By MaryasMortuary4Vamps

550K 15.5K 3.4K

Yᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs ᴀɴᴅ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ʟᴏɴᴇʟʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀᴡɴ ᴄᴏᴍᴇs ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ʟʏɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ... ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇ... More

•13: Part 1•
~New story!~
•13: Part 2•


11.1K 325 41
By MaryasMortuary4Vamps

"So how does someone...turn into a vampire?" Nora questioned with morbid curiosity, body lay across the large expanse of the bed as she relaxed, her chestnut hair loosely tumbling over the side.

Aro, hands stuffed in his pockets and body relaxed against the wall, stared out of the large window of their hotel room onto the street below. "It's a simple affair. Similar to the stories of vampires so popular amongst your kind, it is done with a bite–however, the actual turn is induced by our venom."

"Venom?" He nodded simply, pulling his bright red eyes from their observation of the streets of Seattle to smile at her upside down form in faint amusement. "Like a snake?!"

He thought it over for a moment, unable to come up with another comparison. "I...suppose so, yes."

Freaked out internally, Nora pretended to be cool with the fact that vampires were actually turning out to be a lot different then she expected. "Okay, well...how does it work though?"

"It is spread through your entire body by your heart, contaminating and replacing every single one of your cells. If the host is injured, the venom will repair any damage they may have suffered beforehand. The whole process normally takes around 2–3 days, by the end you are essentially frozen in that state, forever." He chuckled to himself as her jaw dropped, her eyes conveying how disturbed she was. "Why the sudden influx of questions, my darling?"

"Well I...never really got to ask this stuff, when I first met you all. I was too focused on trying to deal with everything that was happening, I mean it was all pretty overwhelming." He made a noise of agreement, moving from his position to turn his back to the window and face her fully. 'God, he looks good.'

He really did. As always he was decked out in a full suit, but the navy black color and pinstripe pattern worked in tandem with his alabaster skin and ebony hair, the matching waistcoat underneath accentuating his muscled torso. Man, she was lucky.

Getting back on track, she pretended she hadn't noticed the smug gleam in his eyes or the fact he had definitely seen her ogling him like he was a piece of meat. Picking at the skin around her fingers, her voice shook slightly. "The change, um...does it...hurt?"

This was something she had been very curious about, but she was also unsure if she wanted the answer considering one day she was going to have to go through it herself.

It was clear, if the apprehensive tick in his jaw was anything to go by, she wasn't going to like the answer. He sighed, trying not to alarm her. "I will not lie, darling. It—it will hurt."

Nora winced, wishing for all the world now that she hadn't asked. It was a lot better when it had just been speculation, left to her imagination. Aro, seeing the way her hands were shaking, rushed to bring her some comfort. "But there are things we can do for you, to make it easier. Do you remember what we told you about Alec's gift?"

She racked her brain for a moment. "He can take away all your senses? Basically making you numb, right?"

He inclined his head, laughing inside at her curiosity–only one of the many things he loved about her. "Yes, that is correct my darling. When the time comes for your change, whenever you want that to be, we will have him use his gift to numb the experience so it is as painless as we can make it for you."

Her heart swelled with genuine affection for them. How she had ended up with three dangerously gorgeous yet considerate men was beyond her, but she thanked whatever higher power had pushed them together. She was sure there were many others who weren't offered the luxury afforded to her when their transition had taken place.

Rolling over and sitting up, she moved so she was sitting on the side of the bed. Her dress slid up her legs, something Aro did not miss. "That's sweet, thank you."

Almost as if he was under some enchantment, Aro's eyes didn't move from her exposed thighs as he began to approach her, that startling red darkening as he watched her pull up her black knee high socks. Was she torturing him on purpose?

Nora gasped in shock when her chin was clasped softly in his hand, her legs opening on instinct so he could stand between them, the hand on her jaw tilting her head back while his other played with her hair.

God's did she look good like this, her beautiful stormy eyes peeking up at him through her lashes. She truly was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, in all of his years alive in this world. Losing the battle with his control, he leaned to place a soft kiss on her lips, savoring their warmth against his own cold ones.

Her hand slid up his chest, grasping his black tie to yank him down closer to her, smiling against his lips when he hummed in surprise.

She tilted her head back and broke their kiss, amused when the hand that was messing with her hair moved to the back of her neck, trying to bring her towards him again."No, Aro. Marcus and Caius will be back soon, you'll have to wait."

He groaned, resting their foreheads together. "You are cruel, darling."

She only smiled innocently in response, tapping him on the cheek patronizingly before she untangled herself from him and stood up.

