Being Bad For Good Sake

Von The_Author_S

22.2K 503 122

This is my obsessive life, and the most important thing is that I have never allowed myself to cry. Despite m... Mehr

Obsessive Life
Daily Routine
MDC Anniversary
MDC Anniversary Part 2
MDC Anniversary Part 3(Lila Busted)
Tiring Weekends (unwanted visit)
What happened?
Enrollment in Gotham Academy
Unexpected Twist
Have to Go
First Time Meeting
First day in Academy(1)
First Day in Academy (2)
Are You?
Timothy Drake
Face Reveal
Failed attempts to befriend her
Am I falling in love?
I Pretend to not care.
I Don't Need Your Pity
It doesn't matter who apologizes first... The apology is the one that matters.
The Dance I never expected...
The Rumor...
Recognizing Presence in the Absence.
Would You be My Girlfriend?
The Betrayal

Flight To Gotham

579 18 6
Von The_Author_S

Upon returning to my mansion, I found a letter from Luka. It contained a report of the day's events. Luka mentioned that our classes had merged for lectures, and he cheekily mentioned how he once saved me from "certain death." Moving on, he informed me that someone in our class had won a competition, but before the winner's name could be announced, Miss Liar caused a scene. Luka had discovered that her latest target was Damien Wayne, Mr. Wayne's biological son. It seemed to be just an information-gathering mission, nothing serious. Luka congratulated me for being the top student in the school and wished me a happy journey to Gotham. His reminder to pack my bags concluded the letter. Excitement filled me as I prepared for the upcoming adventures in Gotham. 

His writing skills seem to be deteriorating. Nonetheless, I managed to complete all my tasks and pack my bags. As the successor to the throne, I couldn't afford to be careless with my outfits. Being known as Bluenette, the renowned model and actor, as well as the Snow Princess, the epitome of ice skating excellence, I had a carefully curated image to uphold in the media.

Realizing that time was slipping away, I swiftly hopped into my car and made my way to the airport. However, as soon as I stepped out of the car, my gaze fell upon a face that never failed to make me cringe – Lie-la, the self-proclaimed "Perfect Girl" of the world, notorious for her manipulative ways. She wasted no time in criticizing my choice of attire, insinuating that I was trying to seduce Adrien. Suppressing deadly laughter within, I fought to maintain a composed expression. Who could possibly be enamored by a boy who couldn't discern trustworthiness or truth? At times, I found myself feeling sympathy for all the victims of Lie-la's manipulation. If only it were possible, I would have shared my mind with them. Alas, such a notion remains beyond reach, which, in some ways, is a blessing.

In a saccharine-sweet and innocent tone, which masked my underlying sarcasm, I responded, "Oh, how could I ever dream of seducing Mr. Adrien Agreste? I'm well aware that he only has room in his heart for you, Lila. No other woman stands a chance. Besides, I have someone who cares for me deeply, someone who means more to me than anyone else. Isn't that right, Luka?" The sweetness in my voice concealed the deadly poison beneath, causing even Luka and Mr. Drake to shudder.

"Oh my, is this true, Adrien? I apologize, but my heart already belongs to someone else, someone residing in Gotham. I hope you can understand." Watching his spineless reaction, as if he had been slapped across the face, only fueled my satisfaction. I relished adding fuel to the fire.

"Lila, oh my, is there really someone special in Gotham? Will we have the chance to meet him? Oh, please do tell us all the details, starting from how you met to your first kiss and how much time has passed. It would be such a captivating story to pass the time during the flight. Unfortunately, my ticket is in a different berth, as I don't have the funds for a closer seat. However, Mr. Adrien Agreste will gladly listen to everything on my behalf. Apologies, but we must part ways for now. See you at our destination."

I carefully observed Luka, giving him a meaningful look, and signaling him to keep a close eye on Lila and record any falsehoods she may utter. This plan was bound to work, as it would provide me with valuable information about her latest lie.

As I stepped onto the plane, I noticed Mr. Drake seated in the VVIP section. He seemed surprised by my presence. "May I ask what you're doing here?" he inquired.

With a confident smile, I responded, "Well, it's my seat according to my ticket. Please, don't disturb me. I specifically chose this seat to stay away from certain individuals. If we can pretend I'm not even here, everything will be just fine."

I settled into my designated compartment, which happened to be located next to Mr. Drake's. It seemed like fate had a sense of humor, but I was determined to maintain my composure and make the best of the situation.

After spending the entire flight engaged in meetings, I managed to find some time to sketch two outfits inspired by the vibrant purple and orange clouds. As we approached our destination, a voice over the announcement system declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts as we prepare to land in Gotham."

Once we landed, I made my way to Mr. Drake's compartment before exiting the plane. "Mr. Drake, I have a favor to ask. Could you please keep quiet and not disclose anything you witnessed at my mansion, the café, or during the flight? I live in a modest apartment and have no involvement in any fighting. In fact, the first time we met was at school." I gazed at him with hopeful eyes, aware that if he refused, I might have to resort to other methods.

"Of course, Miss. You can trust me. I won't breathe a word to anyone, not even my own family. Your secret is safe with me," he assured me. While his words were reassuring, I knew I still needed to keep a close watch on him to ensure he stayed true to his promise.

After settling my luggage, I found myself unexpectedly confronted by a villain known as the Riddler. Maintaining my composure, I acted ignorant of his true identity. However, he held his stick against my neck, making it difficult to speak.

"Hello, Mr... Could you please ease up a bit? This suit I'm wearing is quite expensive, and I'm sure it's beyond your means," I managed to say, struggling to catch my breath between each word.

