we awoke to one of our recruits burning the corpse we took this off. It had just tried to kill Lord Mormont as he slept."

She stands suddenly her bump causing her discomfort as he move to help her. "I cannot begin a war because you brought me a hand but I will send word to the Starks of Winterfell to go north and see if you speak truthfully. That is all I can offer you Ser. You are welcomed as a guest here Ser Alister but for now court is over." He nods his expression angry as the queen leaves the throne room.

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