Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

188K 3.7K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 26

3.3K 85 52
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

3rd Pov

A full moon shone brightly on the clear night sky. It's light acting as a guide for those who dare travel at night.

Five such individuals dared to travel at such a time, except they barely need the light of the moon as on their hands, glowing a bright yellow, is an orb of pure light.

These individuals are Angels, except one of them has two pairs of wings on their backs.

Four of them are clad in silver armor, on their waist, are swords of fine make, and their helmets, beautifully crafted and ornamented.

But the one with four wings wore robes, more akin to a nun but with the addition of a breastplate and hip guards.

On her left hand, a staff of unknown materials displayed proudly with a gem at it's tip glowing brightly, as if ready to cast a spell.

They are tense for a reason. And that reason is the ones who blocks their path towards an abandoned fortress.

Another group of five, except they are unique in their own way.

One of them, a Dragon with orange to borderline bronze scales has both arms underneath her bust, a small scowl present on her face.

Another, a Female Knight. Her dominant hand tightly gripped the handle of her blade.

Another, a Nun. Yet on her hand is a wooden staff and on her waist laid a short sword.

The next two look almost identical, with the only difference is their state of dress. One wore practically a bikini with added straps, the other wore resembling that of a queen.

The four winged Angel stood forward, staff and body ready to respond if there is danger.

Angel: It seems that you haven't aged a day older, Lilith.

Lilith only huffed and crossed her arms underneath her bust.

Lilith: And after all these years, you still desperately try to hold on to the old days... Arleth.

Arleth scowled.

Arleth: If it wasn't for your little stunt! Everything would've stayed as it had been for millennia!

The gem of her staff glowed brighter, while Lilith frown became deeper.

Lilith: And just let my kind be slaughtered for the sake of regaining balance? Unfortunately for you, I grew tired of the same process repeating itself for the millionth time. While your Divine Creations get to live a full life, then die a peaceful death. However, my Mamono before I turned them, had to fight for the right to live, the right to have children, and the right to have fulfilling lives.

Arleth tried to argue back, only for Lilith to continue.

Lilith: And unlike your Father, who died peacefully knowing his Daughter would continue his predecessor's so called "Balance". My Father, the previous Demon Lord, had died in the castle he's built. The castle where I grew up, and the castle I called my home.

Lilith took a breath before glaring at Arleth.

Lilith: Imagine ruling peacefully, while of course, the more lesser Monsters attack human territory. While I understand the need to cull them, but to go far as to kill the very being that keeps them from truly causing permanent damage to the world. Be suddenly invaded by Humans blessed by your Father, to kill him.

Lilith's glare then softened as she took a deep breath.

Lilith: While I may not be cruel enough to outright kill you right now, after all. We are both weakened from our battle before. But unlike you, I have quickly regained my strength.

The Angels accompanying Arleth moved around her.

Lilith: It seems you haven't fully regained your strength. Consider yourself lucky that He allowed you to meet him in person, rather than killing your messengers and let one live as a warning. After all, he has a bit of distaste towards divinity.

Arleth huffed.

Arleth: Did that traitorous bastard finally die? For you to search for another man to milk dry? Rather, to finally recognize your place beneath him?

But instead of feeling insulted. Lilith couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at Arleth's bold claim.

Lilith: As much as you'd love the news. No, my Husband is still alive and healthier than your sheep. And for the latter, you should watch your tongue.

The sound of a massive wooden door opening made them pause. And a Female Werewolf with silver fur made her way quickly towards Lilith and knelt down on her knees.

Meera: Master requests for The Chief Goddess to enter.

That brought a smile to Arleth's face, only to be replaced by a frown soon after.

Meera: He said to bring as much allies as you want, He won't hesitate to kill you all.

That made Lilith smile smugly at Arleth, while her Daughter, Druella. Has a dreamy look on her face and sports a redder than normal blush on her face.

Lilith: Seems like he finally got tired of waiting. If anything, call more, see if he cares.

Arleth sneered, snapped her fingers and four more Angels appeared.

Lilith continued to be smug, while Deonora only let out a small smirk.

