Marked By You

By yoitzher

1.3K 42 7


Chapter 1: Mr. Green
Chapter 2: No You Choked
Chapter 3: Obsessed
Chapter 4: Is That All?
Chapter 5: Training
Chapter 6: Beautiful
Chapter 7: The Ball
Chapter 8: Find Her
Chapter 9: Grab A Helmet
Chapter 10: Baby Mama
Chapter 11: Anything For Her
Chapter 12: That Was His No
Chapter 13: Your Crazy As Fuck Its Admiring
Chapter 14: Motor Boated
Chapter 15: Its Christmas Eve Hoe
Chapter 16: Make me
Chapter 17: 2 hours and 89 stitches
Chapter 18: Simply Breath Taking
Chapter 19: Angel Of Death
Chapter 20: Mr. Orphan
Chapter 21: Yeah Totally
Chapter 22: About Fucking Time
Chapter 23: Im A Pretty Good Shot
Chapter 24: Cheating On Her
Chapter 25: You're Dismissed
Chapter 26: Bye Bye Buddy
Chapter 27: She Said You Were Dead
Chapter 28: Kick The Dust Up
Chapter 29: Dinner Time
Chapter 30: Thats A Promise
Chapter 31: Talk
Chapter 32: Lets Get This Over With
Chapter 33: Oh But We Are
Chapter 34: No Love, Your Just Damaged
Chapter 35: You Think What?
Chapter 36: Bingo
Chapter 37: Creep
Chapter 38: Medic Now Answers Later
Chapter 39: Oh Wow
Chapter 40: Fair Enough
Chapter 41: Size Small Right?
Chapter 43: What Are You Gonna Do?? Stab Your Subconscious?
Chapter 43: Get Out Weirdo
Chapter 44: Darling, Dont Cry.
Chapter 45: Thats The Spirit
Chapter 46: This Is It Guys
Chapter 47: Bite Me
Chapter 48: Holy Hell
Chapter 49: Just A Feeling
Chapter 50: This Is To Easy
Chapter 51: Adelaide Elizabeth Knight
Authors note:

Chapter 42: That Was Rude

7 0 0
By yoitzher


"You guys brought more people?" I asked Gia in shock.

"I mean yeah, I figured more people would spice things up especially more girls." His smiled with a wink.

"Gia you should know I don't get along well with girls, my last friendship with another girl ended with me ripping her throat out with my teeth." I said kinda worried for no reason.

"I know I heard about that. Luckily for you there's only Three new girls. Lexa is another fruity beauty. Kally is really chill and doesn't fuck around plus she has a boyfriend who's right over there." She pointed towards Axel who was fist bumping Hayden's shuttered didn't expect him to land someone like kally.

"Then Paige is married." She finished pointing to a olive skinned shorter girl with freckles. She didn't look much older than us but she was gorgeous with beautiful Red hair and green eyes.

"Paige and Richards marriage was a wild one but they are so deeply in love they'd do anything for each other." She said as I watched Paige walk with Richard. He was tall and slim but not unfit or scrawny. He had sandy brown hair and looked at Paige like she was the only one here even though she was talking to Lexa.

Lexa had shorter black hair it was just past her jawline, she was covered in tattoos and wore a simple black bikini. Her skin was light but not as light as Kally's.

Lexa is definitely drool worthy.

Kally had lighter skin and dark brown ringlet curls that fell just above her shoulders.

"I can give it a try." I sighed and she hugged me.

"That's the spirit." She exclaimed and the next thing I knew she was dragging me over to meet everyone.


It's been a few hours and I'm honestly over joyed at how well this nights going. I found out that Kally, Paige and Lexa work at the Baker post and I got excited because their not bad at all.

I'm actually making friends and they've all reassured me I will never have to go cannibal on them. They also work and run around the pit so I will be looking out for the better.

Axel is weird but Kally seems in love so I'll let it be.

Richard is all over Paige and she's just soaking it up they clearly adore each other.

Lexa has hit on me a few times but so has Gia. I either laugh it off or play along which cause the both of us to laugh it off.

Everyone's having fun and I couldn't be happier. There was a game of Sharks and Minnows being played and the teams were originally split between the guys and the girls.

The guys fucking sucked at the game so it didn't last long.

Now everyone's once again around the camp fire. People are all laughing and joking together while Cowboys strums on his guitar and sings us some old country songs.

Once he got tired I hooked up the speaker and grabbed my phone off the charger in Gias truck.

