Od deepapi

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"No matter how strong you are, there's always that one person who can make you weak." "Please hold me tight... Viac



172 30 92
Od deepapi


One of the lecturers gave us an assignment to work on and divided us into groups. We have to discuss the topic together, conduct a thorough research on it and make a presentation infront of the whole class. So now we're in a quiet corner in the library doing the discussion so we can be ready for the presentation that's due in three days. I got lucky to be paired in the same group with Ava so now I have someone I'm more familiar with.

We're eight individuals in the group and there is one member named Seth who constantly fails to acknowledge and consider the viewpoints, opinions and perspectives of others within the group. He consistently presents his own ideas as the only correct ones, attempting to impose them on everyone else while disregarding the thoughts and contributions of the other group members. "I think your points are invalid, you should conduct more research." He abruptly interrupts one of the team members before she can fully elaborate on her point.

"Let her explain her points, we're a team here and every member has the right to talk and explain themselves." I point out and he huffs sending me a scorching glare obviously irritated.

"I am right." Seth insists. "Her points are invalid and just wasting our time."

"Seth this is called a group discussion for a reason. Stop forcing your points on us and refusing to acknowledge everyone else's."

"I think Seth is right, maybe I should just change my view." The member he cut off mumbles with a frown as she looks down to the floor while fiddling with the sleeves of her sweater.

He then smiles obviously proud for putting the members down by neglecting their points. We continue the discussion and it's my turn to explain my views and take on the topic, keeping them as short as possible and the members listening attentively except Seth who keeps interrupting and talking over me. Totally ignoring his rude behaviour that's uncalled for I keep on with my explanations only for him to interrupt me once again, ignoring my points even.

My patience slowly crumbling, I stop my explanations to face him. "Do you have a question?"

"I don't think I do." He states smugly. "I'm only answering a question one of the members asked me earlier."

"You're doing that when I'm also explaining myself so now we're not communicating well. Let me finish first then you can ask and answer all the questions you want."

What's saddening is that when the male group members are explaining their points, Seth doesn't interrupt or talk over them, he listens carefully instead.

The discussion ends an hour later and we part ways after agreeing to meet again tomorrow evening because we haven't done much today. "That Seth guy is getting on everyone's nerves." Ava breathes out a heavy sigh as we enter the dorms heading to her room. "We have no choice but to put up with him till we do the presentation otherwise we'll lose our marks because of him."

We enter the room and I throw my red mini backpack on the table, plopping myself on Ava's bed tiredly. The group discussion took so long yet we haven't done much. We spent most of the hours arguing with one another, it's past 8.30 pm now. For a group discussion to work there must be teamwork and proper effective communication. When there isn't any like in our group, it sure is going to cause our downfall. All of us as the members.

I end up falling asleep till 9.30 pm when Ava wakes me up. Her roommate is around tonight so I can't sleep here like I always do sometimes when she isn't around. Most of the time she's usually out with friends going to parties and sleeping in their rooms when it's late in the night and she can't come back.

Calling all my friends it's Vin who is still in campus so I ask him to come pick me up and give me a ride when he's leaving to go back to his penthouse. He finally comes over and we spend more time together with Ava before leaving and getting in his black Mercedes Benz. "Why the sad face?" He asks and I only sigh heavily because my day today has been a disaster. "I know what will cheer you up. A party." He exclaims in excitement before I can get a word out. "It's actually a small party that one of my friends is hosting. It's going to be fun, trust me"

I don't mind going to a party.

We get to the apartment and I make dinner for us both, egg noodles with stir fry chicken. I don't order much takeout nowadays like I used to before, instead I cook my own meals and enjoy it more. The egg noodles, perfectly al dente, wait patiently in a colander, ready to be transformed into a delectable meal. The chicken sizzles in a hot pan, its tantalising aroma mingling with the inviting scent of garlic, ginger and soy sauce. Cooking has become a creative outlet for me, a way to not only nourish my body but also my soul. After the sumptuous dinner, I head to the bathroom to prepare for the party. The warm water cascades over my body as I step into the shower, instantly washing away the cares of the day. With the water turned off, I grab the toothbrush, applying a generous amount of minty toothpaste. The bristles glide against my teeth, leaving behind a refreshing sensation. Once I step out of the bathroom, I select an outfit slipping it on, dressed to impress. A crisp white tshirt hugging my torso and a red polka dot miniskirt adding a playful touch. I tuck the tshirt neatly into the waistband of the skirt, creating a chic, casual look. Completing the ensemble, I slip on a pair of comfortable white sneakers.

