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y/n was greeted by a soft morning glow of the sunlight filtering into the room.
Except that the room was foreign to her.

She sat up almost instantly, yelling when her IV drip jerked beside her.
A figure that was sleeping in a chair beside her shifted and let out a soft mumble.
She turned her head to see Josuke there, rubbing his eyes.

"Jo..j..josuke..?" she managed to croak out from her dry ass throat. Fuck, how long was she asleep for?

"Y..y/n!" a smile exploded in his face and he gently pulled her into an embrace. "A-are you alright? God you've been asleep for so long I didn't know whether you were going to wake up or not." she slowly placed her hands around him, still a little groggy.

"Your aunt went to get some hot water, I'll call her quick-" y/n grabbed Josuke's arm before he could leave and slowly shook her head.

"How long was I out for?" she stretched her arms and moved her legs off the bed so that her toes dangled above the floor. "Did you find anything else that could relate to the murder? What happened during the time I was out-" she tried standing up only for her legs to immediately give way.
Josuke dove to catch her and y/n ended up toppling on top of him.

"You've been unconscious for at least two weeks now, don't try to suddenly stand up," he cracked a small smile to her. "I'll update you on everything y/n." she sighed and got off him, wobbling again before falling on her butt.

"My legs are shaky as hell man," Josuke held a hand out and y/n took it, shakily standing up.
He had a firm grip on her hands which made it easier for y/n to balance herself before she sat back down onto the bed. "Goodness this sucks."

"What sucks more is when you suddenly passed out at Trendy's," Josuke dug into a bag and pulled out some water. "Did you manage to unlock your memories?"

Y/n took the bottle and drank from it before nodding. "Yeah I did..I guess I went through hypnosis therapy that caused me to forget. But theoretically speaking, hypnosis can't do such thing. Maybe the therapist is a Stand user."

"Huh I see...sounds suspicious I guess."

"Not to mention, I think things went sour between my parents and my father attempted to hurt us." Y/n remembered the mention of a wound on her back. "Speaking of which, could you help me check whether there a scar on my back?" she lifted her shirt instantly, causing Josuke to reel backwards and cover his face.


"Oh sorry," she turned around and lifted her shirt.

"I'm looking now yeah?"

"Hurry up already-"

"Argh shut up and let me see."

He stayed silent for awhile before letting out a small 'oh!'

"Yeah there's a somewhat long mark near your lower back, what did he attack you with? It doesn't seem to major through."

"My memories said it was a knife," y/n put her shirt back down and sat back onto her bed, propping the pillows up to act as a comfortable backrest. "It doesn't really matter though, still didn't manage to see my father's face."

"You suppose he could be in jail now? I mean attempted manslaughter?"

"Maybe, maybe not." y/n turned her head as the door slid open.
Aunt Matsumoto stood there shocked and stared at her.

"Y/n dearie?"

"Yes Auntie," aunt Matsumoto ran over and hugged her tightly, saying that she would inform the doctors before giving her a kiss to the forehead and rushing off.

shut up < josuke x reader> (SLOW UPDATES)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon