By 1d-oned-1d

1.7K 53 9

Can he fix a girl who's broken but put's up a mask to be strong and pushes everyone away when she needs them... More

1. Nightmares and One Direction
2. Where is Niall ?
3. Asthma and Panic Attacks
4. Perfect
5. Vulnerable
6. All too well
7. Christmas Decorations
8. Happy Birthday Boobear.
9. Merry Christmas πŸŽ„β„οΈβ˜ƒοΈ[PART 1]
9. London?!! [PART 2]
11. Anna and Joe?!
12. I kissed my bestfriend!!
13. Contracts
14. Interview
15. Trials and stunts
16. Benjamin Miller
17. Happy BDay Zayn
18. Move out?
19. I'm so sorry
20. Mum it's you isn't it?
21. Tomlinsons.
22. you marked him too didn't you?
23. water fight
24. sick
25. too much
kiss you goodbye
29. want
30. you are in love
31. afterglow
32. "You were my new dream"
32. just as easy as breathing
33. ⁓dress⁓
34. Hurt
35. Gone
36. Shoot Him
37. Dada?
38. rile her up
39. "Millionaire and all huh?"
40. Brian
41. kisses

10. S*mon

37 1 0
By 1d-oned-1d

More 2 days for New Year, woohoo! Day before yesterday that is 27 dec I went on a date with kevin. He's so sweet. Well earlier that night when he asked me to a date, I got a message from him.

Kevin: Hey Cherry!

Cherry: Hello Kevin.

Kevin: Well...

I waited for his message.

Kevin: If I don't disturb the kids or boys I have a tiny request if you don't mind.

Cherry: Sure go ahead.

Kevin: Is it possible that I wake you up at 8 am in the morning tomorrow and take you somewhere and also would you mind if you'll be out with me for the whole day?

Cherry: I'll have to ask the boys if they're willing to take care of the twins and I'll let you know.

Kevin: WAIT! I have one more thing to say.

Cherry: Okkk...

Kevin: Could you please also bring the twins with you? 

Cherry: Sure. Me and the twins would love that. I don't think so the boys would mind it, still I'll ask them.

Kevin: Yeah sure no problem.

When I asked them, they happily encouraged me to go and not to forget teased me.

Cherry: Well we have a situation here... They don't mind me spending my day with you :)

Kevin: Oh god I'm s- WAIT WHAT.

Cherry: yup!!

Kevin: woohoo! sleep tight then. I'm gonna pick you up tomorrow.

And he did as he said. The next morning he picked me up at 8 am, we went to a beautiful cafe for breakfast which I thought was very sweet and talked trash. Then we roamed around the city thankfully without being caught, had brunch and went to the Winter Wonderland which was amazing but me being me didn't ride the ferris wheel because I'm a coward, I'll take it, no problem. After that we went to eat ice cream, took a walk around the park, ate dinner and he dropped me off back at the house with a quick kiss on my cheek and not to forget he was extremely considerate and sweet to the twins. 

Well as of now I'm getting ready for my day and I'm pretty much nervous about the triple date I'm having later today in the evening. The kids are already ready for the day and with the boys in living room, I should also head down.

"Good Morning Mrs. Adams." I greet to the elderly lady who was cooking breakfast. Mrs. Adams is the one who cooks meals for the boys because obviously they can't be eating takeaway everyday, it is not healthy.

"cherry dear how many times have I told you, call me betty."  she said and I nodded.

"Anyway at your service ma'am, how can I help you today?" I asked standing beside her.

"For the starters you can go and sit with the boys in the living room." she shooed me away.

"But-" I began

"It's no use cherry, million times I've tried it." haz entered the kitchen "Anyway me and the boys want you for some work so come with me." and with that he started dragging me by my hand.

"Oh you're here, nice." Z said.

"What is that you want to show me?" I said sitting with the twins on the rug and playing with them.

"You can't say no to it." Li said making me raise one of my eyebrows.

"See, it depends on what it is." I turned to boys.

"Okay this your christmas gift from our sisters." haz handed me a bag.

"Oh no I can't." I sighed

"It's christmas gift so you can't say no and don't tell our sisters we forgot to give it to you on christmas because then we'll never hear the end of it." lou said in one breath, I laughed, nodded and opened the bag. It was having a dress and a pair of beautiful footwear.

"Thank you boys, It's beautiful I'm gonna call the sisters." I said getting up to fetch my phone but just then the bell rang.

"I'm gonna see who's there." I walked to the door. As I opened the door there stood a very pretty lady with a small child in her hands.

"You must be cherry. Oh you're so pretty." the lady hugged me catching me offguard.

"Thank you ..." I trailed off not knowing her name.