Vin drives to the party and as usual it's blasting music, alcohol, smoking and vigorous dancing as we walk past the people making out heavily and chugging alcohol down their throats. Since I'm not in the mood to drink anything alcoholic tonight, I pick a can of Pepsi instead. It's school night and I don't want to have a terrible morning tomorrow because of a hangover. I sit on one of the couches, glancing up and it's Jakoda who comes to sight sitting opposite me. His dark, tousled hair is falling carelessly over his forehead, adding an air of effortless charm to his appearance. The dim lighting of the room is casting a subtle glow on his angular features, accentuating his chiseled jawline and high cheekbones. He leans back against the cushions, his strong muscular arms wrapping around the waist of the girl on his lap. Her lips move against his skin, leaving a trail of kisses, full party cups on the table infront of them.

Our eyes meet and I give him a blank look. "You're everywhere." I state and he chuckles refilling his party cup with more vodka. Then he runs his hand on the girl's bare thighs who giggles caressing his chest.

"I think it's destiny." He states and I roll my eyes, drinking the soda.

"Who is this?" The girl stops kissing down Jakoda's neck and looks between us with a scowl on her face after noticing how he's gazing at me. "Wait." She adds before he can tell her who I am. "Are you Mia Ira?"

Nodding my head in confirmation she squeals getting up and hugging me. All I can do is stare at her in awkwardness after noticing how drunk she is as she sways back to the couch, sitting next to Jakoda and almost spilling her drink on his shirt. "I haven't seen you in any recent fashion shows or covers of magazines. Are you taking a break from modelling?"

"I quit modelling."

"You were great and fabulous at it though, I was a huge fan of yours. Anyway it doesn't matter, I'm still your fan and will support you in whatever you decide to do in the future. You're one of the best." She smiles, tapping my hand.

"You're so sweet, thank you for believing in me and supporting me." I smile at her kind words and she gives me a thumps up before raising the party cup to her lips and chugging down all the vodka, picking the bottle and refilling the cup to the brim. That's a lot of alcohol.

"How do you know this guy?" She hastily asks, her eyes darting back and forth between Jakoda and I again. "Have you fallen for his irresistible charms too?"

"Are you jealous?" He pulls her closer kissing her deeply on the lips and I quickly avert my gaze from them, shifting uncomfortably on the couch. "Mia is Lucas's friend." Jakoda tells her once their kiss ends and for a second time, the girl stares at me with her eyes wide open.

"Lucas hates people and only one glare from him is enough to have you taking to your heels and sprinting for the hills like a lunatic. That man is scary, cold and hostile." Her perception of Lucas doesn't come as a surprise because that's who Lucas is to so many people. Even to me when we first met. I end up talking to her and Jakoda for hours as we drink and dance together, drinking vodka too and it's a night full of fun and merry. The girl and I shout at the top of our voices singing along to our favourite songs and even bumping our hips together while giggling constantly, Jakoda coming between and dancing with us both. My only wish is that I don't wake up with a hangover in the morning because I have lectures and a group discussion to attend.

As Intentions by Justin Bieber blasts in the huge speakers, I sway my body to the rhythm while lifting the party cup to my mouth only to realize it's empty. Letting out a heavy sigh, I head to the drinks table for a refill, a bottle of whiskey catches my eye, promising a bold and fiery kick to the night ahead. As I reach for it, someone's presence behind me sends a jolt of surprise through my body, causing me to fumble and accidentally knock over some party cups off the table. Turning around, I come face with face with Jakoda who chuckles as I roll my eyes playfully at him, crossing my arms against my chest. "I was expecting you to spill your drink on me, like you always do to Lucas."

"Me spilling my drinks on Lucas is kind of our thing, just the two of us." I retort and he chuckles gently, a knowing smile playing on his lips as he nods to himself.

