RJ oneshots

By Elazul-Jumi

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random oneshot ideas that come randomly to my mind (I can't promise I'll update this regularly, it would be m... More

Before you read this
Rewrite The Stars
You can't stop the beat
RJ Omegaverse
RJ Omegaverse (part 2)
RJ Omegaverse (part 3)
RJ babysitting
RJ Omegaverse (Final part)
RJ Wedding
Perfect Harmony
RJ comes out
One last sunset
What if we...?
What if I...? (What if We...? Part 2)
Top of the Ferris Wheel
Unsaid Family
The Perfect Gift
The Proposal
Without Him
Be With You (Without him Part 2)
Song dedicated to...
RJ's "Graduation" and First Kiss
Dance lesson
"Last Waltz" (Dance lesson part 2)
Unexpected declaration
Small update!
Snow day!
Taking care of an "army" (RJ Babysitting Part 2)
That's how you make me feel...
I've made my choice...
The Nerd and the Bad Boy
His First Date (The Nerd and the Bad Boy Part 2)
I love you... but you're not mine...
Welcome Back...
Midnight Kiss
Amazing Parents
His First (Unofficial) Day at School

Day of the Wedding...s!

194 10 58
By Elazul-Jumi

(Note: This oneshot is an adaptation, therefore this isn't in Salt Lake City, and if you don't get what this is adapting, you'll find out later on... there will be some changes though, so it's not an exact copy-paste of the original thing... I hope this turns out well)

Everyone who knew Gina and Nini were already arriving for their wedding, it did took a bit more planning due to small events happening through it all, but other than that, everything ended up just like they wanted, all that was left is for both of the brides to walk down the aisle, say "I do" and be married just like they had planned out... at least for them.

People were in different spots of the place where Gina and Nini were gonna get married, either talking with other guests they knew, or just looking at the decoration, while some classical music was being played as background before the wedding started, such was the case for Ricky and EJ.

Ricky: Oh, this is so lovely!

EJ: I know, it's so beautiful... where did they find the money?

Ricky made a sound probably meaning that he was wondering the same thing, all of a sudden, Carlos, walked up to them having something important to tell them.

Carlos: RJ, will you come with me please? We have a bit of a situation.

Ricky: *not believing him* nice try Carlos, but we're not gonna fall for another fake elevator trick *EJ shakes his head*

Carlos: Oh, no, Richard, don't thank me for forcing you back into the arms of tiny Armie Hammer (Not my fault Miss Jenn calls him that way in the first episode, and that Carlos was right next to her)

EJ slightly reacts with a face that could be explained as a "did he just call me that?" kind of face, but was ok with that comparison.

Carlos: Listen, I swear to you in Zachary Roy's future grave, this is a legitimate Gin-emergency (Who else would Carlos say with a comment like that?)

Carlos walked away, and Ricky and EJ wondered for a moment if they should follow him, which they eventually did and as soon as they got to the dressing room for Gina and Nini, Carlos opened the door and let them in... only for them to find two torso mannequins with black tuxedos, completely opposite to the white ones Ricky and EJ were already wearing.

Each of those tuxes had a picture of their heads attached to them through the neck, while Nini was standing next to them, smiling, which led to Ricky and EJ being confused about it.

Ricky: *points to the suits* what are those? *gets no answer* uh, Nini, what's going on? *visibly confused*

Nini: Ricky, EJ... The whole time I was planning this high-end wedding, all I could think about was you guys... and not because you remind me of a couple from a story I read years ago, but, because I wouldn't be here without you guys, ok? I looked up to you as a couple in high-school, not counting Seb and Carlos *Nini walks closer to RJ* you showed me there was a place for me and Gina too.

Nini makes a very short pause before continuing

Nini: I mean, you and Kourtney taught me how to be brave and when you guys called off your wedding *walks towards the space between the manequins* it just broke my heart *stands between the mannequins* because it felt like my dream had died, so... *places her arms around the mannequins* I want my dream back.

