No One Cares

By Ash54thegravekeeper

3K 215 15

Deceit is convinced that even though he's been "Accepted" He's not really. He can tell by how everyone is act... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 1

365 13 0
By Ash54thegravekeeper

Chapter 1

Things were okay. Thing weren't great, but why was that any of Janus's problem. It wasn't like he was trying to help or anything. No. He was just a liar. Sure, there was a false since of understanding between everyone now. Everyone acting like they were fine. That Thomas was fine. But things were not fine, and it irked Janus to his very core. However, it was also something he couldn't outright discuss due to his job of being the keeper of all things not wanted. Or it was the one of the many secrets that Thomas did not want to admit to himself. And no one wanted to acknowledge it and if he so much as opened his mouth he would be accused of scheming something.

Janus was pulled from his brooding, when movement caught his eye, signaling that someone was coming down the stairs. Looking up from his book that he was reading, he found that, that someone was Virgil, who was pointedly ignoring Janus's presence as he passed to go into the kitchen, where Patton was bustling about. The Dad Side seemed happy, but going by how many pans of cookies he had already made, the Moral Side wasn't feeling that happy, resorting to stress baking. Logan was sitting on the other end of the couch from Janus, who was also reading, and while the Logical Side looked calm, Janus could feel the tension and bottled up emotions. Roman was in the Imagination, not really coming out unless needed. And then there was Thomas, trying to nurse a new love and ignoring what was building up between everyone; building up within himself.

Now, usually Janus wouldn't just stick himself in the middle of such situation, especially when everyone, despite what they said, about giving him a seat at the table, calling that acceptance . It was a lie. They blamed him. They blamed him for showing up and starting trouble. They blamed him for letting Remus out and presented to Thomas. They blamed him for not going to the call back. They blamed him for going to the wedding. And they blamed him for the dysfunction in their little 'Family'. The only reason Janus was up and about, instead of in his and Remus's dwelling, was simply because, he wanted to connect with everyone, including Thomas. He wanted someone to have the chance to sit down and talk with him, and hopefully he would be able to help. Plus, Remus was busy in the Imagination, having fun bothering Roman and doing his job. Remus, until things got aired out and Thomas was more balanced mentally, was going to busy for a while, and it was lonely in the Dark Side. Considering, how things seemed to be going he should have just stayed in his room. He had better thing to do anyway.

Sighing, heavily Janus stood up and began to leave. Just as he did, he felted tug signaling Thomas was calling. And Thomas doesn't usually call for Janus.

In a blink he found himself in front of Thomas, along with the others, excluding Remus.

"What are you doing here?" Roman demanded.

"Probably here to cause more trouble." Virgil grumbled, with a cold glare.

"I wasn't summoned." Janus answered, simply, not in the mood for their drama today.

"I don't see why. Thomas isn't in a situation where he needs lies, or self preservation at the moment." Logan said.

And he was right. Thomas was standing in his room, which looked like a hurricane had came through. Everything was thrown around and drawers were opened and half empty. Thomas himself looked panicked and that's when Janus noticed that Virgil's eye shadow was very dark. Meaning, Thomas was panicking for some reason.

"I don't know guys. I just... Nico invited me out tonight and he said it was a surprise and I just don't know what I'm suppose to wear. Or maybe I just don't need to go! I mean I do have several projects I need to complete. Maybe I don't need to go?" Thomas rambled as he moved about maneuvering his way around the Sides as he talked, grabbing pieces of clothing as he went holding them up and tossing them away before grabbing for another set of clothes.

Ah, so that was why Janus was called upon. Thomas was nervous and so Virgil was nervous. Virgil acted as an alarm and Janus would act accordingly depending upon the situation. Anxiety and Self Preservation worked hand in hand after all. Thomas had been thinking about making an excuse about not being able to go. But didn't really want to decline an invitation to a date night. Thomas didn't know if he wanted to lie to Nico, lie to himself, or to be truthful and just go on the date.

"Don't be silly Thomas! Of course we want to go! Think about Stormcloud, the romance, blossoming that you helped push into motion! Doesn't that make it all the more better!" Roman flourished, grabbing Virgil and spinning him around. "We can spin a few extra hours tomorrow on the videos." He reasoned.

"Yes, but that would mean Thomas would have to lose a few hours of optimal sleep." Logan interjected.

Patton was keeping his mouth shut apparently too scared about being too pushy. As he learned in the last video. Not that that was bad, but Patton really needed to learn and grow, not pout and pull away just because he got proven wrong. The moral side was also back to hiding how upset he really was, pretending everything was fine. That he and Janus were now buddy buddy. Even though nothing was fine. But it wasn't Janus's place to announce this. That wasn't his job.

