γ€πŒπšπ π’π¬ π“π¨π«π―πš 𝐌𝐞𝐬...

By T3ratina

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𝘼 π™Šπ™£π™šπ™¨π™π™€π™© π˜½π™€π™€π™  Magis: Meaning more in Latin Torva Messor: Meaning Grim Reaper in Latin This Onesh... More

❦C'mon! Just don't tell Philza!❦
❦I guess this is alright.❦ (𝐩𝐭 𝟏 𝐨𝐟 πŸ‘)
❦The Words Engraved❦
❦Screen❦ (Distance pt 2)
❦Happy Holidays❦ (Distance Pt3)
❦Happy New Year!❦
❦Get out of my way!❦
❦May the odds be ever in your favor.❦ [PT 1 of ?]
❦Your Love Is My Air.❦
❦I Smell Smoke.❦

❦You shouldn't be here!❦

171 11 9
By T3ratina

[Hero Au part 2]

[TW! Mentions of violence, argument, referenced consensual sex (it isn't in detail at all, just kind of hinted at).]

"Now just perhaps you're more charming than I give you credit for."

His ears were still ringing and his body in light pain as they made their way back to the Sleepy Boys Incorporated building.

Never in the Blood God's life did he think he would be jumping from roof top to roof top outrunning News Helicopters with a now former vigilante. "We're seriously going to your base?!" She screamed forward, and he scoffed while still holding his mask to his face.

"Where else? This I where I live you know!" He shouted right back, seeing the practical skyscraper up ahead. "Plus we have some security keeping news outlets and paparazzi out!"

He ran to the edge of the assumed apartment building they were running across, leaping to the second rooftop. They were getting closer to the SBI base now.

"Are the heros in there gonna try to kill me?!" She picked up speed, now side by side with the man. Torva knew that well, for all the heros in there knew, she was still a vigilante.

"Not if you're with me, okay, nerd?" The nickname slipped passed his lips easily, as if it was always meant to.

"Nerd?" She almost laughed, looking at him in amusement.

"You're a nerd." He replied firmly, not leaving anything up for question.

They jumped yet another distance between rooftops.

"I am not a nerd." She countered, almost sounding offended. Though they both knew it was exaggerated for comedic effect.

"Yes you are." The grin in his voice was audible even behind the mask.

"Fuck you." She spat out, though there was no malice behind those two words.

They fell silent, some soft snickers being heard among the rushing winds surrounding them. It was exhilarating, finally being able to be seen together while outrunning the paparazzi. Two things Technoblade never thought he'd do.

His entire, well, he'd call it a friendship, with the girl had been rough glares and training in abandoned locations. Far into forests where nobody could find them. Alleys where they would bicker but end up laughing anyway. Knowing they couldn't so much as spare the other a kind glance or touch even if they wanted to, there could be a camera to turn the corner at any moment.

Maybe he was shitty for hiding the fact that he was somewhat close to a vigilante from his best friends, but he couldn't risk it getting out. Ever.

Were they friends? That wouldn't leave his mind.

A third thing he'd never imagine happening: jumping onto the Sleepy Boy's roof and opening the top latch with his golden ring. Each Sleepy Boy has a ring with their hero names etched into them, and each ring was made by Awsamdude with his technological prowess to open the doors in the large complex building.

So he unlocked and opened the latch, grabbing Torva's hand and tugging her into the top floor of the skyscraper.

The top floor was entirely one way glass, and he locked the roof behind them.

It was an empty room, the only thing inside of it was a few shelves of medical equipment. This first floor was designed to be a safety development, kind of how he used it just now. He was running, so he opened the latch to the insanely secure building and hopped inside, and due to the one way bullet-proof glass he can see who is coming yet they can't see him.

He let his mask fall to the ground. It was already broken anyway. "Holy shit." He breathed, face suddenly feeling bare.

He turned around, suddenly remembering she hadn't even seen his face.

But her mask was off too.

It was in her palm, and he found himself staring at the grey eyes. He had never thought grey was a particularly attractive color, hell, he didn't really find anyone attractive in general. Maybe a one night stand here and there was the most adventurous he's ever gotten, and those were all bad situations Wilbur somehow got him into at a bar or two.

