Abducted By A Thug Was Not My...

By ILoveMeTurntUp

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I didn't accept the hug; i didn't want to accept it. He let go and kiss me. And for some reason I kiss him ba... More

Kidnapped Pt.2
So Ready!!
Dinner Or Teasing?
Feeling Some Type Of Way
The Basement
The Game+Crazy
I see Now
Author Note
Don't Say Nothing!
Chained Up
The Visit/Awkward
Bye Felicia!
The Party!
He's Nice
Going to School!
His Shirt!
Practice and Ice Cream
Author Note
I Love You!
Shortcake Fight
Black Figure
Locked Bathroom
Pills Label
Secret Spills Out
Tragic: Part I
Tragic: Part 2
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Its Here!!


13.2K 250 28
By ILoveMeTurntUp

Warning: This book may have a lot of explicit language. Some sex scenes and violence. You have been warned so read at your own risk. Please do not steal my work. You should not be plagiarizing anyways. If you have to steal someone else work then you should not be a writer because clearly you do not have any imagination. Anyways Enjoy Abducted By A Thug Was Not My Plan. :)

Have you ever been kidnapped by a thug, wait I'll take that question back... I guess that answer is an absolutely no. Well I have, and it's the scariest shit that ever happened in my. Here's my story.


"Aww!!" I moaned.

The water splash on my back so smoothly. I grab my bar of soap and rag and stared to scrub myself down.

After my delightful, pleasing shower I dried myself off and wrapped my towel around my petite body. I stood in front of my sink which is by the door so I can brush my--


"Ouch damn! Do you knock?" I said rolling my eyes trying to hold back my tears. This is the fourth time she hit me with that damn door on my poor pinky toe.

"My bad Ang" my roommate Sasha says, using the nickname she gave me.

"Damn. Every time I be hype, taking a good ass shower, you always have to ruin it." I crouch down on the cold tile floor to massage my pinky toe for it's dearest life.

"I'm sorry Ang. I didn't mean to." Sasha looks at me for a minute as she she saw my eyes getting watery. "Are you about cry?" she ask while trying not to laugh.

Damn she always thinks something funny; that mess is not funny my toe is stinging in upsetting pain.

"No, damn!" I said trying to sound normal.

"Oh, okay well I'm sorry again, I just came in here for my toothbrush" She grabs her toothbrush but says "sorry" once again before leaving out of the door. I see her ass trying not to laugh so I don't know why she trying to hide it?

"Yeah right" I said closing the door right behind her.


"Thanks for making breakfast Sasha, that was very decent" I said cleaning my mouth from the crumbs that been created around my lips.

"No problem, Ang" she said clearing the table.

"So what are your plans today?" I ask getting up to get my phone that is behind my back pocket.

"Umm, maybe study for my exams or hang out with Derek" Sasha says while washing the dishes. Derek is her boyfriend, I can tell she loves him by every time she says his name.

"Oh, true. Josh and I are going to the library today to study for our exams" I said not looking up from my phone once.

"But I though you had to practice hard for track" Sasha said mocking me. She knows how I am with track. I strive to be the best track player their is out there and i'm not letting nobody stop me. If that takes practicing 24/7 then be it.

"Oh, trust me I am. Soon after me and Josh are done studying" I said getting up from my stool and stretching .

"Yea, whatever don't run to late though" Overprotective Sasha says.

"Yes, ma'am"


"So I think the vocabulary concept test would go by fine" I said talking to Josh.

"Yeah, that should be easy, what i'm worrying about is the arithmetic part" Josh said in a uncomfortable way.

"I'm pretty sure you got it" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Thanks for trying to encourage me Angelina but i'm sure I can take the complement later" Josh said closing his books and putting them in his bagpack.

This is how Josh and I study goes everyday; depressing and boring. I really like him when we are not studying. He's more cheerful and nice.

"So who are you interviewing on Sunday?" I ask trying to change the subject. Josh loves to interview people. That's what he want to do for his career, so right now he's in practice mode.

"Ronald McDonald!!" I turned around and their was a girl looking right at me. She looked very upset like she wanted to beat me up. Her hands were closed into fist and I swear I see steam coming from her nostrils. Why did she call Ronald McDonald, what did I ever do to her? I said nothing, but just looked bewildered.

"Yeah I'm talking to you, you little whore."


Oh my gosh she just smack another girl. Next thing I know they were fighting. The girl that call the other girl "Ronald McDonald" was clawing her opponent in the eye. The girl shrieked in pain as she tried to escape from the mad woman grip that now had the girl right arm twisted behind her back.

