Friends by Chance Lovers by C...

By shiftsandgiggles999

41.5K 1.7K 179

This will be a Y/N x Narcissa Malfoy fan fiction. You are in your seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcr... More

The Manor
First Day of Christmas Break
Nightmare and Trauma
Does She Like Me?
Christmas Eve
Christmas Fun
Planning the Ball
Dress Shopping and the Accident
A Mental Health Day
Stress and Anxiety
The Ball
Last Days of Break
Home to Hogwarts
A Weekend Away Part 1
A Weekend Away Part 2
Escape From Azkaban
A Stay At Hogwarts
The Secret is Out
The Start of Spring Break
Sick Day
Return to Malfoy Manor Part 1
Return to Malfoy Manor Part 2
We All Have Off Days
I Promise
I Will Always Love You
New Story Announcement
Exam Week

Date Night

1K 34 0
By shiftsandgiggles999

The next morning was quiet when I awoke. The usually warm presence nestled into my back or chest missing and the bed felt lonely. It was early, maybe 7:30, and a Sunday, so I had no clue where she could have gone.

I sighed and relaxed back into the warm blankets, still spent after my breakdown yesterday and in need of sleep but I couldn't. Not without her beside me. I didn't feel safe enough to sleep without her by my side and I just laid there, mind wandering as I tried to work up the effort actually get out of bed.

As I slowly began to drift off into a light sleep, the sound of a door opening startled me back awake. I glanced over to see Narcissa with a warm smile on her face and holding a tray of breakfast foods. I finally sat up and gave her a confused look as she retook her spot in our bed, placing a charm on the tray to hover in between us.

"It seems, my love, that you need a little reminder of just how much I love you. So, we're going to spend the day together and tonight I have a little surprise for you." That peaked my curiosity as I glanced down at the breakfast in bed.

There were waffles and fruit, a few different bottles of syrup to choose from, eggs and bacon on another small plate, and of course coffee.

"You didn't have to do all of this." But I did greatly appreciate it. It was a small gesture that meant so much.

"I know, but you deserve it." We split the food and talked about everything and nothing, laughing at each other's stories as I forgot about my mental battles for the moment.

After breakfast we ventured into the bathroom for a shower, the warm water searing my skin in such a calming way. After helping each other wash, we just stood under the spray letting the steam fog up the shower doors.

I had my head on Narcissa's chest as she tried to run her fingers through my wet hair and kept the other hand wrapped around my body. I allowed myself to lean on her and let her take the weight of my worries as she stood firm, there with me through it all.

When we finally made it out into the rest of our chambers, now with wet hair but fully clothed, we decided to take a little walk down to the school's library and read for a bit. During class time that was apparently where Narcissa liked to spend her hours, lost in the pages of their endless books.

I found a spot in the back, close to the restricted section where students didn't really venture. We both curled up on one of the window seats with our book of choice and lost ourselves in the fantasy worlds being painted in our mind's eye.

Before I knew it, I was being pulled out of my head and back to reality by the bustling of students on their way to The Great Hall for lunch. I sighed and glanced at the clock on the wall out of habit before catching Cissy's eye and motioning towards the time.

"I didn't realize we had been here this long. It's so easy to get lost in these perfect little worlds. If only we could be a part of one of those romance stories hm?" She had a dreamy look on her face as we began to walk back down to the dungeons.

"I think we are actually. There's been forbidden love, an antagonist trying to break us up, a battle for our love, and now all we have left is the happily ever after my sweet." I interlocked our fingers as said that, surprised by my own words. I had never really thought of my life as a fairy tale, but it had honestly seemed to become one the last few months. The good and the bad side of them.

"I don't know if I believe in happy ever after, but i'm at least looking forward to the future now that I have you y/n. With Lucius it was a struggle just to get through the days, waiting on the day I died. But now, now I have something to live for."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in to my side, her doing the same as we walked as close together as possible down the dark, dreary halls of the school.

Lunch was fairly quiet, us making small talk as we ate soup and sandwiches the house elves had left on the kitchen table.

"Draco hasn't been down here in a couple of days. Do you know what he's up to?" She glanced up at me, taking a spoonful of soup into her mouth.

"Every time I've seen him he's been wrapped around his new girlfriend. They've become inseparable." I rolled my eyes but the gesture was playful.