Whenever I'm around Lucas, I can't think straight and end up getting clumsy. His presence always makes me nervous, my heart beating a little faster in my chest. His easy confidence and infectious charm draws me in like a moth to a flame, leaving me stumbling over my words and second guessing every action. I can't help but wonder what it is about Lucas that has such a profound effect on me. Is it his easy smile, his infectious laughter, or the way his presence seems to fill the room with a warmth that I can't quite define?. Whatever it is, one thing is clear, whenever Lucas is near, I can't help but feel like I'm teetering on the edge of something unknown, something exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

"Skip the whiskey and coke, try rum and coke instead." Jakoda says to me after noticing how confused I am, not sure of the drink to go for. "Switch things up a bit, you're going to love it, trust me."

"Why don't you amaze me with your skills?" I point at the bottles and party cup, then at him. "Be my bartender tonight and mix my drink for me."

Jakoda smirks, rolling up his sleeves and flexing his muscles, all while gazing intensely at me and I only laugh, shaking my head in amusement. He fills a glass with ice cubes and glances at me as I watch him do his magic. "Pretty lady, which type of rum do you prefer? Dark, light or spiced, it depends on your taste. Which one are you in the mood for tonight?"

"Tonight, I'm in the mood for a rich and flavorful dark rum, something that will transport me to a tropical paradise with just one sip. Surprise me with your best concoction."

Jakoda's smirk widens as he reaches for a bottle of rich, aged dark rum. He pours a generous amount into the glass over the glistening ice cubes, the amber liquid cascading elegantly. Next, he adds a little Cola because I prefer my drink strong. Then he stirs it gently with a long silver spoon to combine the rum and Cola. Next, he garnishes the glass with a twist of a lime wedge, squeezing it lightly over the drink to release some juice for a hint of tanginess, then placing it on the rim of the glass. Handing me the perfectly crafted cocktail, his eyes meet mine once again. "Here you go, my lady. A special creation just for you."

I take the glass, bringing it closer to my nose and detecting notes of a subtle sweetness, caramel, toffee and dark chocolate. The flavours intertwine and evolve, the sweetness of the Coke lingering on my taste buds, harmonizing with the lingering warmth of the rum. "It's amazing, I like it."

Jakoda smiles proudly next to me, mixing another drink for himself as I take long sips of mine. "Come here and dance with me." He holds my hand, pulling back to the dance floor and we sway together to the music that's flooding the room, it's powerful beats resonating deep within and coursing through our bodies like an electric current. Time passes as we refill our drinks one after the other, each note of the music becoming a catalyst for movement, an invitation to surrender to the rhythmic flow. I call back the girl Jakoda was with to join us and she does, the three of us enjoying ourselves together and having the time of our lives. I only hope a hangover won't be knocking at my door bright and early.


The irritating shrill of my phone ringing for what might be the tenth time sounds in the room and it's a nightmare as I groan pulling the duvet back on me. Not able to stand the noise anymore I slam my hand on the phone cutting the call. I have a terrible hangover and my head is about to explode, my throat dry. Why did I decide to drink last night even after swearing and promising myself that I wouldn't. Now look at how I've ended up.

Why am I such a mess?

The phone rings again and I swear under my breath, a wave of frustration washing over me and I reluctantly push away the comforting warmth of my duvet, forcing my eyes open only to be met with an onslaught of blinding sunlight streaming in through the windows. The intensity of the rays is far too harsh for my groggy state, causing me to quickly screw my eyes shut again. A new day has dawned, and with it comes the promise of fresh beginnings and renewed aspirations but I don't think I have any of that right now. My morning is terrible.

Deciding to sleep for more minutes the phone rings once again, jolting me awake and I open my drowsy eyes picking it. Squinting, I struggle to focus on the screen as I answer the call. The clock on the display reads 8:50 am and a wave of panic washes over me. My first lecture is scheduled to start at 9:00 am, that leaves me with a mere ten minutes to get ready and make it to class on time. Ava's voice bursts through the receiver, her tone laced with urgency and concern, the clamour of our classmates in the background adding to the mounting pressure. "The lecture is about to start and you aren't here. Mia, are you still sleeping?" She exclaims, her words rushing out in a flurry.

"Of course not, I'm already awake." Hanging up I notice the five missed calls from her. Whenever she arrives in class before me, she makes sure to call and inform me about lectures.

Panic sets in once again and with a burst of energy, I leap out of bed, my heart pounding in my chest. The urgency propels me forward and I sprint to the bathroom. The cold tiles beneath my feet send a shiver up my spine as I swing open the glass doors, adjusting the water temperature to a refreshing coolness. Without wasting a second, I step under the invigorating spray, the droplets cascading down my body and washing away the remnants of sleep. With one hand hastily squeezing a dollop of toothpaste onto my toothbrush, I vigorously scrub my teeth, a sense of determination in each stroke. I rinse my mouth, the water swirling down the drain and I catch a glimpse of myself in the foggy mirror. My reflection, disheveled and tired, stares back at me, urging me to hurry.