As Arleth and her Angels moved, she sneered and glared at both Wilmarina and Sasha, the two returning the provocation with similar intensity.

The large wooden doors creaked, as each swung open. How did the hinges not break after all these years and accumulated rust, is a mystery that will be solved soon.

Inside the Fortress's broken interior, sat a man with silver hair, cloaked by the shadows of the walls. Even with the numerous holes of the fortress, half of him could only be seen.

As they moved closer, the lights on their palms grew dimmer. The air growing colder, and the feeling of being watched by multiple eyes crawled up their skin.

The closer they got, the feeling intensifies.

As soon as they got close enough. The man, who sat on a broken throne sat straighter. A signal for them to stop. To which they did.

They heard a growl, their eyes darted towards his left foot. Where a massive black feline with glowing runic symbols pulsed with purple-ish color, eyes them with hunger in it's eyes.

The sound of flapping made them break their stare at the massive feline, and the Demonic cry of a crow made them look towards his upper right. Just above his shoulder, perched on a jutting peace of stone from the throne. A large Demonic crow with a serrated beak, and it's wings crackling with electricity.

It cawed, scaring them.

But then, the sound of rock shifting made them stare at the creature behind the man.

Said creature stood far taller than what they have encountered. It's massive frame adding more to shadow the man beneath it, while it's lone eye, eyed them betraying no emotion yet filled with malice.

Vergil: I see, I suppose it would make sense. But while I do not care whatever gender a God has, I would've preferred to not listen to your little scuffle with Lilith.

One of the Angels took the insult and drew her sword and tried to intimidated Vergil. Keyword being "Tried". As soon as she drew her sword, Shadow immediately teleported in front of her, Griffon flew up and started to crackle with electricity, and Nightmare walked menacingly forward.

Vergil: My, how quick you are to defend your Goddess's pride. I suppose I couldn't fault you for that, though I certainly appreciate the others having more discipline.

Arleth: Gabriel, stand down.

Vergil raised a brow, a pleasant surprise that's for sure.

Vergil: Oh, what a pleasant surprise you joined us Gabriel. That temper of yours is truly refreshing.

Gabriel growled within her helmet.

Gabriel: Don't you insult The Goddess you plebian! Your sorry existence is nothing but a mere speck of dust compared to her Divine Grace and Power!

Vergil kept a face of indifference, yet sighed as Gabriel kept glaring at him beneath her helmet.

Vergil: If it was him you are referring too, then I agree. But you're directing your insult to me, while I don't mind leaving right now, I'm sure your Goddess wouldn't be so forgiving to see your last hope of defeating the Demons walk away.

She paused, hesitatingly backing off before returning to her formation. To which then Vergil's Familiars went back to their places.

Griffon: You know, you could just walk away from this and not involve yourself with another headache you know.

Griffon gave his own cent, surprising the Angels present including Arleth.

Arleth: Your bird, it could speak?

Griffon took that personally.

Griffon: Hey you blonde bimbo! I ain't just some "Bird"! I am THE BIRD! The best Bird this sorry bastard could ever ask! While I would continue calling you and those lumps of fat you call breasts, names. It's more entertaining to watch you struggle convincing Vergil to help you... Fucking Blonde Bimbo Bitch and her group of Blonde Bimbo Bitches.

That brought a small smirk to Vergil's face, and an insulted frown marred Arleth's face. Adding salt on the wound, Lilith could be seen laughing hysterically through the open doors, outside the Fortress.

Griffon: And one last thing. I get it that Blonde hair and Fair skin is like... The most typical Angelic look you all have, but. How the hell could one tell each other apart, if all of you have literally the same style of clothing and hair cut? Seriously! Your sense of fashion and style is so stereotypical that I'm considering asking an Orc fashion advice... Think about that. A Fashion Advice... FROM AN ORC!

Lilith started rolling on the soft grass outside, while Deonora and Druella are having a hard time keeping themselves from laughing. Wilmarina and Sasha however, could only stare with shock at what they have just heard.

Having enough insults thrown around, Vergil raised a hand before Griffon could continue.

Vergil: Hm, I have to apologize for the attitude of my Familiar. He tends to let his mouth run wild.

Griffon scoffed.

Griffon: And you only got a taste of the tip.

Vergil sighed at Griffon's last jab.

Griffon: Alright, alright, jeez. You're literally the incarnation of killjoy you know that?

Vergil rolled his eyes.

Vergil: Heard it a thousand times Griffon, a thousand times.

Griffon let out a laugh and a caw, allowing Vergil to fully focus on the situation at hand.

Vergil: Now that's done, do give your best in convincing me. After all, there are multiple reasons you decided to ask for my aid.

Arleth calmed herself before walking forward a few steps.

Arleth: Before I speak of my request, may I learn of your name first? After all, I've only heard of your title as "The Slayer" before my messenger informed me of your name. Though I prefer to hear it from the man himself.

Vergil almost physically palmed his face after his realization.

Vergil: Apologies, it seems what happened earlier affected me more than I have initially thought.

Vergil then stood up and gave a short, yet curt bow.

Vergil: Vergil Sparda, Son of Sparda.

Arleth returned the bow with a short courtesy.

Arleth: A pleasure meeting the Man who defended Dragonia Singlehandedly. I am Arleth, but many call me the Chief God.

With everything returning to a somewhat acceptable setting. Vergil once more sat down on the broken throne, which Arleth took as a sign to continue.

Arleth: As you already know, these weird Demonic Creatures has not only attacked the territory of The Demon Lord, but has also targeted my own. At first we were holding them back, but variants started appearing and are slowly pushing us back.

She took a deep breath.

Arleth: As much as I hate to admit it, I have grown weak since my fight with Lilith, this causing a domino effect of also weakening the Heroes, as I could not fully give them answers towards their prayers.

Vergil hummed, placing his finger on his chin as he thought deeply of what Arleth has said.

Vergil: I see, so the spells that are equal as a prayer, you can empower the chanter by giving them your own Divine power? Interesting.

Arleth nodded.

Arleth: While I am recovering my Mana, it is far too slow. Even after fifty years after my fight against Lilith, I have barely a quarter of power replenished.

Griffon: Well, I'll be Dead weight's kiddie toy. I can see why those damn noisy Heroes call your beauty everlasting.

That made everyone stare at Griffon, including Nightmare who barely gives emotions as it's lone eye flickered twice, as if blinking.

Griffon: What? I may be the King of Trash Talk but I can give a rare compliment once in a while. That and I was the one smiting Demons who were chasing fleeing Humans, so of course I'll be heading shit like that from the Heroes you've shown yourself to.

Vergil: I see, that's why when I first summoned you to scout the area, you decided to go and not return until I called you as V.

Griffon: Well, what can I say? I respect Dante and your wish to change.

Vergil hummed and motioned Arleth to continue.

Having recovered from the sudden compliment. Arleth cleared her throat and continued.

Arleth: As I have said, barely have I recovered from my usage of Mana from our fight. Thus after hearing of a Man in Blue fight against these creatures peaked my interest, but after knowing that you work alongside the Demon Lord, I hesitated. Which in turn, caused me not just land, but also People.

She looked down, body slightly trembling with guilt.

Vergil: I see, so that is the main reason as to why you want my help. You only wish to defend your people, and through this, you will also cleanse yourself from the sin of pride. After all, is it not pride that caused you to hesitate and not immediately ask for my help? The very pride that indirectly put all those lives lost on your hand? Staining your delicate fingers of their blood?

Arleth kept quiet.

Vergil: Not only that, but due to your Pride as a keeper of Balance, you opposed the change brought upon this land by the current Demon Lord. While the change caused an unbalance to the natural order, and the fact that it is your job to return balance? Tell me, has the thought of accepting this change not entered your mind? To find a way to manipulate such a change to form Balance yet again?

That made Arleth pause.

Vergil: I know for a fact you have your own reason as to why you didn't accept such a change, yet if you have only taken a look closer, you would've found such a change isn't so bad. While of course, the side effect of not having Male Mamono is Lilith's mistake, has thou not realized if both combined thine strengths, to create yet another spell to correct that mistake?