Damien's POV :-

"Why, Father? Why does it have to be me? I don't want to babysit them," I protested, desperately trying to reason with my father. "And if I reveal that I'm a Wayne, I'll be swarmed by their fanatics. And the girls...they're so weak and prone to tears. Please, this punishment is too harsh, don't make me do it." I pleaded, hoping to escape my punishment. But my father remained firm.

"You're becoming too much like Jason. We can't have any more trouble. You're going to the airport for the Paris class, and you're to hand over all your weapons," he declared.

I couldn't believe it. Surrendering my weapons? This was unacceptable.

"Father, I understand that I have to go to the airport, but please reconsider taking away my weapons. What if there's a threat? How will I protect the citizens? Just let me keep my dagger," I pleaded, feeling helpless as he denied my request.

"No. I've made up my mind. No more arguments. It's time for you to leave. And make sure to take special care of Winner Dupain Cheng," he said firmly before closing the door, leaving me frustrated and without a choice.

I arrived at the airport, feeling frustrated and waiting for the class to begin. As I looked around, I noticed Tim approaching me with a group of students and a teacher. Among them was a girl wearing a pink suit. Could she be part of the class? She had midnight blue silky hair, a perfect height, and a bit of a pale skin tone. Not to mention, she exuded a lot of attitude. She seemed intriguing, and I found myself wanting to know more about her. But then I snapped back to reality, reminding myself that I was the Ice King and shouldn't be entertaining such thoughts.

I noticed that the girl I found intriguing was suddenly captured by Riddler. She was held by his stick, struggling to speak. Surprisingly, her concern seemed to be more focused on her expensive suit than her own safety. "Hello, Mr... could you please... be a little gentler... This suit is quite... expensive. I doubt... you can afford it." I couldn't help but think she was either fearless or completely oblivious to the danger she was in. Riddler, intrigued by her, expressed his desire to have a brief chat with her.

To my astonishment, she responded calmly, "Alright, let's keep it brief. I don't have much time for a chat. So my first question is, who exactly have you captured? Is it a random person, someone's daughter, or perhaps a student from the French class?" I couldn't believe she was willingly engaging in conversation with one of Gotham's most dangerous villains, who clearly intended to harm her. In response to her question, Riddler revealed, "I have captured the class representative of the French class. By eliminating you and wreaking havoc in this airport, I aim to seek revenge on the superheroes of Gotham.

Now it was Riddler's turn to ask a riddle. He confidently presented his challenge, "So, here's my riddle: The alphabet goes from A to Z. What goes from Z to A?" He was ready to engage in his twisted game. Surprisingly, she responded with a proposition, "To make it more challenging, let's make a bet. If I can answer your five riddles correctly, you must release all the citizens present at the airport. However, if I answer any of them incorrectly, you can proceed with your original plan. Does that sound fair to you?" I couldn't help but think that this girl was incredibly audacious, risking the lives of everyone around her. She seemed to hold herself in high regard.

To her surprise, Riddler accepted her proposal but with a sinister twist. He agreed to let everyone go if she answered all five riddles correctly, but he made it clear that even if she succeeded, she would still meet her demise. It was a chilling condition, but she remained undeterred.

As the first riddle was presented, she confidently responded, "The answer is ZEBRA. It starts with Z and ends with A." She awaited Riddler's verdict, and to her relief, he acknowledged her correct answer, though with a hint of annoyance.

Moving on to the second riddle, he asked, "What flies around all day but never goes anywhere?" She quickly replied, "The answer is a Flag. It flies around all day but remains in the same place." Her answers were impressively accurate, showcasing her intelligence and wit.

As the riddles continued, she effortlessly responded to each one. When asked, "What can you catch but not throw?" she promptly replied, "The answer is Cold. You can catch a cold, but you can't throw it." Her confidence and quick thinking were evident.

Impressed by her performance, Riddler commended her and admitted, "I like you. You've managed to answer my three questions correctly." However, he was determined to challenge her further. He presented the next riddle, asking, "What can go through glass without breaking it?"

She pondered for a brief moment before confidently stating, "The answer is Light. Light can pass through glass without breaking it." Her response seemed to surprise Riddler, who couldn't help but smile at her correct answer. It was becoming clear that she was not an ordinary girl and possessed a remarkable intellect.

As Riddler presented his final riddle, the tension in the air grew. "Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me, and I will not speak back until spoken to. What am I?" It was a challenging riddle that required careful consideration. However, without missing a beat, she confidently replied, "Echo is the correct answer."

Riddler was taken aback by her swift response. He couldn't believe that she had answered all his riddles correctly. Despite his admiration for her intellect, he remained determined to carry out his sinister plan. He warned her to prepare for her impending demise.

Observing her calm demeanor, he couldn't help but be puzzled. Most people would show signs of fear or desperation in such a situation, but she appeared unfazed. Her enigmatic nature only intrigued him further. He found himself questioning his assumptions about her and realizing that there was much more to this girl than he had initially thought. 

As Riddler contemplated her proposal, he decided to allow the others to leave. He instructed one of his henchmen to relay the message, ensuring that everyone except the group involved in the riddle challenge would be released.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist asking for her name. "Miss, may I have the honor of knowing your name? I would like to record this moment of your demise and send it to your parents."

Her response, however, surprised him. "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to provide you with that satisfaction. My name is not important. What matters is the choice I've made to protect others."

Her determination and selflessness struck a chord within him. He couldn't help but be intrigued by her noble act, even in the face of imminent death. The complexity of her character continued to baffle him, leaving him with conflicting emotions as he prepared for the final act.


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