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Y/n brushed her messy blonde brown hair before pulling on her short school skirt.

Her long ones were bloodied and dirtied in the fight yesterday and she had no extra so she decided to wear the short skirts that her school also provided.

She didn't really like short skirts but well, it made her feel cute and that kind of motivated her to be more confident about how she looked.

Y/n skidded past the kitchen where Kumi was making breakfast. The lady frowned before throwing a toast straight at y/n' head.

Y/n quickly caught it without the use of her stand, causing Gentle to look at her then to the toast.

"Hey why did you throw it at me?" y/n asked as she struggled to put on her shoes.

"Because i'm mad at you for waking up late! It's your second day of school and you don't have the car ride privileges!"

"So it's only for the first day?"

"Well duh? Do you think I'll drive you to school everyday?"

"Okay I'll learn how to drive soon and take your car!" Y/n joked and rushed out of the house.

Yeah she was late but what time did school start anyways?

She glanced over at the Higashikata house to see whether Josuke had left already but could only see the open garage door.

Y/n cautiously tiptoed out of her front yard to see a really pretty lady looking around for something in the drawers.

"Uh excuse me, are you Higashikata's sister?" y/n asked politely, getting surprised laughter from the lady that stood up after finding a spade.

"Aw aren't you a cutie? No no I'm Josuke's mom! Who might you be little dear?"

She's a milf tier oh god.

"H-hi Ms Higashikata! I'm y/n l/n, Kumi Matsumoto is my legal guardian and I live next door..I'm just checking whether Josuke left his house or not."

"Oh I think he's still home, I'll get him if you want! Come in if you'd like to, I don't think you had proper breakfast did you?" She pointed to the toast still in Y/n's hand, making her flush a furious red. Right first impression made on Josuke's mom.

"Hey watch your step!" y/n looked down to see the milkman who had suddenly kind of appeared, step on some dog poop.

Inconsiderate dog owners..

"Did you step on it?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"Seriously this pisses me off!" Ms Higashikata walked over with her hand shovel. "Letting their dog shit in front of someone else's house! I'm really thinking of keeping it and putting it in the owner's pocket tomorrow morning."

Y/n glanced down at the poop before looking at the milk bottles placed at the steps.
Something felt...off.

"Um..I left your milk there, I'll be off." Y/n frowned a little at the milkman and continued staring at the bottles.

"You're not the usual milk man," Ms Higashikata continued, looking over to y/n and beckoning her to go into the house. "Get something to eat sweetie and please ask Josuke to hurry up i'll be there soon."

Y/n bowed awkwardly and waddled into the house, not before casting a suspicious glance at the milkman who avoided her gaze.

Y/n entered the house a little flustered.

How was she going to go in?

Just call out for Josuke?

Yeah, best course of action.

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