The Billionaire CEO

By AidinWhite

49.4K 1.3K 90

{Book #4 of The Winters Series} Five years out of school, and five years that Winters Group had prospered and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six

Chapter Fifty Five

547 16 2
By AidinWhite

It was the following Monday, and snow was once again blanketing everything in sight, Central Park was frosted over with a layer of snow, and as far as I could tell people would likely be wanting to go to the park though tourists would also be flooding it to get pictures when they could have very easily looked up pictures instesd of whipping out their camera's and phone's every three seconds.

"Good morning Adrian" Olivia says from behind me before she wraps her arms around my torso.

"Good morning bellissima" I muse turning around to face her.

She was dressed in slightly baggy comfy pants, a long sleeved shirt, and one of my Versace robes.

"How did you sleep?" she asks before I lean down and kiss her lightly.

"I slept alright, I honestly felt like I needed more sleep" I admit.

"Well you also might want to get dressed, everyone wanted to come to the house instead of here" she says.

"And if I don't want to?" I muse.

"I will drag you there in whatever condition you're in" Olivia states and I nod before walking into the kitchen before pulling out the pancakes I had made the previous day for breakfast, and put them on a plate to reheat them.

Alright, then I will have breakfast, and go about my morning routine, then I would like to take you through Central Park".

"We haven't been through Central Park in a while" Olivia says leaning on the counter, while I pull out peanut butter and syrup for my breakfast.

"No we haven't that's why I want to, besides I will find an excuse to spend time with you whenever I possibly can" I smirk as I begin to coverer my breakfast in what I had pulled out for them. Olivia on the other hand was making herself a bowl of oatmeal while slicing almonds and shaving out the inside of a coconut.

"How to make an aesthetic breakfast one oh one" I laugh as I take a bite, watching her make her breakfast in a way that seemed to give it grace which honestly should have been impossible but somehow she managed to do it.

"I'm just making my breakfast this isn't really for presentation" Olivia says pulling her bowl out of the microwave, and putting everything she had taken out into it, before suddenly deciding it needed something more, as she took the container of strawberries out of the fridge.

"I'm going to be fat in a year and then there's you making the healthiest possible oatmeal" I muse.

"You getting fat, I can't picture that" she remarks stirring her oat mush together.

"Well I appreciate the vote of confidence" I say going back to my meal, which seemed to very quickly disappear even if I was taking my time to eat.

I then washed the plate, and utensils before heading upstairs to shower, and shave.

Walking into the bathroom I peeled off my clothing, and stepped into the shower before turning on the hot water which was instant and made me slightly shiver but I quickly adjusted to it. Once I finally figured out where I wanted the water temperature to be I began cleaning my body before stepping out to dry off.

Manhattan was also the only house I owned with a window that allowed me privacy and the ability to look over NYC.

Letting out a sigh I looked out on the other skyscrapers of Billionaire's Row which as truthful as it was, was also the most pretentious sounding name I'd ever heard a place be publicly or widely accepted as being named through popular opinion.

I even lived in New York and knew that half the penthouses here were unoccupied here mostly because they were second or third homes for the wealthy, or investment properties which was the stupidest shit I had ever heard I preferred practicality besides I make to much money anyways.

Walking away from the window I enter my closet to get dressed in a long sleeved pullover, dark jeans, and my trench coat which I wasn't going to wear until me and Olivia left so it currently was slung over my arm.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I found Olivia standing looking over New York like me and I saw for a brief moment what it must be like when I do it, being small against the silhouette of NYC yet all the confidence of the world surrounded her as she did it.

"You look like the ruler of a kingdom" I laugh walking over to her and tossing my coat over the back of the couch.

"The concrete jungle of New York" she muses looking back at me. "Also you're statement implies I'm the queen of NYC, so would that mean you're the king Winters?".

"Maybe, maybe not" I reply joining her by the window, "either way there's just something about this view that makes me gravitate to it" I admit.

