shut up (SLOW UPDATES)

By maruharuhi

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(SLOW UPDATES) "What the hell is going on Higashikata?" When it all boils down to the murder of her mother... More



59 3 2
By maruharuhi

Y/n gazed out of her window silent.

It's been a full week since her freak out and she had decided to stay home.

Josuke and Okuyasu dropped by frequently, giving her homework and notes, y/n then proceeded to spend most of her time studying even though that was the last thing she wanted to do.

She placed her pen aside and stretched.

Gentle appeared at her side, pointing outside as if to budge her to get out or something.

"We ought to see Mrs Suzuki," y/n said out loud, changing into a baggy top and some slacks before pulling her hair into a messy low ponytail. "And I think i'd better go to school too."

Y/n grabbed her keys, headphones, mp3 player and wallet and stuffed them into a small sling bag she had before exiting her room.

"Dearie are you alright?"

"Yeah i'm just gonna go out for abit, also, I'm gonna go school tomorrow, I'm feeling much better now." her aunt gave her a sad look before pulling her into a hug.

"That's good to know, take care y/n and do be back for dinner!"

"Yeah see you," she waved to her aunt and left the house.

Y/n plugged her headphones into her mp3 player and pressed on a random song. She let it play and headed into town to find a bus to the outskirts.
There was no way she was going to walk all the way there.

As she stood at the bus stop looking at the bus board before she spotted a rush of dark blue at the corner of her eye.

Y/n glanced over to see Josuke and Okuyasu running after a- what?

Y/n pulled off her headphones and squinted to get a closer look at the thing , or rather, person they were chasing after.
It was a boy- sliding across the ground?!

Y/n kept her mp3 player and started to give chase, pressing her heels hard against the concrete pavement for a bigger boost.

They neared a building and y/n stopped dead in her tracks when the boy literally slid up the walls, reaching the rooftop in mere seconds.

"What the fuck..Josuke what's happening?!" her boyfriend turned around startled before relaxing a little.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" he asked, looking back up where the boy had disappeared.

"Fuck! He may be a simpleton, but he's pretty clever," Okuyasu cursed. "Is this his natural instinct- oh hey y/n! That bitch took a cheque of ours and is running away!"

"He's a Stand user I suppose?" y/n looked to them and back up at the top of the building. "He's getting away!"

"Hey hey calm down," Josuke held both his hands up and summoning Crazy Diamond. "All we need to do is," Crazy Diamond grabbed Okuyasu and tossed him up at a ledge on the building. "Have our Stands lift our bodies in the same way he is and climb up!"

He picked y/n up and tossed her up too, she summoned Gentle and grabbed at a ledge higher up.
Josuke and Okuyasu then did some weird linkage to get up by the ledges while y/n decided to try power jumping.

Because come on, if you can punch hard, you can jump hard.

Y/n took a deep breath and bent her knees before propelling herself up, Gentle's hands latching onto a ledge higher up.

She got upstairs before the boys did and lent her hand to get them up.

The boy was already edging on the huge pipes connecting the building they were at with the next and reached the other building just as they started to approach him.

"You actually think you can get away from us, Shigechi?" josuke called out, the plump boy turning around and scowling.

"Bring it on! I'll carefully pop your Harvests, one by one!" Okuyasu got onto one side of the pipes, carefully balancing his way across.

Josuke went onto the other pipe, moving along slowly.

Y/n held back a little, looking at the pipes skeptically before she noticed them moving.

"Josuke! Okuyasu! Watch out!" Shigechi watched blankly from the other side.

"My Harvest is amazing, it'll gather anything." she spotted a small creature, wait no, many small creatures, most possibly Shigechi's Stand, holding onto some bolts.

As the pipes dislodged from its initial position, y/n leaned over the ledge to grab onto the exposed sides of the pipe, pulling hard on it so that Josuke and Okuyasu stopped sliding down it.

However, Harvest unscrewed the bolts on the other side of the pipe, resulting in the two of them falling down along with the pipes.

Since y/n was holding onto the pipes so tightly, she too fell along with them. Screaming as she plummeted down below.

"If you want to talk about amazing, there's also my Shining Diamond!" Josuke grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him as Crazy Diamond punched at the pipes, the bolts flying from the many little tiny Harvests back to its original places.

She blushed as she was literally clinging onto Josuke for dear life and of course, her boyfriend was so fucking cool.

Y/n took a deep breath before flashing Shigechi a smile. "Heya." she said.

Shigechi backed away afraid, his tiny Harvests backing up with him as well.

"I'm still super pissed off, but right now, I'm still willing to forgive you." Okuyasu grumbled, getting off the pipes. "I'll just hit you two or three times!"

