Troublemaker | Station 19

By goonerscribblesox

345K 8.1K 1.8K

When the arrival of the youngest member of the Bishop family, Maddie, turns up at the station, skeletons come... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Arrival at 19
2. Home sweet home
3. Exhaustion
4. Sour Mood
5. Escape Act
6. Grounded
7. Staying At The Houseboat
8. Risking It
9. Hero
10. PTSD
11. Oh Mother Dearest
12. Sick Day
13. Reunited
14. The World As We Know It Now
15. Our Fallen Hero
16. Tiger on the loose
17. Moving In
18. Bringing Up The Past
19. Probie Sullivan!
20. Victims
21. Wrongful Arrest
22. The Aftermath!
23. The Chase Is On
24. It's Too Early To Say Goodbye
25. Too Soft
26. Memorial Service
27. Unwanted Guest
28. Pushing Her Luck
29. Uncle Mason
30. Back To Italy
31. Hospital Trip
32. Confessions
33. Recovery Begins
34. Date Night
35. Unforgivable Actions
36. Unfamiliar Face
37. Anxiety
38. Leaving For Italy
39. Late Night Fears
40. Confrontation
42. Reconnected
43. Teenage Trouble
44. It's Wedding Day!
45. Fallout Of Events
46. Happiness Doesn't Last Long
47. Turmoil
48. Awaiting News
49. Other Side
50. Awake
51. Nobody Likes Hospitals
52. Welcome To The Family
53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool
54. Recovery
55. Surprise Visitors
56. Show Some Respect
57. Back To School
58. Violence Doesn't Get You Anywhere
59. Birthday Wish
60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?
61. Rise From The Ashes
62. Celebrate!
63. Celebrate! pt.2
64. Fear
65. Truth Comes out
66. Seattle Heatwave
67. Maybe One Day
68. Are We Ready To Try This Again?
69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral
70. Sneaking Out, Again!
71. Testing The Limits!
72. The Calm Before The Storm
73. Devastation
74. Grief Stricken
75. Depression
76. Late Night Hospital Visit
77. Therapy
78. Feelings
79. As The Bells Ring, Blood Is Shed
80. Diagnosis
81. The Truth Hurts
82. Homophobic Slurs
83. Burnt Turkey
84. Accept That Its Over!
85. Actions!
86. Deep Trouble...
87. Rose Petals And Champagne, All Around!
88. Realisation
89. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!
90. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Well Kinda!
Book 2 Update!

41. Mood Swings

2.9K 84 8
By goonerscribblesox

"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to get up today," Maya teased lightly when she spotted her 13-year-old pad through to the kitchen from her bedroom, she looked so upset and disorientated. "You look like you haven't slept at all." She stated.

"Gee, thanks, mom," Maddie said as she rolled her eyes and made her over to the couch and slumped down on it.

"Did you sleep?" Maya questioned concerned for her daughter's health.

Maddie shrugged her shoulders, "A little bit. I kept on waking up throughout the night." She admitted.

"Okay, have you heard anything else from Sarah?" Maya wondered out loud just as Maddie's phone started to vibrate. "Is that her?" she asked.

"Yep," Maddie stated as she threw her phone onto the other side of the couch to avoid answering.

"And you're not going to answer?" Maya asked confused.

"Nope." Maddie stated as she picked up the remote and turned on the television.

"Okay," Maya said with a sigh. "Well, get yourself dressed. We're going to the grocery store," She told her daughter.

"Do I have to come?" Maddie groaned.

Maya chuckled and patted her daughter's shoulder. "Come on kiddo. A change of scenery will do you some good. We didn't go the other day and we're in need of stuff now," she added.

"I prefer the scenery of inside the apartment," Maddie pouted at the older blonde.

"Are you ready to go?" Maya called out in question as she stood by the front door of the apartment, impatiently waiting for her teenage daughter.

"I'm ready, unfortunately," Maddie muttered as she shoved her denim jacket on.

"You could sound more cheerful about it." Maya said as she guided her daughter of the apartment. "Come on, we need to go before your Tia Andy and Auntie Vic come around tonight," she added as they walk over to the elevator.

"Oh, they're coming around?" Maddie asked in surprise.

