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Surprisingly, Angelo continued to speak even as the two of them attempted to leave.

"Damn it! Don't you dare get cocky," Josuke and y/n turned around ,somewhat confused with how that man could still run his mouth despite being combined with a rock for life.

"I'm sure he'll kill you both for me!"

Josuke scowled, Angelo's usage of 'he' taking his full attention. "What? 'He'?"

"That's right. The one wearing a school uniform who gave me this power."

Jotaro flinched, "What? It can't be..." he trailed off. "Are you saving someone can willingly give another a Stand?" he questioned.

"Are you scared?" Angelo asked mockingly, y/n raising her fist in retaliation but stopping when Josuke gently nudged her.

"Huh, how is that going to scare us?" his eyes flickered to y/n as if telling her to behave before returning to look at Angelo.

"No..Angelo's not a stand user by birth, it was a mystery how he obtained his Stand powers."

Stand user by birth?
Y/n looked at her own hands and summoned Gentle.
Y/n....wasn't a stand user by birth either, so where exactly did she get her stand too?

She looked to Jotaro for an explanation and he seemed to catch a whiff of what she wanted.

"But if there is actually a. person will can give others Stands..." he shared a look with y/n as Angelo cackled.

"Want me to tell you?"

Y/n readjusted her shirt and stood beside Josuke, preparing herself for a whole chunk of dialogue that was going to be poured out of Angelo's mouth.

On a night about a month before Angelo's execution , a restless Angelo was just staring at his ceiling of his cell with his head voided of any thoughts.
Suddenly, he felt the presence of another person in the room and when he turned his head, he saw a guy in the school uniform.
Angelo noted that the man had held onto a very old bow and arrow, looking as if it were centuries old even.

As he frantically asked the man what he was doing, the man had casually aimed the bow at him and fired before Angelo could scream.
The arrow pierced into the back of Angelo's throat and for some weird reason, Angelo didn't die.

"Congratulations," he heard. "You're alive."

"That means you've got the aptitude. If you didn't, you'd be dead." the man had continued to speak as he grabbed onto the side of Angelo's head. "You've just obtained a talent." he grabbed the end of the arrow. "No..it's more accurate to say it was pulled from your mind." he wriggled the arrow around in Angelo's mouth.

"The worse the villain, the more they have this talent that the man named Dio called a 'Stand'."

"Dio," terror was reflected in Jotaro's face as he repeated the name. "D-did you say Dio?" the slight stutter in his voice made both Josuke and y/n concerned.

"Mr Jotaro, is something-" a scream interrupted y/n and the three of them spun around to see the rubber glove entering a child's mouth.

"You dumbasses! Looks like you all were too invested in my story to care about my Aqua Necklace!"

Y/n summoned her stand and Gentle started to emit a fine mist.

"Josuke! Hurry and get me out of this fucking stupid rock before I kill him!" Angelo demanded, trying to look fierce to the Josuke that had his back turned to him.

shut up < josuke x reader> (SLOW UPDATES)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant