Bonded (Niklaus Mikaelson)

By niklausssmikaelson

6.4K 234 24

After being sent away Adelaide comes back after 3 years. She already knows about the supernatural world but s... More

Part 1
The Martins
Werewolf curse
Hello father
Moving in
Ricky Ric
He's back
The Curse
Werewolf bite
Werewolf hunt
Night affairs
Cupcake loss
Short story
The reckoning
Phone calls
Ghost world
OG witch
Coffin chase
Birthday ball
Find me
Karma's a bitch
My little target
One more stake
Rupert, Emmy and Mila
Back to the 20's
How far does my bond go
Come back to me
A day of peace
Sorry guys
And then there were 10


91 7 0
By niklausssmikaelson

Elijah's POV

Adelaide came back to the witch house again she undaggered us and brought us a whole bag of blood bags. I'm not entirely sure where this plan is going but I know Adelaide would tell me if there was anything wrong. She's been keeping me up to date with everything that's been going on such as her small adventures with Rebekah during the time in which I was imprisoned in my coffin I'm honestly don't think there's anyone in this family that doesn't like her, even Finn is warming up to her.

"Ow" Kol exclaimes for the 25th time. They were currently sitting crossed legged on the floor playing hot hands and Kol was losing terribly

"How can u have fast reflexes and still lose every round" Adelaide mocks

"Your cheating" Kol says in whinny voice while Adelaide simply laughs at him. Kol pushes her arm which causes her to fall sideways

" 'Lijah, Kol hit me" Adelaide whined

"Oh sorry I forgot animal abuse was illegal here" Kol responded with a smirk. Adelaide gasped dramatically and put a hand over her heart while me and Finn sat in our own corners chuckling

"I wake you people up and this is how I'm treated" She said as she wiped a fake tear

"Mari, what's this?" Finn asked Adelaide lent over to see the phone before telling him it was a camera. Kol grabbed the phone and started taking pictures from different angles

"Don't I look handsome" Kol boasted while still holding the phone

"I might agree to that....if I was blind" Adelaide mocked. Kol pushed her arm again and she fell over but this time she didn't get up

"It's cause I'm black isn't it?" She said from the floor we all started to laugh before she spoke again

"If you laugh your racist" We tried to stifle a laugh at her words, some of us failing

" 'Lijah why you laughing?" She said with a small smirk and I simply smile having had this been done to me by her many times before

"I'm curious. If a woman is pregnant and she gets turned what happenes to the baby?" She asks

"It dies" Finn states. Adelaide just sits there making her mouth form an o shape

Finn's POV

Being undaggered isn't as bad as I thought it would be. The little goddess makes it slightly more bearable, I don't exactly enjoy being a vampire because of the bloodlust but Elijah told me that when Adelaide turns she won't have the bloodlust so maybe she could do something to help with mine. Her and Kol are quite alike in personality they're both equally childish and both powerful creatures. Someone will need to keep an eye on them, Elijah told me she's the goddess of mischief and manipulation and her being best friends with Kol is a one way ticket to destruction, it's even worse that Niklaus has a crush on her but Elijah says she makes him better so maybe it'll be fine

"Finn, Mari hit me" Kol whined as he rubbed his 'sore' arm. Me and Elijah both laugh at the two

"I could kill you" Kol threatens playfully

"And I could kill you" Adelaide retorted

"I could just magically snap your neck and throw you in the ocean" She says with a smile

"You wouldn't dare" Kol challenged

"Yes.I.would" Adelaide replied

Me and Elijah watched their staring contest until they both burst out laughing

"Imagine if I mange to give people magic powers. That would be so fucking cool" Adelaide exclaimed excitedly next to Kol

"Language" Elijah scolded her

"Sorry I meant fudging cool" she apologised

Kol laughed and he and Mari began to play fight while me and Elijah went to discuss what we were to do. I watched as Mari threw Kol across the room. She's very small but she seems to have a lot of strength. I watched as Kol stood up and tackled her and she made a small shrieking noise. They are complete children

"Hey. I'm not a child I'm turning 18 in less than a week" Adelaide says I give her a puzzled look and she explained how she can hear peoples thoughts

"That's creepy" Kol smirked

"Shut up. You wish you could do that" she replied flicking her hair

Adelaide had started to ask us questions about our childhood and how it was when we were human. Elijah had explained to me that he had been in life since she was a baby which makes it even more confusing as to why she would be curious now If she had Elijah to answer the questions she had

"Your mother sounds like a bitch" Adelaide says

"Bet you wouldn't say it to her face" Kol's smirks

"You wanna bet?"

Adelaide's POV

Me and Kol were playing snap while he asked me questions to get to know me better

"Do you have an siblings?" He asked

"Yep" I replied

"How many?"

