Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

181K 3.6K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)

3.7K 71 131
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

3rd Person Pov

Vergil: Valentine's Day... Annoying, but it seems I cannot escape this predicament.

Vergil sighed, hiding behind the shadows of an alleyway within Dragonia, as they have returned and Lescatie is under massive renovation. Watching vigilant the citizens who are ever so busy having their loved ones on a date.

There are some who are only dating one, yet others none, but there are those who are luckier than most, as they have more than three.

But at least, those who have no one to date, can easily find someone to spend their day.

Currently, Vergil is in the middle of avoiding his "Suitors" even if he didn't agree to such terms. But then again, it was a sudden interruption of his plans.

He narrowly avoided the gaze of two Dragons. One holding a Scythe, another with Blue flames.

Vergil: Tch, if Dante and I was switched. I guarantee he'll bask in the attention.

He moved quietly, keeping his steps light to avoid detection. Only to fail miserably when he bumped into Druella of all people.

Immediately, the formerly dominant Daughter of The Demon Lord almost melted at the brief contact the two made. Her legs wobbled, her strength threatening to leave her, but the cold gaze of Vergil kept her from giving in.

In Vergil's perspective, Druella herself had changed. From a normally skimpy dress that barely covered her modesty, to a sundress but fitted to compensate for her wings. Light blue in color, that somehow made her glow.

She quickly composed herself, hiding a box in red behind her back, and tried to keep eye contact, only to fail and to immediately look away blushing.

Druella: Uhm... Good morning, Vergil.

Vergil raised a brow, but since he couldn't find a way to escape, as many Mamono has their eyes on them.

Apparently, they too were taken by surprise by Druella's sudden wardrobe change.

Vergil: Yes, good morning to you as well.

Druella fidgeted, clearly doing her best to not pass out.

Druella: Uh... H-Here. For you.

Without any context at all, she handed him the box. Vergil eyed it for a moment, before realizing it is a box of chocolates. And as an added bonus, under the ribbon, is a folded piece of paper.

Druella: I-I know you don't c-celebrate this occasion. But p-please, accept t-this gift.

She immediately ran away like a young maiden after a confession.

Vergil sighed, almost throwing the box of chocolates along the process. But seeing as many Mamono were still watching him, he resisted the urge.

Vergil: I swear to my Father's name, that if this box of chocolates has an extra ingredient, like how they gossiped. They better pray to whoever God they worship.

Vergil muttered quietly under his breath, pocketing the box of sweets. Though he did remove the letter and read it's content.

The letter contained poetry. It seems his love for Poetry has been confirmed, or rather. V had spilled such a secret with his overly theatrical displays.

He briefly considered the idea of having a partner, but knowing his blood. He'd rather not take a chance.

Vergil: Elementary, but it does serve it's purpose.

He folded the paper yet again, and decided to not continue the game of Cat and Mouse he has been playing, without the knowledge of the other players.

He arrived at the center of Dragonia, where a marble fountain sits in the middle of the Plaza. There he saw Wilmarina, throwing a coin after finishing a wish.

Childish he would say, but knowing how much the people of this world is. He ignored her, but decided to greet her as well.

Vergil: I see you're still wishing on a well of fraud. Other than the fact that it's free money to whoever owns the fountain, which is Deonora. It is rather childish of you.

That startled Wilmarina from her wish. To which she dropped the copper coin she held in her palms.

Wilmarina: T-Teacher! Apologies for seeing me in such an embarrassing sight. I know that it is childish.

Vergil cut her off.

Vergil: No need to apologize, I can tell it is merely a custom for such a day, rather. Multiple days.

As it turns out, Valentine's Day lasted for about three days. Surprise surprise, it was through his actions that cause such a change. Hell, Griffon wouldn't give it up after knowing why it happened.

As it turns out, it only took three days for the Goddess of Love to immediately fall for Vergil. Which is surprisingly long, as the Goddess herself immediately falls for the rest she finds interesting. Vergil however, made sure she took three days of preparation to make herself look presentable, lovely, and modest. But her plans were quickly shot down when Vergil, denied her courtship. But the change has been done, thus her followers has spread the word.

The Goddess took another three days to accept the fact that Vergil, will not have her hand. Unless it has power of course.

But that didn't stop the others from trying their chances.

Wilmarina: I still couldn't believe you rejected the Goddess of Love herself.

Vergil: And risk diving into a relationship full of regrets? I'd rather know the person deep enough to give them a chance.

Apparently, Vergil is the type of person to take a budding relationship through the wringer. As his tests can and will cause wounds, to both the body and heart.

Plus, he'd rather not follow his Brother's way with women, as he mostly leaves them wanting for more after a night's unhinged desires. Vergil only has two options. Yes and No.