"Wow, fighting in the library." Josh said shaking his head out of shame. "Come on let's go" Josh said helping me put my stuff in my book bag. He then held his hand out for me to grab.

Is it bad that I kind of wanted to stay. I mean that crazy girl was wopping the other girl ass.

We was out of the library but it took us some time to get out just for people crowding the way just to see the insane fight.

"I thought that girl was calling me Ronald McDonald" I admitted. I thought the girl was trying to fight me.

Josh burst out and started to laugh. "Why would she be talking about you Angelina?"

Josh looks so cute when he laughs.

"I don't know it just look like she was starting at me" I said in all seriousness. I mean clearly that girl eyes were on me. Was it?

Once again Josh took my seriousness as a joke. He stared to chuckle again. "Oh, that's because she cross-eyed. She's in one of my classes. Her name is Trisha, Trishana something like that" Josh said laughing hysterically.

"Oh" I said laughing along with him. Well that explains it.

"You really didn't hear them confronting eachother the whole time?" Josh ask looking at me with his gray eyes.

I maybe didn't hear them because I was distracted by your God like structure.

Josh is a prefect example of a goddess. His cheeks we're prefectly placed with two deep dimples. His nose is perfectly symmetrical. Oh, and please don't let me get on his lips. His lips are slightly full: the kind that end in a cute little smirk at the corners. Oh, and how when it always sunny outside the sun rays of the sun always seems to highlight his dimples and the color of his eyes even more. His frame is so firm and structure almost like a Greek God. His hair is like deep waves that I wouldn't mind riding whatsoever. However, his bipolarness do messes him up.

Finally breaking out of my day dream of Josh physique I decided to speak. "Nope" I said truthfully.

"Oh, did I make you deaf with all this sexiness?" Josh said being the conceited guy he is.

Oh, jeez. Did he knew? I swear it seems like he be reading my mind.

"Shut up" I said pushing him out of embarrassment.

"Don't deny it" he said squinting his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. I guess I see you tomorrow. I have to run a lap real quick" I said while looking into his gray eyes. However, they look like they turned a darker shade.

Oh Lord, here comes his bipolarness.

"Angelina why are you about to run this late at night?" He asked calmly which kind of sat me back a little bit. I thought he was going to get all fiery up or start screaming or something.

"I want to become better at what I do" I said just looking down and not at his beautiful face.

"Better at what you do huh? Well I can't stop you from doing what you want to, so I guess I see you tomorrow right?" Josh ask as a more demanding way.

"Yeah, for sure" I said happy that he didn't get annoyed with me.

"Okay, well as soon as you get home call me I mean as soon, do not take a shower and call me after, I want to hear your voice soon when you get home. Understand?" Josh said so controlling.

Now you see why I call him bipolar.

"Yes sir, daddy" I said with a little smirk.

"I'm so serious Angelina" Josh said not showing no sense of humor at all and that was my time to stop joking around.

"Yes, I understand Josh" I said a little irritated. I hate when he acts like I'm his daughter or a little child that needs guidance. I'm far from that. Going to college was my way of freedom not my way to have a side parent. 

"Okay I'll be waiting for that call Ms. Cole" he said leaving but not before kissing me on my left cheek.

Good thing he left so he didn't see me blush. Lord that boy going to be the death of me, and the way he said my last name gave me goosebumps. I took my mind off of Josh and started to run my lap. But all of a sudden my mind got back on Josh. Josh told me he don't do relationship, and no lie that kind of hurts because now I wonder how he and I are ever going to be together. I desperately want to be with Josh, to hold him every night and kiss his pink soft lips and to know that he's mine forever but I know that's never going to happen. I want a fairytale and he doesn't.

I was running so fast that the wind was hitting me every second.  I came to a place to stop and rest, I was out of breath. I looked down at my iphone and scroll through my music trying to find something else I can listen to. When I click on "lifestyle" I look up from my phone and wish I never seen what I just saw.



Did he just?

Yes he did!


Some reason I couldn't move.

The killer look up at me and we look at each which felt like forever. Some how my mind started to register and I ran as fast as I could. I went in the alley hoping that I ran far enough. He couldn't catch me I am too fast I thought. I should be good. I took out my phone and I seen a shadow on top of me. God please don't tell me. I look up slowly and there he was.

He had a gun pointed right at my head. "You already know, get on the ground now bitch, and I'm not going to say it again!" He said.

.Comments, vote, follow and must of all read. Hope you guys like this chapter. Trust me its going to get better.

The girl on the pitcure is Angelina.


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