Bidi Bidi Bom Bom 🌹 Cobra Ka...

By Mendesmycam

217K 5.8K 3.7K

❣︎ BOOK 2 ❣︎ This is a sequel to "Time After Time," so read that one first :) ꧁Bidi Bidi Bom Bom꧂ - The sou... More

𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐢 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐢 𝐁𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐨𝐦
Chapter 1: Send Her My Love
Chapter 2: The Juárez LaRussos
Chapter 3: Strike First
Chapter 4: The First Confrontation
Chapter 5: Lack of Trust
Chapter 6: I Don't Get Jealous
Chapter 7: Black Widow & El Esqueleto
Chapter 8: He Gets This From You
Chapter 9: Long and Thick
Chapter 10: What, You're Gonna Hit Me?
Chapter 11: You Are So Hot Right Now
Chapter 12: The Scarlet Stepper
Chapter 13: How Can She Love Him?
Chapter 14: Gonna Knock His Ass Out
Chapter 15: Until Next Time...
Chapter 16: Enough
Chapter 17: She'll Always Be Special
Chapter 18: Don't Betray Them
Chapter 19: Jealousy, Jealousy
Chapter 20: I Didn't Love Him
Chapter 21: Keep An Eye Out For Selener
Chapter 22: That Is a Crime
Chapter 23: No Me Queda Más
Chapter 24: Who Is This Man?
Chapter 25: Might As Well Adopt Him
Chapter 26: Beautiful Selena
Chapter 27: It's Always Been You
Chapter 29: I'm In Trouble...
Chapter 30: Why Don't They Just Admit It?
Chapter 31: They'll Need Miyagi-Do
Chapter 32: The Girl With the Beautiful Name
Chapter 33: It Was That Obvious?
Chapter 34: The Better Man
Chapter 35: We're Not Matt Murdock
Chapter 36: To Danny and Rosie
Chapter 37: Can We Get Out Now?
Chapter 38: The Return of a Past Figure
Chapter 39: You're Famous Now
Chapter 40: Mucho Gusto
Chapter 41: B!tch Better Have My Money
Chapter 42: Heat of the Moment
Chapter 43: Everybody Makes Mistakes
Chapter 44: Mr. Miyagi?
Chapter 45: Rata De Dos Patas
Chapter 46: What a Sweet Soul
Chapter 47: Manipulation at its Finest
Chapter 48: Open Your Eyes
Chapter 49: All In My Head
Chapter 50: Look at You, Sensei
Chapter 51: Love of My Life
Chapter 52: Viejo Loco
Chapter 53: Before We Get Started
Chapter 54: How Could You?
Chapter 55: Lovey Dovey Daniel
Chapter 56: You're Alright, LaRusso
Chapter 57: Your Love Is So Beautiful
Chapter 58: 80s Selena
Chapter 59: Heaven
Chapter 60: Amigas Cheetahs
Chapter 61: Tory La Tóxica
Chapter 62: When There Was Me and You
Chapter 63: Juanito Lawrence
Chapter 64: Spilled Secrets
Chapter 65: Like An Animal
Chapter 66: Saved By the Bell
Chapter 67: Karate Showdown
Chapter 68: Don't Do This To Me
Chapter 69: Haunting Aftermath
Chapter 70: Robby Keene Search Party
Chapter 71: Yin and Yang
Chapter 72: No More Wasting Time
Chapter 73: We'll Get Through This
Chapter 74: What's Done Is Done
Chapter 75: Faith Goes a Long Way
Chapter 76: You Can Come Back Home
Chapter 77: Must Follow Passion
Chapter 78: You're Family
Chapter 79: The Town That Time Forgot
Chapter 80: Long-Awaited Reunion
Chapter 81: Can't Count On Anyone
Chapter 82: Love, Nariyoshi Miyagi
Chapter 83: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Chapter 84: Why Is Nothing Working?
Chapter 85: You're Doing Great, Babe!
Chapter 86: I Could Get Used To This
Chapter 87: This Is Like a Novela
Chapter 88: Get Your Hands Dirty
Chapter 89: Instagram Girl Johnny
Chapter 90: It's Open Season
Chapter 91: Wonder Woman
Chapter 92: Fan Behavior
Chapter 93: True Friend
Chapter 94: Because We're Family
Chapter 95: Mother Has Spoken
Chapter 96: I'm On Your Side
Chapter 97: We Deserve That Chance
Chapter 98: What's Gotten Into Him?
Chapter 99: Full of Surprises
Chapter 100: You Still Loved Her
Chapter 101: Whatever It Takes
Chapter 102: West Valley Reunion
Chapter 103: Clipping His Wings
Chapter 104: I Never Forgot You
Chapter 105: Finish the Fight
Chapter 106: A New Era
Chapter 107: My Jim Halpert
Chapter 108: The Divorce
Chapter 109: Adrian's New Friend
Chapter 110: Te Quiero
Chapter 111: Look At Us Bonding
Chapter 112: Great Expectations
Chapter 113: Take the Leap
Chapter 114: Crazy LaRussos

