Love On Tour - H.S.

By horaansprincess

156K 2K 703

Harry and Y/N's relationship was one everyone wanted. Everyone loved seeing them together because they were a... More

Day Before Tour
Las Vegas
San Antonio
The Days After The Break up - 1
The Days After The Break Up - 2
The Days After The Break Up - 3
St. Louis
Drama 1
St. Paul
MSG Night 1
MSG Night 3
The Days After The MSG Shows
Holmes Chapel - 1
Holmes Chapel - 2
The Days Before Harryween
Harryween Night 1
Harryween Night 2
The Days After Harryween - 1
The Days After Harryween - 2
The Days After Harryween - 3
The Days After Harryween - 5
San Diego
LA Night 1
LA Night 3
LA Night 3 (cont.)
Little Rock
Long Island
Epilogue - The Dinner
Epilogue - The Baby Stuff
Epilogue - The Birth
Epilogue - The Baby

The Days After Harryween - 4

3.2K 61 8
By horaansprincess

no tiktok reference

harry's pov


I sat in the backseat of the car as I watched the cars fly down the streets of New York. The soft music from the radio played as the aroma of the Chinese food spread throughout the car. I tapped my foot in anticipation to see Y/N. The past couple of days without her were sad. The show was great, no doubt. I love being in front of everyone and spreading love, but not having Y/N there was disheartening.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw my bodyguard nodding his head toward my phone. "Your phone is ringing."

"Thanks, man." I reached into my pocket and saw a call from an unknown number. I knew better than to answer some random number, but my gut told me to pick it up and so I did.

"Hello?" I shifted in my seat when I heard an American accent.

"Harry, hi. It's Timothee."

"Uh, hi?" I replied in a questioning tone. Why is he calling me?

"I'm sorry for calling, I'm sure you're busy, but Y/N's not answering her phone and we're all waiting for her decision."

"Decision? For what?" I asked, genuinely confused about where he was going with this conversation. Why is Y/N not picking up? Is she okay? Fuck, I need to get home.

"Her decision? Has she made up her mind? We all want her to do this movie."

"Hold on, Timothee. I'm confused. Why is she making a decision, I thought she was doing it?"

"Oh...You don't know do you?"

"Know what? I'm completely lost on why you are questioning Y/N's decision." I looked up in frustration and saw Jeff looking more nervous than usual.

"You should ask Y/N. I gotta go."

"Timothee you better not ha-" My sentence was cut short by the ending sound of the call. He's lucky I see Jeff squirming in his seat or I'd be blowing up his phone.

What the fuck is going on?

"Jeff. Tell me what you know right now." I spat from the backseat, he's lucky he's in the front and I can't strangle him right now.

"Let's talk about this in the office, we can head ov-"

"No, fuck you. I want to go home to see my girl, but I know you know something and you better tell me right now."

"Maybe we should talk somewhere private."

"I said no. Fucking listen to me for once, tell me why the hell Timothee was calling me about Y/N's decision. What the fuck happened while I was gone?" My head was going to explode anytime soon.

"Olivia...she-uh is umm friends with Max." He took a brief pause before continuing, "He's the director of Y/N's movie and Olivia is blackmailing Max to replace Y/N."

My eyes went wide at his statement, I shot up from my seat, but was held down by my bodyguard. "Is she fucking mental? Why the fuck is she doing this, for fuck sake, man."

"She wants you." Jeff mumbled.

"Olivia? Are you fuckin serious? I thought we were done after this tour. Why is she bringing Y/N in this?" I could fucking strangle somebody right now.

I wonder how Y/N feels, god she must be so stressed about everything. I left her when she was sick and now this is happening. She had no one to talk to and it's all my fault. My hands trembled as I reached for the box of tissues.

"I- I don't know she must have done something to change Max's mind, this doesn't have anything to do with me." He looked outside the window and avoided any eye contact with me.

"Let me get this straight...Olivia is th-threatening to take Y/N out of this movie if she can't have me?" My words were now coming out as slurs as a small sob escaped my mouth.

I'm so fucking tired of everything.

Why can't it all stop.

I just want to be happy.

"H...I'm sorry."

"FUCK." I growled, kicking Jeff's seat from behind, making him stiffen. "You're lucky I'm home right now, or I'd fucking fly to wherever the fuck Olivia and this so called Max is."

The car came to an abrupt stop. I grabbed the chinese food in one hand and my luggage in the other. Slamming the car door shut, not caring if I dented that shit. I need to see Y/N. We really need to talk. She needs to take this movie, I don't care if I have to fake my love towards Olivia. As long as Y/N gets everything she wants because she deserves the fucking world for dealing with my bullshit and everything that comes along with it.

"It's nice to be home." I mumbled as I walked into the elevator. My hands felt like they were going to fall off. New York weather is so cold sometimes, I just want to be somewhere warm. Preferably Y/N's arms.

"Harry? Is that you?" I heard Y/N say as the elevator dinged.