"Honestly I'm glad he has something.. or someone rather.. to keep his attention. Although I would like to finally meet this girl." I chuckled and promised I'd get him to bring Chloe around sometime so the two could get aquatinted.

After lunch had disappeared back to the kitchens we got ready to take a walk around the school grounds. It was getting pretty warm as March drew to a close, and I was able to just throw on a light cloak over my normal clothing.

The sun was warm on my face as we strolled in the direction of the Black Lake, just able to make out one of the giant squid's tentacles breaking the surface of the water as it dived down once more.

"How are you feeling this afternoon my love? You seem much more relaxed but I also know that can very well be a ruse." She made a point to look at me, eyes telling me there would be no nonsense today.

"I'm.. alright. My mind is still racing a bit and it always takes me a couple of days to fully get over an episode, but I'm alright. It's getting easier." I spoke truthfully, choosing my words carefully to fully convey my true emotions.

"Good. I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope tonight will make things even better." She had a little smirk on her face and a glint in her eye that made me quirk an eyebrow.

"You know you haven't really told me anything about what you have planned. It's slightly concerning how excited you are Cissy. " I laughed.

"You'll just have to wait and see." That just peaked my curiosity even further but I let it go, knowing I wasn't going to get anything more out of her.

We walked the perimeter of the large lake, taking nearly an hour to finally get back to our starting point and making our way back in the direction of the castle.

"We have to wait until it's dark but we'll be eating so don't worry about going to the Great Hall. We'll meet back in my chambers at 7:00pm deal?" I agreed and we parted ways, I going towards the Slytherin common room to rummage through the clothes I didn't keep in Narcissa's chambers. I kept my essentials in her room but it was easier to leave my lesser worn clothing and other belongings in my dorm room which was where my date worthy attire was.

As it was nearing time for dinner not many people were around. However, Pansy was laying on her bed reading some sort of magazine when I made my way into the shared room.

"Haven't seen you in here in a bit. Everything alright with the old love life?" As soon as I walked in she immediately dropped the magazine and sat up, crossing her legs and getting comfortable to interrogate me.

I laughed at her nosy ness. "Everything's fine. I'm just getting ready for a date tonight. Wait.. who even told you I'm with Narcissa?" I hadn't really thought about the fact that I never even told Pansy about my girlfriend, she just seemed to know.

"Well, you just did babe. But I've more or less known for a while. Draco was suspicious of the two of you and the more I watched you two interact the more obvious it was. I'm happy for you y/n. I've never seen you care about someone as much as you care about Narcissa." She gave me a small, genuine smile that of which I returned. Pansy really was a good friend, she played the bad girl part well but deep down she truly cared about her friend's.

"Yes well, if you're done being all sappy and acting like a Hufflepuff, could you help me put together an outfit? I have no idea what she has planned but from the few hints I've gotten I gather it's outdoors." I had already turned to plunder through my wardrobe when I heard the other girl stand up and walk towards me.

"I know you did not just compare me to a Hufflepuff right before asking for my help." I laughed and continued searching, ignoring her death glare trying to burn a hole right through me.

"Merlin you're hopeless y/n. Come here. You're wearing something of mine." Pansy had never been a fan of my wardrobe; it wasn't my fault I preferred comfort over fashion but I followed the girl over to her own wardrobe to see what she had in mind.

"Go try this on" she threw a short black dress at me without turning away from the piles of clothes bursting out of the small closet.

I walked into the bathroom connected to the dorm room and got changed. The dress was quite pretty, it stopped around mid thigh and was solid black. It had a fluffy skirt bottom with a bit of mesh covering the bodice and connecting to a bejeweled choker around the neck. It was sleeveless which wasn't a problem as it had remained quite warm even into the evening.

I walked back into into the room and Pansy eyed me up and down. "You look hot babe. She's gonna love it." She handed me a pair of black, strappy flats to go along with it as there was no way in Hell I was walking around outside in heels all night. I could hardly walk in heels on solid ground, let alone marshy grass.

The other girl helped me to pull my hair out of face and put on a bit of light makeup as it still wasn't my thing but it didn't feel right to be wearing this outfit with just a bare face.

Finally, I was ready to go and just in time because it was 10 till 7 when I started walking towards the common room with Pansy at my side.

"I'm sorry I kept you from dinner Pansy." I hadn't realized just how much time we had spent on my looks but I did truly appreciate the fashionista's help.