Chapter 28: Another Tournament

2.1K 68 17
By Mendesmycam

It's tournament time, guys... LET'S GET IT



Daniel and Sam sit on opposite ends of the couch with Selena in the middle, laying her head on Sam's lap and her feet on her father's lap. The TV is on in front of them but none of them pay attention to it as they scroll through their phones. Sam mindlessly strokes her cousin's hair as she looks at her phone in her other hand. She slept over the night before and Selena spent that time consoling her and doing things to distract her from her heartbreak. She and Miguel broke up after the fiasco at the party and Sam is pretty upset about it. Despite not really loving her cousin and the boy together, Selena still feels sorry for Sam and hates to see her unhappy. Miguel tried contacting both girls but they ignored him.

Selena is still upset about what transpired the night before, he acted like a completely different person. She knows he was intoxicated, which doesn't excuse anything, but she hopes this new attitude isn't permanent. Rosalía walks in with Xavier and Aaliyah, seeing the three unmotivated individuals sitting quietly. "Why are y'all still sitting here like we don't got somewhere to be???" she pipes up. She and Aaliyah stop behind the couch while Xavier scurries around it and sits on Selena, making her groan. "Bro, get off of me!" she voices, shoving him while he just cackles and fights against her. "Get up then," he counters, putting more of his weight on her.

"Mom!" Selena groans, hoping her mother will make him get off. The woman merely shrugs. "Get up and go get ready then!" she snaps back. Wow, how sweet, Selena sarcastically thinks, finally managing to shove her brother off of her. The boy laughs as he goes to stand behind the couch next to his mother. Aaliyah gazes at Sam and decides to speak up. "Sammy, baby, I'm sorry about your boyfriend- and your bestie," she utters, glancing at Selena. "But come on, you guys should go with us!" she tries to convince the girls. Rosalía nods before turning to her husband and leaning over the couch to look at his face. The man turns his head to glance at her, fighting the smile that wants to form on his lips when he sees her gorgeous face.

"Amor, we've been over this. This isn't a telenovela, you don't have to freak out so much over Robby being Johnny's son," she claims. The man gives her a somewhat vexed expression. "And it shouldn't stop you from going to the tournament. Come on, don't make me go without you!" she voices, straightening up and squeezing Daniel's shoulders. She glances at the two teenagers next to him and adds, "or you." Daniel reaches his left hand up and places it over the hand Rosalía has on his shoulder while holding his phone up with his other hand. "Nobody's making you go," he counters. He's really not in the mood to go, especially since Johnny is competing.

"Que pendejada estás diciendo? [What stupidity are you saying?] LaRusso Auto Group is one of the main sponsors, which means one of us has to be there! And we're all going so it'll be really sad if two out of the eight of us don't go," Rosalía argues, flickering her eyes between her husband, Selena, and Sam. None of them respond as they just think about her words. The woman shakes her head. "Fine, do what you want. Xavier, go make sure Adrian's ready. Aaliyah, same thing with Camila," she orders the two oldest, who both agree and go to do what she tells them. "If y'all need me, I'll be in the kitchen," she addresses the moping trio before strutting away.

Selena turns her head up to glance at Sam's face, who eyes her before gazing at her uncle. Daniel just has his fist over his mouth as he stares at the floor in thought. "I'll go if you guys want to go," Sam speaks up. "I didn't say anything," Daniel rapidly responds, trying to sound impassive. "I know. I just know it's your thing," the girl utters. Selena shifts into a sitting position and crosses her arms over her chest as she thinks about her options. She wants to go and she told Hawk she'd be there but she's nervous about seeing Miguel. She wants to stay mad at him a little longer but she knows that might change if she talks to him. "Not this year," Daniel scoffs, glancing at the two girls. Sam thinks for a moment before turning to him.

"Everyone we know is gonna be there," she claims, pointing at her cousin. Selena nods in agreement. "I did tell my friend I'd go..." she trails off as she stares at the TV. Daniel looks down in thought. "Yeah, it's the 50th anniversary..." he quietly mentions. The three exchange looks, nonverbally agreeing to go. Selena suddenly groans and flops to the side, burying her face in her dad's shoulder. "I don't want to get up though," she mutters lazily. Daniel pets her head and scoffs. "What do you want me to do, carry you?" he sarcastically asks as he stands up. Selena lets her body fall onto the couch cushions where her dad was once sitting.