He silently cursed the night he decided to try alcohol. Thus, Nero was born.

Vergil: I hope this three day break, wouldn't make you lazy. I'd be disappointed if you did.

As Vergil turned to leave, he felt Wilmarina place her hand on his arm to stop him. A deep blush on her face, fully displayed to the world.

Vergil mentally sighed, as he silently contemplated whether he should just break free of her grasp, or to listen to her.

Wilmarina: So if you know the person well enough, you are willing to give them a chance?

He raised a brow.

Vergil: Yes.

Wilmarina didn't immediately reply, but has reached into her pocket hidden inside her skirt and pulled out a folded sheet of paper, light blue in color, and a blue ribbon tied around it.

She didn't say anything, only she handed it rather forcefully and hastily escaped Vergil's gaze.

Vergil: I should make Griffon shut V up.

Deciding to read it, he couldn't help but be impressed. But then again, as a daughter of a Noble, it is a given she was given lessons in poetry.

Vergil: Expected, but impressive.

While indeed Druella too is of royalty, her work was elementary at best. Mostly because it was filled with innuendos.

Vergil sighed. Fully embracing the path he's currently walking on.

He moved, finding himself within the shopping district. Finding the three Kitsune, browsing for charms and gifts.

He made his move to avoid them, only to be caught by surprise, when Yoma waved at him and not so subtly blocked his path.

Yoma: Lord Vergil, good morning. A pleasure seeing one such as yourself around these parts.

His brows twitched, clearly this Woman is pushing his buttons.

Vergil: Merely having a look around, Yoma-san. Though it doesn't hurt to check out their wares once in a while.

His eyes wandered off towards the twins, who both noticed it but took what he said wrong. Both blushed, averting their gazes from him.

Yoma smirked mischievously.

Yoma: Ara? Surely you aren't this blunt?

Vergil realized his mistake, but didn't outright display is disappointment.

But thankfully, he didn't have to find an excuse to get away, when both Twins grab hold of his hands.

Kaga: Mother, we wish to speak with Lord Vergil in private.

Akagi: Yes, please Mother. It is rather important.

The twins struggled to not sweat profusely when they felt Vergil's irrigation, after they held his arms.

Yoma, seeing her two children take initiative, only smiled and bowed.

Yoma: Very well then, I'll leave my Daughters under your care Lord Vergil. Please do be gentle.

She said before leaving, much to the embarrassment of the two.

Now that their mother was away, the Twins released Vergil from their grasp.

Kaga: Apologize Milord. Mother tends to be too straightforward at times.

Akagi: It wasn't her intention to irritate you greatly, as she only wishes for our future.

Vergil expected this, but didn't believe it at first after realizing what Yoma has been trying to do for the last week.

Kaga sported a slight blush, but Akagi is redder than a cherry, after remembering what their Mother did to make Vergil spend time with them.

Vergil: Yes, I am well aware of your Mother playing Matchmaker.

The two bowed in apology.

Akagi: Please forgive Mother.

Kaga: Please forgive Mother for her rudeness.

Vergil only sighed. After what Yoma kept trying to do, he certainly has comparable knowledge of the Twins to go around. But that doesn't mean he'll take what Yoma is doing with a grain of salt.

Vergil: No need for an apology, just be sure to keep your Mother in check.

Vergil decided that it wasn't worth it getting mad at her.

Kaga: Many thanks Lord Vergil.

Akagi: If I were to be bold Milord. Now that we chased Mother away, is it possible for us to spend time together?

The youngest of the two requested. Making her Twin palm her face.

Vergil: Hm, I do owe you girls for saving me. Very well, it is only correct to repay the kindness one has been given.

That caught them off guard, as they were expecting a straight rejection after heaving what Vergil did to Cupid.

With permission, each took an arm and flanked both sides of Vergil. Kaga slightly reluctant, while Akagi outright seized his arm and hugged it closely.

Vergil mentally sighed.

Kaga: Milord, I wish to sate this curiosity of mine. Why did you reject the Goddess of Love?

Vergil sighed, feeling like he's about to become a broken record.

Vergil: To simply answer, I don't know her.

That made the twins pause.

Akagi: You don't know her?

Vergil: I know nothing of her. But then again, I would've still rejected her even if I did know her.

Kaga: Why?

Vergil: Because things such as romance if far more complicated. After all, with my immunity to Demonic Energy. I don't immediately swoon over an attractive person like a fly on animal feces.

The two couldn't help but shudder at the thought. But it did give them hope that Vergil is tolerating their presence.

Akagi: Then to be bold Milord, I wish to be your Lover. Even if I would only be a mere Concubine.

Kaga froze on her step. Making the two stop as well.