But fuck, grey? Might have to be one of his new favorites. God and that scar right under her eye-

She was staring ahead too, she had known he had red eyes, they were sometimes visible through the mask if you got close enough. And believe her- she had gotten close enough time and time again during combat practice with the man. But being shadowed over by the mask didn't do them justice. She never liked red too much, maybe because she constantly lives with the color due to her ability.

But fuck, red? Might have to be one of her new favorites. God and that scar right on his lips-

She just wanted to-
He just wanted to-

The door slammed open, and people poured in. They must have seen the news by now. That or heard the commotion.

Torva and The Blood God looked over to the entrance, seeing an unmasked Theseus, Angel of Death, and Phantasma. Behind them seemed to be Underscore and Beloved.

There was immediately arms pinning her to the solid metal ground. She didn't even get to think before Beloved was on her. She had heard one of the trainees had a teleportation ability.

She went to activate her own strength only for The Blood God to practically kick the kid off of her, standing over her and holding out a hand. "She's with us, so lay a hand on her and I swear-"

"What?!" Phantasma screamed, and Torva stared blankly.

"I'm Technoblade, by the way." Torva had her hand on his still, and he just looked down with an awkward smile. "Phil and Wilbur call me Techno, though. Tommy sometimes too. Ranboo and Tubbo call me by my full name most of the time." He pointed at each hero as he said so, giving Torva their real legal names.

"Uh-" she said, dumbfounded.

"What are you doing?!" Torva now knew the man, Phil, was screaming. Huh.

"Tia." She introduced. "I'm Tia." She thought for a moment, ignoring shouts and questions of alarm. "I'll call you Tech."

He chuckled, letting go of her hand and clearing his throat. "I like it, you know, we should continue this before someone tries something." He inhaled deeply, "SHUT UP AND LISTEN!"

Slowly, the chatter dwindled. "Well, hello!" She waved to the small crowd, a crowd of the technically most powerful people to grace the world. "I'm Torva, or Tia, and I'm the new member of the Sleepy Boys." Okay, she might have said that just to stir up more drama.

"Oh my Gods-" Tech groaned, the chatter starting up once more, this time more anger fueled. "Guys!" It quieted down again. "Look I know I have explainin' to do."

"Damn fuckin' right!" Tommy shouted, otherwise known as Theseus.

"Get on with it!" Wilbur added, or Phantasma.

"Tia and I have been," he cringed. "Trainin'? Hangin' out? In private? And today on the mission the public saw us fightin' together against the Dream Team. She covered for me, and she's a member now so we don't get 'exposed' for being close with a vigilante."

"Dude!" Tubbo yelled, "she isn't just a vigilante she's a fucking top vigilante! And you've been seeing her? Doing what?! Snogging?!"

Technoblade cringed. "First of all, take that British shit somewhere else." He sighed. "Secondly, our relationship is strictly professional. We don't hold back punches with each other, it's just a good match power-wise too."

"We got 404." Tia added, crossing her arms, her mask still in one hand. "He almost killed me, Tech took the hit. Speaking of, we need to get him in medical care, it was a really bad electrical shock, could have messed up his heart. I really don't feel like having my frenemy dying on me."

Tech rolled his eyes, "I hate you." he said, glaring.

"Mhmm." She hummed a response, the rest of the team watching dumbfounded.

"So, anyway welcome the new member of the Sleepy Boys, there are five of us now." Tech shrugged, and she rolled her eyes.

"Being a hero already feels Fuckin' gross-" she shivered.

"I'm sorry you can't behead politicians anymore." He grumbled.

Then suddenly, Phantasma walked up, grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles. He smiled, a toothy grin. "Well, then I'm glad you're with us. Better than you fighting against us all the time, I'm Wilbur Soot. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She tugged her hand away, blinking a few times. "Phantasma, phantom hero." She said, glancing at him. "Your ability is definitely interesting, though it's rumored you can't stay on the field for too long because your power drains your energy so fast."