"6" I say and Elijah gives me a pointed look

"7" I correct myself


"June but I celebrate it in October"

"Why?" Finn asked

"My father wouldn't tell me my birthday was so when I was 9 I picked a day. When I got to about 15 and I was sent back to London I travelled with Elijah so I actually got to see my passport and my actual birthday for the first time"

"June the what"

"June 4th" I see Elijah and Finn both sigh before I'm met with a face of excitement from Kol

"My birthday's June 4th"


"We can get matching tattoos to solidify the spiritual bond"

"Please don't" Elijah says

"What's that?" Finn asked pointing to my neck

"A necklace. Me,Bonnie and Caroline all got matching ones." I reply

"What about the one on your wrist?" He asked

"This one matches with Tyler's" I reply

"I want one" Kol pouted

"It's gonna have to be a ring unless you want to wear and anklet" I say with a giggle, I check the time on my watch

"Oh sugar, I need to get to school. It's Caroline's birthday" I say whilst standing up quickly

"Back in the coffins we go" Kol sighs dramatically

"I would let you stay out but Stefan could come back at any time when I'm not here and he doesn't know that I'm letting you guys out" I say with an apologetic look


"Hey sorry I'm late. I uh got held up" Bonnie apologised

"It's ok we just got here to" I say

"Can u pass me the balloons?"Davina ask

"What got you running late?" Elena asks

"I uh just working on some new spells. You?" Bonnie asks

"Working with Alaric" Elena says before Bonnie hands her a birthday banner

"What about u M?" Bonnie asks me

"I do a multitude of things that your teeny weeny brains cannot fathom" I reply turning back around to Caroline's locker

"There's something I need to tell you. And your not gonna like it" Elena says turning around to address all of us

"What happened?" Davina asks

"Jeremy's going to be leaving town for a while he's going to be staying with family friends in Denver until this whole Klaus thing blows over" Elena says

"Jeremy wouldn't just leave you to deal with Klaus on your own" Bonnie says

"Yeah he's to stubborn for that" I say

"I know. I asked Damon to compel him" Elena says

"You what?!" Davina asked

"I know but it's not safe for him here anymore. Leaving will give him a better life". Elena says

I tune out of the conversation and started texting Caroline

To Care bear🧸: where are you? I've called you like 50 times


We all hid in Caroline's house and waited for her to come home. When we heard the door open we jumped out to surprise her


"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asked

"Well you blew of school" Davina started

"And you missed our work of birthday art" Bonnie continues

"So uh change into warmer clothes, we're going to the falls" Elena says while putting a crown on Caroline's head

"S'mores, campfire, cake like we were little" Bonnie says

"Except with tequila"Matt said

"Uh thanks guys really. I'm just not really feeling my birthday this year" Caroline says

"I'm sorry what? You already claimed your birthday as everyone's favourite day" Bonnie says

"Yeah and now it's just a reminder that technically I'm dead. Look I didn't even like 17. The only point of 17 was to get to 18. It's a filler year, I'm stuck in a filler year" Caroline says

"Your not stuck Caroline" Elena tries to comfort her

"Yeah I am. But it's ok. You know, it's all good. I will be fine. But I just need some time to wallow in it" Caroline replies

"Okay. Well I think I have another idea" Elena says


"Oh there it is" Elena says
We all stepped into the Fell crypt with our flashlights on, a confused expression on everyone's faces

"This is creepy even for us" Bonnie says

"No Caroline was right. Technically, she's dead. Sorry. But you don't need a birthday. You need a funeral. You need to say goodbye to your old life so that you can move on with your new" Elena says

"Ok. Here lies Caroline Forbes" Caroline starts off

"Cheerleader, Miss mystic falls" Davina says

"Third grade hopscotch champion" Elena says

"Friend, neat freak" I say

"Daughter, over-achiever" Bonnie says

"Mean girl, sometimes, no offence" Matt says

"Non taken" Caroline says with a laugh

"She was 17 and she had a really good life. So rest in peace's so that she can move forward. It's what you really need, what we all need. Amen or cheers or whatever. Bonnie?" Elena says and signals the candles. Bonnie lights them with magic and we wait for Caroline to make a wish.

