Even Gods Have Problems

By TiredDemi

41.5K 1.1K 459

The three celestial Gods have watched over the Earth for eons, Dynamight the Alphan God of the sun, Red Riot... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI

Chapter VII

1.9K 56 30
By TiredDemi

Both the red head and the blonde knew one thing.

If they so pleased, they could kill the two of these men in front of them within a mere second, they could take Izuku back home right now and figure out what to do about his memories and how to reconnect him to the stars, and hopefully them.

But they both wanted answers, and unfortunately for them. The two men in front of them had the answers, and they truly didn't want to give Izuku another reason not to trust them or run from them again.

"Fine, I suppose you can know." The red head stated as he looked to the blonde who only nodded.

"For one, we didn't harm Izuku in any way nor would we ever. Second of all, we have been referring to you both as mortals because that is what you both are. Third of all, we know your second genders because it is obvious to us and as I said before it's a gift of sorts. And lastly, I am Red Riot god of the moon, tides, and protection. He is Dynamight god of the sun, war, and harvest." The red head stated as the two in front of him only looked at him Shocked before Shinsou burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry but you really expect us to believe that you two are Dynamight and Red Riot? No offense but, you guys don't exactly seem like them." Shinsou stated, as Denki only looked at the two with a deadpan expression clearly not believing them either.

"I don't think I have ever met mortals as bold and stupid as the two of you." The blonde stated as he stood only for the other Alpha to join him.

Immediately Shinsou stood up as well while Denki placed himself closer to Izuku, who was still sleeping soundly despite the situation in front of him. "Clearly you both need to be given visual confirmation, maybe then you'd learn to have some respect." The blonde stated as his voice once again turned to the dark and soul shaking echo, that not only shook the two in front of him but shook the entire apartment, as Shinsou and Denki looked at him wide eyed.

And in a bright flash of red, the two Alpha's that had stood in front of Shinsou and Denki turned into two much larger versions of themselves, except completely different. And it left the other two in shock as they gazed at the gods in front of them.

Instead of the regular outfit Red Riot was wearing, he was now adorned in an outfit that was shirtless with black sleeves that seemed to connect to, two red shoulder pieces that had spikes growing out of them, along with a red tattered cape that hugged his belt tightly, while his belt itself was a deep silver color with a white glowing moon clip, along with black baggy pants that were hugged tightly at his caliph by his red combat boots. While his hair had grown from its small pony tail to a flowing length that still seemed to spike here and there.

While his face was now adorned with a black head piece that wrapped around his jaw up to his hairline like a crown of sorts. His eyes that had already seemed intimidating now held specks of silver and white that only seemed to make him more threatening. Not to mention it looked as if the man had grown another 2 feet as he now stood at 9'0

And in place of the regular outfit Dynamight was wearing, he was now dressed in a black sleeveless shirt that had a deep V-neck along with what seemed to be a metal shoulder piece, while two dark orange stripes went across his chest as the shirt hugged his figure tightly, showing off his incredibly large figure, while there were two large army green and silver gauntlets at his wrist that connected to his similar colored gloves. While black baggy pants were hugged tightly by his belt that was a bright orange color along with a yellow glowing sun clip.

While the belt had two straps that went down to his lower thigh where they hugged his legs, as his large black and orange combat boots went up to his knees along with silvers guards at his knees. While his face was now adorned with a black mask that went from his nose to his hairline as two spikes sprouted from behind his head like a crown or sorts. While his eyes still their bright scarlet color now held hints of yellow and orange that only made him seem more menacing. Not to mention he had as well grown at least 2 feet as he now stood at 8'10

As the two gods stood there in all their glory, both Denki and Shinsou were left speechless as Dynamight only smirked at their bewilderment. "Do you want to test us still mortal?" Dynamight questioned as Denki and Shinsou then looked to themselves now fully calmed down.

"How did you hide your aura? And your scents? Most gods can barely hide it. It's nearly impossible not to sense it somehow." Shinsou questioned as both Red Riot and Dynamight were caught off guard by the question

"How does a mortal know about that? Have you met another god before?" Red Riot questioned as Shinsou then looked to Denki who only nodded. Then in a similar though nowhere near as powerful, flash of light Denki and Shinsou stood now releasing their own scents and auras though neither growing nor changing in appearance.

"I see demi-gods." Dynamight stated with a click of his tongue.

"Who are your gods?" Dynamight asked as Denki and Shinsou only stood and looked to the gods.

"I am the son of Eraserhead the Goddess of death and Hizashi Yamada, though I changed my last name when I was adopted by my uncle and aunt when my father joined my mother in the underworld." Shinsou stated as the two gods only hummed in understanding.

"I am the son of the God of thunder and storms." Denki stated. Both gods only nodded towards Denki.

"Now answer the question. How did you hide your scents and auras? It's easy for demi-gods and mortals, but I've never met gods who can do it." Denki questioned as the two gods only looked to each other.

"Well, it's clear you know about us, and I presume you know we are not exactly weak gods." Red Riot stated as Shinsou and Denki only nodded.