"Can you?" she asks, her voice sounding muffled due to her face being pressed into the cushion. Sam laughs while the man turns to her with knitted eyebrows. She cannot be this lazy, he thinks. "No. Go get ready," he orders before heading for the staircase. Selena lightly grumbles before sitting up and sighing. She turns to her cousin and asks, "wanna carry me up the stairs?" Sam instantly responds, "no... you can carry me though!" Selena just stares at her with a small grimace. "Nah," she slowly utters before standing up. Sam giggles and gets up as well, following the girl up to her room to change.


All Valley Sports Arena

The Juárez LaRussos walk through the glass doors into the arena, seeing various other people walking around the area. Daniel and Rosalía enter first, with the kids behind them. "We don't have to stay long. We'll just check out a few matches and then we'll hit the road, alright?" the man states, setting his hand on his wife's back as he talks. Rosalía rubs his back and grins at him. "Okay," she scoffs, not believing they'll be leaving any time soon. "There he is!" George, one of the committee members calls. The couple glances up, being met by the entire committee. "Hey, everyone, it's the former champ and First Lady of the All Valley in the flesh!" George announces, clapping. Everybody starts clapping for the couple and they just smile, turning to each other.

"Good to see you, champ."

Rosalía leans closer to her husband's face. "Wow, we're famous! You still wanna leave?" she jokingly mutters in a singsong voice. Daniel just lightly chuckles before greeting his fellow committee members. When they all walk away, he steps forward, seeing a banner with a photo of him performing the crane kick in the tournament of '84. Rosalía sees this and goes toward him, looping her arm through his when she stops at his side. Her husband smiles when he sees her before they both turn back to the banner. "Feels like yesterday, huh?" the woman comments, smiling softly. Daniel lightly chuckles and nods in agreement.

"Yeah... that sure was something. I never actually imagined myself winning," he replies. Rosalía shrugs and tilts her head. "I knew you could do it. I believed in you," she informs him. The man's smile grows, feeling his stomach do backflips as he remembers how she told him those exact words after he won. They've really come a long way since then. His wife pecks his cheek before gently tugging on his arm. "Come on, let's go find our seats," she voices before they join their family.

*A few minutes later*

As the announcer calls out the competing dojos, the Juárez LaRussos make their way to the front row of the bleachers. "Front row seats. The old man still has some pull, huh?" Daniel remarks as they sit down. "I don't think it was you, that guy was basically drooling over mom," Xavier counters, making the others chuckle. Daniel, however, does not find it amusing. "Ah, no te enojes, amor [Ah, don't get mad, love]. That's just the price of having a hot wife," Rosalía teases, playfully smirking at him. Her husband rolls his eyes at this. "Yeah, I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it," he answers. Rosalía giggles and places her hand over his before turning to her left, seeing a familiar face.

"Hi, Patricia. Wow, you really went all out this year," she comments, scanning the woman's blue gi and sparkly makeup. "Well, I wanna support my baby. You know how it goes," Patricia answers. Rosalía smiles and nods at her. "Oh, yeah. Trust me, as a dance mom, I know," she responds, chuckling. She's never dressed up like this for her daughters' competitions or shows, except for wearing Lakers merch at games when Aaliyah performs, but she understands the excitement and desire to support your kid. "Fighting out of Topanga, we have Topanga Karate!" the announcer booms. Patricia abruptly shoots up and hollers, "yeah! Wooh, Topanga! You kick some ass, Xander!"

This catches multiple people's attention, including the Juárez LaRussos, who stare at her surprised. And I thought Xavier was loud, Selena thinks, touching her ear. Rosalía stares at the woman in astonishment. "Wooh!" Patricia yells once more before sitting down. She grins at Rosalía as if nothing just happened. "Go, Xander," Rosalía utters, slightly afraid as she claps. Love the energy but she's doing too much, she thinks. Karate moms scare her sometimes, they're pretty intense. "From Reseda, returning to the tournament, we have-" the announcer proceeds before getting cut off by a chorus of voices. "Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" the chant continues as the Cobras run out in a line.

The crowd erupts in cheers but Daniel just glares while Sam doesn't move. Selena lightly claps, her eyes following Miguel. She can't help but notice how good he looks. "Oh, I'm getting war flashbacks," Rosalía remarks as she watches them chant and run to their respective places. "Huh!" they yell out, ending in their poses. The woman squeezes her husband's hand, making him look at her. She sends him a reassuring look and he nods, knowing he needs to remain calm. "Now that's what I call an entrance! And a badass name for a dojo! Let's hear it for Cobra Kai!" the announcer shouts, causing the audience to go wilder.