Kaga started to sweat heavily, as Vergil's expression is equivalent to a wall. It is unreadable, and she fears for her sister's well being.

Kaga: Apologies for my Sister, Milord.

Kaga lets go of Vergil's hand and slapped Akagi on the face. Akagi stood there, shocked at what Kaga just did.

Kaga: What are you thinking!

Akagi: What I was thinking?

Akagi lowered her head, bangs hiding her facial features and her Demonic Energy manifesting around her with a red hue.

Akagi: I merely spoke what is clearly on our minds Sister. Plus, if I was to wait for you to say it yourself, I feel that it would be too late already.

Akagi calmed down, her Demonic Energy no longer manifesting as she glared at her sister.

But before things could escalate further. Vergil only hummed, scaring Kaga even more as Akagi recoiled slightly at his lack of emotions.

Vergil: Blunt one are you? I guess the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree.

Vergil faced them, his image putting more fear into Kaga's heart and Akagi became expectant.

Vergil: Hm, while it is not a definite answer. Maybe in due time.

That made the two pause.

Kaga: Are you saying that?

Vergil: Who knows, I might not, nor may be. Take it how you wish to take it.

Without letting them speak, he turned on his heel and left them. Within his mind however, he hoped that Dante wouldn't find out, but he was interested in Yokai when he was in Japan. A subtle one isn't he?

He walked on the streets, casually ignoring the looks of longing from the Mamono around him. Only to sigh in relief to see Sasha buying fruits from a fruit stand.

He slowly approached her, her presence unnoticed by the smiling Sasha.

Vergil: Has the children been wanting more fruits again? Sasha.

She flinched as soon as she heard Vergil speak. But that wasn't what made her heart beat faster.

She looked away, blushing as Vergil's face focused on the Fruits the Vendor is seeling. Slightly pouting when said Vendor is giving Vergil bedroom eyes.

Sasha: Y-Yes, though it doesn't hurt to stock up just in case.

Vergil looked at her.

Vergil: You know we live at the Castle right? Queen Deonora said it herself that we're more than welcome to stay if wished so.

Sasha's blush died down, but her chest still didn't calm down.

Sasha: I suppose that is a fact... But I'm not used to letting the Maids do all of the work.

Vergil hummed.

Vergil: While it is true that you are of Noble Descent, you have adjusted to the life full of labor.

Sasha nodded, taking her eyes off him and returning to picking Fruits.

Vergil: I am sure who you choose in the future, will be a lucky man.

That made her pause, though Vergil has given his goodbye. She still couldn't make herself move as her whole body shook.

But thanks to the Vendor, she shook off her stupor and her eyes found freshly roasted Cacao seeds.

Sasha: How much are those?

When Vergil arrived back to the Castle, he was immediately tackled by Meera. A blue ribbon around her neck, and chocolate between her jaws.

She removed the chocolate from her mouth with her paws, and started nuzzling her cheek on Vergil's own.

Meera: Master!

While not in public, Vergil still couldn't help but sigh at Meera.

Meera: Master! I have heard that today is Valentine's Day, and I have a gift for you.

Her normally stoic demeanor is still there, but her eyes has a shine to them that indicates her excitement.

Vergil: A gift?

His eyes scanned their surroundings and found many Kikimora Maids and a few Dragon Knights watch the two of them. Meera however, either didn't care or didn't notice them.

Meera: I'm your gift Master.

The sound of glass shattering echoed within Vergil's mind. The Maids and Dragon Knights gasping at her boldness, but some did took notes.

Meera: Master? Are you alright?

Vergil didn't reply, but his gaze is still locked at Meera. Who slowly lowered herself from Vergil's gaze.

Vergil then lifted her off him, and patted off the dust on his coat.

Meera: Master?

Vergil didn't say anything, making Meera frown. But a hand did comfort her.

Vergil: I didn't think your boldness would reach this level. Very well.

What surprised her next is the fact that Vergil lifted her up, Princess Carry and walked through the halls.

Meera: M-Master! Where are we going?

Vergil: Hush, it is only correct to enjoy one's gift, isn't it?

Her eyes widened, body slowly melting as her brain tried to process what her Master just said. Until it hit her.

Meera: Could it be that... Master and I?

Her blush exploded, the redness of her face far redder than what it could before. It would seem like she would be receiving Her Master's affection tonight.

Apologies for the great delay. Something big came up in my life and it takes bigger priority. But anyway, I finally did it. I made a Valentine's special for this book, even if it's late for ten days. But hey, something came up. My MGE Valentine's special just got finished faster. Anyway, any ideas? I'm open for shit to hit the fan and I'm preparing a lot of materials for references. Heh, it's gonna be shitty but I will do my best. Anyway, hope you peeps enjoyed the Chapter! SOUL out!

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