"I'm Louise Teasdale, you can call me lou." she said and I nodded.

"I'm cherry and who's this cutie?" I said referring to the baby. I wanted to hold her so bad but I had to resist my hands.

"She's lux, you can hold her." she said handing me the baby and I beamed.

"How old is she?" I asked eagerly.

"5 months."

"wow I also have twins of 5 month olds, shit! I'm sorry please come in." I moved aside of the doorway and opened the door for her.

"Come in guys." she said entering the house and no. of people entered 2-3 stands with many dresses hung on it.

"C who's there?" haz stopped mid sentence.

"Hey lou! Hey lux." he said in baby voice and took the baby from me and we all walked in the living room.

"Hello boys!" lou said while I helped Mrs. Adams in the kitchen.

"Lou!! hello! how come you're here, not that we mind." Li asked as haz set lux on the rug with the twins and they started playing.

"Well simon send all these clothes for cherry, he picked them on his own, beware he's having something evil up his sleeve." she warned and I walked into the living room as I heard my name. "Oh and please call him." she insisted and louis started calling him, he picked up on the third ring.

"Hello boys!" simon spoke through the phone.

"Uncle Si" boys rolled their eyes.

"I see you've received the clothes that I sent for cherry." he said and I looked at the stands, not one of the clothing was decent, it will barely cover my hips or cleavage.

"Hmmm" Ni hummed in agreement and all of the boys headed towards the stands and started making disgusted face towards it and shaking their head.

"tell cherry that she'll only wear these clothes and she can't wear anything on her own or else..." he trailed off and Mrs. Adams was leaving when I motioned her to stop.

"Or else?" I challenged taking the phone from louis' hand.

"Cherry." he acknowledged

"Simon." I spat and the boys eyes widened because they knew all well I was boiling up on the inside and started shaking their head. All the air was sucked up from the room.

"Or else I'll put a restraining order on you and you'll never be able to be anywhere around them, Cherry." he cockily said and my nose flared.

"First of all I'd love to see you try that Simon and next I'm not one of your barbie dolls who will follow what you say and wear these senseless clothes. If you want me to wear the outfits as you say then you better send me the clothes which are appropriate and actually you know what I don't have any problem wearing these clothes which you sent me, I would have worn it but that cocky attitude of yours doesn't work well with me so I will not wear these. Do you get that? If not also, I don't care because you better get it and get these clothes out of this house." I hung up and handed the phone to louis. There was pin drop silence in the room for sometime.

"wooow." Ni said.

"That was hot." haz breathed and then the boys started wolf whistling.

"Ok boys I'm leaving!" Mrs. Adams said.

"No you're not!" I hurriedly spoke, took her by her hand and walked to the dining area with everyone following me. The boys took their place and I pulled out one chair.

"Please sit." I requested Mrs. Adams.

"No no, not at all." she replied.

"Please, sit and eat with us, I know you didn't have anything for breakfast and this food is already too much for us. Please" I pouted and she finally agreed.

"Lou" I called and both louis and louise hummed.

"Oh god! it's a big confusion I'll call you lou" I pointed to louise, she nodded.

 "and you ... ah yes sun, I'll call you sun." I turned to louis and he nodded.

"anyway lou please sit and have breakfast with us." I suggested, she nodded and sat down. I moved the children's playpen in my and lou's sight.

We all finished the food and I took everybody's plate to the sink.

"I'm going to leave boys." Mrs. Adams said and they bid her goodbye.

"Thank you dear." she took me in a hug.

"Thank you Mrs. Adams." I stressed on the word you.

"Betty" she said walking towards the door.

"Bye Betty" I called, she smiled and left. Everybody once again sat on the couch with children in everybody's sight and I cuddled into sun-louis. This time again bell rang and haz got up to open the door. Some people came in and took the stands of the clothes and others brought stands with better clothes on it and left. Sun's phone started ringing with caller id saying simon so he straightaway handed it to me. I picked up the call and put it on speaker.

"Ms. Elliott." Simon started

"Mr. Cowell." I acknowledged

"I hope you've received the clothes and they're up to your standard, I chose them personally and looked that there should be no mistake." 

"Better." I said and hung up. One thing I learned after talking to him is that the less you talk to him it's better.

"You're something else." lou praised with a surprised expression.

"Hmm I agree, he has not spoken to anyone like this ever." sun chimed in.

"Just wow" li breathed 

I looked at the clothes again, there were jeans, dresses and many things but all appropriate. Can I wear my own clothes for the date tonight or do I have to wear something from this only? It's not like I hate it I just think ... ugh let it be.

"Earth to C" sun waved his hand infront of my face.