Vergil paused, and waited for a rebuttal, yet none came. So he continued.

Vergil: While such a change will be difficult to accept, think about it. Humanity is a fickle thing, easily insulted, easily hurt, thus always finding a way for conflict. Meanwhile, Mamono on the other hand, now only wish to find partners. While yes, there are still those that are a danger to Humanity as a whole. Have you not seen what a single Human can do? I've read your history, and there is this one man.

Arleth looked up at Vergil, confusion present on her face.

Vergil: I believe it was written five thousand years ago. That a Man who was once good, became the equivalent of a Monster. The reason as to why he became one, is because Humanity sinned against him. I've read his diary. I found it in one of my own excursions of ruins for my own dilemma.

Vergil then pulled out an aged leather book, with crude stitching to bind decaying parchment together.

Vergil: It say's right here. That he was born from a single mother, who's occupation was that of a lady of the night. He was lived dearly by his mother, who decided to finally settle down and stop her occupation and decided to instead become a farmer. Of course they have to move, considering his mother is quite sought-after by the nobles.

Vergil flipped a page.

Vergil: This they fled to a faraway town, far from the Noble's grasp. They were welcomed, immediately taken in by the citizens of said town. For years they lived happily, until the day it all went wrong.

He flipped another page.

Vergil: A Hero has visited their Town, preaching the words of the Chief God. The now young man was awed and inspired, now wishing to be a Hero as well. So he asked his mother, and she said yes. The young man impressed the Hero, who in turn, took him in as a his own personal squire.

Another page is flipped.

Vergil: For years He trained under the Hero, for Years he fought against Monsters. Until he was finally anointed as a Hero through the Chief God's blessing. He returned home alongside the Hero and the Knights he called a second family, with his Mother greeting him at the gates to welcome her son home.

Vergil accepted a glass of water brought by Meera before continuing.

Vergil: He believes that the day the Hero and his Mother met, was the day he regretted the decision of accepting the mission given to him by a Priest. For a week, he has not returned to his mother. Only to hear the news of a murder within his village.

He turned yet another page.

Vergil: He quickly went home, only to find the corpse of his mother being mourned by the townsfolk. Eyes wide, anger and sorrow boiling within him, he cried with pure anguish and sorrow that lasted for several days and several nights. When it was time for the burial, one of the townsfolk came to him and brought him what the townsfolk believes came from the murderer.

Vergil cleared his throat and turned the page.

Vergil: It was a ripped piece of cloth, yet a familiar crest is embroidered on it. Rage swelled within him as he vowed to return the pain he felt to those who murdered his mother tenfold. For months he didn't show himself, until three years after, his search for whoever murdered his mother came to fruition. After all, even there is evidence, Nobles won't get what they deserve.

He turned the page.

Vergil: After a year of grueling labor, he finally found which the familiar crest belongs to. He infiltrated the house of the Noble, found out the Noble has a family. To which he used to his advantage. He kidnapped the child, and through meticulous planning, he lured out the Noble. After threatening the child, the Noble confessed without hesitation. He confessed how there were others who joined in the fun, He told him how he enjoyed the screams of His Mother as they restricted her and raped her.

Vergil then scowled as he had to reread the pain and suffering of this man as he turned another page. Only to see the shocked faces of all parties inside the Fortress.

Vergil: As the Noble continued to share the experience, all that the Man felt was pure rage, pure hatred, pain. He listened to the Noble ramble, slowly slitting the throat of the boy as the Noble said the names of those who joined him. When the Noble finally stopped, he was shocked to see his child dead with his throat slitted open. The Man explained that he slitted the boy's throat while he was listening to him recall the experience.

Vergil paused, watching the Angels and their Goddess's reaction.

Vergil: Without remorse, he too, murdered the Noble. And so, with names given to him by the idiot Noble, he continued. Eventually killing hundreds upon hundreds of Nobles, Priests, and Heroes that dare sin, not just against him, but to also avenge those who didn't receive justice.

Vergil closed the Diary and addressed Arleth.

Vergil: I'm sure you realize who I am talking about. After all, he is the one and only-

He was cut off by Arleth herself of finished his words for him.

Arleth: The Killer of the Blessed Ones. But... That's impossible! Records written about him stated him as a Monster without a soul nor consciousness!

Vergil scoffed.

Vergil: Now do you realize what I am implying? Your precious Priests and Heroes are the Darkness in the Light, whole the current Mamono, are the Light in the Darkness. While I admit that there are those Mamono with wrong intentions. Humanity itself, even without the influence of Darkness will always be chaotic creatures. But then again, that is what is unique about Humanity. Other uses their experiences as a way to help others, other use it for selfish reasons. Even the most kindest of Man, can become the most Brutal of Monsters.

Vergil paused. Closely watching Arleth's reaction.

Vergil: To put it simply, even if the Mamono are no longer evil, there are still those that can choose the path of Darkness. When there is Light, there is Dark. There is Peace, then there is Chaos. So if you think about it, with the Mamono becoming partners for Humans, Balance can still be achieved even without your intervention, as everything with a conscious thought will never truly be good, nor truly evil. Of course there are exceptions.

Vergil hummed.

Vergil: Of course, you are free to ignore this and continue destroying yourselves. I care for no one except my own. But back on topic, I am willing to help you.

That brought hope within Arleth.

Vergil: But you must work with Lilith to create another spell to fix this little hiccup of hers.

Her eyes widened.

Arleth: You must be joking!

Vergil silenced her with a glare.

Vergil: Am I? Clearly it is because of you making Lilith waste Mana and prevented her from fixing her mistake. So it is only appropriate for you to aid her to achieve balance. After all, with only female children being birthed, and the fact that they are all Mamono, Humanity will go extinct. So with your combined powers, both of you are strong enough to overwrite the old spell and fix the problem, thus achieving balance. Mamono can now be both Male and Female. Mamono can now birth Human Children of both genders. And finally, no longer shall a human be immediately be corrupted and transformed. Unless one wishes to be so.

Vergil gave an ultimatum, not allowing Arleth a moment for an argument.

Vergil: What will it be Arleth? Will you finally swallow your pride and stop hesitating? Or will you allow more innocent blood to gather on your hands?

Arleth stood still, her body not allowing her any movement as if she is frozen in time. Yet her mind ran wild with thoughts.

Finally, after what seems to be hours of contemplating. Arleth took a deep breath, exhaled, and looked Vergil straight in the eyes.

Arleth: Fine, I'll agree to this contract.

Vergil nodded.

Vergil: Very well, we shall meet in Lescatie for a proper meeting. Lilith, Bring everyone you deem important, we must work together for this to finally end.

And with that, Vergil stood up and out of the Fortress. Yet a sigh could be heard by only him as he rubbed his temple.

Vergil: I truly am quite the Hypocrite. I wonder how Dante is right now. Knowing him, he's probably goofing off with women right now. And Nero, has he grown stronger?

Vergil shook his head, walking into a clearing before stopping.

Vergil: It would seems, they arrived late for the party.

He said as Devils formed around him, all ready to disembowel him. Well, if they could that is.

Griffon: Wow Vergil! Really edgy back there, also. Did you really find that book?

Vergil: Yes I did, now let us dispose of these trash.

Griffon cackled, flying high and started to charge himself with Electricity. Shadow formed next to Vergil, claws ready to rip and tear. While Nightmare, menacingly formed behind him, ready to pummel the poor bastards around them.

Vergil: Prepare to die, scum.

He however, failed to notice the others running out to see what was happening as he fully let himself enjoy the moment.

Well damn, another chapter in under a week. Also, I'd like to apologize if I get anything wrong here, but since there is no proper way as to how a Demon Lord comes to be. I decided to just fuck it and make my own. That and well, have some genuine fun making shit up on the spot, cause I truly have no idea what to do with this chapter... Well, on the first half anyway. Well, hope you peeps enjoy this chapter! SOUL out!

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