Ricky opened his mouth completely shocked because he understood what Nini meant... while EJ was still a bit confused about all of this.

EJ: ...*nods* ok *looks at Ricky and back at Nini with the mannequins* I still don't get what you're talking about though.

Ricky: yes you do, just think about it *a bit worried*

Carlos: What Nini is saying, EJ, is that out of our love *EJ looks at him* for your love *Ricky looks at him* we have conspired to deceive and manipulate, and, yes, imprison you briefly, all to reach this moment. We have two tuxes *points at them*

Ricky looks back at the mannequins not believing this is happening. While EJ looks at Ricky wondering if they were serious about this, then the two of them looking back at Carlos.

Carlos: Do we have two grooms?

They both look back at Nini. Ricky stammers while EJ is shaking his head with a smile on his face thinking this is a joke

Nini: ok you guys are making funny faces, what do you think?

Ricky and EJ keep looking back and forth between them and Nini and the tuxes, stammering a bit, before Ricky decides to walk a bit closer.

Ricky: I think you're crazy *stammers* EJ and I just got back together, and uh... even if we hadn't, even if we were ready, I mean, Gina would never let us crash her wedding *EJ constantly shaking his head through this, while agreeing with Ricky*

Gina: Oh well... I would think again *smiling* *walks towards a chair* Turns out I am a lot like the godfather on a wedding day *Ricky is shocked that Gina agreed* and as crazy as it all sounds *sits down* I couldn't deny my bride her only wish. All you have to do is say yes.

Nini: *whispering* say yes, say yes. *smiling*

EJ: *trying to think of a contradiction* well, we don't even have rings

Carlos: Oh, I got that covered *has the rings on his pinkie fingers*

Ricky looks back at Carlos and cannot believe they actually got everything covered. (I know I'm the one adapting this but come on Ricky, it's Carlos, Gina and Nini, you should've seen this coming)

Carlos: So what do you say fellas? Will you give America, what at least 52% of it will tolerate?

Ricky and EJ are speechless, with Ricky looking at EJ hoping he helps him get out of this, while EJ just stares at the tuxedos.

Ricky: Look *faces Nini and the tuxes, again* this is all very romantic... and sweet and a little weird, but, I mean, come on, there is no possible way that- that- *chuckles* *looks back at EJ* ...right?

EJ is just standing there, with his arms crossed, looking at the tuxes, slightly smiling.

Ricky: ...EJ?

EJ: ... *tries to think what to say* ...I don't know *the smile Ricky had hoping EJ would agree with him faded* I don't know. I... *Nini sits with Gina* I just... *walks closer to Ricky* What Mike and Miss Jenn were talking about earlier, and these last few months without you have been really...

Ricky is waiting for EJ's answer.

EJ: ...I love you Ricky *grabs Ricky's hands* *Ricky quickly looks at them and then back at EJ* I mean, I love you, I- I do, I... This is crazy, this is crazy, and I don't know. I don't know, but...

EJ doesn't know what to say next and just shrugs his shoulders with an awkward smile looking at Ricky.

Ricky: But... But what?


The wedding is already starting, and Kourtney and Howie are ready to sing as Gini is about to walk down the aisle, with Natalie and Ashlyn on one side, while, Mike, who's closer to the altar ready to officiate the wedding, Seb, Kaden and Big Red are standing on the other side.

(and this is the part where those who don't know, find out what this is adapting)

(I was originally gonna narrate it as well, but it was taking me a lot, so instead just watch the video and pretend that the next characters are in place for these characters, just to have them placed somewhere, not because they are closest to these characters... most of them... also they're not in a barn in this oneshot)

Kourtney - Mercedes
Howie - Artie (Howie is not in a wheelchair)
Seb - Sam
Carlos - Schue and Sue (Sue because of him entering before Gini and RJ, but also Schue because he would stand next to Seb after going around one side)
Big Red - Mike
Kaden - Puck
Natalie - Rachel
Ashlyn - Tina
Carol - Miss Jenn
Burt - Mike
Sheldon - Mazzara


(I'm not gonna have the two dialogues Britanny's mom has in the show, since I have no idea who to put in her place)

Everyone started clapping as Kourtney and Howie were done with the song, as they walked off to their spot with their friends, while Mike walked to the center and with his hands signaled that everyone sat down, as he quickly got close to Ricky's ear.