Olivia then hums back agreement before walking away to go shower leaving me to complete my expansion document which shouldn't actually take that long, none-the-less in order to have everything ready for the coming year I would complete it so that my trip to London with Olivia at the end of the week wouldn't feel like it had any more pressure to make things perfect.

Because that was just the type of control freak I am.

Opening the laptop and sucking in a sharp breathe to give myself oxygen to think this all through I started on this project which was simply named South America Expansion or SAE for short as I had been referring to it through the instructions which were fairly detailed and currently sat at two thousand words of clear instruction to avoid confusion.

Several long minutes later I CC'd my Executives into an email which gave all of them instruction to print it out then take their sheet of paper so that nothing could backfire on me though I also wasn't naïve enough to think that this wouldn't at some point present an issue for me to figure out.

"What are you working on?" Olivia asks leaning on the back of the couch behind me.

"Just finished the expansion plan for next year into South America" I say tilting my head back so that I could look up at her.

"Always working" she sighs with an amused smirk.

"How else do you expect me to afford this lifestyle Livi?" I muse spreading my arms wide before reaching back and gripping her waist.

"Adrian, what are you doing?".

"I'm going to lift you over the couch" I say, "you're just going to have to tuck your legs to your chest" I add before doing just as I say carrying her over my head and down into my lap.

"Well hello" she laughs.

"Hello Olivia" I say moving her hair behind her ear.

My reason to live is also going to kill me with beauty.

"Your lap is comfy" she says resting her head against my chest.

"Is it, honestly the smallest things make you the happiest".

"Fuck money, I'd rather cuddle all day" she mutters and I smile at how much of a child she can be but it was adorable, and I was lost in her charm, and perfection.

"You're my favourite person, you know that?", she then nods before looking up at me and the sunlight gleaming through the massive window makes her look like more of an angel.

"You're my favourite person too Adrian".

"We should go for our walk, even though I'd love to cuddle with you on the couch, then we can continue this in the Hamptons, promise".

"Good because I will fall asleep on you" she admits and I know just how true that is.

Both of us then get off the couch though I carried her several feet before setting her on her feet.

Walking into the entryway, I took my chelsea boots before pressing the elevator button, and pulling on my coat, while Olivia wore a similar white one.

We then stepped into the elevator and were carried down to the garage before walking across the room to one of my Bentley's, and sliding inside the vehicle.

I then started the engine while Olivia got in, before I drove us out of the garage off towards Central Park, which took mere moments to come into view. All the trees were covered in frosted snow, the recently shovelled paths were being walked by various people all enjoying the park in what I would argue was it's most spectacular state.

Parking in a spare space I slid out of the car, along with Olivia before locking it, and walking off hand in hand through the park.

"I think I may have to agree with you this is amazing" she says looking around at the trees.

"Most people hate winter, and I do to despite being named after it" I laugh.

"You're last name isn't even pronounced Winters" Olivia points out.

"How would you know".

"You're German and Greek, it should be pronounced Vinters correct?".

"Yes it should, but I'm not a cultural stickler for pronunciation" I say, "My company is also called Winters Group not Vinters Group bellissima".

"I just was curious" she says.

"To answer your question yes in Germany that is how it would be said but everywhere else I prefer the way I grew up hearing it" I say leaning down and picking up snow before rolling it on my coat into a ball before tossing it at Olivia which hit her in the side, before I was the focus of a challenging look.

"Are you wanting to lose in a snowball fight Adrian?".

"I never lose Olivia" I say brushing the snow off my coat and making another snowball, "but have it your way" I add with a shrug before throwing a snowball at her once again, which quickly evolved into a full blow snowball fight that ended with me picking her up off the ground and holding her arms to her sides.

"I think I've won, don't you think?" I muse as she tries to escape.

"Maybe" she replies.

"It's a yes or no question" I point out.

"Fine yes you've won" Olivia relents and I set her back down, before she turns to look up at me, "now I'm cold".

Rolling my eyes I open my arms and she walks into them.

"Come on my little ice cube, we'll go home, and you can fall asleep on me like I promised", and she just nods before we set off to do just that.
Alright next chapter will be the rest of their day technically, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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