"It's me, darling." I called out. Her feet came padding across the floorboards as she ran towards me. I placed down the food on the table and prepared to catch her in my arms. "I've missed you so so much." I mumbled in her hair.

"I miss you a ton, please don't leave again." She whispered in my neck, making me giggle a little.

"Just come with me next time." I replied. She shrugged her shoulders and her eyes flickered towards the food. "Bring it to the table, I'll get the table ready."

"How was your week?" I asked, using the chopsticks to dump some food on my plate.

"Eh, nothing eventful happened. What about you? How was your show?" Liar, such a bad liar.

"Pretty good. I wore a tan outfit, but I don't know if they liked it as much as the Nashville and Vegas one."

"Definitely not my favorite, but it suited you." Y/N giggled. Her laughter echoed throughout the room and I felt at home. Felt good to be around her, she makes everything so much better. "Oh! And I also helped a friend named Lisa come out to her mom."

"Aw, that must have been so special for them."

"It was...I'll always be grateful that they trust me enough to do those sort of things." That's what I loved most about my fans, my friends. They trust me just as much as I trust them. I wouldn't be where I am without them. I owe them everything and more for giving me a job I love. They gave me Y/N. If it wasn't for the fans, One Direction wouldn't have been a thing and Y/N wouldn't know me. Which pains me to even think about. "I love you, special girl."

"I love you too, but can you not um..." She looked away sheepishly. "Um use that nickname anymore? It just brings up a lot of memories from you know when we were broken up and dont get me wrong, I love how I got the nickname because I mean the sex was great and all that night, but I think we just need a new know for a new start."

"Babe, you're rambling. I'll come up with a new one, it's fine, but I'll agree the sex was mindblowing even if it was your first time." I winked.

She threw a chopstick at me and shook her head, "Stoppppppp."

"That wasn't smart of you, how are you going to eat your food?" I teased, waving the chopstick in the air. She huffed out in annoyance and reached for the chopstick, but I immediately retracted my hand. "Say please."

"Give it to me, asshole."

"That's not very nice of you, darling." I taunted.

"Please give it to me..." She looked me straight in the eyes as she pushed out her bottom lip and whispered, "daddy."

My mind went feral. I swear I could have came right then and there. My mind was in sex heaven and didn't even notice her pluck the chopstick out of my hand.

"Thanks, daddy." She winked, before diving in straight into her food. Meanwhile, I was still in shock. I had to palm my clothed crotch to settle it down before it got any worse.

"Anyways, darling. Are you feeling better? Has your sickness gone away?"

In response she shrugged her shoulders and mumbled a quiet 'kind of'.

"Do you need me to get you something?" I questioned as I opened one of the takeout boxes that had Kung Pao Tofu. One of Y/N's favorites. I poured some of the tofu onto my plate until I heard Y/N make a gagging noise. I looked up from my plate to see her face scrunched up in disgust as she plugged her nose with her fingers. "Babe? What's wrong?"

"Please, put it away." She said, using her free hand to point to the tofu.

"But, I thought this was your favorite?"

"It was—it is, but the smell...I can't stand it right now."

"Sorry baby, fuck. I didn't know." I rushed to put all of the tofu back into the container, letting a couple more curse words fall out of my lips.

"H, baby. It's okay, you couldn't have known because I didn't know either."

I nodded my head, but kept quiet as I quickly shoved the remaining food in my mouth. I was messing up everything today.

"H, you alright? You seem tense?" Y/N asked, after she finished chewing her mouthful of food.

I didn't know when the right time to bring up Timothee was. I didn't want to stress her out even more, but I knew we had to talk about this sooner or later. I could wait until we finished dinner, but I knew we would end up in bed and get carried away, therefore leaving me no time to talk about the situation.

Or I could wait until tomorrow...

No, I should do it right now. While it's still fresh in my head. Right?


"Actually, there's something I need to talk to you about." I dropped my chopsticks on the table and looked her in her eyes. "Timothee called..." I saw her eyes widen and I knew she knew what I was going to bring up. "I know you know what I'm going to say so please let's save the energy and get straight to it. Why are you debating on the answer? You know I'd be fine if you took the role, I'd keep Olivia happy for a while, just to see you happy for an eternity."

"I'm dropping out of it, Harry. Please just drop it." She sighed, she looked down at her food and used her chopsticks to pick out the pieces of vegetables she didn't like.

"Babe! You can't do that, this is your dream, your passion, don't give up on it because of her. You're breaking my heart by choosing to be with me, I'd never let you put me over your career. This is something you want."

"But I want you too Harry." She looked around the room avoiding my gaze, just like Jeff did, she knows something I don't. My heart slightly cracked when I noticed a tear slip out of her eye.

"And I'd choose you over any fucking person on this planet, but you can't choose me right now. You can't let this opportunity go."

"I made up my mind Harry, just fucking drop it." She pushed her chair back, threw her napkin on her plate, and made an attempt to leave in which I interfered.

"Don't walk away from me." I mumbled.

