Saving the Sons of Durin

By hawkins_2000

9.6K 294 19

What happens when Ellia of Rivendell all but invites herself into the company of Thorin Oakenshield after ove... More

Thand Er
Thand Tád
Thand Neled
Thand Canad
Thand Leben
Thand Eneg
Thand Odo
Thand Toloth
Thand Neder
Thand Caen
Thand Minque
Thand Rasto
Thand Nelequë
Thand Canaquë
Thand Lepenquë
Thand Enenquë
Thand Otoquë
Thand Toloquë
Thand Neterquë
Thand Yuquain
Thand Yuquain-Er
Thand Yuquain-Neled
Thand Yuquain-Canad
Thand Yuquain-Leben
Thand Yuquain-Eneg
Thand Yuquain-Odo
Thand Yuquain-Toloth
Thand Yuquain-Neder
Thand Thirtui
Thand Thirtui-Er
Thand Thirtui-Tád
Thand Thirtui-Neled
Thand Thirtui-Canad
Thand Thirtui-Leben

Thand Yuquain-Tád

248 7 1
By hawkins_2000

~ Part Twenty-Two ~

"It is time to wake up, Ellía..."

A soft voice floated through the girl's mind as her eyes fluttered open. The first thing that registered in her mind was a familiar earthy smell. As she slowly sat up and looked around, the elf didn't recognize her surroundings. "H-hello?", Ellía called out into the forest, but was only met with silence. The only sounds that could be heard were that of birds and small animals rustling in the brush.

Ellía pushed herself onto her feet and brushed off the grass and twigs from her simple gown. "I was at Raven Hill... What happened?", she whispered to herself as she took a few steps forward, but stopped when she heard the same voice again. "Come to us, young elleth.", the voice called lightly. Ellía felt a soft breeze wrap around her and gently nudge her in the opposite direction she had been walking.

She followed the breeze and came to what looked like a natural path in the forest. The trees had grown to form an arch over the path that was covered in flowers. Ellía smiled as she noticed a familiar silhouette standing in the distance on the path. "Haruni?", Ellía called out and the glowing elf turned around and opened her arms up for her kin.

Ellía hurried towards Galadriel and welcomed her warm embrace. "I am very proud of you, child." The Lady of Light said gently as they pulled apart. "What is this place, Haruni?", Ellía asked as she looked around the thriving forest. "This is the Forest of Valinor." Galadriel replied lightly. "Valinor... D-does that mean I died in the battle?" Ellía asked after she realized where she was. "In a way, yes. Think back to the last thing you remember." Galadriel prompted and placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder.

"I was at Raven Hill... we were fighting goblins. I saw Fili and Kili run off... And then I followed. I saw Fili- oh gods. Fili was killed by Azog!", Ellía exclaimed as her eyes widened. Galadriel took her hands in hers as she calmly said, "He did, but do you remember what happened next, nin hén?". Ellía closed her eyes as she scavenged her mind for more memories.

Suddenly, an image flashed in her mind and her eyes snapped open. "You stayed with him while I aided Kili. When I returned you were gone but had left me an Eleanor. I used it to perform the Trading of Breath... That's why I'm here, isn't it? Even with the pendant, I'm too young to survive the ritual." Ellía said quietly and looked down at the forest floor. The older elf only smiled at her sadly and brushed a lock of hair behind the girl's scarred ear.

After a moment of silence Galadriel gently said, "Look up, nin hén ." Ellía slowly raised her gaze and saw quite a few glowing figures emerging from the woods around them. "Haruni?", Ellía said nervously as she took a step closer to her kin. "Be at peace, My light. Take a closer look." Galadriel whispered and nudged the elf forward. Ellía sucked in a sharp breath when she realized she was in the presence of the fifteen Lords and Ladies of the Valar.

"Díhen-nin.", Ellía forced out as she did a low curtsy before returning to Galadriel's side. The ethereal figures were silent for a fews seconds before one glided forward and their appearance became more visible. It was Nienna, the Lady of Mercy and the Weeper. Both Galadriel and Ellía curtsied to the Valar Lady as she approached them. "Please, stand." Her soft voice called.

The two elleths straitened and took in the beauty of Lady Nienna. "Galadriel. It is good to see you again." The Valar said gently. Galadriel returned the smile and gave her a small nod in return before Nienna turned her gaze to the younger elf. "Ellía, I am pleased to finally meet you face-to-face. I have been watching over you for some time now." Nienna told her.

Ellía waist awe and unable to form any words. Galadriel noticed this a hummed, "Her mind is still a bit clouded." Nienna nodded and even let out a small laugh and said, "That is understandable after what you have been through, child. You have impressed us, my dear. Not only did you accept the path we laid for you, but you were able to follow it without starting." Upon hearing her words, Ellía's heart leapt with hope.