"And nobody knows your power, so why don't you enlighten us." Phil spoke up, and Tia looked shocked.

"It's nothing special, energy is converted into explosive sparks. I just learned how to utilize it well." She shrugged, stretching. "you'll learn more about it soon as we train. I'll stick around long enough for my switch to the hero side to be believable. Then I'll leave and you can pull the whole 'oh no we were betrayed for information' thing."

Tommy seemed confused. "Why did you join us anyway?!"

"Because Tech needed a cover story for why we were so comfortable around each other. I care about him." She scoffed, and Technoblade was smiling softly. "So I just covered for him, he owes me now anyway."

Phil gritted his teeth, pinching the bridge of his nose. Glaring at Technoblade now. "So let me get this straight, Techno. Not only have you been secretly conversing with a vigilante known for beheading politicians for months behind all of our backs, you then proceeded to publicly ally with her in a battle against the Dream Team, and now you owe her a favor because she covered for your dumbass. That sound about right?"

The pinkette was silent for a moment, glancing toward Tia and away from a very very pissed off Phil. "It's actually been years but besides that yeah you've got it down-"

"TECHNO-" Phil scolded, throwing his hands in the air.

"I can't believe you did this!" Tubbo screamed, balling his fists at his sides. "She's a vigilante, Techno! We thought you've been hunting her for years! And you've been fuckin' going around with her behind our backs! We thought you couldn't get a lead on her!"

Tia sighed, grabbing Tech's hand. "Look, I don't care what you think of me, but if you don't want to all become public enemy number one, you have to deal with me for a few months otherwise all of your reputations and careers are gone. Got it?" She snapped at the group, and Tech sighed.

Wilbur looked at the group, then back to Tia. "Phil, you can't act like you don't agree with her on so many topics. She doesn't what we can't because she's outside of the law, we are the law. You were happy when she beheaded Schlatt. You cheered at the television when you saw the news cover it."

"Will." Phil scolded his son, and the brunet scoffed.

"Sure Wilbur, we agree with her sometimes, that doesn't change the fact that right now she might have saved Tech's career. But- now we have to deal with legal repercussions. If she isn't hiding from the law anymore she has charges to face from past crimes unless there's legal loopholes-" Ranboo began speaking, only to get cut off.

"Don't worry about that." Tia said simply. "Eret is my ex, he can get them all dropped or brushed over by officers. Political cover ups are my spare hobby at this point, for the greater good of course." She winked, and the men all fell silent.

"You actually fuckin' dated King Eret I thought that was a rumor-" Tommy was dumbfounded, shock all over his features.

"How else do you think I've avoided the law this often, most of the legal system supports me or is aware to get off my back." She laughed, shaking her head. "Vigilantes in my group keep the world turning. Political disasters don't happen much anymore because we've killed the people who cause them. My hits aren't random they're planned because I have sources who feed me information about who is planning on passing what legal bill. If I don't like it- I remove the source."

They all stood dumbfounded, but Technoblade didn't seem that surprised. As if he already knew all these details, the other SBI members and trainees assumed he had this conversation with her previously.

"We work for the system, she's found her way around it." Technoblade said casually, beginning to bring Tia over to an elevator the other members came out of previously. "I hope you'll enjoy her time with us, I think you guys will like Tia. She's one of the best things to happen to me." He smiled softly, holding his still broken mask in the hand not ushering her forward.

Tia fought off a smile, watching him hold up his ring to a scanner on the elevator pad, something was activated and a heavy metal door opened. He stepped inside and she did the same.

Tia raised an eyebrow, amused when she saw him click a button to immediately close the door. Obviously not wanting any more confrontation with his group members.

The door closed, and the second it did Tia watched as he let out a large sigh, slouching over a bit. He looked over to her, laughing. "I think this is the first time we've been able to talk without lookin' over our shoulders, huh?" He asked, taking a step back and leaning against the wall after pressing a number thirteen on the elevator pad.

"Or without you trying to arrest me." She added, grinning.

"C'mon, you can't blame me."

"I think I can."