"Now that that's out of the way Tequila time!" I shout raising the bottle. We all take turns passing the bottle around, taking swig.
"Ah ah I need it more than you do. Trust me" Elena says reaching over to grab the bottle

"Caroline what are you doing?" Elena asks

"Hm nothing" Caroline answers

"You're a bad sober liar and you're an even worse drunk liar" I say with a giggle

"I might have texted Tyler" Caroline sheepishly admits

"Caroline" Elena scolds

"What? I'm delicate" Caroline says and I snort

"Give her a break. You can't control what everyone does all the time." Bonnie says

"Ouch Bon" Matt says

"I'm sorry I know it Caroline's birthday funeral or whatever but I just feel it's really wrong that you compelled Jeremy to leave town" Bonnie says and we all nod our heads in agreement

"I'm doing it to protect him, Bonnie. I wanna give him the chance at a halfway normal life" Elena says

"He should be able to choose how he wants to live. We all know you wouldn't be happy if any one compelled you, actually you'd probably give them a lecture on how messing with people's minds is wrong" I say defending Bonnie

"You're taking his choices away" Bonnie continues

"You can't tell him" Elena says shifting her eyes between me and Bonnie

"Why? You gonna compel us not to" Bonnie says looking at Elena

"You know, you guys a ruining a perfectly good funeral" Matt says trying to ease the tension

"I'm sorry I'm just gonna go sleep it off or something. Happy birthday" Bonnie says before leaving


The last thing I remember was walking in the woods trying to find Caroline after she left with Tyler. My head hurts and my ears a ringing, my vision is clouded but I can roughly work out where I am. I try thinking back to what happened but all I can remember is laughter and my feet hitting the floor my vision starts clearing up and I can see Elena next to me looking very panicked. I can see Stefan driving and speaking to someone but I can't work out what they're saying yet. I look down and see chains on my wrists. I felt like I had been in water, my clothes were damp.

"What did you do to her?" Elena says looking at me worriedly. Me head is still spinning and I sway to the side a bit leaning on the door

"She puts up to much of a fight. I had to restrain her" Stefan replies

"What's going on?" I ask still swaying a little bit

I feel something drip down my face, I look down and try to focus my eyes on my shirt. That's when it hit me, the dampness wasn't water. It was blood. I started to become a lot more panicked frantically looking around

"Stefan, what's going on?" I ask

No answer

"Stefan" I say

"She bleeding, she needs to be healed" Elena says Stefan ignores her and starts to dial a number on his phone.

"We need to get out of here" Elena whispers to me

"I'm pretty sure he can hear you. I'm a bit surprised he hasn't eaten me yet. You know ripper and all" I say weakly. Elena smiles at me slightly as I form a plan in my head. The only problem is, it only works for one of us.

"When I say go you jump out the window ok? Damon should be able to find you, he'll start looking for you when you don't answer your phone so you should be fine" I say

"Damon knows Stefan just told him" Elena says

"Oh well that makes it a lot easier" I say I wait until the right moment before giving myself a mental countdown, when I reach one I grab the back of the head rest and throw it and the window using all of my strength

"Go" I say

Elena only sticks her head out before Stefan tries to grab her leg to put her back in. I try kicking his hand but he's a lot stronger than me

"There's to much glass" Elena complained

"Stop being a baby just jump" I say still struggling to fight Stefan

Stefan speeds up the car and Elena's body jerks back in the car. I give her an annoyed look and she gives me an apologetic one. If I went I would be out of this car already I thought to myself

"Stefan how nice to hear your voice." I hear Nik's voice

"Tell your hybrids to get out of town Klaus" Stefan says

"Well, that's not gonna happen until I get my coffins back" Nik says

"Ok well I'm gonna drive your blood source off Wickery Bridge" Stefan replies

So why the fuck am I here

"I don't believe you Stefan. You won't kill her, you love her to much" Klaus replies rather calmly

At his words Stefan bites his wrist and turns around to shove it in Elena's mouth

"What's going on?" Klaus asks

"I just fed her my blood. No more hybrids if she's a vampire" Stefan says

"You won't do it"

"Really, you wanna bet on Addy's life. She's in the back, I'm not giving her my blood so when I drive off this bridge she's gone" Stefan threatens

"Um why?" I ask

"You wouldn't" Klaus argues angrily

"Really cause your coffins are next to go. Say goodbye to your family, Klaus" Stefan says speeding up

"Stefan. This isn't funny stop the car!" I shout

"Stefan slow down!" Elena shouts


"Fine. I'll send them away. You win" Klaus says

Stefan continues to speed up


"STEFAN, STOP" Elena says sobbing

"Stop the car Stefan!" Klaus says

The car screeches to a stop metres away from the bridge and the call ends. Elena gets out of the car sobbing and her and Stefan start to argue. I try to get out of the car but I can only crawl due to the lack of blood. I try to stand up but my feet won't hold me up so I sit next to the car. My head starts spinning again and my vision is blurred, I try to speak but nothing comes out. Stefan gets in the car and drives away which makes my fall back seeing as that was the only thing I was leaning on. After that everything became muffled and I passed out

2751 words

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