Mr Holmes and Miss Hooper - a...

By beingonstageismagic

1.4K 20 4

Molly Hooper and her sister, Loo, have just moved to London after losing their father. Molly gets a new job t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 24

40 1 0
By beingonstageismagic

The weekend rolled around again faster than it should have done. Both Sherlock and Molly were so busy at school and at home that they had barely had time to do anything but say good morning and goodnight. Sherlock did the best he could, he made breakfast for the three of them every morning and made sure to always ask Molly how her day was when they were finally heading home. He often finished before her and waited for her to be done, but he didn't tell her that. He didn't want her to rush what she was doing just so he didn't have to wait. In the evenings, they would take it in turns to cook or cook together and then they would settle on the sofa, stacks of marking in front of them. Molly would stick a playlist of theirs on and they'd work in comfortable silence. Sherlock never commented on the fact that Molly made sure a part of her was always touching him. More often than not, it was her leg swung over the top of his, or her feet shoved under his bum if she was cold. He had adjusted to sharing their space more easily than he had thought, everything just felt so natural with Molly. Mary was right, this domesticity thing really did suit him.

Molly shouted her presence to the house when she got back, bags of shopping in tow. She muttered a sorry as she realised Sherlock was on the phone before setting about putting the groceries away.

"Mycroft, I really don't think ... I'm sure they do ... maybe I want to do it on my own terms ... well yes, it seems none of you understand what that means ... fine ... yes, yes whatever ... okay, we'll be there. Goodbye Mycroft."

Sherlock let out an exasperated sigh as he slipped into the kitchen. He grabbed Molly by the waist and pulled her into him, she let out a gasp as she crashed into his chest. He lowered his lips to hers. She hummed appreciatively into his mouth. He held her there for a while, moving his lips over hers. She had only been to the shops but he found that now it was possible for them to be together all the time, he missed her far too much when they were not.

"Hello to you too." She giggled. He hummed at her. "Everything okay?"

"It is now that you're back." He kissed her again as she blushed and swatted at his chest.

"I was referring to your phone call. It was your brother, right?" He nodded, she looked slightly dejected as she added, "Have you got to go on a case?"

He smiled and brushed her hair from her face. "Err, no. Not this time. It's- it's something a little different actually."

"Oh yeah?" She had busied herself putting the shopping away again, plodding about the kitchen and opening and closing cupboards. She stretched up to put the sugar on a top shelf but she couldn't quite reach. Sherlock came up behind her and slipped the item from her hand. His body was flush against hers and she still wasn't used to how good that felt.

"It's my parents actually, they want to meet you." He said it from behind her. Her heart stopped, she hadn't really thought about meeting Sherlock's family. She supposed it was only right. Even though she and Loo didn't have many people left, Sherlock had still met her Grandfather over their weekly facetime.

"Oh." It was the only sound she could make when he was pressed up against her like that, he stepped back. When she looked at him he looked nervous which did nothing to settle the butterflies in her own stomach.

"Does that sound okay? Would you mind?" His gaze was on his hands. Molly realised then that she would have to be the bold one right now. She shook out her shoulders and took a step towards him, taking his face in her hands,

"It sounds more than okay. I'd love to."

He breathed again, he hadn't realised he'd been holding his breath.

"That's good, that's good because, well, they want to meet you tomorrow."

She took in a sharp breath, that was a little sooner than she expected but it would be okay. He rushed to justify the immediacy.

"They figured that if I'm willing to move in with you then it's about time they met you in person."

"That's valid, we can handle that."

"I hope so." was his response.


Molly subconsciously ran her hands over the skirt of her summer dress, self consciously smoothing out the creases before pulling her cardigan further onto her shoulders. Sherlock reached for her hand as they made their way up the steps of Musgrave Hall. Molly had been stunned when they'd driven through the gates. She knew Sherlock's family were wealthy, but she didn't realise they were Downton Abbey wealthy. She wasn't sure she'd scrub up to much in the face of his parents. She was suddenly quite glad they had left Loo at home. Sherlock's parents had kindly invited her but Molly had said it was probably best to introduce them to one lowly but intense Hooper girl first before shoving two into their lives.