Johnny glances over at the bleachers, spotting the couple and their family in the first row. He and Daniel make eye contact before the blonde's eyes shift to Rosalía. She just sends him a small grin, which he returns before looking away. He loves seeing her but he can't get the thought of her, Daniel, and Robby living like a happy family out of his mind nonetheless. Meanwhile, Miguel glances over at Sam, who looks away. He frowns but his face softens a bit when his eyes land on Selena. Their eyes lock, causing both of their nerves to go haywire. Miguel hates the thought of her being upset with him, he wants to make up already. Just as she suspected, Selena forgets about her anger for a moment when she meets the boy's eyes.

She tears her gaze away and looks down, so Miguel faces forward. She glances back up and this time, Hawk looks at her and smirks, nodding his head upward at her. The girl smiles and nods her head too. "And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene," the announcer declares. The Juárez LaRussos are shocked to hear this and turn their heads to the side entrance, seeing the boy jog out. Rosalía perks up when she spots him and starts clapping. "Go, Robby!" she shouts, making him grin at her as he passes by. "Wooh! Robby!" Selena shouts as her siblings cheer him on as well. "Robby!" Camila squeals, excited to see him.

Daniel stays silent, just watching the boy go to his place. Johnny looks at Robby before glancing at the family, astounded to see the support they're showing his son. Wow, he really was one of them, wasn't he? He thinks, feeling a pang in his chest. "Wow, I didn't know he was competing," Rosalía comments once the applause subsides. "Neither did I," her husband answers. She knows Robby is going to make him proud, thus changing his sullen attitude. "Alright, folks! Get ready! It's karate time," the announcer pipes up, amping the crowd up. He walks off the mat while everybody cheers and soon enough, the competition begins...

"Alright, gentlemen, you know the rules. Three points wins. Step on the mat," the referee conveys. Miguel is about to step on the mat when Johnny stops him. He whispers something to him while staring at Daniel. Daniel, Rosalía, Selena, and Sam eye him suspiciously, wondering what he's planning. Miguel nods and gets on the mat as his fellow Cobras egg him on. "And face me. Bow. Face each other, bow. Ready?" the referee commences. Miguel positions himself for the crane kick, alarming the Juárez LaRussos. That is so petty. Of course Johnny's making him do that, Rosalía thinks.

Daniel looks down, not believing what he's witnessing. "And fight!" the referee voices. Miguel's opponent runs at him but he swiftly beats him with a kick to the face. "Point!" the referee shouts, causing the audience to erupt in screams. "That's one point, Diaz!" Rosalía scoffs. She remarks, "he stole your move, man," while Selena, Sam, and Xavier say, "I can't believe he stole your move!" Daniel just looks between them all before glancing at Johnny, who gives him a goading smile. Daniel shoots him a sarcastic smile and nods while his wife sighs.

The competition goes on and it's now Robby's turn on the mat. "And fight!" the referee voices. Robby uses the techniques Daniel taught him, letting his opponent come to him. Rosalía watches attentively, excited for the boy. The way her husband is also invested doesn't go unnoticed by her. She knows he's secretly rooting for him too. "Hiyah!" Robby yells, striking his opponent's chest. "Point!" the official announces. "Wooh! Yeah, Robby!" Rosalía, Selena, and the other kids shriek, clapping for him. Daniel lets an excited "yes" slip out as he slightly gets out of his seat before biting his lip and sitting back down, trying to keep his enthusiasm down.

"That's two points, Keene!"

Rosalía turns to him, grinning when she sees his excited state. She decides to not say anything, knowing that if she does, he'll try even harder to pretend he's not on Robby's team. The fights continue and Rosalía and the kids cheer loudly for Aisha when she beats her competitor. The woman notices how proud Johnny is when she wins. She can tell he really does care about his students. Now, Hawk is in the ring. "Fight!" the referee declares. Selena analyzes his fighting style, he's certainly aggressive but a very good fighter. He is definitely not shy little old Eli anymore. He runs at his opponent and lands a punch to his face, knocking him down and making the crowd roar.

The referee snatches his arm before grabbing his wrist and lifting it into the air, pointing at him. "Wooh! Hawk!" Selena encourages her friend. "Yeah! Yeah!" the boy shrieks, stepping forward. Suddenly, he rips his shirt off and tosses it to the ground as he continues to yell. Selena is taken aback by this. Oh, okay, so this is what we're doing now, she thinks, clapping as she gives him a confused look. 

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