"It's all good. I'll sneak into the kitchens later with the boys. They're always down to rummage through the cabinets for junk food." I rolled my eyes and laughed at her antics before thanking her one last time and exiting the Slytherin dorm in search of my date for the evening.

I walked into the familiar room and just took a look around, waiting on Narcissa to emerge from the bedroom. I knew she had heard me enter so I stood quietly, with my hands behind my back, just thinking about what she could possibly have in mind for tonight.

Finally the woman herself emerged and I couldn't help but stare as she walked towards me. She had on a grassy green dress that skimmed the floor in the back but only reached her knees in the front. It was very low cut, the slit between her breasts coming down to the waist of the dress. The back was open apart from a few intricately laced strings holding the top of the dress in place. Even she was wearing flats and I was glad that I had gone for that option as well. Her hair was in its usual half up half down style with light makeup covering her beautiful face. She looked absolutely stunning.

"God damn Cissy." I chuckled as my eyes took in the sight before me hungrily.

"I could say the same my little dove. Where'd you get that dress and why haven't I gotten the opportunity to rip it off your body yet?" She smirked seductively as she stepped closer to me and trailed a finger across my jaw.

"It's Pansy's. She helped me get ready." My breathing was becoming more shallow at her touch, the needy look in her eyes driving me wild.

"Well she did quite a good job I must say. I almost don't want to wait for the later part of this evening's festivities." I swallowed somewhat nervously as she softly kissed the side of my neck, dragging her teeth across the skin without leaving a mark.. yet.

Reluctantly she let me go and intertwined our arms instead as we made our way towards the front doors of the castle.

We turned in a seemingly random direction but it was clear she knew exactly where she was taking me as she strode confidently towards the backside of the forbidden forest. It wasn't a full moon, but I was still very wary of the foul creatures lurking in these woods.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked, suddenly a bit afraid.

"Don't worry my sweet. I wouldn't let anything harm you. We only have to walk a few feet in before we pass the protective barrier I have in place both for our safety and so that no one may disturb us." I nodded and continued walking towards the dark trees.

Other than a few owls that gave me a fright, the forest was peaceful as we made our way deeper. Finally we must have stepped past the barrier because suddenly a trail of fairy lights leading somewhere off into the distance appeared in front of us and I gasped.

"Wha.. how? You've been with me all day? When could you have possibly done all of this love?" I was absolutely dumbfounded at the extent to which she had gone to cheer me up.

"I might have had a little help from Draco and the elves." Well that would explain why I hadn't seen ferret face all day I suppose. I had assumed he was snogging Chloe in some random closet but he had been a part of this.

"It's beautiful Narcissa."

We followed the trail as it finally led our to a small lake that I had never known existed. It looked like it was filled with glitter as the water lapped at the sandy shores. I realized upon closer inspection that it was algae that was lighting up the water and making it look like a sea of magic. It reminded me of the "Sea of Stars" in The Maldives.

The fairy lights had been strung up around the small lake and all around the perimeter of the protective barrier to light up the forest in a soft yellow glow.

We walked over to a blanket floating a couple of feet above the ground by the water's edge and I was confused as Cissy climbed aboard it. She extended a hand to help me up as well as I hesitated.

"Trust me darling." I did, and took her hand, getting on the magical floating blanket with her. We began to lazily float out into the middle of the lake where the blanket ceased it's movement and we hovered just above the opalescent liquid.

"This is absolutely incredible Narcissa. How did you know about this place? And how did you manage to find the freaking floating carpet from Aladdin?" I laughed at that last part.

"My friends and I found this place in third year by accident when we were hiding from prefects one night. As for the blanket, it's actually a spell Lucius used on our first date. I was mesmerized by it and I thought you would be too." All I could do was nod as I stared wide eyed at my surroundings, never wanting this moment to end.

Suddenly dinner appeared between us. It was my favorite meal and I was touched that she knew that. We ate over the mini "Sea of Stars", the blanket unmoving even with the minuscule waves lapping at the bottom.

Once the main course disappeared, a plate of chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of red wine appeared in its place. I took one of the strawberries and fed it to my lover, giggling as some of the juice dripped down her chin. She returned the favor and I struggled not to get anything on Pansy's dress. They were absolutely delicious, the fruit perfectly sweet and the dark chocolate rich as it melted in our mouths.