"Relax, I promise they're not as grandiose as they seem." He kissed her head.

"Do you - Sherlock, what if they don't like me?"

"Molly, they're going to love you."

"Are you sure?"

"I promise. They've been waiting for Mycroft and me to settle down for years. You're in their good books already simply because the idea of you allows my Mother to imagine a wedding ceremony. And let's not forget how you also propose the possibility of grandkids. That's definitely going to make you the favourite person of the night."

Molly was a bit shocked at how easily he'd mentioned marriage and children. Did Sherlock really think about having those things with her? She knew she dreamt of those things with him but to hear that he considered them too was enough to make her head spin. She didn't get much chance to think about it though because before she knew it Sherlock had knocked on the door and a man she recognised to be Mycroft was welcoming them inside. Sherlock and he greeted each other with a mere nod but he at least had the decency and etiquette to shake Molly's hand and say that it was nice to meet her. She followed Sherlock through the high ceilinged hallways until they reached a large sitting room. An elderly couple sat together on a far sofa and they both jumped up with great excitement when they saw them in the doorway. Sherlock gave Molly's hand a comforting squeeze - his way of telling her you've got this before he stepped forward to greet his parents. His mother tugged him in for a hug and was visibly surprised when Sherlock actually hugged her back, albeit one-handed.

"Oh, my boy! Let me look at you," she pulled back to rake her eyes up his tall form, "oh, you look so happy! Doesn't he look happy, dear?"

"Yes, he does. How are you son?" His father stepped forward and gave him a firm but loving handshake.

"I'm well, thank you." Sherlock shifted so he could slide his hand around Molly's back and bring her to his side, "Mother, Father, this is Molly."

"Hi." Her voice was more sheepish than expected but her smile was warm, Sherlock noted. "It's really nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Holmes."

"Oh Sherlock, she's beautiful!" His Mother's exclamation didn't do anything to help the blush rising in her cheeks. She was swiftly pulled into a warm hug by the woman. "My dear, you must call me Violet." She squeezed Molly's shoulders before her husband cut in,

"And I'm Siger. I'm afraid I'm a hugger too." He pushed her outstretched hand aside and pulled her in for a hug. "The boys just don't like it." Siger whispered into her hair and she giggled into his shoulder. She could see where Sherlock got his towering height from. Even in his older age, Siger stood a head and shoulders above her. Molly ignored the lump in her throat at the feeling of a fatherly hug. It was such a unique thing. She had almost forgotten what it felt like. Almost. She knew from the look in Sherlock's eyes that he recognised what she was feeling. For someone supposedly with no soul, he was very emotionally attentive.

"Come, come." Violet had taken her hand again as soon as she had stepped away from Siger, "I brought down all of Sherlock's baby photos for you to see."

Sherlock groaned but was saved when his father chimed in with a "Violet dear, should we go check on the chicken?"

"Ahh yes! Silly me, don't worry, my dear," she patted Molly on the cheek, "we can look later."

Molly straight up laughed at Sherlock's face as his parents left the room.


The dinner Sherlock's parents had served was utterly delicious. It was such a spread that Molly didn't think she would eat for a week. And it went really smoothly. Conversation flowed easily and it was very obvious to Molly that the genius really does run in the family. She reckons the Holmeses are perhaps the most magnificent people she has ever met. Even the famed brothers were getting along tonight, barring a few snide comments about Mycroft and desserts. Then again, Molly expected that they had both had to promise to be on their best behaviour.

Now, she found herself sitting with Violet Holmes on a sofa with a roaring fire in front of them and an album of Sherlock's baby photos on her knee. Sherlock himself had sunk deep into his armchair, seated next to his father's. Somehow in the big victorian style chairs, Sherlock and Siger still seemed larger than life. Mycroft had disappeared on a work call but the evidence of a cake plate and some crumbs gave away where he had been sitting on the opposite couch.