Peeking out of the large window to look at the familiar city, a stray thought suddenly struck her and she turned to face Aro with a curious sigh, humored to see he was now sitting rigidly where she had been looking very out of place on the bed. "Where are they, anyway? They've been gone for ages."

He licked his lips, staring anywhere but at her as the question he had been dreading finally came up.

Normally, he was an excellent liar, faultless and convincing. When it came to her, he found it very difficult to be dishonest, it went against every instinct he felt. Still, he attempted it anyway. "They went to...get something to eat."

He was relieved when she made no mention of his robotic delivery, pulling a disgusted face at the implications of his words before she turned to look out the window, her eyes sparkling as she observed the bustling crowd below them.

Now that her penetrating gaze was off of him, Aro deflated. She had bought it then–that was good. He'd rub that in Caius's face later.

If he was being honest...he was at war with himself. His brothers hadn't just left to quench their thirst, they had gone with the guard to assess the newborn situation that was wreaking havoc over Seattle–something they had known about for some time but had...neglected to tell Nora about.

It may have been a bad move, especially considering the purpose the newborns were created for. According to Jane there had been talk amongst them of the Cullens and Nora's sister. Ordinarily, it would have been no concern of his or cause to help should something happen, but the fact they were after Nora's sister made it...tricky. Now, he and his coven were obligated to help.

It was irksome, but he couldn't let anything happen to Isabella, that would hurt his Nora and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if there was even the slightest chance he could have prevented it. No, should the 'army' make a move, then the Volturi would be there to aid them in meeting their maker. For now he'd let the pack of rampant troublemakers continue their debauchery, for their fun would soon be over.

The idea of a good fight thrilled him, calling to the darker reaches of his soul that thirsted to cause pain and suffering; Nevertheless, that desire was heavily outweighed by worry, such a plain emotion in comparison. The whole ordeal still persisted heavily on his conscience since he had first sent the guard to manage the situation, and he had very nearly told Nora about it then.

But as selfish as it was, he didn't want her attention on anything else but his brothers and himself; he knew if he had told her, she would have rushed home earlier than planned in a panic and he couldn't have that, not when things had been going so smoothly again. Much to Marcus's dissatisfaction, Caius had sided with him, agreeing that the Cullens would take any opportunity to poison her against them if they were separated.

"What's the matter, Aro?" Nora's voice, sweet as honey, unshackled him from his thoughts.

Plastering a false smile upon his face, he shook his head as if that would clear it and met her worried stare. That smile turned genuine the longer he looked at her, for his turmoil never stayed for long when he was in her presence, melting away like snow under the sun.

"Nothing, my sweet angelo." He exhaled an unneeded breath, extending his hand to her and relaxing his stiff shoulders when she took it and he was able to hear her soothing thoughts, sitting with him on the bed. "I'm merely lost in thought, as I often find myself."

Nora cuddled into his cool side, his hand now on her lap as she played with his fingers, lost in her own mind. "So am I..." She mumbled, not meaning to stir worry in him, though she succeeded anyway.

Lacing his fingers through hers, he gave them a squeeze and leaned his head on top of hers. "What troubles you, darling?" Given their skin to skin contact, he already knew what she was worrying about; it warmed her heart that he respected her enough to ask her anyway.

What troubled her? Now...that was a loaded question.

"Sort of uh...everything, if I'm being honest." Her beautiful voice was now meak, heavy and burdened with her worries.

"Ah, come now Nora. Things will be fine, amore. If your sister does not want to reconcile...I could always make her." His words, though they were tinged with darkness that should have disturbed her, only served to make her laugh. "As for the Cullens, their approval of you should mean nothing. They are insignificant, as are their opinions."

He looked extremely proud of himself at having got rid of her melancholy attitude, kissing her forehead sweetly when she looked up at him. "You are incorrigible, Aro."

"Only for you." He echoed the words he'd whispered to her in his study, butterflies dancing madly in her stomach. 'Such a charmer.'

She squeaked in fright and drew further into his side when the doors banged open, though she relaxed and giggled to herself when she saw it was only Marcus and Caius.

Caius strided dramatically, as always, through the doors, his blinding crimson eyes sweeping the entirety of the room. The taught frown on his face disappeared when he found her and Aro on the bed.

"Nora, mia bella donna." He crooned, grabbing her hand and pulling her abruptly away from Aro, who pouted in disappointment at the loss of her warmth.

She laughed as Caius spun her around for a moment before dragging her into a tight embrace, pressing his face against the smooth skin of her neck. Twining her hand in the hair at the base of his neck, since she knew how much he liked it, she tilted her head to give him more access. "You're in a good mood."

