The Billionaire CEO

By AidinWhite

49.4K 1.3K 90

{Book #4 of The Winters Series} Five years out of school, and five years that Winters Group had prospered and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six

Chapter Sixty One

577 13 2
By AidinWhite

Walking across the tarmac to a Range Rover I held open the back door to let Olivia get in before sliding in after her.

"Where to sir?" the driver asks looking up into the mirror.

"Knightsbridge please" I say as Olivia leans against my arm and I smile lightly down at her.

"Yes sir".

The car then pulls away as we were driven through London, something I liked about North London was that there was a more suburban feel to it rather then metropolis.

Trees began to line the houses each with various stylings that all seemed to connect the neighborhood until we got to a gate with my symbol in the middle of it which opened allowing the car in and after passing a line of trees the large cobbled siding house came into view before the car pulled into a square courtyard before we got out and I looked around the nine door wrap around garage.

I always had liked this house it reminded me of the estates that the wealthy of the past would live in long before there was contempory smart homes, and glass penthouses.

"I forgot how big this place was" Olivia mutters.

"Even when compared to our house in the Hamptons it's big" I laugh as I walk over to a side door that would lead into a lounge area that was connected to my garage.

We both then walked through the white walled house with black vinyl wood flooring.

Eventually I went upstairs to the bedroom of the house and began rifling through my clothing mostly because I wanted to go to a special event later tonight since me and Olivia didn't get to go to the anniversary of Winters Group, and we both enjoyed the charity piece of it so that was what I had found before we had even come to London.

"What are you looking for?" Olivia asks walking into the wooden closet.

"A suit, tonight there's a charity event and I want to go to it since I wasn't able to go to the WGI December Party so why not go to an event that does the same thing" I say pulling a black and grey diamond outline patterned blazer, and pants off of its assigned section out of the closet.

"I don't have anything to wear though".

"Have you seen the end of your closet?".

"Yes and I wouldn't know what to pick" she says, and I lie my chosen outfit over a dressing couch before walking into the side of the closet that belonged to Olivia since it teed off only to be met by all her clothes while on the other side was mine.

"How about" I drag out while scanning the line of clothing until my eyes landed on a dark blue velvety looking dress with a single off shoulder design in a mermaid style. Like me she kept clothing organized by event, style, and class of clothing. "This".

I then pulled it down and held it out to her.

"I don't think I've ever wore this" she admits looking at it and walking into her powder room to look at it. "It's stunning".

"Like you" I say leaning in the doorway catching sight of the adorable blush on her face.

"Such a charmer" she muses walking past me.

"For no one else but you" I smirk walking out of her side of the closet to go have a shower and put on what I had chosen.

Walking into the bathroom I stripped and stepped into the shower before letting the rain shower do it's job by rinsing my skin, and relaxing the muscles in my back.

I then stared down watching all the water run off my shoulders feeling it run down my neck and face falling in a jagged circle around my face down to the marble floor of the shower and flowing down the drain.

When I got out I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist before going to change into what I was going to wear for the event since it was going to be a mid day type of event but that was also at a lunch time for an expensive art auction that would be attended by all of London's elite members of society.

As I closed the cuff links of my jacket I turned to see Olivia dressed and ready to go. She looked breathtaking, not that she wasn't already but somehow she managed to make herself look a lot more stunning.

"You look gorgeous Livi" I remark with a coy smile something that was rare for me but I was honestly just surprised I didn't look like a cartoon character with my jaw on the floor while looking at her.

"And you look handsome" Olivia says smoothing out my jacket before looking up at me.

"Thank you bellissima" I say, before gesturing towards the door, "we should go now" I add and she just smiles and nods before we walked out, heading down to the entryway and making out way to the garage where I looked over all of the cars.

"Which one should we take?".

"The Regera" Olivia gestures towards the grey, black, and red car.

"Alright then" I say pulling open the drawer and taking the key to the car before walking over to it and lifting the dihedral doors and sliding in while Olivia got in on the other side before I started the car and drove out of the garage before heading off towards where the event was going to take place.

London in Winter was probably the most peaceful at least to me it was, I liked it more then anything because by then it had been rid of the obnoxious people that spent all of August showing off making people leave this wonderful city.

Half an hour later I was in Central Chelsea and spotted the building with various expensive cars lining the curb and their sharply dressed occupants or owners walking up a short set of stairs into what seemed to be a decadently designed lobby.

Parking in the half circle loop I got out before going around to help Olivia out while a valet jogged over to us.

"I'll pay you a hundred pence to leave it there" I say and the boy who seemed to be in his late teens stopped short at what I said.

"You don't have to" he says, "Mr. Winters".

"No need to be so formal, and I have to much anyway" I say handing him the money I said I would before Olivia and I walked away from the curb as the boy pocketed the money while we entered into the lobby that seemed to be pulled straight out of the Palace of Versailles.

We then walked into a large room with numerous round tables before a server carrying glasses came over to us.

"Laurent-Perrier Cuvée Brut Rosé" he offers.

"Is it non alcoholic?" I ask eyeing it carefully.

"No but I can get you some" he says.

"Thank you" I say while Olivia takes a glass and we walk over to our table which was numbered and set up neatly and elegantly.

After a moment a sharply dressed hostess walked out.

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to this years London Charity event for rare art, please get comfortable and we will be starting in a moment".

"Time to watch the bidding war begin" I mutter under my breath and I can see Olivia laugh.

"Probably" she smiles.


Alright todays update is a little bit late kind of but I sort of had a lot happen today so that's literally my only excuse, I hope you all enjoyed it, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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