Quickly I reach for a bottle of lotion, the soothing scent wafting in the air as I squeeze a generous amount into my palms. My hands glide over my damp skin, the moisturizer absorbing with each gentle stroke, leaving behind a touch of silkiness. My eyes dart to the closet, scanning for the perfect attire and my gaze lands on black oversized graphic tshirt, its design a bold statement against the monochrome backdrop. I snatch it from the hanger and slip it over my arms, the fabric embracing me in a loose embrace. Next I grab a pair of black baggy shorts, their relaxed fit allowing freedom and movement. I slide them on, the soft material brushing against my skin as I secure the drawstring, ensuring a snug fit. My attention then shifts to my feet where a pair of chunky white sneakers beckons, waiting patiently to join the morning rush and I slip them on.

My hair is a wild tangle of strands and I hastily gather it into a bun, using an elastic band to hold it in place. Loose tendrils escape, framing my face in an effortless, carefree manner. I glance at my reflection once more, content with the casual yet undone look. With a throbbing headache pounding at my temples, I reach for the bottle of painkillers shaking out a few tablets into my palm. Swallowing them with a gulp of water, I hope for a quick relief, willing the pain to subside. Finally, my eyes settle on my white backpack resting on the chair and waiting patiently for me to grab it. I sling it over my shoulder and take a quick glance at the clock which reveals that time is running dangerously short for me. I rush to the door with keys in hand, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I lock the door behind me and make a beeline for my car, the engine roaring to life as I rev it up. Navigating through the morning traffic, my foot presses the accelerator, propelling me forward and my mind focused on the two minutes remaining that are ticking away. Time is slipping away from me like grains of sand through my fingers.

"Mia why did you have to drink and stay up so late, you're such a mess." I scold myself as I make my way through the imposing gates of the sprawling campus, wasting more time in searching for a parking space. I circle the slots, my eyes darting from one occupied spot to another, my frustration growing with every failed attempt. Finally, a stroke of luck favours me and I spot an open space, quickly manoeuvring my car into the vacant spot. Without a moment to waste, I turn off the engine, bolting out of the car and sprinting to class. Then I realize I've left my bag behind in the car. I run back for it wasting more time and finally getting to class twenty minutes late, finding the lecturer, Mr.Todd, already teaching. He stares at me all the way as I hurry to the back of the room, his eyes narrowing as he shakes his head.

Ava bites her bottom lip clearly trying to stifle a laugh and I wave her off, taking out my iPad. The next minutes are of me struggling and fighting to keep myself awake but it's a huge challenge since I didn't get enough sleep last night. Slumping my upper body on the desk, I rest my head on the hard surface, rubbing my eyes that now feel scratchy. I stay jittery in sleeplessness all through the lecture, my heavy eyelids finally closing. I need to sleep, even a little.

A tap on my shoulder startles me and I push the hand away going back to sleep. Feeling the tap a second time I groan opening my eyes slightly. "Fuck off and leave me alone. I need to sleep." Glancing up and expecting it to be Ava, it's the lecturer instead. Shit.

The class is dead silent, Mr. Todd crossing his arms, his stern eyes on me. I have really messed up now and I'm completely done for.

"You arrive in my class twenty minutes late then you start sleeping. When I wake you up, you scream profanities at me." He says calmly.

Something is definitely wrong with me and I need serious help. "I thought you were her." I whisper pointing at Ava who is now laugh heartily at me, not holding back. Mr. Todd doesn't say anything else, only goes back to the front of the class continuing with the lecture. I'm in so much trouble.

The lecture soon ends and I pick the iPad shoving it back inside my bag. "You look horrible. What were you doing last night?" Ava stands next to my desk in a pretty blue Starry Night dress, crossing her arms against her chest as I close my eyes craving for even a little ounce of sleep.

"Ms. Lazano, follow me to my office." Mr. Todd calls as he walks out with his grey leather briefcase in hand. My morning is worsening by the second.