The witty banter continued for a few moments. He looked down at her, analyzing her features before gulping and looking away. He cleared his throat awkwardly, only to look forward at the elevator door. It was clean and reflective, and he could see that she was staring up at him.

"Somethin' on my face?" He joked, glancing down at her again and away from the door. They were almost at the thirteenth floor.

"Just getting used to seeing you." Tia replied, she wasn't even hiding the fact she was staring. Technoblade could feel his face slowly begin to flush in response. Eyes opening wide.

He awkwardly laughed this time, still looking down at her. Not exactly able to tear his eyes away. "I could say the same." He replied as smoothly as he could. And he slowly felt as her hand reached up and rested on his upper arm, she didn't even break eye contact. Her fingers and palm slowly sliding down his bicep. He then slowly reached over to the elevator buttons right before they hit floor thirteen, instead pressing the button for floor fourteen. Refusing to look away from her.

"Fourteen?" She asked curiously, glancing at the glowing buttons for just a moment. Stepping closer into his personal space.

"Thirteen had a few guest rooms. Fourteen has my room." He explained simply, his hand reaching down to rest on her waist. It sat there like it belonged, and she welcomed it without complaint. "You're still my enemy." He spoke plainly, tilting his head to the side. "I'll kill you one day, I don't know how but I'll do it. It's my job."

"And now I could say the same to you." She teased, referencing what he said earlier. Only to hear a soft ding right as he began to lean down. Their trains of thought broken as the door to the thirteenth floor opened. He had clicked it previously so the elevator still thought it was someone's stop.

This was a now silent agreement. Tia could easily step away and go onto the thirteenth floor, leave the Blood God alone in the elevator to go to his room on his own. She could find a guest room and patch her wounds, he could go to his room and call up medical service to check on if he has any damages from the electrical shocks 404 caused.

Instead they both watched as the door softly closed, a quiet ding following afterward as it continued to lift one more floor. In that short period of time Tia's mask fell from her hand and hit the floor for someone to find later. Her back pressed against the elevator wall and the hand previously holding her precious secrecy now tangled in long pink hair. The second the next ding sounded, notifying them they had reached floor fourteen, Technoblade simply backed up and dragged them both out of the elevator. Keeping one hand firmly on her waist and the other on the back of her neck. They clumsily poured out of the hallway, lips connected for the first time in years full of tension and hatred.

"I fuckin' hate you." He gruffly gasped out against her mouth, pulling away for just a second to turn and quickly press his ring to a keypad next to a large door. The screen blinked pink for a moment before the door audibly unlocked with a click, Technoblade opening the door and pushing them both inside. He locked the door behind them, staring down at her as she looked around the bedroom.

"Don't worry, I hate you too." She finally responded, finishing admiring the scenery as he shoved her down on the bed below him anyway. So much for looking around his room. "For all you know I might kill you right now. Solve half of my problems."

"Mmm, and somehow I don't believe that." He spoke as he crawled on top of her, placing his right knee in between her thighs and the other outside of her legs. "I don't think you will. You've been training with me for what... three years now? Haven't gotten a knife in my back yet." He emphasized the last word by slowly pressing his knee up against her, grinding softly.

"Haven't even seen my face for more than an hour and you're already-" She gasped out, cutting off her words and gripping onto him. "You're already trying to get with me." She tried to joke, but it wasn't too effective with her face slowly turning shades of red.

He let out a short laugh in response, reaching down to the hem of his shirt and tugging it up and over his head. Looking back down at her. "And you haven't even known my real name for an hour and here you are about to scream it." Technoblade whispered back smoothly, having ducked down to say softly in her ear.

Now this definitely was heat of the moment for both of them, they knew that. But it wasn't like they were strangers. They've saved each other's asses over and over from behind the scenes, it just so happens some cameras managed to get hold this time around. Neither could say they were complaining about it now that this was the outcome.

Technoblade moved so his lips could press against Tia's again. Relishing in the fact that her mouth was even against his. Hours ago he hadn't even seen her lips let alone her full face and now he felt like everything about her was a home. A familiar feeling he can't live without, how he was surviving without this before today he doesn't know.