I clicked the song ' sun daze' by Florida Georgia line and began singing along with Lexa and Gia.

"I'm gonna wear my flip flops and." Gia began for us. Next was Lexa

"I'm gonna play some flip cup and."

"Rock a little bit of hip hop and haggard and jagger." I smiled.

"And throw a twenty on a corn hole game." Oliver sang and I was pleasantly surprised.

"If I'm lucky I might get laid." Hayden sang horribly causing everyone to laugh.

"The way that it's going that kegs gonna be floatin'" Asher chimed in smacking the keg next to him.

Everyone continued singing along with the songs that followed.

After another few hours all of the outlaws including Oliver went to bed in two of the trucks while Jared, Tyler, Axel, Paige, Richard, Kally and Ryan all went to the big 8 person tent and fell asleep, Ethan also joined them because he had a migraine.

That left Me, Asher, Rick, Hayden, Gia, and Lexa.

We all decided to go further down the beach so we didn't wake anyone up and go for a late night swim.

Because we're not idiots Gia hopped in her truck which was thankfully not a campsite tonight and Hayden grabbed the Jeep and parked them down more on the beach where we're going to swim and turned the headlights on and started one of the radios.

"Game of chicken you losers in?" Gia yelled as we ran towards the water."

Everyone yelled 'Yeah' and before my feet hit the water I let out a screech as I was being lifted into the air.

"I got my partner." Asher yelled now continuing to go into the lake as he placed me on his shoulders.

I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I got mine." Hayden said lifting Gia up and onto his shoulders.

"Guess your with me big guy." Lexa laughed patting Ricks shoulder. He chuckled and bent down.

I expected her to jump on his back but she stepped on his bent knee and whipped herself up and over his shoulders like she was mounting a fucking horse.

"First down picks up trash tonight. Last down gets to sleep in the bed of the truck." Gia said and we all agreed.

The next thing I knew we were all face to face trying to shove each other.

"Sorry babe but your pretty face is gonna get wet." Gia smiled trying to push me.

"I don't know why your apologizing to yourself." I said smugly.

She raised a eyebrow in confusion and I gasped dramatically.

"Beaner!" I yelled and he froze.

"What is it Boo?!" He asked worriedly.

"There's a horse fly on your stomach." I yelled and he started freaking.

He threw Gia off of him as he dived under to get the 'fly' off.

"Oh you play dirty." Gia laughed as she rose out of the water.

"You love it." I winked then turned to face Rick and Lexa.

"Hey Orphan." I called down.

"Your tricks don't work on me pipsqueak." He laughed.

"Oh I know." I smiled.

I bent down and whispered in Ashers ear what we were gonna do.

After he smiled he spun be around so I was sitting on his chest while my legs hung behind his shoulders. He held me up by my hips and turned his back towards Rick so I could face them.

"What are you doing Phoebe?" Lexa questioned.

"Oh nothing." I said and I tapped Asher's head as his sign to move me towards them.

The problem with them is Lexa's legs are no use because Rick has to hold onto them so he can keep her up.

Asher however has to hold onto my hips.

Lexa and I started shoving each other and when I got Rick to stumbled backwards I kicked him in the chest before he could catch his balance thankfully making him and Lexa both fall into the water.

Hayden laughed and Gia clapped as Asher looked up to me. He kissed the inner part of my thigh before lowering his voice to where only I could hear him.

"I could get use to this." He said trailing some more kisses along my thigh.

I smiled as I looked backwards.

"I'm glad you could." I said back flipping off his body into the water.

As I came up Asher was just staring at me.

"That was rude." He sighed and I laughed.

"Remember your earning your place back it's not just gonna be given out." I said patting his chest.

After another hour or two and after we were all dry I decided to climb up into the bed of the truck and fall asleep.

I had just gotten my white shirt on and Laid down when the whole truck shook. I opened my eyes back up to see Asher laying down next to me.

I sighed when I saw his face and moved closer towards him. He pulled me into his chest and as soon as we got situated it felt like I was home.

Right before I closed my eyes and let darkness consume me Asher kisses the top of my head and whispered.

' I love you more than you'll ever know beautiful'

I smiled softly because he thinks I'm sleeping and waited until his breath evened out and I heard soft snores.

"I love you to asshole." I whispered kissing his chest and just like that I was asleep.



Yeah buddy, he won't know it for a while though.
However I'm making cookies and I burnt one. LITERALLY JUST ONE like how do you do that?

Word count: 1467

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