Ava offers to carry my bag for me because of how exhausted I am. "I'm lucky to have you. What would I do without you?" I hug her warmly before following Mr. Todd closely behind to his office.

He points at one of the two chairs infront of his desk and I sit down letting out a long yawn. Not only am I almost passing out in exhaustion, I'm also hungry since I haven't had breakfast yet. "I can still remember my freshman year in college. It was parties after parties, mischief after mischief. It's all exciting to have fun and experience new things with all the independence you now have. It's okay to go out and have fun with friends, play and party. We all need a good break for our minds and body but don't forget your studies. You need to balance everything well because if you don't, you're going to end up neglecting your studies. So plan your time and use it wisely. Establish your priorities, decide on what's more important and needs more of your focus and time. If you mess up in that, there's nothing wrong with it. Learn, make the necessary changes and move on." Mr. Todd sits up as I look back at him listening keenly to everything he's saying. "Above all that Miss. Lazano, don't forget to take care of yourself. You come first, your well being should always comes first." With a warm smile he dismisses me and I get up to leave. "Don't forget to drink water, lots of it and hydrate."

Joining Ava in the corridors, we head to the library for the group discussion as I take out my bottle from my bag gulping down all the water.

We discuss the assignment for some hours with breaks in between. After the warnings most of us gave Seth yesterday, he doesn't talk over us or interrupt this time. So the discussion flows smoothly and we get done well without any distractions.

Ava goes back to the dorms as I get in my car to drive back to the apartment and make something to eat. Pulling the straps of the seatbelt across my chest and fastening it, I lean back on the seat closing my heavy eyes and drifting back to sleep. Loud taps on the window wakes me up and I slowly open my eyes seeing Lucas staring at me. Lowering the window I rub my eyes trying to get rid of the sleep creased in them. "You've been sleeping in this car for more than an hour now. I was on my motorcycle waiting for you to wake up so we can talk but you weren't waking up. So I decided to come and do it myself. What's wrong with you. Is there something you should be telling me?"

Quickly opening the passenger door he slips inside turning on the seat and facing me. "I'm exhausted and hungry. I've had a busy day and didn't get enough sleep last night."

Lucas gets out of the car walking to my side and already knowing what he wants to do, I get out as well and he slips in the driver's seat as I hurry to the passenger seat. He drives back to the apartment going straight to the kitchen once we arrive, tying the apron around his slim waist and chopping some ingredients as I eat greek yoghurt and grapes. He was silent all through the ride clearly upset that I skipped breakfast and lunch today.

He cooks cashew rice and chicken stew, serving me and I sit at the dining table to eat. He comes with a glass of water putting it on the table for me.

"I had a rough morning and a busy day. I didn't have much time to get something to eat." I mumble noticing he's still upset with me.

"Eat first, we'll talk later." He goes back to the kitchen serving himself some of the delicious food and coming to the dining room so we can eat together. Luckily for me he starts easing up as we eat and isn't upset anymore like he was earlier. "Jakoda told me that he partied with you and another girl last night. He couldn't stop rambling about how much fun you guys had together." He mutters the last statement under his breath as he leans back on the chair, a sullen look plastered on his face.

Jacoda talks too much.

"I went to the party with Vin and met him there. Yes we had a few drinks and danced the night away."

"Okay then. I just thought you and Jakoda grew closer." He states gazing deeply at me, a slight growl sounding at the back of his throat at the mention of Jakoda and I together.

"No. Jakoda and I aren't close and I didn't go to the party with him. I went with Vin and met him there."

Silence engulfs us as all we do is gaze deeply at each other. "You have to plan your day and time well otherwise you'll be having so many rough mornings." Lucas advices me not mentioning anything else about Jakoda and I again and I also let the topic go not wanting to drag it. "Don't skip breakfast and meals too. If you do, I'll be disappointed and won't give you rides on my motorcycle again. I'm serious Mia." Nodding in understanding while laughing softly I get up hugging him and he pushes me away but I don't let go of him, wrapping my arms around him tightly instead. "Let go of me, I hate hugs."

"You like my hugs though." I finally let go of him and he smiles charmingly at me. Poking his dimple to get on his nerves which totally works, he pushes me away again with a piercing glare.

"You're so annoying." Lucas gets up to leave but I pull him back to me, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head against his chest. It's always fun teasing and joking around with him like this.



Question of the chapter.


Mia is so damn lucky to have a man who can cook this delicacy for her.

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