Managing Bangtan Sonyeondan

By ShiningDeer

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BTS More

Ch 1: News Hits Hard
Ch 2: Dealing With Fangirls
Ch 3: Day Off
Ch 4: Exam Week
Ch 5: Problems Can't be Avoided
Ch 6: Caught
Ch 7: Take Care of Nana
Ch 8: Fan Event
Ch 9: Up and Downs
Ch 11: Forgetting Someone?
Ch 12: Rumours Leaked
Ch 13: Crazy Morning
Ch 14: BigHit Anniversary
Ch 15: Confused
Ch 16: Competition in a Competiton and Awkward Situations
Ch: 17 Confessions
Ch 18: Saved
Ch 19: School Project
Ch 20: Project Disaster
Ch 21: Distractions
Ch 22: Final Exams and Semi-Freedom
Ch 23: Cool Night Air
Ch 24: Sour Moods and Grocery Shopping
Ch 25: Annoyances and Promotions
Ch 26: Code Name "I want chicken"
Ch 27: Sneaking Around
Ch 28: Blooming
Ch 29: News But Not Really
Ch 30: Confronting and Accepting

Ch 10: You're What?

404 15 4
By ShiningDeer

Schedules were busy. Fanmeetings after another. Concerts, appearances on variety shows, traveling. It was tiring. Nana had missed some days of school due to Bangtan's schedules and her umma reassured her that it didn't matter since she only had a few months left of school. Nana rolled her eyes and just went along with it. It's not like she had any friends to look forward to, right?

Nana rushed all over backstage. Weaving her way through the crowd of idols. She had to constantly go into the dressing rooms and back to Tae Hee getting and giving information to the boys and their manager. Only two more performances before they go and I get a break.. she repeated in her head.

This was the first time she'd been so busy trying to keep up with everything everyone was throwing at her. It was driving her insane.

BTS was supposed to have a performance at the KBS Music Bank. They were performing their comeback song, Danger, and War of Hormones and then performing a special stage of Let Me Know. Nana had gradually gotten used to their songs, even if she still found other groups songs not so interesting.

"Ah, Nana. You seem really worn out. Do you want to take a break?" Tae Hee stopped her in the midst of running back to the changing room. "Their stage is next and almost everything is done," He said. Nana took a few deep breaths before she nodded her head. Tae Hee gave her a chair and let her sit backstage to watch the group performance.

Since it was a music show, it was super crowded backstage with other idols. Some of them glanced over in her direction, giving her questioning looks. She caught some glances and rolled her eyes. Even if they were idols, they still managed to make her annoyed. She had a backstage pass! It was visible! Are they blind!?

Nana turned back to watch the group performing on stage right now. She had to admit they were pretty good. They had seven members and she noticed one of them, if not more, flipped on stage. The crowed cheered and Nana found herself cheering too.

"Ah, excuse me," Someone tapped her shoulder. "I'm sorry, but fans aren't allowed backstage." they said. Nana rolled her eyes and turned towards the person to find they were a guy. Well she assumed it was a guy since they had a deeper voice.

"I'm not a fan." She stated and showed her backstage pass that said she was authorized personnel. "I'm with BTS."

"Ah, I'm sorry." they bowed repeatedly, making Nana feel bad she snapped at them.

"Uh, it's fine. I guess. You weren't the only one who thought I wasn't allowed back here."

"Yah, Chanyeol get over here! They need to take off your mic!" Someone yelled over to them, although it was barely audible since the fan'a cheers were super loud. The boy in front of me, Chanyeol didn't listen.

"Wah why are you here with BTS? Are you a fan of them?" He asked.

"I-" Nana got cut off. Someone stormed over towards Chanyeol and grabbed his ear, although they were a little short to be doing so.

"I said come over here! They have to get your mic!"

"Yah yah Baekhyun! I was talking to someone!!" Chanyeol whined. Baekhyun looked at the person Chanyeol was talking to.

"Fans a-"

"She's not a fan," Chanyeol cut him off. "She's with BTS."

"Wahh really?"

Chanyeol nodded. "Ah, sorry, sorry. You just look ah, a little young."

"Uh I've been told. I'm technically helping their manager with them so I guess I'm partly their manager? Assistant really." Nana explained a little awkwardly.

"Yah Suho! Chen! Look look! She's a manager! Isn't she so young though? Heh, and cute." Baekhyun called over to two people.


"Jungkookie! Where'd you hide my microphone??" Jimin complained.

"Just get another one, we have to go on stage soon." Yoongi sighed.

"Hyunggg he stole my mic!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. What did I do to get put in a group with someone like him?

"Ah Jimin!! I got you another mic!" Tae smiled and held out a new mic.

