POISON , Euphoria

By -bellz

113K 2.2K 123

- What if 𝘋ominique can't make the right decision between alcohol or love ? ... More

Author's Note


4.2K 80 0
By -bellz

Lexi's Play

DOMINIQUE TRIED TO get along with Faye as much as possible, but in all honesty, Faye was a
bit— airheaded, to say the least. So, Dom and Faye go through Fezco's fridge for the hummus as Rue leaned over the refrigerator door.

"I'm fucking genius Fez.", Rue beamed while Dom chuckled at her enthusiasm. She smiled while she grabbed the hummus and set the hummus on the counter.

"Faye, carrots?", Dom asked Faye who's still looking and squinting.

"I don't know where the fucking carrots are D. This shit is stressful.", Faye complained and Dominique sighed, she bent over and seen the carrots right away.

"Any fuckin' who...", Rue trailed off while Dom and Faye go to the living room to eat their carrots and hummus.

"So, why did you and Fez break up?", Faye asked in her typical slow paced voice. Dom dipped a carrot in the hummus and tossed it in her mouth.

"Family.", Dom answered as she chews her carrot.

"That's shitty.", Faye commented.

Dom nodded slowly with wide eyes and ate another carrot while Rue stormed out of Fezco's place.

"Bye D.", Rue called out before she slammed the door behind her.

Fez suddenly came out and snatched a carrot from the plate that sat in between Faye and Dominique.

"Rue, man. Got these crazy ass plans.", Fezco muttered while he crunched on his carrot.

"What'd she ask for now?", Dom quizzed while she tucked her leg under the other.

"I don't exactly know, but whatever she was 'boutta say, it was drugs.", He told her and he ate another carrot.

☹ ☹ ☹

DOMINIQUE WENT INTO the bathroom in between classes and see Rue and Lexi washing their hands. Dominique sluggishly walked toward them with a weak smile. School drained Dom more than anything.

"I'd actually love for you to read it. You too, Dom.", Lexi told with this tone that told Dom she didn't actually want them to read it. Rue, the oblivious person she is, smiled.

"Yeah, for sure. Just, uh, send it to me.", Rue replied washing her hands. Dom hopped onto the counter and sat on it beside where Rue washed het hands, she took her chapstick out and swiped it on her lips.

"Hey Rue-Rue.", Cassie greeted Rue making Dom look at Cassie. Dom stared down her outfit and raised her eyebrows. That's a... bold choice.

"Hi Cass.", She paused to look at her, "Wait, are you in the play?", Rue asked causing Dom to suppress a laugh and cleared her throat.

"What play?", Cassie asked with a puzzled expression.

"Lexi's play.", Rue answered and this look of fear  crossed Lexi's face. She swallowed a lump in her throat and looked to Dom, although Dom had zero clue what this is about.

"What?", Cassie quizzed again looking at Rue as if she had two heads.

"Uh, the play Lexi wrote.", Rue responded completely confused, just as Dom was. Lexi had wrote a play and didn't bother to tell Dom?

Dom watched the scene unfold, hopefully she exposed Nate and Cassie. That would be fucking interesting since Maddy would lose her shit.

"Oklahoma.", Lexi budded in for once, and Dom narrowed her eyes. If she wrote Oklahoma, why wouldn't she of just told Dom?

"What?", Rue asked with a scrunched up face.

"The play's called 'Oklahoma.'", She reiterated, "The drama club's doing Oklahoma."

"Oh my god, do I look like I'm in Oklahoma?", Cassie panicked looking at her dress that looked like something and Dom stayed quiet.

"Why would your play be set in Oklahoma?", Rue asked Lexi and Dom chuckled earning glares from a panicked Cassie, confused Rue, and embarrassed Lexi.

"You thought I was auditioning for Oklahoma?", Cassie questioned Rue again with panic in her voice, meanwhile Lexi tried to tell Rue to shut the fuck up.

"I haven't read it, so.", Rue trailed off.

"Are you making fun of me, or did you actually think I was auditioning for Oklahoma?", Cassie inquired for the 90th time and Dom earned a pleading glare from Cassie for an answer. Dom shrugged with crossed arms.

"Why the fuck would you audition for Oklahoma?", Maddy asked announcing herself along with BB and Kat. Dom watched the drama intently, occasionally reeling in the feel of guilt from not telling Maddy. She doesn't know when she will, but she is going to.

"I'm not.", Cassie denied, which was true.

"Then why the fuck do you look like you are auditioning for Oklahoma?", Maddy asked this time with a scrutinizing stare.

"Do I?", Cassie asked looking in the mirror some more. Dom also glazed her eyes over the beautiful, but naïve Cassie.

"Yes.", Kat piped in.

"Yeah actually.", D piped in with a mischievous smile that made Cass roll her eyes.

"Shut it, DD.". She spat. "Has everyone read Oklahoma but me?", Cassie asked.

"Oklahomas not like a play you read.", Kat informed her while Dom groaned.

"Stop saying fucking Oklahoma.", Dominique yelled over whatever the fuck they're saying.

"Rue are you on drugs?", Cassie asked out of the blue and that caused everyone to look to the girl. Dom was curious too.

