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Y/n talked with Josuke and Okuyasu along the way to school.
She noticed that Josuke seemed a bit iffy whenever Okuyasu and y/n enthusiastically talked about some subjects and figured that maybe he felt a little left out.

She did her best to include him in some conversations and Josuke seemed to brighten up after she did so.

"And Okuyasu! Stop putting your arm around her, she's a girl you know, you can't be too touchy." Josuke said, frowning at Okuyasu's arm around y/n again.

"Oh," this seemed to make Okuyasu's brain jog its three or four brain cells. "Do you wanna put your arm around her too?"

"No that's not what I meant!"

"Josuke are you okay?" y/n stood in front of him and placed a hand on his forehead and another on hers. "You're not running up with a fever but you're quite uptight today."

Okuyasu nodded and stood still for a minute thinking, before wriggling his eyebrows at Josuke.
"I know i'm not really smart but this time i think i got it," he winked at the boy. "If you're jealous just say so, it's showing dude."

"N-no! W-what jealous! I was just thinking it'll make her uncomfortable..." Josuke looked away, scratching his hair embarrassed.

Y/n nudged Josuke with her elbow. "Thanks for being so thoughtful Josuke but i'm alright with Okuyasu's arm around me, it's not as if he does it for long periods of time. If he tries anything I'll bash his head right in!" The two boys looked to each other in horror as y/n beamed.

"I won't try anything I swear," Okuyasu gave her a small bow. "Please don't kill me."
Y/n ruffled Okuyasu's hair and glanced at Josuke.

"Again, thanks for looking out for me, that's really sweet of you," she kept her laughter in when a small tint of pink appeared on Josuke's cheeks.
Aw Josuke was just so fun to tease.

"You're trying to play with me again..with all those words like s-sweet," his slight stutter made y/n want to tease him even more.

"But you like it don't you?"

"Ayo just date already," Okuyasu mumbled before he turned his head down at the street. "Hey guys, isn't that Koichi standing over there?"
y/n and Josuke turned to see Koichi standing in front of this short guy with a fan haircut.

"Yeah that's Koichi," Josuke sighed. "That kid hangs out with shady-looking characters all the time."

"Since when?" y/n asked, "Koichi is a good kid!"

"He looks like he's having fun!" Okuyasu pointed out.
Y/n scowled and stepped past Okuyasu.
She squinted her eyes to see the expression on Koichi's face, when unable to do so, she summoned Gentle to see through its eyes.

Gentle didn't help much either so she just gave up.
His body was kind of tensed up so this conversation most probably wasn't something pleasant.

Without any words, y/n started to make her way down the stairs her frown ever so deepening.
Koichi then fell to the ground shouting something and y/n heard footsteps following behind her.

She assumed that it was either Josuke or Okuyasu, they must have sensed something wrong too.

"What's going on here?" the cylindrical haired guy turned to meet y/n's stern e/c eyes, Koichi letting out a sigh of relief.

"Y/n! Josuke! Okuyasu!" he exclaimed, y/n's eyes trailed down to see a huge lock embedded into Koichi's chest. There was a red glow on it and it immediately struck her as a Stand.

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