The Goddess' Druid


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Hello everyone! I thought I would try something new for a change, and I am trying to write long plot stories... More

(Chapter 1) Mysterious Girl
(Chapter 2) Vampires of Edinburgh part 1
(Chapter 4) Midnight
(Chapter 5) Feelings
(Chapter 6) Travel
(Chapter 7) Maiden of Snow Storms
(Chapter 8) The Boar Hat
(Chapter 9) Vanya and the Forest of White Dreams
(Chapter 10) Ban
(Chapter 11) Silent Promises
(Chapter 12) The Necropolis Part 1
(Chapter 13) The Necropolis Part 2
(Chapter 14) Problems
(Chapter 15) Dungeons, Dragons, and...Arthur?
(Chapter 16) Battlefield
(Side Chapter 1) Prisoners of the Sky part 1
(Side Chapter 2) Prisoners of the Sky Part 2
(Chapter 17) Return of the Commandments
(Chapter 18) Deals and Destinations
(Chapter 19) Trial and Error
(Chapter 20) Reconciliation
(Chapter 21) Vaizel Fighting Festival Part 1
(Chapter 22) Vaizel Fighting Festival Part 2
(Chapter 23) Losses
(Chapter 24) Fairy and Giant
(Chapter 25) Zaratras' Return
(Chapter 26) Love, Pride, and Selflessness
(Chapter 27) Meliodas vs Fraudrin
(Chapter 28) The Search Begins
(Chapter 29) Trouble
(Chapter 30) Ore Tree Orudora
(Chapter 31) Family Reunion
(Chapter 32) Stay Safe
(Chapter 33) Tornado and Ocean
(Chapter 34) The Fourth Archangel Returns
(Chapter 35) Mael
(Chapter 36) Solar Eclipse
(Chapter 37) Strength
(Chapter 38) Respite

(Chapter 3) Vampires of Edinburgh part 2

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Arcadia finally found the humans, all of which were bleeding badly as the one with long silver hair struggled to hold his sword. She saw a group of vampires about to pounce on them, but she wouldn't allow it, and used 'Ark' to trap and kill them. "Face the light of judgment, hellspawn!" she yelled, closing her fist as they disintegrated in the ball of light. The silver haired man trudged back to his friends, falling at one's feet as tears started to roll down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, Hendrickson, I'm out of mana, and don't have enough to heal you. In fact, I'm about to pass out from blood loss myself. Dreyfus, are you alright?" he asked, looking at his friends. There it was, the name she had been wanting to hear. "Healing field." she whispered, calling her magic to her as she healed the three instantly, the metal stuck in Hendrickson's body disappearing and healing over, scarring just enough to be noticeable. She finished healing them and stopped using the spell, before the three looked over at her in shock. "What?" she asked bluntly, eyebrows furrowed at the three men. "Sorry, how did you do that? It would take two druid elders at least ten minutes to heal wounds that severe, and even then, we'd be gone before that worked on us." the silver haired male said. Arcadia sensed more vampires approaching, and smirked when she saw their eyes widen in fear, and then narrow in blind rage as they focused on tearing her apart.

King and Diane were in Edinburgh, fending off vampires and trying to stop them from getting past, when they saw a dark figure whiz past them. Diane turned around to pursue them, but she and King found their way blocked by another fairy and giant. The fairy had a spirit spear that had the design of a honeycomb in the center of the spear, with the rest of the spear looking like it had a similar honeycomb design, with the end of the spear having the depiction of a bee. The giant had on gold bracelets and forearm bracelets as well, wearing a pair of gold plated boots and a pair of white padded gloves. She wore a pair of black leggings and a green crop jacket that covered a black long sleeve under shirt. The fairy was wearing a pair of black leggings and a white long sleeve crop top as well. "Spirit Spear Honey Hive, second configuration, guardian." She called, causing the spear to transform into a giant butterfly. Its wings were clear, but they had a pearlescent undertone to them. "Now then, from one fairy to another, I advise you to turn back and leave these two alone." She said to the Sin of Sloth, her tone threatening, but her face calm. The giant kept a ready stance, in case the two Sins decided to attack. "Rest assured, giant girl, you will lose against me, regardless of how strong you think you are." She said. Diane gripped Gideon, preparing to swing, before the giant spoke. "Heavy Metal." She said, her body turning to metal as Gideon struck her with all the force that Diane could muster in her swing. She didn't move when she was hit, smirking down at the Sin of Envy before drawing her hand back and punching her with only a small bit of force, but it sent her flying a few yards. King turned back to help his friend, while the giant grabbed the fairy and the lady with them, running as fast as she could to get to where Arcadia was.

Meanwhile, Arcadia sensed her friends getting closer as she stood at the castle gates, by this point, the vampires had been killed. Zaratras and Hendrickson beside her while Dreyfus went back into the castle to reassure the children that they were alright, and that it was safe to come back out of the throne room. When she saw her friends, she smiled, calling out to them. "Gaia, Rosetta, Lilith, over here!" She called, gaining their attention as the three turned to see her. The group walked over to her and Gaia stopped, setting down Lilith and Rosetta. "Arcadia, who are those humans with you?" Gaia asked. The platinum haired female smiled. "This is Zaratras and this is Hendrickson. They're Holy Knights." She said, introducing them to her friends. "Oh, this is Lilith, she's a vampire, but she's cool. She doesn't drink human blood." Arcadia reassured the druids, who had their hands on their swords in an instant. Zaratras turned to face Rosetta, who was sitting on her spirit spear. "I have to ask, you're a fairy, so, do you by chance know Sir King?" He asked, causing the fairy to look down at him in confusion. "No. I've never heard of him." She said. The others nodded in agreement, saying that they too, had no clue who he was. "Wait, was he that one with the green armor and the spirit spear? He was with a giant." Gaia asked, causing the Holy Knight to nod. "That bastard almost killed Lilith!" She yelled, causing both humans to flinch. "Easy, they didn't know that." Rosetta said, trying to calm her friend. Before Gaia could do anything, Diane came from behind her and used Gideon to knock her out of the way, breaking a few of the giant's ribs in the process. Zaratras ran in front of the Serpent Sin before she could attack again, holding his arms out as he spoke. "Lady Diane, please spare her. She's a friend who was trying to protect this lady here." He said, pointing to Lilith. The giant glared down at the vampire, causing her to run and hide behind Arcadia. "She should have been killed alongside the other vampires by either Ban, Merlin, or the captain. She shouldn't have made it this far." Diane said, causing King to nod his agreement. Gaia glared down at the fairy as Rosetta spoke. "Regardless of whether or not she should have, what you just did, little giant girl, was make the most fatal mistake of your life. Spirit Spear Honey Hive, eighth configuration, Comfrey Garden!" she yelled, causing a pink barrier filled with flowers to appear around the giant, healing her injuries. "Why, you little-" she was interrupted by a voice behind her telling her to calm down, and turned back to see the familiar wide teal eyes of her friend. "Guinevere, you should be at home with Lady Vaness, why are you here?" she asked the young celestial girl. "I may be six, but I can still fly, you meanie!" she huffed, pouting and crossing her arms. When she caught sight of Arcadia, she flew down to the female, tackling her to the ground before she hugged her tightly. "Arcadia, I missed you! Are you going to visit the Celestial Realm any time soon? Lady Vaness misses your company, and as do Lady Ellate and Sir Soladd." she said, causing the woman to sigh. "It might be a little bit, dear, but I'm sure I'll have the time to visit in the near future if that's at all reassuring." she said, causing the girl to nod excitedly. She then got down and saw Zaratras and Hendrickson. "Who are these druids?" she asked, pointing to the duo. "Hey there, my name is Zaratras, this is my friend, Hendrickson." the Grandmaster said, causing the girl to smile. "Jenna and Zenari talk about you two a lot, especially you." she said, pointing at Hendrickson as he looked to the side. "That's because Jenna doesn't like me all that much." he said, annoyed. Arcadia smiled as Gilthunder ran out into the area outside the gates, with Howzer and Griamore not far behind. "See, I told you that a lady saved us from the vampires by getting us to the throne room, she's right there!" the brunette said, pointing to Arcadia as she smiled nervously. "We should get back to where we need to be, it's best if Lilith goes with us as well." Gaia said, causing Arcadia to nod softly. "Tell Midnight that I said hi, I miss her a lot if I'm being honest." she said, causing the giant to nod softly as she picked up Lilith and waited for Rosetta to sit on her shoulder, before turning and running to get back to her home near the Fairy King's Forest. Dreyfus then realized what Griamore said about the woman in front of them, and turned to stare at Arcadia. "Hold on, you saved not only Griamore, Howzer, and Gilthunder, but also the three princesses as well?" he asked the female. She nodded, smiling before she spoke. "Yes, I did do that. Ah, that reminds me, I have to make sure that Elizabeth is ok!" she exclaimed, running back into the castle. She ran to the throne room, sighing in relief when she saw Elizabeth in Bartra's lap, telling her father about how she saw the female at the door turn into a prairie cat. "There she is, right at the door!" the princess exclaimed, running over to Arcadia. "See, I told you I'd come back." she said, causing the silver haired girl to nod before hugging her. Arcadia then heard someone clear their throat, and looked up to see the girl's father. "She tells me that you managed to turn into a prairie cat, and while I do believe her, I want a bit of proof to back that up." he said, causing her to nod. She stood up and transformed, causing Elizabeth's eyes to widen