Back To You | complete

By zilch_expectations

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[Featured on @NA on 13th January 2023] [Featured on @WattpadRomanceIN on 25th May 2023] [Featured on @Stories... More

Author's Note
Chapter 01| Crabby and Jet Lagged
Chapter 02| Traipsing Down The Memory Lane
Chapter 03| Bonfire Talks
Chapter 04| Close, Yet So Far Away
Chapter 05| Like a Moth to a Flame
Chapter 06| Love & Sleep
Chapter 07| The Deadliest Weapon Of All
Chapter 08| Let Me Hear It All
Chapter 09| Apologies, Make-ups & Fights
Chapter 10| Caving In
Chapter 11| I Don't Share Swiss Chocolates
Chapter 12| Barely Concealed
Chapter 13| Tumble Down With The Moon Cycle
Chapter 14| Food Is The Way To Everyone's Heart
Chapter 15| Girl v/s Uterus
Chapter 16| One Thing Led To Another
Chapter 17| Once A Lover, Always A Lover
Chapter 18| Souvenirs
Chapter 20| Mood Swings
Chapter 21| Healing Is A Slow Process
Chapter 22| Getting Comfortable
Chapter 23| The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
Chapter 24| Argue
Chapter 25| Caught . . .
Chapter 26| Hanging By A Thread
Chapter 27| More Who Care
Chapter 28| Not Hiding No More
Chapter 29| . . . Into The Fire
Chapter 30| One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 31| Show Me
Chapter 32| Like Old Times
Chapter 33| A Blast From The Past
Chapter 34| Ex-Magnet Indeed
Chapter 35| The Inevitable
Chapter 36| What Next?
Chapter 37| Courage Isn't The Absence Of Fear
Chapter 38|Something Good, Something Bad
Chapter 39| What Goes Up Must Come Down
Chapter 40| Confessions & Accusations
Chapter 41| My Coping Mechanism
Chapter 42| Old Habits Die Hard
Chapter 43| Need
Chapter 44| Anger, Truths, and Promises
Chapter 45| Back To You
Epilogue Part One| Earth Side
Epilogue Part Two| Ecstasy
Final Author's Note❤
Bonus Chapter 01| Drunk & Gullible

Chapter 19| Cold Hot Coffee

866 27 4
By zilch_expectations

Chapter nineteen: Cold hot coffee


"That was such a nice movie." I sighed, switching the TV off with the remote as the credits rolled in. We had just finished watching Duff.

"I never thought I'd survive a chick flick," Kai remarked.

Empty pizza boxes sat on the table in front of us along with the empty containers of our drinks. I made a carefully calculated throw and the remote landed safely on one of the boxes.

"You already did multiple times before." I snorted. "And you guys call us girls dramatic."

He shrugged. "We have a low tolerance to these things."

"More like you lose tolerance to these things because you guys are too busy projecting your masculinity." I laughed.

"That's not true."

"We used to go on movie dates in high school, Kai."

"I used to go with you," he said. "That was what mattered."

"Well, you watched this with me. Isn't that what matters?"

He raised his eyebrows. "That has all signs of a trick question."

"Nevermind." I chuckled, curling up closer to him. "I've been wanting to watch this one for ages now. Let's not ruin it."

"Why didn't you?" He asked, putting his cheek against my hair.

"I . . . " I yawned, extremely comfortable. "Never had the chance to." 

"Why?" He yawned too and I smiled.

I thought about his question and answered, "Umm, cause I always wanted to watch it with someone and the opportunity never presented itself."

"I see," he muttered.

"Hmm." I closed my eyes.

I liked the warmth surrounding me. It made me feel safe, loved, and protected. It made me feel relaxed in a way I had forgotten was possible. The events of the day finally caught up with me and I fell asleep peacefully.

* * * * *

I felt light falling on my face and I shifted in my sleep.




"Hrn?" I woke up with a start, disoriented by my surroundings. "What's up?" I slurred with sleep.

"I need you to move a little, mon amour." His voice came from below me.

"No," I muttered, covering my eyes with my arm.

He shifted under me. "Liv, my arm-"

Awareness cut through my slumber with a jolt at the urgency in his tone and the magic word registered in my brain slowly. I scrambled to get up mindlessly.


"Oomph!" I groaned, falling onto the ground and still tangled up in the sheets.

"-ul!" Kai winced. I heard him sit up. "Are you hurt?"

"No." I didn't move, my eyes squeezed shut since before the impact. "I'm fine."

"Livvy." He touched my shoulder, gently urging me to get up. I turned over on my back slowly, rolling away from him in the process.

"I'm fine." I squinted up at him against the lights. "And I'm so sorry."

"No, it's alright." He shook his head. "Are you hurt?"

"I fell like two feet at max." I sat up with a grunt. "I'll survive. How's our arm?"

"It's hurting a little," he admitted.

"I'm so sorry, Kaison," I apologized again sheepishly. "Let me get you some ice."

"That would be great," he said with a small smile.

I nodded, padding over to the kitchen and fetching the icepack from the freezer. I glanced at the time on the clock and frowned. It was three in the morning.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I scolded him as I walked back. He removed his sling and then his shirt out of the way to put the icepack on his bare skin. He hissed a little at the impact.

"You were deep asleep," he replied, his face still contorted with a grimace. His eyes were glaring at the offending piece of ice.

I glared at him. "So what?"

"Mon amour, you need your sleep," he explained patiently. He met my eye. "You're on your period."

Yeah, I can't stay mad at that.

"Next time, wake me, okay?" I said softly.

"Hmm." He didn't answer definitely.

"Kai," I began, "I think we should go back to bed."

"Sure. In a minute," he agreed. "Your room?"

I bit my lip hesitantly.

"I don't think we should cuddle to sleep," I said reluctantly.


I folded my hands across my chest. "Your arm, Kaison."

"I'll be fine." He rolled his eyes.

"We're not risking it." I pulled the loose rubber band out of my hair before using it to twist my hair into a firmer bun again. He put the ice pack on the table and leaned back on the couch.

"Okay," he said tiredly.

"Okay?" I asked uncertainly. I hadn't expected him to give in so easily.

"You're right. I can't afford to hurt my arm. And I have to sleep well because Griffin is coming back tomorrow and I need to wake up on time. I also happen to have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow."

"Appointment?" I frowned. "Why am I just finding out about this?"

"I fixed it this evening when you were working," he told me.

I put my hands on my waist imposingly. I doubted it achieved its purpose when I was wearing a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt, looking like a mess.

I tried still. "So?"

"After that," he humored me, smiling again, "We went on doing other things like eating, watching a movie, and sleeping so I forgot."


"Don't call me that," he muttered.

"What?" I frowned.

"Don't call me Kaison," he clarified.

"That's your name." I raised my eyebrows. "Everyone calls you that."

"But when you call me that it feels as if you're pushing me away." He shuddered. 

"Okay," I accepted readily. I didn't exactly fancy calling him Kaison either. Kai felt more personal and intimate. "How's your arm now?"


"No pain?" I asked.


I looked at him suspiciously. "You took your medicine, right?"

"Yup." He nodded.

Okay, that's about it.

"Awesome," I muttered. "Good night, Kai."

I made to move to my room but he shook his head, making me halt. "Wait. Come here."

I took a step forward. "Umhmm?" 

"Here," he emphasized, indicating for me to walk closer to him.

"Fiiinnneee." I rolled my eyes and complied. I stopped between his legs, looking down at him. "What is it?"

He smirked, locking his ankles behind mine. "Where's my good night kiss?"

Oh, that tone--

"In case you didn't notice, it's morning," I sassed.

He shrugged. "It's still dark outside."

"Don't be ridiculous." I laughed.


That made me stop.

I stared down at his soft brown eyes. They looked warm with affection and that had me sold. I bent down to kiss him. The kiss was tender, but that did not stop him from wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me down on his lap so that I straddled him. My arms flew out to brace myself against the back of the couch reflexively. I didn't really need to, though, because his grip on me held firm.

He might've been injured, but his good hand more than made up for it.

It was like our first kiss all over again: tentative, sweet and so meaningful. His hands did trace my body but it was more loving and innocent than anything. I followed the curve of his shoulder and neck with one hand, the other playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. The kiss was long, but we managed to breathe in between just right. When we pulled back, I stared into his eyes, his dilated pupils, and warmth engulfed my body.

It reminded me of what exactly I kept craving these past years. This was something only Kaison could make me feel.

"Goodnight," I said in a whisper.

"Goodnight," he echoed.

Neither of us moved.

"I should go," I mumbled.

"I should let you," he mused.

"Then do it," I half-dared.

Please don't.

"We're cuddling to sleep," he stated.

"Your arm, Kai," I grumbled.

"I'll be careful," he said. "You can sleep on the other side. I don't want to let you go just yet."

"Me neither," I confessed.

"Let's go?" He asked.

I smiled. "Hmm."

* * * * *

I woke up before he did. I was snuggled into his side. Our legs were tangled with each other. My arm was hugging his torso and his arm holding me close while he lay on his back with his injured arm safely out of the way.

I stayed there for a while, unmoving. There was no danger of an alarm startling me up because I didn't have them enabled for Sundays. He was sleeping soundly, his lips parted slightly. 

Butterflies formed in my belly and I resisted the urge to giggle.

After a while of Kai-watching, I gently started the process of detangling our bodies. He had always been a heavy sleeper and that didn't seem to have changed. I got up quietly and pulled the curtains closed to stop the faint sunlight from filtering into the room.

I went into the washroom and did my morning routine. After I was bathed and dressed, I navigated to the kitchen to make myself some coffee.

"Livvy!" Kaison shouted from my room when it was almost done.

My lips stretched into a smile.

"I'm in the kitchen," I called back.

"Come back here," he demanded.

"Nope," I teased, pouring myself a cup when it dinged. "You come here."

"Livvy," he sang complainingly. I chuckled, adding sugar and milk to the concoction and waddled to my room.

"Hey, Kai," I chirped, standing against the doorframe. He exhaled deeply, closing his eyes and muttering something under his breath before opening them again.

"Get in here," he ordered, lifting the covers.

"I just had a shower," I denied.


I laughed, walking over to him. I put my cup on my bedside table and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"What?" I asked.

He stretched out his arm in welcome. "Lay with me for a while."

"I was laying with you all night." I raised an eyebrow.

"So?" He impatiently moved his fingers, gesturing me to concede.

I sighed, laying down on my side, facing him.

"Now what?" I mumbled.

"Just stay," he grunted, closing his eyes again.

"We will fall asleep again," I whispered.

"That's the whole point, dummy."

I chuckled at the brazen delivery.

"But I have work to catch up on," I told him involuntarily.

"Can't you do it later?" He asked, opening his eyes.

I sighed regretfully. "I wish I could."

"Five minutes," he requested.

"Five minutes," I agreed, letting my eyes flutter close. He pulled me closer and I smiled, going willingly. 

"What time will Griffin be home?" He asked softly in my ear, brushing back a few start strands of hair.

"Around six-thirty," I replied.

"So we have time," he stated.

"You have an appointment today," I reminded him.

"Oh, right," he muttered.

I snorted. "What time, exactly?"


"You need to leave by three-thirty, then." 

"I know," he fussed.

"Do you have a ride or do you need me to drive you?" I offered.

"Can you drive me?" He asked me. "I want you to come."

"Of course." I smiled.

He kissed my forehead. "Thank you." 

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

As my head wandered, I asked him what had been on my mind for a while.

"Kai, aren't you pissed off because of your injury?"

"I am," he said.

"Are you scared?" I asked tentatively.

"A little," he muttered, pausing. "What if it doesn't get better?" He speculated.

"Don't say that." I lifted my head up from his arms to look at him. He opened his eyes and I saw the vulnerability in them that he always hid from the world. Despite the cool, reckless persona he let everyone perceive, he did care. "It will get better."

"This is new to me," he said.

"First injury since you went professional?" I guessed.


"It's a minor setback." I smiled in an attempt to assure him. "I know you. You always recover faster than others. Your body is designed to play football. It'll be alright."

"But what if I don't?" He questioned. The insecurity he felt was displayed unfiltered in his eyes.

"You remember that one time you sprained your wrist in sophomore year?" I asked him. He nodded and I continued, encouraged, "And you remember how the doctor had said that it would take a fortnight for the pain to go away and three weeks at least before you got back on the field?"

He nodded again.

"Your pain was gone by the end of the first week and you were playing by the time the fortnight ended. And somehow, you were better than before you sprained your wrist. Trust me, this will pass too."

"I might have to undergo surgery," he told me. I swallowed thickly. I knew that. I had done my research when he'd told me about his injury.

"I'm sure it won't come to that," I said nonetheless. "Rotator cuff tears don't need surgery unless they're too severe."

"What if it's severe?" He inquired.

I exhaled, hating how he looked so scared. "Is your pain less or more than the day you got injured?"

"Less," he replied after a thought.

"Then? If it were severe, the pain would've been worse," I reasoned. "Relax."

I waited for that to sink in. He nodded slightly.

"I needed that," he spoke quietly. "I was going crazy here."

"Didn't you talk to your coach about this?" I questioned him.

He didn't answer.

"Your mom?" I asked.


"Kai," I chided. "Talking helps."

"I remember," he said softly. I felt my gut twist. A silence fell over us as we closed our eyes and lay there together.

"Our five minutes are over," I said after a while. "Come on, get up."

"Hmm," he hummed, pressing his lips to mine. When I didn't respond, he pulled back. "Why won't you kiss me back?"

"Because you haven't brushed yet," I said simply, getting up before he could trap me.

"Livvy." He sat up quickly. "One kiss?"

"Nope, brush your teeth first," I answered cheekily, taking my cup from the table. The coffee had cooled down and was barely lukewarm.

"Why?" He whined.

"It's unhygienic," I stated, walking back to the kitchen to heat it up.

"Fine," I heard him mumble, making me laugh quietly.

I sat down on the couch with my coffee while I waited for him to show up. The ice pack lay forgotten on the table with beads of condensation still on it. I got up with a groan, cleaning the table and depositing the pack back in the freezer. When I was done, I returned to my place on the couch. Kaison came quite soon after. His sling was back and he walked with purposeful strides and sat down beside me.

He pretended to think. "Where were we?"

"I can't recall." I shrugged innocently.

He raised an eyebrow, taking my cup from my hands and placing it on the table in front of us.

"Let me jog your memory," he suggested, pulling me closer by my leg.

I laughed as the butterflies in my belly reappeared. "I'd like that."

With a smirk, he brought his lips down to meet mine again. Nothing held me back this time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Will you look at that? I made it!

Haha, I hope you liked the chapter. Took me a while to write despite not having anything special in it. Ig it's a talent *voice drips with heavy sarcasm* :')

QOTD: What's your favorite sport?

That's all for today! Take care and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

All my love,

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