Luke Hemmings - Roommates

By xoHemmingsGirlxo

40.9K 1.3K 210

"I'll take a vodka and orange please." I asked politely but I couldn't seem to force a smile onto my face lik... More

First Day
Making the team
Josh's Party
First Game
Pillow Fight
Broken Hearts and Black Eyes
Parties and Drunk Kisses
Goalpost Nutter
Go easy on him
Girl's Night Out
I Called It
Pain is weakness
Christmas Tree
Driving Home For Christmas
Finish This In Hell
Back to Square One
Getting to know each other
New Years
Golden Oppurtunity
All My Fault
Needed Some Advice
Don't Want To Remember
Too little too late
Communication Is The Key
It's Never Goodbye
Lost Everything
New Beginning
Part Of The Family
A Life On The Road
Not your problem
Everybody has a story
First for everything
I'm All Yours
Don't want to disappoint
Don't want you to regret
Night of Nights
Didn't want to tell you
Tell Me You Love Me
Stop It
Are you sure?
Start Again
Going on an adventure
Take the first shift
One Night Only
Weaker than she looks
What Do You See?
Can happy ever after exist?
First Hello and Final Goodbye
One Final Farewell
Dear Kenzie
Not Worth It
Never Trust A Hug
Nut-job with a Gun
Any Final Words?


543 19 0
By xoHemmingsGirlxo

We had been back in classes for a couple of weeks now. The boys had been to a few more meetings about the tour and I had received a few phone calls from my navy careers advisor. Each time it just reminded me how little time we all had left together. None of the boys had told me yet but I knew that I wasn't allowed on tour with them because I had been talking to Marie about it. I don't even know if they know yet. I was scrolling through my phone when something caught my eye. It was a weekend adventure stay that started tomorrow for five people. What a coincidence. I thought it would be a good idea for us as a way to spend a bit more time with each other before there's none left. "Hey guys." I shouted so I could be heard throughout the entire dorm. "Is anybody afraid of heights?"

"No"" Luke shouted.

"Nope." Michael confirmed.

"Not me." Was Ashton's reply.

"No." That was Calum and that made four. That's good.

"I've found this adventure weekend thing for tomorrow if you all fancy it. Its two days and you do high ropes, low ropes, climbing, abseiling, obstacle course and a few other things but most of them require your feet to leave the ground." By this point they had all come in to look at me as I spoke nodding there heads slightly. "Should I book it?" They all nodded enthusiastically at me so I went ahead and booked it straight away. "You do realise we'll have to leave at half seven tomorrow morning." I reminded as I walked into my room to pack a bag.

It was only a two day trip but I packed seven different sets of clothes because on these types of weekends you really need them. I then went straight to bed just scrolling through my phone before eventually setting my alarm and going to sleep. My alarm went off at five o'clock and I quickly shut it off so I didn't wake Luke who was still sleeping peacefully in his bed right next to mine. I had just finished in the shower when I could hear somebody else's alarm going off. I stepped out of the bathroom to see Calum in only his boxers eating a slice of toast. "Morning." I chirped I went into my room pulled on a matching bra and panties set and walked back out to get breakfast. "Should you not put some clothes on?" He remarked slightly amused as I sat on the kitchen counter waiting for my toast to pop.

"The same could be said for you." I pointed out and he just shrugged. Yet again the boys were ready to leave with only two minutes to spare except Cal because he got up early. "I swear what are you going to do on your when you have to get up early on tour." I chuckled as we threw our bags into the boot of my car. "We'll have you to wake us." Ash said in a duh tone confirming my suspicion that they don't know yet so I just smiled and nodded my head. The entire drive we chatted and laughed and sang along to the radio before we pulled up and walked in to the reception style area. We were then given a key to a log cabin and told were to go. It was a case of throwing our bags in and straight to the first activity; low ropes.

The low ropes course was over muddy fields and wasn't that high off the ground. It was quite a fun activity that we all enjoyed doing even when it started chucking it down with rain. Two hours was spent on low ropes before we had a chance to get changed into some clean dry clothes ready for the obstacle course followed straight away by high ropes. The obstacle course was all on mud and fields and the rain was making it soggy so we were covered from head to toe in mud. "Fancy giving me a race?" Ash asked me as we looked over the obstacle course. "Why not?" I smiled. The course itself wasn't too difficult but the mud kept making everybody fall over not that it made a difference because for one part we had to army crawl under a very low tunnel with no floor. "So guys who's ready for high ropes?" Our instructor asked his voice thick with an Irish accent. We all nodded our heads. "Follow me and we'll get you all harnessed up then." The boys were all kitted and fitted within ten minutes but it was quite funny to watch. Scrap that it was hilarious. You could tell they had never had to put a harness on before because the instructor had to help each of them. I just slipped mine on and tightened it without trouble just waiting for him to check it. "Finally somebody who knows how to put on a harness." He chuckled at me checking each individual strap. I saw Luke glaring at us as he checked the leg straps before handing me a helmet and checking it was the right size. "If looks could kill he would be dead." I joked with Luke.