"Does t-that mean the ritual was successful?", she asked nervously. Nienna smiled and said, "Yes, it was. And that is why you are here. The ritual completely depleted your magic and your body is quite... exhausted." Ellía nodded as she listened to the Lady speak. "We have brought you here because we believe that you have earned the right to decide what happened next." Nienna continued with a bit more serious tone.

Galadriel held one of Ellía's hands gently as Nienna said, "The Valar are giving you the choice of joining your mother and kin in Valinor or returning to family and companions in Middle earth." The young elf's eyes widened as her mind began to race. Nienna moved to the side and reached out her arm towards the archway and the other Valar lined the path. The archway began to shimmer and it looked as if a door opened and a paradise became visible.

A shining figure appeared in the archway and stretched a hand towards Ellía. "Is that my amal?", she asked weakly as she walked through the Valar and approached the archway. "It is.", Nienna's voice floated to her ears. The image in the archway shimmered and the figure became more visible. Ellía felt her eyes water as she whispered out, "Amal?". Her mother smiled at her with love twinkling in her eyes. "Hello, nin lóth." Celebrían said with a slightly muffled voice.

Her mother looked her over and her smile grew even bigger as she said, "You look just like my Amal.", and looked over her daughter's shoulder and sent Galadriel and playful smile. "I-I could join you? Right now?" Ellía asked shakily. "If that is what you wish, Ellía." Celebrían said softly. The young elf felt herself take a step closer to the shimmering archway.

"Gandalf! She's barely breathing!"

"Ellía! Come back to us, tith enth!"

"Once you enter Valinor, you may not return to Middle Earth." Galadriel spoke up as she appeared behind Ellía. The only indication that she had heard the Lady of Light's words, was the small nod of her head. "If you choose to remain with your amal, I will visit your companions and our kin so they may be at peace." Galadriel told her gently. Ellía nodded once more and took one more step closer and lifted her arm up, but stopped when she heard a faint voice drifting in the wind.

"Nin hiril! Do not leave us so soon!"

"Gandalf?", She whispered and she was snapped from her dazed. Nienna smiled lightly and said, "Your companions are calling for you..." Ellía closed her eyes as she heard more voices floating around her.

"Nin hiril, cín adar lélë wil-díhen-nin ce cín ceri-ú-rinn-na hon."

"Stop speakin' in that gibberish. It's time to stop foolin' around, lassie!"

Ellía let out a sigh and met her mother's gaze once again with a sad smile. Before she could speak, Celebrían shook her head and smiled. "I understand, nin lóth. You have only dipped your toe into the adventure that is life in Middle Earth. We will be reunited one day. All of us. And I will be here when you are ready." Her mother said lightly.

"I will tell Ada you are well and waiting for us." Ellía forced out as tears began to streak down her cheeks. Celebrían looked like she wanted to reach out and hold her daughter, but she only nodded and placed her hand over her heart and then reach out towards her as. farewell. Ellía copied her actions before starting to back away and then fully turning around after sharing one more loving look with her amal.

"You have made you choice then?" Nienna asked as Ellía walked past the Valar once more. "I have.", the girl breathed out as she stopped in front of the Valar Lady. Nienna smiled down at her and nodded her head. "Very well, child." She said as the other Valar returned to their original positions. "Goodbye, Ellía of Rivendell." A collection of different voices said while Nienna walked back to stand among her brothers and sisters.

Ellía smiled as she and Galadriel curtsied to the Valar one last time. "Until next time, Ellía." Nienna spoke by herself before her appearance became shielded by the same glowing aura of her siblings and they all disappeared back into the forest. "It is time to return to your companions. I will come to you at Erebor with your father and siblings. You need to rest as much as possible. Even though the Valar are returning you, your body will need time to fully regain its power."

The girl nodded and embraced the older elf once more as she began to feel sleep creeping up on her. "Do not fight it, nin hén. I will see you soon." Galadriel whispered as she slowly kneeled to the ground while holding her kin in her arms. "Thank you for everything. Haruni." Ellía whispered as she let her eyelids flutter shut.

"Wait! Look!"

"She's coming around!"

"Don't crowd her, tho dunklir!"

"That's it, El. Open your eyes."

"There you are Ellía..."

~ Elivish Translations ~

Díhen-nin - forgive me

Nin hiril, cín adar lélë wil-díhen-nin ce cín ceri-ú-rinn-na hon. - Child, your father will never forgive me if you do not return to him."

Haruni - Grandmother

Nin hén - My child

Amal - Mother

Ada - Father

Nin lóth - My flower

~ Dwarvish Translations ~

tith enth - little one

tho dunklir - you idiots


WOOOO I'm back!

- hawkins_2000

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