When he let his tongue slide against hers though, he barely pulled away to speak. "Fangs?" He questioned curiously, amused by the sharp teeth he felt moments ago against his mouth.

"Comes with the power I have." She gasped out, short of breath and regaining any air she had lost. "Don't know why. You have tusks."

"'Course, comes with the power." He joked right back, feeling her laugh against his lips as he began to kiss her again. It was strange in the sense that, they were barely friends yet simultaneously knew each other so well. And they considered each other enemies yet here she was getting undressed in his bed.

Neither could explain it, neither wanted to explain it. What mattered is that they were pretty damn content with it. Some things don't need explanations, they just exist for all the right reasons.

Maybe if they looked hard enough they could foolishly call this reason love.

Maybe if they looked hard enough they could finally acknowledge stolen glances and touches in between training, all mixed in with unnecessary care and the way Tia abandoned her title just to keep his in tact. Yet neither bothered to label it. The bond ,whatever it was, was there to hold and cherish, so that was enough.

It was always enough.

Tommy was awkwardly stood next to Phil, the winged man looking nothing short of pissed off. Now Tommy wasn't scared of Phil, hah- definitely not. Who would even suggest that? Tommy is such a big strong hero that nobody could even think about that. He's the newest Sleepy Boy! Of course he isn't scared of Phil. Phil is just some old man with big ol' crow wings.

Nothing to be scared of.

Buuut- woo boy does big, old (and definitely not scary), bird man seem kind of pissed off. Well, not kind of. Very. He's shouting with Will, hands thrown in the air as he paces circles in one of the living rooms. This one has a nice warm fireplace. Tubbo and Ranboo look upset too, but more confused and worried than anything. Each Tv in the room is on a very similar channel, all talking about the brand new member of the Sleepy Boys. A member well- that he doesn't really remember agreeing to.

Torva Messor.

Sure he's heard of her, Technoblade (very strong, cool, and definitely not scary big man) was assigned to hunt her down three years ago. They've run into her on missions plenty of times. But now apparently she's in Technoblade's room, and Phil and Wilbur do not seem to be too happy about that. Not at all. No sir. He knows vigilantes are horrible, sure, that's what Phil says. That's what the media says. And Wilbur says the media is basically their bosses.

Tommy usually argues and says they are their own bosses, but hey who's keeping track of that? (Tommy is, he's said it twenty three times now. He likes to remember any conversation he has with Wilbur.)

"Phil, she's going to be a good asset! You know her ideologies align with ours!" Wilbur shouted, then sighed. "But yes, I agree. It is concerning how close Technoblade is with her. He's been going behind our backs for years on this."

Phil grumbled, nodding and crossing his arms. Tommy realized he seemed- well he seemed kind of hurt. "We all know Technoblade's political stances never really lined up with governmental power, Will. It was kind of inevitable he'd get involved with vigilante work somehow." Phil admitted sadly, face dropping a bit. "But I didn't see this coming. Not Torva Messor- Tia- whatever her name is."

Ranboo stood up, he had been sitting on the nearby couch. "I-" He stuttered, freezing up when his two mentors looked over at him. "I think- well- I think- why don't...? Why can't we be happy for him?" He asked hesitantly. "I know it isn't my place to speak but, Tia is his friend. Right? Or- whatever they are. And if she wants to work with us for a bit to save his reputation, I'd take it."

Tubbo silently nodded, smiling over at Ranboo. "I agree, Tommy?"

Tommy looked surprised someone was asking his opinion, glancing between all of the people now staring at him. "I- that Big M lady seems cool. You seemed to like her, Will. And you like what she does, Phil."

"Big M?" Tubbo questioned curiously, laughing a bit at the blond's familiar antics. His words already calming the entire situation. Each man in the room softly smiling already, Phil and Wilbur letting out long sighs to calm themselves.

"Big M!" Tommy echoed, grinning wildly. The rowdy teen already smiling from ear to ear. "For Messor, right?! If she's a part of the family she might as well get one of Big Man's famous nicknames!"

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