Josuke extended his hand out, frowning at Shigechi. "Come on, give us the promissory note for the five million."

"F-five million?" Y/n asked out loud, Okuyasu flashed her a grin and a thumbs up much to her confusion.

"I told you..if you came after me i'd kill you." Josuke started to wobble a little, catching himself before he fell face first to the floor.
Okuyasu too had started to lose his balance.

"Uh..hey what did you do?" y/n scowled, shifting her leg backwards just in case she needed to do some punching.
Josuke crashed onto a roof window, groaning and trying his best to stand.

"How are you not affected? Do you have some buffs or something?" Shigechi shouted at her, y/n just stared at him confused as he held up a bottle of whiskey. "You guys are drunk!"

"Alcohol?" Josuke mumbled.

"My harvest gathers anything! It brought some alcohol from the liquor store earlier, then injected it into your bodies!" he smirked at them. "Right into your veins!"

"Well except for you of course so uh that's another thing to worry about." y/n sighed and rolled her shoulders backwards.

"Maybe your harvests forgot about me," y/n flinched and grabbed at her left arm where a harvest had started to inject her body with alcohol. She grabbed it and crushed it in her fists before coughing a little.

"When alcohol is injected in your veins even a tiny amount will get you really drunk right?" y/n asked, wiping a hand across her forehead to push her hair away. "Well I got you bestie, my tolerance is so high because i love the new years."

She summoned Gentle as more of Harvests started to run at her.
As y/n raised her hand to punch Shigechi, a loud yell came from behind and she ended up skidding past Shigechi, whipping her head back to see Okuyasu struggling on the floor holding his left eye.


"Yes i did!" he started to laugh as Harvest scratched Josuke's eyelid badly. "I did I did! Tremble in my mightiness you fools!"

Y/n felt a vein in her eye twitch as she pursed her lips.
What could she do to help?

Shigechi had started to boast about his Harvest and even Okuyasu offered to return the money Shigechi had "generously" given them while y/n stood behind helpless.

She glanced over at Okuyasu who made eye contact with her with his free right eye.
He looked to Shigechi then back to her as if to gesture something.

Y/n took awhile before the pieces clicked in her head.

Okay she could help.

"Oi Shigechi," the boy turned to her. "You really blabber a lot about your bloody Stand. It's annoying." With that, she planted her foot into his stomach and kicked him hard backwards.

"Hey! That doesn't even do anything, Harvest can catch me!"

"Yeah Harvest sure can, not to mention, you're in The Hand's Stand range." Sure enough, the cheque was nicked from his hand and straight into Josuke's, the boy smirking at Shigechi who scrambled to his feet.

"I'll just easily get it back-"

"Nono, you don't get it, you have no chance of winning now." Josuke tore up the paper into shreds, smiling as Shigechi screamed in protest.

"Inconceivable! Inconceivable! That's five million yen!"

"Basically just try and injure or kill us. The only one who can fix this note is my Shining Diamond," he tossed the rest of the pieces into the air and let it flutter in the wind. "So there's no way you can win."

"What are you doing?!" Shigechi ran to the edge of the roof, sending out his Harvest. "Harvest! Go pick all the pieces up!"

Y/n chuckled as she moved over to Josuke's side.

"Pretty smart of you leaving yourself defenceless buddy." She held a hand out to Josuke and Okuyasu as they stood up wobbly.

"So who's gonna protect you from these two drunks right here?" Okuyasu asked, leaning down to face the boy.

"Oh. Conceivable."

y/n let the two boys bash away at Shigechi while she enjoyed the view from the top.
Hey the roof top view wasn't too bad, you could see half of Morioh and even see the train station not far off.

Y/n turned around to see the three of them suddenly being buddies.

"Hey y/n we're gonna go to the bank now! Wanna come along?" Josuke wobbled towards her and she caught him before he fell flat on his face again.

"This was actually a detour, I need to go to Mrs Suzuki's house today. Sorry I can't come along," Josuke was leaning dangerously close to her, he smiled at her drunkenly and gently tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Mmm, that's okay then, see you in school soon..?" he asked, his words slightly slurred.

"Yep! I'll be in school soon," y/n stopped when Josuke held her face in his hands. He stared into her eyes serious before breaking into a grin.

"See you soon baby," y/n's eyes widened as he gingerly pressed his lips against hers, smiling into the kiss before pulling away. "I miss you." he mumbled before hugging her and turning away.

Y/n stood at the rooftop dumbfounded as Josuke rushed to catch up with Okuyasu and Shigechi.

What the hell just happened..?


heh sorry for the short update yaaay i finally updated 💀💀💀

so sorry lmao

happy chinese new year to all my chinese friends btw!


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