"Yeah, they're both coming around for drinks," Maya explained as they stepped inside the elevator and rode down to the ground floor. "That okay with you?" she asked.

"Awesome," Maddie said in agreement. "Super awesome," she repeated.

"Okay, so we need Milk, Bread, Chips..." Maya began to list the items that they would need.

Maddie followed her mom around the store in a sulk with her hands in her pocket the whole entire time. "I don't understand why I had to come. I would rather have sat at home," The teenager grumbled in annoyance.

"I know you would have but as I told you before, you needed a change of scenery." Maya insisted.

"And I told you I preferred the scenery inside," Maddie mumbled as she mopped around the store behind Maya who pushed the cart. "This really sucks," She pouted.

Maya stopped pushing the cart and turned her attention to her daughter. "Okay, listen, I know that you're upset about Sarah, but I could really do without you sulking about," she told her daughter firmly who just scowled and continued to keep her hands shoved in her pockets. "Maddie. Come on please, help me out here kiddo," She added.

"I want to go home already," Maddie mumbled.

"I know you do, and we can as soon as we've finished in here," Maya insisted, "Now, go and fetch the bread please," She stated.

Maddie exhaled a loud sigh and muttered something under her breath in Italian. Clever of her to do considering she understand the basic words, however, Maya wasn't picking up on it as quick as she was, so she had that to her advantage.

"I heard that... even if it was in Italian," Maya called out.

"Stupida!" Maddie continued to mutter under her breath.

"Enough, Maddie!" Maya said firmly, avoiding the glances from people who were also out shopping. "God, I've gotta tell Carina to stop teaching you Italian," she said to herself as Maddie walked off down the aisles to get the bread.

"So, Mads, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Maya wondered as she put the groceries away in the cupboards.

"No offence Mom but can I just go to my room? I really just want to be alone right now," Maddie said as she stood in the kitchen.

Maya turned to look at her daughter who looked lost in her own world. "Okay, sure kiddo. Go ahead," she said.

"Thanks," Maddie mumbled as she walked off into her bedroom down the hall.

Maya finished putting the groceries away in the cupboard as her phone began to ring and she answered it quickly knowing it would be her soon-to-be wife, "Hi Car, I'm happy to see your face on screen!" She said enthusiastically despite the frown on her face.

"Ciao Bella. I am happy to see you as well." Carina smiled and then noticed the frown on Maya's face, "What's the matter, you seem frazzled." She observed.

"Wha- I'm not frazzled," Maya said confused.

"Bella, I can see your forehead line from when you frown. What's the matter?" Carina asked.

"I'm just worried about Mads that's all," Maya said as she held her phone in one hand as she shut the cupboard door. "She's being her usual delightful self," she said sarcastically.

"Oh, is she being difficult?" Carina snorted in amusement.

Maya chuckled and moved to sit on the couch, "You could say that. I practically had to drag her out to the grocery store." She told the Italian women.

Carina frowned, "I take it that it didn't go well?" she questioned.

"Nope," Maya said as she let out a sigh. "The whole time she mopped around the store and gave me an attitude." She told the brunette.

Carina shook her head. "Oh, dear. Where is she?" she wondered.

"In her bedroom, still in a mood," Maya said. "I think Sarah's texted her, but she hasn't even responded to any of them at all." She added.

"They still haven't spoken at all?" Carina asked in surprise.

"Well, Sarah has tried but Maddie isn't exactly interested, and she's just avoided her texts and calls," Maya stated. "I'm hoping that having Andy and Vic around later will help her cheer up a little bit. I know she adores her aunts," she said in hopefulness.

"Si Hopefully, it might help," Carina said in agreement.

"You know that Maddie started to mutter words to me in Italian," Maya told the Italian.

"Really?" Carina asked amused. "What did she say?" she laughed.

Maya nodded her head. "Yep... I briefly remember the word 'stupida' being muttered under her breath which she thought I didn't hear," she said.

Carina couldn't help but laugh. "Oh dear, she is picking up on my catch terms," she said.

"Do you mean catchphrases babe?" Maya said as she couldn't help but smile.

"Yes," Carina paused and nodded. "I mean catchphrases. Stupida American idioms," she muttered.

"Okay, so I know where she gets that from," Maya teased. "Counting down the days until we're together again," she added.

Carina let out a wide grin, "Only 23 more days to go," she said.

"Can't wait beautiful and then we can finally say I do," Maya said with a huge smile on her face.

"Hola!" Andy called out as she entered the apartment with Vic following behind her.

"God, I'm ready to daytime-drink!" Vic exclaimed as she walked into the apartment.

"Hi guys," Maya greeted her friends. "Maddie, your aunties are here, come and say hi!" She called out to the teenager who was still currently sitting in her bedroom in a mood. "So, what are we drinking?"

"I've got beer." Andy held up a six-pack of beer.

"That's cute. I brought vodka," Vic smirked and showed off the spirits bottle.

Maya couldn't help but remember this familiar conversation that they had years ago before she even met Carina, "You guys remember that I have a daughter now, right? I can't get totally drunk like we used to do," she asked her two friends amused.

"Oh of course not. Just slightly," Vic grinned as she made up three shot glasses of vodka for them to do shots.

"Maddie wondered out of her bedroom and sat on the arm of the couch, "Hi Aunties," she mumbled sadly.

"Sup, squirt!" Vic reached across to Maddie to fist-bump the younger girl, which the girl accepted in return.

Andy instantly noted the upset look on the teen's face. "Okay, what's with the sad face, Mija?" she questioned.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Maddie insisted and plastered a fake smile on her face. "See? I couldn't be any happier," she added. The three women shared a look between themselves.

Vic raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh course you are, so what's happened?" she asked concerned.

Maya was somewhat grateful for her friends being here since she knew hopefully Maddie would at least talk to the two women.

"Yeah, you can't fool us Mija." Andy piped in.

Maddie let out a loud sigh, "I broke up with Sarah," she mumbled.

"What?" Vic asked surprised.

"How come? You guys were great together," Andy questioned in confusion.

"Her Mom doesn't want us to be together," Maddie mumbled upset.

Vic frowned, "Why does that matter?" she asked confused.

"That's what I said!" Maya interjected.

"Because she hadn't even told her mom about us and then she walked in on us kissing and totally freaked out about it all," Maddie explained it all to the two women.

"Oh, Mija!" Andy said as she sighed.

"Not to mention that she judged my mom on falling pregnant when she was 16," Maddie continued to explain.

Maya looked completely baffled since this was the first that she had heard about it. "Wait, what? You didn't tell me about that," she said.

"I didn't want to hurt you by telling you mom," Maddie admitted.

"She actually said that?" Maya asked shocked.

Maddie nodded her head slowly, "Yeah and some other stuff as well," she said.

"Like what?" Maya wondered.

"Well, she was disgusted by the fact that I am being raised by two moms," Maddie told the woman who looked shocked. "Which is totally not cool, and I love being raised by you and Mama," She interjected.

"Oh wow," Andy said in a state of shock.

"Oh Mads," Maya said as she wrapped her arm around the teenagers' shoulders.

"I'm sorry that I never told you about any of this last night. I just didn't want you to get angry," Maddie said.

"What did you think I would do?" Maya chuckled in amusement.

"I don't know but I was a little worried, so I didn't want to tell you," Maddie mumbled. "You can tend to get pretty hot-headed," she grinned.

"I understand that," Maya said.

"So, what are you going to do about Sarah? Are you guys going to get back together," Vic asked curiously.

"I don't know," Maddie shrugged her shoulders lightly.

"Yeah, are you going to not be with her just because of her mom?" Vic questioned curiously.

"I don't know," Maddie repeated.

"Screw what her mom thinks. Clearly, she is still living in the past and needs to get with the times," Andy pointed out.

Maddie can't help but giggle and nod at her aunties, "I think I know what I need to do," she said with a smile on her face.

"Oh?" Maya questioned.

"Yeah. I know what to do," Maddie agreed.

The night went on, it turns out that both Andy and Vic got drunk and started to talk nonsense. Maddie found the whole situation hilarious while Maya was less impressed, they told the teenager stories about the past, including their experience of the fire academy.

"Wait, so the two of you actually become friends just because you were the only females at the academy?" Maddie asked confused.

