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warning: descriptions of mutilations and gore, proceed with caution.

Josuke stepped back surprised as the tall girl suddenly dashed towards him.

He side stepped only to get a right hook to the gut which sent him stumbling backwards, coughing.
He summoned his stand and started punching.

Y/n blocked every single one of it with matched speed, her eyes seemed so distant and focussed at the same time as she stared down into Josuke's navy blue orbs.

"Is this just pure brute strength or is this your stand?" he asked, ramming his fist to her side only for her stand to block it.

"I don't know," she mumbled, her stand glaring at Josuke with its soulless eyes, punching at his jaw. He quickly blocked it and jumped backwards, creating distance between the two.

Y/n stood up straight and adjusted her hair tie, bundling up her blonde brown hair into a high ponytail. Josuke observed that she remained quiet, her eyes seemingly calm and rather detached from her whatever was happening.

It was almost as if...she was watching a stimulation of herself fighting him.

Josuke shrugged that off, he wouldn't know better than she did right? Maybe he could ask her how she felt during the tussle later on.

He relaxed a little but regretted it as she darted towards him again, her fist unclenched.
Figuring that she was attempting to palm slam up to his chin, he tucked his head down and held both arms up to shield himself.

Smoke started to surround him and suddenly, Y/n disappeared.

"Josuke help me please!" he spun around to see his mother on the ground, gasping in pain as blood poured out from a large wound in her chest.

"W-What? Mom what happened?" he rushed over somewhat confused but his mother's body teleported further away.


His mother then started to melt, her skin peeling away from her skin to expose her raw flesh beneath. Josuke stepped back shocked as a cold shiver ran down his spine.

"Why aren't you helping me Josuke?" the illusion of his mother screamed. "WHY? WHY?"
He couldn't help but to gag at the sight of his mother melting, there was even the smell of burning.

Think Josuke, think! How do you get out of this illusion?

"Josukeeeeeee-" his mother screeched, her body becoming a huge clump of molten flesh, making his eyes tear up.
He knew it was an illusion but still- it was almost as if she was dying in front of his face.

"You're not real!" he shouted as he heard a soft footstep from behind. He spun around swinging his fist.

His fist connected with y/n's cheek and she flew across the small field, slamming onto a tree nearby and collapsing onto the ground.
The smoke faded away and so did his mother.

"That's.." he opened his mouth to speak but closed it when y/n stood up, brushing her uniform.

Blood poured from her broken nose and her shoulder seemed to be dislocated.
She let out a dissatisfied grunt and dashed towards Josuke again, her stand this time looking as if it could kill.
The smoke started to gather around her and her e/c eyes glowed with this intense firey hate.

Hate for who though?

Josuke sighed and sprinted towards her head on, his stand readying itself for a showdown.
Y/n started to shout as her stand hammered down onto Crazy Diamond with a flurry of punches.

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