Stop Abusing Me (Under Final...

By 123outLOUD

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[Book One] Dylan Smith is a normal high school student just like everyone else. Having issues with his pa... More

Warning: Before You Read.
Chapter 1: Same Routine
Chapter 2: First Hit
Chapter 3: Strange Feeling
Chapter 4: Am I gay
Chapter 5: Unexpected Party Visitor
Chapter 6: Drunk Confession
Chapter 7: Your Coming With Me
Chapter 8: Hangover Effect
Chapter 10: Interrupted
Chapter 11: Jealousy
Chapter 12: New Boy Consequences
Chapter 13: Losing it
Chapter 14: Stay
Chapter 15: When Fists Fly
Chapter 16: Threatened
Chapter 17: Mason's Return
Chapter 18: The Unforeseen Incident
Chapter 19: New Me
Chapter 20: Arguments
Chapter 21: Love to Die For
Chapter 22: Talking Back
Chapter 23: Final Words
Under Standing: The Ending
The Sequel

Chapter 9: Expressions

14.8K 442 30
By 123outLOUD

Author's Note: I know it is not much, but things been happening lately, but I know you will like this. Be sure to follow me if you really like my book so you can keep track on when I update and stuff.

Thank you!


Dylan's POV: 

    As my head was bent down emotionless, I couldn't say anything but get out. I mean, what was I suppose to do, let that ass hole continue to raise his voice at me? He must have the game fucked up!  I knew it was going to be like this, but why wasn't I ready for it? I guess I couldn't face reality. All I can do is stare at the ground and let my mind escape into wonderland or something because right now I don't want to be here. 

    As I heard the door close slowly I let out a huge breath of air as it escaped from my lungs, relaxing from my previously  tense body. I felt a sense of bliss fill in me, but as the same time I couldn't help, but feel lugubrious. I want to discuss this "issue" we are having right now. It's like he expresses his feelings towards me, but we aren't getting anywhere. 

    As soon as I thought of this, the door flew open. In an instant my head looked up to see a concerned yet angered Mason. My face now in confusion, just starred at him wondering why he was still here?

    "Didn't I say get out?" I repeated this for like the fourth time! Why can't he get it through that thick skull of his that I don't want him here at all! 

    As I looked into his eyes I could see the affliction arriving to what I just spoke. He opened his mouth slowly, but then closed it from all that hurt he just received.  Now he could see what being a jerk feels like, what hurting someones feelings, over and over feels like.

    I paused for a bit then got saddened at how I was acting. This isn't how it was suppose to go. Your suppose to be nice to everyone no matter what they did to you.

    I step towards to him slowly with my head now tilting down to the ground because I couldn't take seeing the pain in his eyes. As soon as I felt his body heat I stopped, letting myself know I was close to him.

    "I'm sorry for being so mean, its just-" my eyes started burning from the tears that were now forming in my eyes. It was too much to bare on how I hurt someone like him. He was all big and bad, and you don't see that everyday from someone like Mason. I couldn't help but just fall into him wrapping my arms around him tightly. I buried my face in his chest feeling comfortable and warm.

    His index finger than slid under my chin pushing my head up slowly. As I was forced to look into those I eyes I became lost in amazement, how the colors of blue and gray fought for domain in his eye color, swirling if you looked very closely. 

    "We need to talk about this." his voice cutting like a knife into my shattering thought as I focused on him. Hearing him speak so calmly made me tingly and heated. 

    "OK" was all I could say while letting go of him. Damn, it really killed me to not be that close to him.

    Walking towards my bed I sat down preparing myself for any future "misunderstanding". I watched him as he walked towards me and sat next to me on the bed. He looked like he had a lot on his mind and I wanted for him to get it out, so this talk or "expressions" would help out.

    "Um ... y-you want to start?" I looked up at him trying to fill my eyes with curiosity. I swung my legs trying to look cute because I wanted to ease the awkwardness. 

    "Sure." it sounded like he wanted me to go first because he was the one that wanted to express his feelings to me in the first, but I never really said anything towards how I felt about him.

    "Well-" he started off, "you already know I like you, I mean really like you." I blushed a little at his emphasis on the really.

     "But the reason why I act all angry is because I don't have any other way in my mind to express it, so you have to bare with me on that." I nodded to confirm him so that he could continue, " Now the reason why I like you, I don't know. There is just something about you that I want, and that I need." My eyes shoot up in surprise, 'He needs me?'' I thought.  I was breath taken at  his feelings towards me, they felt strong as I heard him speak it in the tone in which he did. "I am also sorry about how I acted at the party. Just seeing  you dance with Janet made me mad for some reason. I acted like an ass and I am sorry."

    He hung his head down in shame as I could see blue in his eyes winning with the gray now due to his sorrow. I didn't want him to be all sad. I guess it was my turn to tell him how I felt. I took a deep breath and thought of what I was going to say.

    Maybe I should start off by telling him it was OK and I accept his apology or maybe I should just tell him how I feel? The silence in the room was getting to be kind of weird so I just went off the top of my head.

    "I accept your apology and I will try to help you in expressing your feelings like we are now instead of hitting me or yelling at me." As I looked at him I could see a tear fall from his left cheek. I rose my hand to wipe it away, but he flinched and moved his head away from my hand.

    "It's OK Ma-" he cut me off, now looking into my face as soft tears streamed down his.

    "It's not Dylan." he said with a little force.

    "It is Mason because I know that you're truly sorry." I then tried again to wipe the tears from his face. As I soon saw that he didn't move, I whipped them away slowly while we got lost in each others eyes, but I soon had to break to express more of my feelings.

    "The day I saw you in the bathroom, in a instant I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I mean I am straighter than an arrow and I couldn't keep my eyes off of you." I chuckled.

    A smile slowly appeared on his face to show that I was making him happy. His smile is so beautiful and effected me to the fullest. This was the first time I ever seen him smile and boy was it killing me softly with joy. I then continued, "I mean look at you Mason, your freaking hot. Who couldn't keep there eyes off of you." he smile had gotten wider making me feel accomplished.  

    "Your cute yourself." he said through his smile. 

    I couldn't believe we were actually talking things through. It felt like a big as piano or bolder got off of me, but I wonder what are we; A couple? Friends with benefits? I had to find out..

"So what are we?" I asked shyly, blushing as his looked at me in surprise. 

    "Only time will tell, but for now lets just keep it between you and I." and with that said he leaned over me and put his lips upon mine kissing me intensely. He pressed me back against the bed and I just let things take it's course.

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