"Are you ready? Got7 is almost done performing. You have five minutes." Tae Hee popped his head in their dressing room then left a second later.

"Come on, let's get backstage." Rap Monster pushed them out while Jimin grabbed his mic from Taehyung.

"Ah you really didn't have to put his mic in the drawer." Hoseok said to Jungkook.

"He kept poking me with it!" He protested. "Tch, how is he older than me?" Hoseok just shrugged.

"Ah Nana! You shouldn't skip school like that!" Suho scolded her lightly.

"Yeah, school is still important. Even if there's only a few months left." Kai added.

Jungkook and J-Hope looked at each other and scrunched their eyebrows together. They made their way over to where they heard Nana's faint voice. "Uh, excuse me." Jungkook said as he pushed his way through a few idols.

"Ah, my eomma is forcing me," Nana explained. "Hey!" She shrieked as Jungkook tripped and fell into her.

"Yah yah! Don't force your way through!" J-Hope yelled as he shoved his way through. He stopped when he saw Jungkook and Nana on the ground. "That's why.."

Chanyeol and Baekhyun helped Nana up while Kai and Sehun helped Jungkook up. "Aish what are you doing? Shouldn't you be getting ready to go on stage??" Nana said annoyed.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Chanyeol and Baekhyun asked in unison.

"Well I was just curious as to what was going on." Jungkook defended himself as he brushed off some dirt from his pants and picked up his hand mic.

Jimin and Taehyung pushed through Exo to see what was happening. "Jungkookie you got your clothes dirty!" Jimin chided.

Sehun and Kai left Jungkook's side and went over to Nana who was assuring Exo that she was fine. A second later they were talking normally and laughing again.

Jungkook looked over at Nana. Why didn't she even laugh when she was around us? He asked himself. "Yah, Nana!" He called. She dropped the smile on her face and replaced it with a frown as she looked over at him.


Why'd you call her, idiot? "I need help." What?

"Get Jimin to help you." she said and turned back to Exo.

"Jungkookieeee! What do you need help with?" Jimin chirped.


"Then why'd you call Nana? Ah was Jungkookie jealoussss?" Jimin nudged him.

Jungkook ignored his annoying hyung and focused on Nana. Why didn't she laugh like that with us? Why did I make her upset when someone she just met can make her laugh? Jungkook frowned. Why do you care? It's her life. He fought internally with himself.

"Bangtan you're up in a minute. Get ready!" A producer informed them, snapping Jungkook out of his state. He followed his hyungs over to the side just behind the curtains. Though he never let Nana out of his sight.


Bangtan bowed to the crowd and rushed offstage to let another group on.

Jungkook subconsciously looked around for Nana and the idols she was talking with earlier. She wasn't in sight and neither were the idols. Jungkook let out a small sigh and followed his hyungs to their changing room.

"Ahhh Nana! Put that down!" Someone shouted as Jungkook walk past a door. He froze while his members kept walking. Curious, he put his ear to the door.

It was silent for a split second before Jungkook heard a screech, things falling on the ground, and laughter. "Nana stooop that's creepy. Kill it!" He heard a different voice, slightly higher, squeal.

Jungkook scowled before he burst into the room and almost tripped over clothes on the ground. Jungkook looked around. The room was a mess. Clothes on the ground, a trash can that was tipped over, straightening and curling irons on the ground, unplugged, and people on the ground or running around away from Nana. "Yah! Wait till you lose it! Who's gonna be tough then!" Someone shorter than Jungkook squeaked.

Jungkook's eyes followed Nana as she chased around, idols around with her hands cupped and held outwards. He realized a small black thing resting in the center of her hands. A bug? Jungkook rolled his eyes for probably the millionth time today and made his way over to Nana, who apparently didn't realize he was there.

He stepped in front of Nana, making her stumble into him and probably drop, or crush, the bug. "Ah!" she squeaked. She didn't even get the chance to look up and apologize before Jungkook grabbed onto her wrist and dragged her out of the room and into the hall.

The moment she saw who was dragging her out, she tried squirming her arm out of his grip, but he only gripped harder. "Yah Jungkook! Let me go!" she yelled.

"Hey, where are you going? What are you doing?" Lay asked Jungkook.

"Taking my girlfriend. It's time for us to start getting ready to leave and I need her to help take off my makeup." Jungkook smiled, but everyone could see that there was nothing but anger in his eyes and none of the Exo members wanted to object.

"Ah ok. Bye Nana! Text us whenever, haha." They all called to her awkwardly.

Once they were half way between Bangtan's dressing room and Exo's dressing room Nana finally got out of his grip, making him stop and turn around.

"You're what?" she asked angrily and confused.

[A/N: Huehuehue cute Jungkookie was jealousssssss awwwww. Ok sorry. Bye]

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