Although Janus guessed he was no better just standing there also and saying nothing, but then that was his job. To watch and to know. "Well, if my services are needed, I won't be going then." He huffed, fiddling with his glove to give himself something to fidget with.

"That's right Jack the Fibber, he doesn't need any of your evil influence today!" Roman cheered, sounding like he just won a battle.

"Now, Roman we talked about this." Patton scolded lightly.

"But I'm right. Thomas doesn't need two self preservation instincts working tonight! Tonight is all about the romance!" The Princely Side defended.

"Roman!" Patton gasped appalled.

"That is where I think you -"

"Then please, don't have a talk to Virgil and Thomas about calling me in the near future, then." Janus said, interrupting Logan and only felt a little bad about doing so, but he had had enough, and so, left without another word, appearing in his and Remus's home in the Dark Side. The others would never truly except him. Maybe Remus one day, but not him. Janus knew he. himself would always just be out of reach of their understanding. But they could at least try. Put an effort in at least.

Going to his room, Janus decided he was just to get some work done and prepare thing in case Remus came back from he Imagination anytime today or during the night. He waste so much time already trying to play nice. Why was it just so hard to believe he wanted the best for Thomas. Letting out another heavy sigh, and decided to just stop thinking about it and just focus on his work. Despite what everyone might think he was not just a second self preservation alarm. He was Self Preservation. Virgil was the alarm.

Janus was Deceit. A Dark Side. He did his job exceptionally well. And he didn't care about the other. Even if it was a lie.

With his thoughts now focused on his tasks. Janus collected only a few things from his room before descending even deeper into his and Remus's home. A door, appearing on a blank spot on the wall in front of him. This door led to the place where he had once had to lock Remus away; Not by personal choice, it was something Thomas had wanted. And Deceit tried not to think about the others that were also hidden away, with no one to give them a second thought, except for him; Their jailer.

He sometimes wander if Remus still resented him for being the one to lock him away.

"No." He reprimanded himself as he stepped through. "None of that matters." He reminded himself. This was his job. Angry shouts and welcomed him and he tried to sound upbeat and kind as he greeted them back. "Hello. I hope you haven't had a pleasant day." He smiled, even though non one would be able to see. Trapped behind their doors as they were. Where they would stay until Janus could let them out. He ran his hand along the door that was sealed, checking over the deep crack and patched up holes that had formed on it. His touch leaving nothing but new door, still sealed and locked. Tight.


Janus hummed at the threat. It was the same thing that Remus had shouted once. The coming close to succeeding once, before all attempts stopped. "I have sever doubts. But I'm sure you wouldn't try." He answered calmly. This particular Side; Orange put up a fight and had taken both him and Virgil to lock away. Remus had been easy. The Duke seeming to become shell shocked that his own brother had not tried to help him and then, Deceit and Anxiety were the ones to help put him away. Orange if he got out, would no doubt kill him or Virgil. And Janus couldn't blame him. But he couldn't let him loose either. Orange was the reason that the Dark Sides had to be locked away. Even Virgil.

Janus would never forget the look of betrayal in Virgil's eye after the had sealed Orange when Janus had pushed him into his room and sealed the Anxious Sides door along with the others. And while Janus was never locked away, he had to play jailer; or Gatekeeper, and pretend not to be bothered with having to betray his friends. He was certain the only reason Virgil was released was because of the collected nervousness from everyone including Thomas. For only Thomas could release someone without Deceit stepping in.

But that was all in the past. With the Orange door fixed and locked up tight again. Janus turned to leave. He had other things to do before turning in for the night. As he turned he watched only for a moment the Orange door vanished blending in the wall where no one would find it, unless Deceit called for it again.

(Later in the Middle of the Night)

Janus snapped his eyes open and sat up ramrod straight in the bed. He was immediately wide awake, with the feeling something was wrong. His room looked normal. So why was he, feeling like something was wrong? And where was something wrong? It was a sharp pull that only happened when Thomas was in need of his assistance and with the combination when Virgil was so upset that it triggered Janus. Instantly, his first instinct was to go and check on Thomas. He immediately snapped himself out of his P.J.'s and into his normal attire and popped himself wherever Thomas was at this moment. It wasn't often when Virgil and Thomas called for him at the same time, especially in the middle of the night. Which was never.


A/N: Something that's been rolling around in my head for a while. Not sure where this is going to go but if its like any of my other stories, its going to definitely have a lot of angst. :)

Let me know what you think! 

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