Even Gods Have Problems

By TiredDemi

41.5K 1.1K 459

The three celestial Gods have watched over the Earth for eons, Dynamight the Alphan God of the sun, Red Riot... More

Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI

Chapter I

3.9K 82 51
By TiredDemi

Many stories and legends have been told of the three celestial gods. Or as very few know them, Katsuki, Eijirou, and Izuku.

Though the mortals know them as Dynamight, the fiery Alphan celestial god that brings them the day, the one who urges on wars and fighters, and the one who brings them the life of a good harvest.

Red Riot, the vigilant Alphan celestial god that brings them the moon, the one who protects everything and anyone he sees with compassion and a will of stone, and the one who brings them the ever changing tides of the sea.

Deku, the sympathetic Omegan celestial goddess who brings them the stars, the one who will heal anything or anyone who may need it, and the one who brings the mortals their stories and legends, to not only spark hope in their lives but to tell the stories of his fellow celestials and the other gods.

"For eons the three celestials watched over the Earth far away from the mortals on Mount Tentai, a gorgeous mountain that held each of the three celestial's temples. Unlike many of their godly companions who not only held their temples on Earth but even lived among the mortals."

"There are many more gods than just the celestials though, such as Ingenium the Alphan god of the Earth, and honesty. Frostburn the Omegan Goddess of fire, ice, and pure love. Cellophane the Alphan God of loyalty, safety, and shelter, Creati the Alphan God of creation and humanity. And Earphone Jack the Omegan Goddess of music and kindness."

"And with living for so long it is of no surprise that the gods found their own love, their own partners, their own mates, and their own families. While the stories could never truly say who all of the gods ended up with, there will never be a sliver of doubt that the three celestials became mates and happily married each other at the very peak of their mountain. And legend believes that the other gods joined them at the peak of their mountain to witness the gorgeous ceremony."

"Though there are also the shadows. Horrible demons bent on destruction and chaos, not caring about the mortals or anyone who may come into their path. The leader of such evil was Tomura Shigaraki, a cruel and merciless demon who could destroy anything he touched. These monsters are exactly what the gods had been fighting against for so long, though no matter how bright their light, the shadow would always come back. And one day the shadows committed a crime so severe and so heinous that Dynamight and Red Riot nearly destroyed the Earth itself when they held the final battle."

"But granny what did the demons do? Why did Dynamight and Red Riot nearly destroy the Earth? Isn't it their job to protect it?" The small child asked as he looked up to his grandmother with curious eyes

"Yes, darling it is their job and that is exactly what they were trying to do 400 years ago when they held the final battle" The woman answered as she gently began to rock the small boy

"But what did the shadows do?"

"Are you sure you are prepared to learn about that darling? It is not a happy tale like the other stories"

"Yes! I want to know granny please!"

"Very well then."

"400 years ago, it was peaceful, there were no wars, people were at peace with each other and the gods were no longer needed as the constant pillars of protection, the shadows had seemingly vanished, no one had seen or heard of them for decades. So, the gods no longer held their guards as high. It was a quiet and calm day on Mount Tentai, Red Riot, Dynamight, and Deku were peaceful in their temples. But as the stories say, there was a single blood curdling scream before the mountain itself shook with such intensity that the stars nearly fell out of the sky"

"Though when Red Riot and Dynamight got to the source of the scream they only saw their husband, Deku, lying in the hands of Shigaraki Tomura. Dead. They say that the two gods were so overtook with blind rage and heartbreak that together they combined every power they had in them and used it to destroy the shadows. But in the process, they were destroying the Earth as well. It took all of the gods to fight against them to finally bring them back to their senses, though once they did, they had already killed Shigaraki and the shadows, along with so many lives."

"But even when the two celestials came back to their own minds they were still overtaken with their pain, and they casted everyone out. They say that the day the goddess perished the stars never glowed as brightly and lost their guidance, they no longer stay in one place and directed the mortals, they now forever move and change, unable to be controlled or contained"

"What about the Dynamight and Red Riot?"

"The stories say that the day the two celestials casted everyone out including the other gods, the gateways to Mount Tentai closed. No one ever heard or saw of the two gods ever again." The elderly woman finished as she looked to the small boy in her lap

"That can't be right granny!" The child protested as the woman merely raised her eyebrow questioningly

"What do you mean darling?"

"You taught me that the gods were powerful! That they could not be killed! They are immortal and invincible! Deku wouldn't die!" The child reasoned as his grandmother only chuckled to herself gently

"Oh, my dear you have your name for a reason, but you are correct. I believe gods cannot be killed but they can be lost. For you see if we were to have truly lost Deku then we would no longer have any stars, but we do, though like the stars he is lost. And he needs help to find himself again." The woman said as she gently ran her fingers through the small boy's light and fluffy hair.

"What do you mean granny?"

"Instead of dying Deku could have very well reincarnated throughout the past 400 years dear. He could very well be anyone on Earth right now, but he is lost. That is why the stars are so lost and constantly changing, it is because they are following him wherever he goes." The woman explained as the small boy only looked at her with wonder

"Do you think he will ever find himself? Do you think Dynamight and Red Riot know that it could be like that? Could they be looking for him too and we just don't know? Will the other gods help them granny?" The child rambled as his grandmother only laughed as she shushed him gently.

"While I believe the legend is far from over, I think it will be up to someone else to write down the rest of the story whenever the time comes dear" The woman said as she then handed the small boy a small leather notebook that looked as if it could very well be older than his grandmother.

"What is this granny?" The child questioned

"It is a book of stories. My great something grandmother wrote this so very long ago. It is why I believe that the stories are true, and it is why I believe Deku is still very much alive. Promise me you will take very good care of it for me dear." The small boy then gently took the book in his hands as he traced the small print on the front cover

"I promise granny! And I'll find out the truth!" The small boy cheered as his grandmother only laughed

"I believe that you will Izuku."

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