"Yes.", Rue answered from beside Dom and everyone turned to her like it wasn't obvious. Dom could honestly tell by the look on her face and her dark bags under her eyes.

Rue's eyes met Dom's with a soft stare that made Dom furrow her brows.

"You relapsed?", Maddy questioned Rue.

"Oh, I've just— Nah I've just been smoking a little bit of weed.", Rue lied and Rue looked to Dom in the eyes begging her to stay quiet.

"Wait I understand if you're not auditioning for O- the play, then why are you dressed like that.", Maddy began to say Oklahoma, but stopped when Dominique's eyes fluttered with annoyance.

"Dressed like what?", Cassie asked again.

"Like you're with Todo trying to find your way back to Kansas, but blonde.", Dom joked and only Rue laughed at her joke. Tough fucking crowd.

"In a good or bad way?", She asked panicked and Dom thought for a second.

"Would be better if you had ruby slippers.", Dom commented again earning a bump to the shoulder from Rue with an amused smile.

"Bitch you better be joking.", Maddy replied to Cassie's question. She literally looked like Dorothy.

"Are you okay, Cass?", Kat asked and Cassie drew a blank. Dom stared with her eyebrows furrowed. Was this like— was she blacking out or some shit?

She stared at Kat and Maddy for what felt like an hour and Rue, Lexi and I shared looks with each other.

Cassie then turned to the mirror, breathing heavily. Rue and Dom shared a look of confusion.

"What the fuck?", Dom mouthed to Rue. Who was just as fucking bewildered.

Cassie then left the bathroom and Dom raised her eyebrows at Cassie's face, she looked scared of Dom. She knows, Dom knows. Good. Fuck their fucked little relationship. It was sick, and knowing Dominique's brother it was toxic, too.

"I have to piss.", D muttered exasperated and went into a stall. What the fuck was that?

☹ ☹ ☹

DOMINIQUE PEACEFULLY ATE fruity pebbles on her bed contemplating life as her brother abruptly barged in. He closed the door behind him. He angrily stomped over to her and he stopped before her.

"Yes?", She asked politely as he towered over her with a scowl evident on his face. Kill 'em with kindness.

"How the fuck do you know?", He asked her, demanding the answer with just his stance. She sighed and set her bowl of cereal on her nightstand.

"Walls are paper thin, Natey boy.", She sneered at him with crossed arms. God, she felt so small beneath him sitting on her bed. Like a chihuahua and a pitbull. Maybe if he wasn't so condescending and tall it'd be different.

"Don't fucking call me that.", He spat at his younger sister.

"Oh, shut up, Nate. Maybe don't facetime your bitch at 3 A.M while I'm trying to sleep, do you expect me to sleep peacefully when she's crying like a fucking baby about your twisted relationship?",  Dominique ranted to her older brother, who's face twisted in distaste.

He yolked her up by her shoulders and stuck his face in hers. She let out a shuttered breath as her eyes ran over his now very red face.

"Never fucking talk to me, or about her like that again, Dom. Hear me? I don't talk shit about your fucking stupid, drug dealer boyfriend.", He spewed at her like venom and Dom cringed at his harsh words being spat in her face. She pushed him away from her face.

"Hear me!", He yelled and she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. Tears filled her eyes. He watched her face from 3ft away searching her face for an agreement.

"I can hear. I'm not deaf asshole.", She muttered. He huffed before leaving her bedroom and slamming her door shut.

"Fuck you!", She screeched. She slammed her body backwards onto her bed and buried her head in her pillow.

She grunted into her pillow from frustration . She cried because the pain she felt from her brothers words. She gripped her wrinkly sheets till her knuckles turned white because she wanted to drink.

She wanted to booze herself so she couldn't feel. This pain, was the pain she'd keep under layers of different types of alcohol. She swallowed the lump in her throat and dropped to the floor, on her knees.

She peeled open the bottom drawer and opened up a small bag with tampons sticking out of it. To scare her father away from the secrets at the bottom of this bag. She threw the tampons to the side and pulled out a travel sized bottle of Smirnoff vodka.

She squeezed her eyes shut. She'd regret this. She'd fucking regret this. A sob left her mouth as she unscrewed the red cap of the small bottle. She dropped the cap to the ground causing it to clink as it met her hardwood floor.

She gulped when she held the opening of the small bottle to her nose. She sniffed the liquid catching a whiff of the scent she missed. She yearned to feel that burning sensation glide down her throat like water. After a while, that burn would go away. One sip after another it would start to feel like shooting water.

Dominique heard her heart pound in her chest. Salty tears dripped onto her t-shirt. She was gonna do it. She began to bring the mini Smirnoff bottle to her lips. Shit. When the plastic opening touched her lips she squeezed her eyes shut.

She squeezed the bottle tightly and whipped it into the corner of her room causing the vodka to seep onto the floor creating a puddle.

She slumped over. The side of her face met the cold wooden floor. Her tears ran over the bridge of her nose and onto the floor creating a puddle of their own.  She stared at the vodka spill in the corner of her room.

This battle was not over. As much as she thought it was. That temptation, that drive and want. Need even. She needed it, but she resists. She can't hold this in forever. It's like a person on their period craving chocolate, they inevitably get it.


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