in joyful surprise as she ran over and touched the soft fur that the woman now had. "Ok, well there it is. I also sensed a large surge of power from wherever Sir Zaratras and Sir Dreyfus were, care to explain?" he asked. Arcadia transformed back, standing before the man. "Simple, I killed the vampires down there. It wasn't that big of a deal." she said, trying to make it sound as if she didn't do much. Bartra looked at her in disbelief as he spoke. "That was you alone? There were at least a hundred or so vampires out there, and even those two with Hendrickson had a tough time dealing with them." he said, doubt lacing his voice. "If you don't believe me, then that's fine, but I do have to ask something." the king nodded, letting her continue. "Your oldest daughter said something about Sir Meliodas, I was wondering where he is." she said, staring intently at the male as he contemplated an answer. "He's with his crew at the moment." the king said. "And where would that be?" she asked, causing Elizabeth to pipe up. "I'll show you, come on." she said, jumping down from her father's lap and grabbing the lady's hand. She then led Arcadia through the twisting and winding corridors of Liones castle, before running with her outside of the castle gates and then leading her through the streets of the kingdom, until she stopped at a set of doors to a rather large building. She then knocked on the door and told the platinum haired female that she was off to get back home, before waving and running back to the castle. Arcadia waited for a few minutes before a tall man with pale blue hair and red eyes opened the door. "Who the hell are you?" he asked, causing the female to smile as she saw her old friend behind the tall man, talking to the giant from before. "Just a friend of Meliodas' and Merlin's, nothing more." she said politely, causing the red eyed male to sigh before stepping out of the way to let her in. He then closed the door behind her to speak. "Hey, cap'n, Merlin, you have a friend here to see you guys." he said, pointing his thumb at Arcadia. "Oh, well then, long time no see, Arcadia. How have you been?" she asked, her golden yellow eyes staring down at her as she smiled. "I'm doing well. Now then, what have you been doing lately, Mel?" she asked, looking over at the blonde as he took a sip of the ale he was drinking. "Nothing much other than getting these guys together." he said, pointing to the others in the building. "That's Ban, he's an immortal." he said, pointing to the tall man from earlier. He waved as he took a swig of the ale bottle he had in his hand. "That's Diane, you can already guess that she's a giant." he said, pointing over to the brunette in the building. She had a barrel of ale in her hand, and turned away when Arcadia faced her. "I've seen her before now. The same goes for the fairy. You're the one that they call King, right?" she asked him. He nodded, causing the platinum haired female to smirk. "Ok, I know for a fact that you don't actually look like that, so what do you look like?" she asked, causing him to scowl. "I'm not showing someone who helps vampires and decides to side with people who hurt Diane. She's still injured by the way." he scolded, causing Arcadia's eyes to widen before she smiled and walked over to the giant, who had her arm bandaged and also her head bandaged. She put a hand on her leg, calling her magic to her as she healed her. Diane looked down and mumbled a quiet 'thanks' to the girl, before she turned and picked her up in the palm of her hand. "Sorry we got off on the wrong foot, I was just doing what I was sent on the mission to do. Are your friends ok?" she asked, worry evident in her tone. Arcadia nodded, laughing slightly. "It takes a lot more than that to bring Gaia down, same goes for Rosetta. If they were like most other giants and fairies, then I would have stepped in, but they're a lot stronger than you think." she said, causing the female to sigh in relief. King then spoke. "Hold on, Rosetta was the name of-" Arcadia put a finger to her lips, affirming his suspicions about the white haired fairy he had fought earlier. She saw Escanor and Gowther sitting together, with the ladder reading while the former was writing. She was behind him in an instant, reading over his shoulder. "Poetry, huh? Do you write poems for a living?" she asked, causing the ginger haired male to jump before facing her. "O-Oh, well, um, yes, I do write, but it's more of a hobby than for a living." he explained, causing the woman to nod. "Are you also one of these guys?" she asked, pointing to the rest of the group. He nodded softly, before speaking once again. "If I may, do you like poetry as well?" he asked, causing her to nod. "I like poetry, though I love to draw and paint. I have a sketchbook that was given to me by Meliodas a while back." she said, getting it out of her bag to show him. However, before she could put it back into the bag, Meliodas snatched it away, looking inside of it. "Geeze, you've been busy drawing up a storm of pictures, huh?" he asked, causing her to walk over to the short male, grab the book, and whack him upside the head with it. "Yeah, when you have nothing to do, you often do things like draw or find ways to spend your time." she said. "So you have a lot of time on your hands, do you?" he asked, causing her to nod. "Well, do you maybe have the time to join us and stay here for a while?" he asked.

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