Mike: *low voice* All right, don't say a word, I am barely keeping it together.

He quickly goes back to the middle and proceeds with the wedding

Mike: Dearly Beloved... That's how you're supposed to start these things, right?

He makes a slight pause before continuing

Mike: Twice in my life, I have been lucky enough to meet the love of my life *says looking at Miss Jenn who smiles* and both of those times, I have married that love. And I knew I was lucky to be able to do that, but I didn't know how lucky, until I had to drive over a lot, to come here to officiate the weddings of these two loving couples. (I don't remember why Burt had to drive over the state line in the show, so I changed it to something more simpler)

Everyone starts clapping for a tiny bit before Mike continues.

Mike: I want to thank you guys. Gina, Nini? EJ, Ricky? ...I want to thank you guys for being so brave and so honest, and for standing up here and showing all of us, that love and marriage is so much bigger than we thought it could be... and also so much simpler.

He pauses again before he continues with it.

Mike: Love and marriage is when two people say to one another, "I love you, because I love you and I know this is going to be one heck of a ride, but I don't wanna do it, unless I can do it with you". And now, the vows, please.

Gina, Nini, Ricky and EJ, stand in front of their respective couple, holding hands, ready to say their vows.

Ricky: EJ, I'm a man who's always lived in the shadows, and everyone who's come to my life has always tried to pull me out into the sun or push me back into the darkness.

Gina: I've been bullied, outed and misunderstood.

EJ: I honestly thought that I would never find real love.

Nini: The world seemed so scary and confusing. It was just too fast. It made me feel worried that I wasn't gonna be good for it. (since she's not like Brittany, this also gets changed)

Ricky: And then you came along, and even if someone had told me that it wasn't going to work out, and that at the end of all of our struggling and all of our work, it would just end in heartache.

EJ: I would've said yes.

Gina: A thousand times, yes.

Nini: I would've suffered it all, just for the tiny chance to be standing up here marrying you.

Ricky: I'm a work in progress.

EJ: I am a work in progress.

Gina: I'm a work in progress.

Nini: I'm a work in progress.

Ricky: You don't ask me to come out of the shadows, You help me rip away anything that's blocking the sun. It's time for all of us to walk into the sunshine together *looks at Gini* Forever *Gini smiles* *looking back at EJ* Is that something you want to do?

EJ: I do.

Gina: I do.

Nini: I do.

Ricky: I do.

They smile at each other, then take out of their pockets each of their rings, and start placing them in each other's fingers.

Mike: And now, by the power invested in me by the internet and the state of Indiana, and under a god who, for sure, if he believe in love, then he fully endorses the loving marriages of these two wonderful couples, I now pronounce you wife and wife *facing Gini* and husband and husband *facing RJ* you may kiss one another.

Everyone starts clapping and cheering as RJ and Gini kiss each other, Gini having a simple kiss on the lips, and even though Ricky thought it was gonna be the same, EJ decided to make it go a bit farther by making Ricky tilt backwards while holding him from the waist and back while Ricky had his arms around EJ's neck, which made EJ happy since he always wanted to do that type of kiss with Ricky, they then stood up straight again as they finish kissing and turned to everyone , alongside Gini, who kept clapping.


















So, yeah, it was kind of time I adapted something Glee related with the HSMTMTS characters... and now I think I should've gone with an easier scene that involved RJ but for that I would've had to rewatch the show and right now I'm not doing that since I'm in the middle of watching another show.

Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this, since I really tried my best adapting this... probably one of the reasons why I decided not to adapt a lot of stuff and instead think of original scenarios, or my take at scenarios that have been done already.

See you on the next one!

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