We didn't bother with wine glasses, simply passing the bottle back and forth as we both knew we'd end up finishing it, and many others, by the end of the night.


We got down to about half of the bottle when we both started feeling the effects of the alcohol. As we talked we continuously got closer to each other and we were soon making out underneath the stars. The kiss was sweet with wine and strawberries, a hint of chocolate alongside the other flavors. The way we were sitting allowed Narcissa to place a hand over my own as we propped ourselves up on the blanket and I moved my free hand to her knee, pushing the fabric of her dress up as my fingers found their way towards her center. Suddenly she pulled back, leaving me confused.

"How about a swim?" That confused me even more.

"I don't have a suit." I replied, she hadn't said anything about swimming earlier.

"That's what the glamour charm is for my love." And with that she pulled the string keeping her dress together and the top fell away, revealing her bra less breasts.

I stared in astonishment as she wiggled the dress down over her hips before placing it by her side and slipping into the shining, blue water. I was stuck on the fact that she hadn't been wearing underwear at all but quickly came back to the present as I heard a splash.

I looked back up to see my lover floating on top of the water, inviting me in with her. I bit my lip as I stared nervously at the deep water underneath me. It was beautiful but I was still deathly afraid of water.

"I've got you my sweet. Trust me." Narcissa had appeared beside me once more, arms crossed on the blanket as her naked body dipped beneath the iridescent depths.

I slowly reached around and unzipped my dress, undoing the choker and slipping out of it altogether. I shivered in the now cool air and rubbed my arms, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"I don't know if I can Cissy. I trust you, but it's still scary." She gave me a sympathetic look.

"You don't have to if you don't want to darling. But I promise you'll enjoy it if you do." She pushed off from the blanket and floated onto her back once more, obviously using her power of seduction to lure me in like a siren.

I sighed and unclipped my strapless bra, throwing it aside. I pulled my matching underwear off and threw them in the same pile but kept my legs up to my chest as I stared into the water, willing myself to get in with my girlfriend.

She had floated closer once more and I finally let my legs slip into the lake, quickly sliding the rest of the way in before I could change my mind. Narcissa took my hands and pulled me on top of her chest as she floated. My head was on her chest and my arms wrapped securely around her body as we lazily floated in the surprisingly warm water. Her fingers found their way into my hair, taking it out of its ponytail and playing with the strands in order to relax me.

"Just relax darling. I'm right here and I've got you." She kissed my forehead as the hand not entangled in my hair wrapped itself around my waist more securely in an attempt to make me feel safe in the unknown abyss.

As afraid as I was, this was an incredible experience. From my spot on my lover's chest I was nearly eye level with the sparkly waves rolling us around the lake. The fairy lights twinkled all around us and I could see the stars in the night sky due to being in the clearing. It was nearly a perfect circle of nothingness above us as the trees surrounded our own little paradise.

I soon relaxed in the water and allowed Narcissa to carry me around the sparkling lake, the algae sticking to us and leaving streaks of opalescent shimmer on our bodies as well.

After what seemed like only a few minuets we were close enough to the shore to stand, and Narcissa stood up allowing my feet to find the sandy bottom below as well. She didn't let go of me, rather leaning in and kissing me. The water lapped at our waist's as we made out in the liquid paradise.

Her hands were cupping my cheeks but one began to find its way down my neck and then down my chest, fingers grazing over my naked breast as it continued its path downward. One finger trailed down the middle of my abdomen until it reached the cool water and went no further.

I subconsciously parted my legs and she felt me shift, chuckling into my mouth as we continued the heated kiss. I let my own hands roam up her thighs, fingers tracing the skin so lightly I could feel goosebumps forming even underneath the shimmery liquid holding our bodies.

I dragged a finger through her folds, feeling her own wetness mixing with that of the lake's. She gasped at the sudden sensation and her legs twitched in expectation. I smirked into her mouth as I bit her bottom lip, light enough to allow her to drag it out from in between my teeth as she pulled back.

Her eyes were dark and seductive, breathing becoming raspier as her body begged for pleasure.

"As much as I'd love to have you inside of me my sweet, tonight I'm in control. I promised you I'd make you see just how much I love you and I very much intend to keep that promise."

I allowed her to pull my hips into hers, kissing me again much more roughly as one hand found its way into my hair. She gripped a fistful and made sure our lips didn't part until I was gasping for air.