"Sorry but I don't want anybody else touching you like that." He mumbled while we were meant to be listening to the run through of the course.

"Would you prefer it if he didn't check my harness and something happened and I ended up dead on the floor?" He shook his head. "Then stop getting so worried when all he was doing was that."

"Okay." We then listened to the instructions on how to move from obstacle to obstacle whilst up there. Basically the rope attached to the course locked into a triangle thing hanging from our harnesses unlocking the rope from the last obstacle blah blah blah. How hard can it be? "So who's going to be brave and go first?" We all just looked at each other dumbly. "I'm sure this young lady here would like to?" The words were more of a question than a statement.

"Hell yeah." I ascended the ladder and heard the boys wolf whistling joking on below me. "Nice ass babe." Luke shouted making me roll me eyes. I hooked up to the first obstacle and was on my way listening for the next person to climb the ladder. They couldn't be on this obstacle until I had unhooked so I rushed a little bit so they could be on. "Jesus Christ." Michael said behind me and I turned to look at him, wobbling slightly on the rope I was stood on. "What's wrong Mikey?" I joked seeing how much he was struggling to keep his balance on the tyres. He just flipped me off so I continued. I finished the level I was on before going up even higher. I stopped for a minute to have a look around at where everyone was. "Hey guys I'm higher than you." I teased them. This level was slightly more difficult but I managed it still before climbing to the next level. All I had to do now was wait for the others to catch up because we all do this part together. It took them five minutes before Cal stood on the platform meaning we were all there. "Okay guys this is the power fan. Most fun part of the high ropes in my opinion." Our instructor said and I could tell how hard the boys were trying to not look down because we were really high up. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will." Luke volunteered. In seconds he was hooked up. "Okay all you have to do is step off the edge." A look of horror flashed over his features.

"Are you being serious?"

"Deadly." Luke started to shake in fear and anticipation as he inched towards the edge but he couldn't make himself take that final step. "Luke I'll go first if you want." I interjected and he couldn't get away from the edge quick enough. "You're completely fearless you know that." He remarked as he was hooked back onto the safety line and I was hooked onto the power fan.

"Not really. Everyone has fear you just need to learn to control it." As I spoke I was getting closer and closer to the edge of our square platform.

"How do you manage to control it because we could do with some tips right now." Ash joked but I could tell he was also scared. I couldn't blame him. It's not normal to just walk off the edge of something trusting only a thin wire to stop you from falling and dying. "Be fearless." I smirked before taking a final step. The power fan slowly controlled my descent before my feet were safely and firmly back on the floor. One by one the boys each came down before our instructor joined us back on the ground. "That was great." Cal smiled.

"Well that was the last activity of today. You have some more tomorrow but right now you need to get in out of the rain, clean up, dry off and put some clean clothes on." We all thanked him in turn handing our harnesses in before making our way back to the cabin. By the time we arrived the cold had started to take its toll and the boys were shivering. They all showered before me and as I was rinsing off somebody came in. "Hey babe just me." Luke said as I turned the shower off grabbing a towel.

"You shouldn't be in here while I'm showering." I tried to sound serious but it just didn't work.

"What Miss fearless over here doesn't like being watched while she's naked." He smirked wrapping his arms around my waist. "Maybes we've found something she's scared of."

"Never." I smiled attaching my lips to his. His tongue gently glided along my lower lip and I slowly opened my mouth allowing our tongues to tangle together. It was just getting heated when somebody knocked on the bathroom door. "Leave whatever you're doing for your own time because we don't want you doing it right next door." The disgust was evident in Ashton's voice. We both jut giggled hearing them all groan next door as we started kissing each other again.

This was just a little filler chapter because the chapter I'm working on wasn't finished but I'm getting sick of putting it of all the time. It makes me feel like a bad person if I can't update on time when I keep promising I will so I know it's pretty rubbish and I apologise but please keep reading. Vote comment and please try and check out some of my other writings Love all you guys.

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