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"You...know me?" y/n asked cautiously, narrowing her eyes at the old lady.

"My my yes, yes you've grown so much..you look so much like your parents, " y/n flinched at the mention of her parents as the lady reached out to her. Y/n backed away. "Oh, do you not remember me?"

Y/n glanced to the nurse before her eyes flickered back to the old lady. "What..relation do we have?" she lowered her voice.

"You used to come over often with your parents for dinner? Do you not remember?" A part of y/n's heart tugged painfully.



She didn't have them anymore and couldn't remember for shit.

"No i don't remember," she replied, clenching her fists and digging her fingernails into her palm.

"Oh my...it's alright." the lady smiled at her and reached out once again but this time, y/n didn't bother to move away. The lady held her hand and patted it affectionately.

The warmth of the old lady's hand felt familiar and comforting, she could feel her eyes start to get glassy much to her distaste.
This action reminded her so much of her mother, her warm and loving touch, it was so similar.

Her mind was hazy trying to remember the scene of her mother patting her hand to sleep.
She couldn't fucking remember.

Her fingernails dugs deeper into her palm.

"Do you..have any pictures of my parents?" y/n spoke her inner thoughts without thinking, curse her emotions.

""Why yes I do," y/n blinked her tears away. "I can pass it to you, actually now would be great-" she attempted to stand up but the nurse stepped toward to hold a hand up.

"She needs to go to the hospital to check up first," y/n helped the old lady sit back down, shaking her head slightly.

"I can always come over another time," y/n forced a smile. "I'll see you another day then Mrs...?"

"Mrs Suzuki sweetie, you're welcomed to come anytime."

Y/n stepped out of the ambulance and headed towards Josuke who was standing nearby, waiting.

They walked back in silence, y/n quietly staring at the floor as they turned down their street.

Mrs Suzuki?

Her family came by often?

The cogs in y/n's heads were turning as she considered the possibility of her old house being nearby.
However , the farmhouse was so secluded that she had to assume that they took a bus of some sort there or even had to drive there.

Josuke seemed to notice her thinking and didn't say anything, just walking close and gently bumping shoulders every now and then.

Y/n continued to come up with theories and even started to think about how her father looked like.
If her scum of a father was still alive, how exactly did he look like?

They reached at y/n's house first and she gave Josuke a small wave before turning to head in.
He however, grabbed her wrist which made her stop and turn around, confused.

"You've been clenching your fists since just now," he pried her fingers open to reveal deep crescent cuts in her palm, blood oozing out from the fresh wounds. "What did the old lady say that made you so angry?"
Anger laced Josuke's voice, which really surprised y/n because she's never actually expected to hear him speak to her in such a tone.

shut up < josuke x reader> (SLOW UPDATES)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें