剣 - SᗯOᖇᗪ || Naruto x BNHA

By Feethecracker

74K 2.9K 392

°°° Momochi Zara had died in battle; drowned in the sea of Mizu-no-kuni. As she slipped into the deep blue... More

Author's note
1 - Waves
2 - Come closer and I'll stab you
3 - Don't bullshit me! Where the hell is that supposed to be?
4 - Have you been living under a fucking rock?
5 - Let's start with a training match.
6 - There's a homeless guy at the door!
7 - Give me three good reasons against it.
8 - Oh Kami, I miss my life as a rogue
10 - You don't have to go to school, they said.
Pic's of Zara
1K - Special: File
11 - Don't tell people how to deal with their problems
(another) A/N (I should stop writing these)
12 - Less talking, more fighting!
13 - Take care of the kids, I'll handle this.
14 - You couldn't handle it. (Also I'm very sorry)
15 - You remind me of someone
16 - Under one condition
17 - This is going to be so much fun!
18 - I have a man to kill.
50K - Special: Mall

9 - Did you kill someone?

3.3K 129 13
By Feethecracker

Did you kill someone?


"I've got a Jo-ob~," I yelled throughout the house as I pushed open the front door with momentum. I really should have returned to my room so that it wouldn't be obvious that I had been gone, but I didn't really care right now. I jumped up the stairs, into the living room, and flopped backwards onto one of the couches.

"What?", Keigo looked up and stared in alarm. "You were outside? What happened? Did you do something wrong? Did you kill someone?"


I chuckled softly, then my expression turned deadly serious and I pushed him away.

I turned away for a moment so he couldn't see the seal, then I ran my hand over my wrist and unsealed my newly acquired ID. I held it under his nose.

"Please don't bother me anymore. According to the law, I am now superior to you," I explained in a calm tone.

| ---,'--,'--- |

"All right, let me sum it up. You stopped a criminal, and then went along with his pursuers. Then you talked to them, they were actually Defense Department officials, and they offered you work." I nodded.

"You're getting the point pretty well.", with a conspiratorial grin, I leaned forward, "but you haven't thought of the best part.", a worried expression crept onto Hawks' face.

"I don't even want to know what made you so happy."

"I have a job and I get paid, by the state personally. I guess that means no school for me. I have to prepare for my assignments, after all."

"No school you mean? Explain that to Nezu...", silence fell for a moment.

"What are these 'assignments' anyway?" Relaxing, I sat back and shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh, I do your dirty work.", the birdman propped his elbows on his knees and looked confused.

"Ours?" I clicked my tongue and made a sweeping hand gesture.

"You heroes. I'm doing what's too much of a shame for you, since it doesn't bring media attention. Things that the population knows nothing about and, according to you, is best never to know. From infiltration and surveillance, over interrogation and torture, to targeted assassination, it's all there," my voice was quiet, almost bored, as if I were talking about something trivial. 

It was trivial to me, though. 

I had taken the job because I missed the thrill of my missions and killing, that was it. But I saw the glimmer of fear in Keigo's eyes that he was trying to hide.

"Zara.", I almost flinched when he called me by name, probably for the first time, "I'm not going to interfere with your decision to kill people again. I know...that you've done that before too.", he mumbled something quietly, but I didn't bother to understand, "But I have a question.", I didn't look at him and just nodded indifferently.

"You...you've been very critical of heroes...I don't blame you, but...Are-are you on the side of the Villains?", I was silent for a few moments, then I began to giggle. Quietly at first, then louder and louder until my dry laughter echoed around the room.

"No, Keigo, I'm not, you're actually asking the same questions as the suit men. I'm... grey. I honestly hold a low-key hatred for your black and white system. You divide everything into heroes and villains as if there is nothing in between. Some people do bad things for the right goal. The division into good and evil is a pure illusion that is maintained to keep the people quiet.

So that people are not afraid, because the heroes always defeat the criminals in the end. And often the 'heroes' themselves are deceived by this spectacle. What percentage of the population knows how high the rates of child abuse or human trafficking are? Or how many 'righteous' politicians and respected figures are corrupt and involved in shady dealings?

I carry out orders that my higher-ups deem necessary, actually I hate such higher-ups, but it's always been that way. If you think that makes me a bad person...I don't really care...probably you are right. I have nothing to do with 'heroes' and 'villains', I eliminate as ordered." With those words, I stood up, and rolled my shoulders to loosen them. I hated making poetic speeches.

"I'm hungry. You?"

The blond, who had been sitting there silently the whole time, flinched at my question, and shook his head.

| ---,'--,'--- |

The next few weeks passed quickly. The blond pigeon was often called to missions and emergencies, and my phone rang from time to time too. I had learned how these tin things worked and even had two.

One, on which I had actually only Keigo and the delivery service stored and one for the 'work'. I was paid very well. Very, very well. The only thing that bothered me about my new job was that they now knew me. People had created a file on me that contained more information than I cared to know.

In the five great realms, you could make money pretty easily if you knew how. You could offer your services in a variety of ways, and once you completed the task, you got the pay. Nobody cared if you were registered anywhere. This place annoyed me.

But sometimes it was quite amusing.

| ---,'--,'--- |

"SODOOO?!?" (A/N: That's an abbreviation for Sodomeido. It means sword girl, lol) the lovely screeching of the fowl sounded through the house. I paused in my training session.


"COME ON!" sighing, I pushed myself up from the floor, wiped the sweat from my face, tied the bandages around my face and made my way downstairs.

I entered the actually quite spacious bathroom and leaned into the door frame. Then I raised an eyebrow doubtfully and watched Keigo, who was standing in front of the closet with his arms crossed. He turned to me and pointed accusingly at the lower compartments.

"Why. are. there. damn. weapons. in. my. bathroom?!"

"Huh?", I stood next to him. Indeed. I'd almost forgotten where I'd put them.

"Ah. Have you also found the others yet?", Hawks' eye twitched as he turned to me.

"The others?", I raised my shoulders.

"Kitchen. Bathroom. Utility room. Living room. Gym, yes, many in the gym.", I counted off on my fingers.

"Why? No, wait, where did you get so many knives." 

Oh, it's not just knives, my friend.
Shuriken, senbon, kibufukada, and even a few filled scrolls; the whole arsenal.

"Kunai.", I corrected him. "They're called kunai. And they are provided to me at my convenience.", another benefit of my employment. Materials of any kind and quantity, I got delivered within a few hours when I requested them. The amount was deducted from my salary, but it was better than dealing with slimy salesmen forever.

We stared into each other's eyes for a while, his expression changing from bewilderment to utter bewilderment to amused bewilderment, while I grinned innocently provocatively. Then the blond's expression suddenly changed to realization, as if something important had occurred to him.

"Oh, I almost forgot: Nezu's coming over again.", now I stared at the Winged 'Hero' in bewilderment.

"Yes, he made an arrangement with your 'employers'."
"Oh. Fuck"

| ---,'--,'--- |

I'm sooooo sorry guys, I know I said somethin' about last tuesday, but I forgot T_T.

As I said I'm kinda unmotivated, this writer-block clearly has the WORST timing ever. It's holidays and I actually should, well, write, but yeah, Fuck. 

Uhm, about this chapter: I tried to mix some deep with funny stuff, dunno if it worked lol.

Bye, bye, see u soon, in the next part!


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