"Yep, although your Tia said it a bit more verbal than that," Maya chuckled. "And then of course we met your auntie Vic when she joined as a probie,"

"And so, you three just become friends from there?" Maddie asked intrigued by it all.

"Pretty much," Maya laughed as she looked at her friends were absolutely wasted. "Okay, I think that your Tia and Auntie have had way more to drink than they should have." She chuckled.

"Oh, come on, we're celebrating you getting engaged. We never thought it would happen," Vic couldn't help but laugh.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Maya asked pretending to be offended.

"Well, Maya, you weren't exactly looking to settle down until you met Carina. You had a lot of one-night stands." Andy couldn't help but chuckle. "God, remember Dearborn?" she questioned.

Maya put her hands in her face, "God, how could I forget." She mumbled.

"What, who's that?" Maddie asked confused.

"Just someone that's from the past," Maya said quickly before Andy could go into further detail.

"Oh, okay," Maddie said confused. "Well, I think I am gonna go to bed," Maddie said as she stood up off the couch.

"Already? It's still early," Andy asked as she looked up from her bottle of beer.

"Yeah, it's only like 8 pm," Vic pointed out as she looked at the clock.

Maddie couldn't help but giggle as Andy tried to drunkenly stand up. "Yeah, I'm tired."

"Alright, Mija. Goodnight," Andy smiled as she wrapped her arms around the younger girl.

"Come give your favourite auntie a hug goodnight," Vic said as she reached out to the teenager.

"Favourite auntie? Hughes, we both know that's me!" Andy pointed to herself as she staggered about. "Right, Mija?" she asked while she looked at the teenager.

"Uh... Mom, help me?" Maddie looked at her mom for some kind of help.

"Guys, come on, leave my daughter alone." Maya smirked and stood up, "Goodnight kiddo. Want me to come and tuck you in?" She asked.

"No thanks, Mom. I'm all good. I'm gonna go call Mama before I fall asleep," Maddie smiled and hugged her mom goodnight. "Goodnight, Mom," she looked at the other two women, "Night aunties," she added.

"Goodnight, Mija!" Andy called out as she walked into the kitchen.

Vic waved from her spot on the couch as she called over to the teenager, "Night, squirt!" she said.

Maddie couldn't help but giggle at her aunties' drunk behaviour, something that she hadn't really seen before. Walking inside her bedroom and over to her bed, she flopped down onto her bed and found her Mama's number to quickly call her and say goodnight.

"Ciao Bambina," Carina smiled through the phone. "How's your night been with your mom and aunties?" she asked.

"Hi Mama," Maddie said as she propped herself up on her pillow. "Pretty loud. I have never seen them so drunk," she couldn't help but giggle.

"So, you've come to bed to escape the madness?" Carina smirked knowing full well how loud they can all get.

"Yes," Maddie said and couldn't but giggle.

"So, have spoken to Sarah at all yet?" Carina wondered.

Maddie let out a sigh and shook her head, "Nope, not yet. I thought about texting her but backed out," she confessed.

"You will sort it out Piccola," Carina reassured her. "You look pretty tired. Your mom says you didn't sleep much last night," she said.

"I am. I just wanted to call and say goodnight first before I fell asleep," Maddie said as a yawn escaped her mouth.

"Buonanotte, Bambina." Carina smiled through the camera. "Get some rest and I will speak to you soon." She said.

"Goodnight, Mama," Maddie said as she stifled a yawn, she ended the phone call as she slid her phone onto her bedside table, lying on her back as she stared up at the ceiling while lost in her own thoughts once again.

That was until her phone vibrated.

Picking her phone up, it was a text from Sarah. Fumbling around with her phone, she tried to figure out what to reply in response.

Can we talk? Meet me tomorrow at the park? 20:08 pm

Maddie wasn't exactly sure what to reply, she didn't want to come across so keen, but she did want to meet up to talk.

Yeah, sure x – 20:10 pm

Really? x 20:15 pm

Okay, see you tomorrow. Meet about 12? x 20:16 pm

Yeah, see you tomorrow x – 12:17 pm

Maddie smiled as she slid her phone back onto her bedside table, she closed her eyes and fell asleep thinking about seeing Sarah tomorrow.

Another update...

So, I finally have internet, which means I can finally update again like normal!

Let me know what you think!

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