"Oh here!", Violet pointed enthusiastically at a photo. "This was Sherlock's pirate phase," she leant into Molly and brought her hand up to cover her mouth, "which lasted longer than you would think actually."


"It's true, Sherlock! You used to run around the house screaming bloody murder and accusing us of stealing your loot." Molly giggled and Sherlock just sank even deeper into his chair. Siger's rich laugh joined Molly's.

"Yes, I remember. I used to tie chocolate coins to Redbeard's collar and you loved it."


Violet gasped, "Sherlock! Have you not told Molly about Redbeard?"

"Clearly not." Molly gave him a look and he at least had the decency to look slightly apologetic for his sarcasm.

"Dear me! Redbeard, my dear, was Sherlock's beloved dog."

"A fine Red Setter." Siger chimed in.

"Yes, he was beautiful! Used to follow Sherlock everywhere, they were inseparable."

"Oh wow." Violet pointed to a picture of Sherlock and Redbeard in the album for Molly to see, "He certainly was gorgeous!" She looked up to her boyfriend, "I didn't know you liked dogs, Sherlock?"

He shrugged, "I'm content with Toby's companionship."


"My tabby cat."

Violet and Siger shared a look. It was obvious to Molly what they were inferring. Sherlock was willing to live his life as a cat person purely because she has a cat. From what she had learnt tonight, and over their time together, Sherlock was never one to give up on anything for anyone else. She smiled at him and blushed a little bit, he really did love her in his own special way.

Sherlock slapped his knees and stood up, "Well, we best get off. It is a school night after all."


"School night, Mother. Must get home." He flashed her a tight-lipped smile. His mother accepted defeat faster than Molly had anticipated.

"Yes well, it was lovely to meet you, Molly." Violet stood to hug her,

"Yes, hopefully, we'll get to see a little bit more of you." Siger gave her a hug then too, but not before flashing a pointed look in Sherlock's direction.

"It was so nice to finally meet you, thank you so much for your hospitality." Molly smiled brightly at them.

"I'm sure more dinners can be arranged but for now I've had enough embarrassment for one night." Sherlock's voice had a surprising chuckle beneath it. He kissed his mother on her cheek and shook his Father's hand before briskly whizzing Molly out of the door and into the car.

"God, that gets suffocating after a while doesn't it?"

"Sherlock!" Molly admonished. "Your parents are lovely. You should be happy to spend time with them while they're still here." She didn't mean to sound so sad, but she suddenly felt an overwhelming melancholy as she remembered her own parents. Sherlock reached for her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze,

"I know, and I am. But around them, I can't do this." He leant across the car and kissed her as if he hadn't kissed her for days instead of hours. She smiled widely when he pulled away, mirroring his own. Confident that her sadness had been quenched, Sherlock started up the car.

They drove home chatting about nothing and everything and before she knew it, Molly was snuggling up against him in bed. He hummed into her hair and kissed her forehead. Her voice sounded soft in the quiet.


"Yes, my love?"

"You don't have to give things up for me you know."

His brow furrowed and he shifted so he could face her, "What do you mean?"

"I just feel like you're giving up a lot of things for me and even though I love you for it, I can't help but feel a little guilty."

"Molls, I'm happy. With. You." He punctuated his words with kisses. She breathed out a laugh.

"I know, and I'm happy too. It's just, well, even John said you've been taking fewer cases since I've been around and you never mentioned the idea of a dog purely because I have a cat and-"

"Molly," he hushed her rambling, "I have everything I need." She smiled sheepishly, but he could tell she still didn't quite believe him. "How about this? I promise I'll take a case next weekend and then I'll come home and tell you all about it, okay?"

She smiled wide and dazzling. "Okay."

Sherlock let out one of his deep chuckles, "Wow, Molls. I didn't realise me going away on a case would make you so happy."

"No, I meant-", she swatted at him when she saw he was joking. "You said you'd come home to me. I liked it."

"Home is where you are, Molly Hooper."

He kissed her again and mumbled 'I love you' as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Molly followed shortly after, his heartbeat the perfect lullaby.

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