Narcissa took my hands, pulling me deeper into the water until it was up to our chests, breasts just barely covered by the liquid. She took a breath in and without losing eye contact, sunk beneath the waves.

I was confused until I felt her hands on my hips and her tongue on my clit, licking straight up from my entrance to the bud. Something about not being able to see what she was doing was turning me on and my head lolled back and my eyes found there way to the moon overhead.

I was getting eaten out in a magical lake underneath the stars, I never knew I had this dream but at this very moment it was my biggest sexual fantasy. Even knowing there was a barrier around the clearing we were in there was the added excitement of being completely nude in the middle of the forest where anyone could happen upon us. I had never told my lover about my exhibition kink, but I was seriously considering it in this moment.

Narcissa had begun sucking on my clit while curling two fingers into me to find that special spot. She knew exactly where it was and I could feel my orgasm building very quickly, my constant jerking being a giveaway to the woman underneath me.

She pulled away from me and I whimpered at the lost contact as she rose above the water, taking in a breath of fresh air. Her hair was soaked and framing her face as the shimmery water dripped off her chin, almost like magical cum.

"Do you trust me y/n?" She suddenly asked me, a bit breathless from being underwater for so long.

"Of course." I didn't hesitate, knowing I was perfectly safe with her.

"Float on your back." That did make me hesitate a moment, once I started floating I could end up in the deep part of the lake. However, I did as she asked and soon forgot my worries as she made her way between my patted thighs and began to lick my clit once more.

I knew we were moving towards the center of the lake but I kept my focus on the stars above and the knot growing in my stomach as the combination of the water lapping at my clit and my lover's tongue working its magic pushed me to the verge of climax.

I parted my legs as far as they would go and the cold water entered my body, sending a chill up my spine. "I.. I'm close. Cissy I'm close.." I didn't want this to end but I had no control over my body when it begged for release.

"Cum for me baby. But just know, I'm not done with you yet." With one small nip at my clit, the knot in my stomach uncoiled and my hips dipped beneath the water as my back arched, my chest arcing up to meet the moon.

As I came down from my high I gave my body a moment to recuperate from the extreme sensation while Narcissa cleaned me up in the lake water. I was breathing hard and she began kissing her way up from between my thighs all the way up to my lips, propping herself on my chest so that now I was floating us around.

"Starting to believe I love you y/n?" She questioned as we took a small break before continuing our little fuck fest.

"I always knew you loved me, but this is certainly helping." I laughed.

We finally made it back to shore once again and found our stuff on the blanket that had made its own way back to land after we had abandoned it. Rather than getting dressed I grabbed my girlfriend and pushed her up against the nearest tree, fairy lights swinging due to the impact.

"Now, I'd like to return the favor my love."

This time she didn't push me away as I sank down to my knees and lifted one leg onto my shoulder to give me better access. I knew she was just as desperate to be fucked as I was and I would gladly give her that pleasure for all that she had done for me today.

Narcissa grabbed onto the branches beside her to steady herself as the one leg on the ground shook a bit as I ate her out. My tongue traced random patterns all over the sensitive area, even signing my name and marking her as my own.

She was absolutely dripping by the time I felt her walls beginning to convulse in anticipation. I licked the wetness off of her thigh before inserting my tongue and using my thumb to stimulate her clit and push her over the edge.

I collected the sweetness on my tongue as she rode out her orgasm and finally stood up to kiss her, letting her taste herself and mix her own juices with mine still present on her lips.

"Well now that that little need has been taken care of, I can return to pleasuring you my love."

It wasn't until around 4am that we finally made our way back into the castle, drunk on wine and still half naked as we clumsily tried to make it back before the students began wandering the halls for the morning. I had no intention of trying to go to class today and decided to just feign sickness, hoping Snape would buy it.

We fell into bed, giggling about the night's events and still keeping our hands all over each other even though we had just fucked for nearly 8 hours. There was little we hadn't experimented with but as much wine as we drank, I doubted either of us would remember much when we awoke.

A/N: The pictures at the top are the dresses I attempted to describe lols and the Sea of Stars for anyone that doesn't know what it looks like. Hope y'all enjoyed having a long chapter to make up for my absence on here. These chapters are usually only 1,000-2,000 words. This one is just shy of 5,000 aha.

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