He grinned, the feel of his soft lips against her sensitive flesh making her shiver. "Don't get used to it." At that, she snorted and shook her head. 'Just as incorrigible as Aro.'

He stepped back, holding her at arms length so he could look at all of her. "My my..." His lips turned up in a devious grin. "Don't you look ravishing in red."

Embarrassed at his admiration of her, she coughed and nodded offhandedly like he hadn't flustered her. "Thanks."

She was not willing to admit that she had worn the tight blood red, long sleeved dress because she had known he would like it. Still, the square neckline left just enough to the imagination, just enough hidden to tease him.

Ignoring his smoldering gaze she looked to Marcus who was still loitering in the doorway, returning the soft little smile he sent her as he moved into her waiting arms. "Mia regina." Kissing his cheek, she disentangled herself from his strong hold, falling to collapse on the massive bed next to Aro, closing her eyes in content as he played with her splayed hair.

Caius released an exhausted breath, even though there was no way the activities of the day had actually made him tired. When Nora bothered to open her eyes she saw he was hastily removing his suit jacket, yanking harshly at his tie as if it were choking him before throwing both items haphazardly onto the wooden table.

"So..." she stressed, giggling when he aggravatedly turned to stare at her, though the sour expression lost its heat quickly. "How was your um...m–meal?" She couldn't help but to stutter, sickness seizing her stomach as involuntary images of them frenziedly ripping out the throats of helpless victims filled her mind. At the graphic and gory imagery, she actually gagged.

It was Caius's turn to look superior now, something he reveled in. "She was...satisfactory, let's just leave it at that, shall we carissima?"

For whatever reason, ugly and unwanted jealousy blackened her heart. 'He just had to use that word, didn't he? This is exactly the reaction he wanted, too.'

Though she knew she shouldn't, she couldn't help but to picture him and some random woman, his hand around her throat, another entangled in her hair to pull her head back so he could drain the life from her. The woman's face screwed up in pain and pleasure as he greedily stole from her what kept her alive. Except the imagery in her head wasn't gory, it was...hot and...maddening and made her heart race with rage.

Now, she found herself irrationally angry and disgusted. The idea of him in such a compromising position with any woman that wasn't her, made that sickness she'd felt increase tenfold.

Abnormally scornful, she turned so her back was facing him. "Well, why don't you go on out and find another poor woman to suck the life from. Go on, don't let me stop you from having your fun."

She held back a shiver when the bed dipped behind her, his hands sliding around her waist, one resting on her hip. "Oh dear, is my gattina...jealous?" Stubbornly, she refused to dignify him with a response, noticing Marcus' little grin of amusement out of the corner of her eye.

'Jerks, all of them.'

"There is no need to be, amore." He murmured, dragging his lips against the skin where her neck met her shoulder. Against her will, she relaxed back into him at the disarming attention. "She was just a quick meal darling; nothing compared to you, nor will anyone ever be."

Huffing when she still ignored him, he tilted her head so he could capture her lips in a delicate kiss, smirking when he felt her fully relax against him.

Pulling away so their lips hovered near one anothers, she smiled and leant their foreheads together. "You're such an asshole."

He chuckled unashamedly. "I know."

Placing a short peck on her lips, she giggled when he pulled them both to lie on the bed, basically kicking Aro off with his foot.

As she lay in comfortable silence with him, she noticed their raven haired mind reader's sudden absence from the room, finding him standing out in the hall with Jane, who she assumed had returned with Caius and Marcus.

Aro was smiling a small, obviously false little smile as he conversed with someone on the phone. When he was finished, his agreeable expression slipped off like a mask, folding into an angry glare that creased his prominent brows. He shoved the phone into Jane's small hand, mumbling something and nodding when she bowed before disappearing.

She was prideful on not being nosy by nature, but Aro was so secretive at times that she felt like she had to spy to figure him out. Though this little excursion left her...disturbed by whatever had caused him such stress.

Giving him some privacy to fume by himself, of their own accord her eyes traveled to fall on Marcus who was relaxing on the couch with a book. Her smile, as much as she tried to make it pleasant, was stiff when his eye met hers over the top of his book, though he didn't seem to notice. 'Good, no need to worry him. I just won't focus on Aro's issues.'

And she didn't, instead she focused on the impending doom, the utter train wreck that was going to happen tomorrow.

Realistically, she knew Marcus wouldn't screw up on purpose, but there was still a risk what with him being a 3,000 year old vampire who had no idea how to act human. She only hoped he would be at least a little more well behaved than his brothers, whose mischief seemed to know no bounds. He would need to be if he wanted to win over her dad.

Well, it didn't hurt to dream.


Mia Bella donna—My beautiful woman
Mia Regina—My Queen

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