"Let go, Harry. I don't want to sit here and listen to you tell me what to do." She attempted to tug her arm away, but failed when I held on tighter and stood up from my seat. "You're hurting me, Harry."

My mood softened a bit and I let her go, but followed as she trekked into the bedroom. "Baby, please pick the movie."

"Harry, I can't let you go." She sobbed. I sat down next to her in bed and grabbed her jaw with my right hand to angle it where we were eye to eye.

"Yes you can, baby. Just until this movie is over." I kissed her lips and wiped away her tears. "Then I'll be yours again."

"No. Bec-because what if you fall for her?" She squeezed her eyes shut after the words fell from her soft lips. "Like truly fall for her this time?"

"Open your eyes." She fluttered them slowly and her pretty eyes were now in line with mine. "You are the only person who will ever have my heart on a leash. I can not love someone after being with you because you are my soulmate, my person, my love, my eternity."

"Harry, please stop making it so hard. You know I love you and I know you'd come back to me, but I don't want to risk losing your heart."

"Y/N, stop." I said sternly.

"No, this is how I feel Harry. What if that leash gets detached? What if someone unhooks it and makes you forget about me? What if YOU take off that leash."

"I told you I wouldn't. Stop trying to counter my words. It's like you don't have faith in me." This time I'm standing up, I'm pacing around the room trying to understand why she was pushing everything I was saying away,

"I do have faith in you, Harry. Stop doubting that."

"I can't stop fucking doubting it when you're sitting here talking about how my love for you is going to disappear. I can last 2-3 fucking months without you, okay? I've done it before, I can do it again."

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Y/N's voice went up a few octaves and it was my turn to feel scared.

"I didn't mean it like that, I swear."

"Yeah then what did you mean then? Because it sure as hell sounds like you're willing to drop me."

"No, that's not what I fucking mean and you know that. I just want you to understand that I would rather have you do this movie than to lose it because of me."

"I can't lose you. I need you more than ever." She walked towards her purse to grab something out of it, but it was too small for me to see. "I can't fucking lose you anymore. I can't do this alone."

She sauntered towards me, but my eyes were fixed on the small piece of paper in her hand. My heart pounded faster with every step she took, my eyes begging to see what she's holding in her hand. When she stopped in front of me, she made eye contact with me before whispering, "I can't have this baby without you."

My whole world suddenly stopped, a baby?

She's pregnant..

I'm going to be a father.

"Honey, you're having a baby?" I smiled as tears trickled down my face

"We're having a baby, H. Which is why I can't lose you. I choose you and this baby. I can find another movie, but I am not going to lose you, not again. I didn't want to tell you like this, I had bigger plans, but I couldn't risk losing you."

I stayed silent for a while, everything was such a shock. This was the last thing I ever thought would happen, but I'm not sad about it. I'm ecstatic. I've dreamt about this moment for so long and for it to finally come true is everything to me.

"H, are you happy?"

"I'm so fucking happy my love. I'm on cloud nine." I truthfully answered.

"Good, because Baby Styles is going to be here in May of next year."

My eyes widened at that, that's so soon. I haven't read any parenting books, I haven't done any research, I have to ask for advice. I need to call Mitch. I have to prepare for this baby -- my baby.

"I can see you freaking out. Let's just enjoy this moment together, without any of the negative stuff in our way." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck. I picked her up by her waist, kissed her, and twirled her around.

"I'm so fucking happy that you're having my baby and it's all of my business." I can't believe this is happening. She wrapped her legs around me and snuggled her head into the crook of my neck. "Mhm, let's name her Kiwi." I suggested.

She pulled her face out of my neck and looked at me amused. "First of all, her? And second of all, definitely not."

"It's definitely a girl, she's going to be my spoiled little princess, but we have to make sure she grows up with a British accent, so she can go around flaunting it to everyone. Oh! And we could tell Lambert and Harris to create a Gucci suit for her. A floral one, with ruffles on the sleeves. And we ca-"

"Mhm, let's slow down tiger. Our baby will not be dressed in all Gucci and you're not going to spoil him or her. I already have you as a spoiled brat, I don't need another." Y/n giggled. I walked towards the bed and slowly placed her on her back while I stayed hovered over her.

"We'll see about that, baby mama." And that's when I had the greatest idea. "That's it! That's your new nickname. Baby Mama."

"Sounds good to me..." Y/N wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me in closer, making my crotch meet hers. "daddy."

"Bad girl, such a bad girl." I shook my head in a playful way. "My baby mama needs some punishing for being such a dirty slut."

"Do it. I dare you."

Harry's future child is going to be the most fashionable child ever.

I cant wait for everyone else to find out about Harry and Y/N's child. Anne is going to freakkkk out.

This story is flying by so fast. We have one more "Days After Harryween" chapters and a couple more of show chapters (Sacramento, San Diego, LA, etc.)

Then the epilogues. I'm planning on having 3-5 epilogues and then maybe a sequel when Love On Tour continues, but thats still a maybe.

I've worked in a couple of imagines so that'll be out when this book is over. I love you all. Enjoy x.

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