"We use our own magic to mask it and regular scent patches at well" Dynamight stated as Denki and Shinsou looked to each other questioningly.

"Why would you hide it? Would it not be simpler to allow people to know who you are? Especially the other gods? Could they not have helped you in whatever it was that you were doing?" Denki questioned as the two gods only looked away from the demi-gods as they both sighed now being reminded of their old friends.

"We didn't want their help, we needed to complete our.... "mission" of sorts on our own" Red Riot stated as Shinsou and Denki only looked at them questioningly.

"And what did your mission have to do with Izuku?" Shinsou asked as the two gods only looked down, in shame, or pain neither demi-god could tell.

"Their demi-gods Kats, it's fine to tell them. Besides they already know Izuku's name" Red Riot whispered to the other god as the blonde merely sighed and looked back to the two demi-gods who were staring at them.

"He's Deku." Dynamight stated as Shinsou and Denki both looked at the two wide eyed and honestly unbelieving

"Okay maybe not so blunt." Red Riot muttered as the two demi-gods then looked to the still sleeping Omega and then back at the gods with pure confusion and disbelief.

"I think you have the wrong man." Denki stated as both gods only grumbled. Though before given the chance to explain Denki raised his hand, halting the gods with looks of surprise.

"I have been around him since we were children, and I know his scent like the back of my hand. He most definitely is not a god. Not to mention his aura is that of a mortals." Denki explained as Shinsou only nodded.

"We realized that a few minutes ago." Red Riot stated though Dynamight continued.

"But he is Deku. We know our mate when we see him, the only reason he is perceived as a mortal is because he is stuck in the reincarnation cycle and because of what.... He did. But believe me we've been searching for 400 years and we've never seen any mortal who even remotely looks like him. So, it wasn't hard to tell who he was."  Dynamight explained, though the two demi-gods looked at him skeptically at the mention of the undefined


"While I agree with you, Izuku does have a very unique look to him. But then why have you not found him long before now? Its been far over 400 years since Deku's death." Shinsou stated as the two other Alpha's growled lowly in their throats which in turn cause the ground to shake lightly.

"And maybe stop causing mini earthquakes! Someone will notice soon! And if they call the police, how are we supposed to explain this!" Denki exclaimed as he motioned to the wrecked apartment.

Both the gods only sighed while Shinsou place a hand on Denki's Shoulder to settle him. "We couldn't find him because apparently his connection to us and to the stars have been broken." Red Riot explained as Shinsou only raised an eyebrow at them.

"What do you mean apparently? Did you just figure this out?" Shinsou asked, while the two gods only bared their teeth at him. Though he was left unfazed by their aggression towards him.

"Yes, technically we just figured out his connection to us was severed. Along with all of his memories of being Deku. We only thought that his connection to the stars were broken, but apparently his connection to us was as broken as well." Dynamight explained, while Denki only looked away in thought for a moment.

"Why did you both think he was still connected to you? If you could not sense him?" Denki questioned.

"We thought he was still connected to us because we still felt his presence. Not to mention we will feel a connection to him so long as the stars are in the sky." Red Riot explained.

"Wait you said that you've been searching for 400 years? Deku was killed at the very least 455 years ago. Why did you only start searching decades later?" Shinsou questioned.

Though both gods only clenched their fists as they both growled loud and low which soon became the dark and soul shaking echo from before, which caused the entire apartment building to rattle as Denki gripped onto Izuku who then awoke from the sound.

"For the love of yourselves stop it! People are going to think there's an earthquake!" Denki yelled as Izuku then clung to him with a death grip upon seeing the Alpha's, not to mention their appearance and far bigger size did not help at all.

Though only when the Alpha's noticed Izuku was awake did they stop. Much to everyone's relief, though Denki couldn't help but cringe at the state of Izuku's apartment. "W-WHAT THE?! WHO THE HELL ARE THEY?!" Izuku practically screamed as he clung to Denki tighter, while Denki tried to make sure Izuku didn't pass out, and Shinsou didn't fail to notice the obvious crestfallen look both of the Alpha's had.

"Izuku calm down. They're the guys from before." Shinsou stated as Izuku only stared in bewilderment before a few things clicked in his head

"So then why are they practically the size of giants?! And when did they change?!?" Izuku yelled as he practically hid behind Denki, who allowed him to while also trying to cover the green haired boy with his body as to not allow any of the Alpha's to see him.

"Well about that Izuku...uh...." Shinsou trailed off as he looked back to the two Alpha's who were only staring at Izuku.

"I am Red Riot and he is Dynamight. And you are Deku." The red head stated as Izuku only stared at him skeptically.

"Okay, Denki I'm going to need to make sure I heard that right because I'm hoping that I'm just losing my mind due to lack of sleep and probably malnutrition" Izuku stated as he looked to Denki.

"No, we heard the same thing Izuku, and they are actually Red Riot and Dynamight. Though the lack of sleep and malnutrition thing will not be forgotten, I will just hold it off until later." Denki stated as Izuku only groaned as he buried his face into Denki's chest.

Though before either of the gods could comment on Izuku's statement, Denki stood as he brought Izuku up with him. "Okay let's go to my apartment."

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