"Huh? sorry" I shook my head in thoughts of clearing it.

"We said it's not a compulsion to wear these clothes if you don't like it." sun said.

"No no I'm fine with it." I replied, even though I challenged simon for the restraining order somewhere deep down I was scared of losing the boys.

"Then what were you thinking about?" Z asked

"Nothing I was just thinking that if I go somewhere tonight do I have to wear this or can I wear something of my own." I cuddled further into sun.

"I think so you have to wear these only when Simon says, so you're good to go." Ni got up and walked to the kitchen.

"you're going somewhere?" lou asked with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"uh no not really." I shyly replied putting my head on sun's shoulder blade.

"Don't lie, she's going on a date tonight with kevin." Z teasingly replied with a cheeky smile and I reddened.

"It's final then, I'll get you ready for your date." lou said clapping her hands and I nodded.

"Thank you lou." I smiled.

"No problem C." she returned my smile. 

"What do we do now? I'm bored" I yawned

"Why don't you introduce yourself to lou." Z said

"Oh yes I'm sorry I forgot I'm Cherry Elliott, C, 22 years old, currently going to start with post graduation in architecture, I am an american" I was speaking when boys gasped.

"You're american?" haz asked with his mouth still open.

"Yeeaahh." I said in a duh town.

"Anyway I'm american but I lived in Ireland since I could remember, I was neighbours with Niall so that's how I know him and then I got to know the boys and then they asked me to move so here I am." I took a deep breath.

"What about the twins?" lou asked

"Yeah well I'm their elder sister but that's only between us seven for everyone else I'm their mother. He's Ernest Elliott, Ernie and she's Dorris Elliott, dori." I exhaled and smiled.

"You're too cute." lou started laughing while sun ruffled my hair. I pouted so he kissed my hair.

"Well I'm Louise Teasdale, lou, I am these grown up children's stylist and She's lux." she smiled

"She's a cutie." I cooed smiling at the children who were now sleeping.

"I'll put them to bed, lou you can also bring lux." I picked up ernie in one hand and lou handed me dori in another while picking up lux in her arms we walked to the twins room.

"You can put lux here." I showed her another crib as I put both the twins in one.

"Oh no need the twins will not be able to sleep comfortably." She said as she saw what I was doing.

"It's no problem at all, you can put lux there, nobody uses it because twins don't sleep apart from each other so they sleep in the same crib." I smiled and she tucked lux in.

"Thank you." She said as we walked down the stairs.

"It's not a problem at all." 

"You know louis is great person." she spoke.

"I agree and I don't know why but everybody tells me this." I mused.

"Oh sweety, you're too innocent." she said and we sat on the couch.

"Who's up for a friends re-run ?" haz asked.

"Meeee." I bubbled with excitement.

"Noooo" Ni whined.

"Shhhh!" I hushed him.

"Let's watch footie." Li said and he got a lot of yayss!! So I sat back, crossed my arms and pouted.


I turned to bubs and saw she was pouting with her arms crossed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't want to watch football" she pouted.


"Because I don't understand it, I don't even know the rules." she huffed.

"How about I teach you?" I proposed and she rolled her eyes.


I taught her the rules and within minutes she was enjoying and shouting at the TV set.

"Oh come on, you could have scored it." she yelled. She's so cute. LOUIS she's your bestfriend and don't forget you have a girlfriend.

The game soon finished and the team we were supporting won. Yayy!

"Ok now we can watch something that I like it, it was so boring." she took the remote.

"Oh we know how boring it was don't we haz?" payno teased.

"Yeah definitely 'come on you could have scored it' or 'goddamit you missed the shot', it was so boring she could have fallen asleep." haz mocked her.

"Ok fine, I enjoyed it, now can we please watch something other than your football." she started looking through channels.

"Oh yes! keeping up with the kardashians." she cheered and haz spit out the water he was drinking while the boys and lou started to laugh.

"What happened?" she asked looking through the room.

"Nothing!" Niall laughed.

"Oh come on please tell me." she pleaded.

"Kendall was hazza's ex." I said almost dying because of laughing.

"Oh god! now we will definitely watch this." she laughed 

"Nooooo" haz whined


"pleaseeee" haz pouted.

"Fine but oh god hahaha you dated kendall." she laughed

"Oh you don't wanna I dated taylor too." he whispered under his breath but only me and the boys were able to hear it. Just then the twins started to cry.

"Oh I'm so sorry kids will wake lux up too." bubs rushed to the kitchen while lou followed her with a bottle in her hand probably to heat it up.

After a while they came back and we started another argument about what to watch.

"Notebook." hazza suggested

"No way" bubs argued

"Dirty Dancing?"


"Pretty Woman"


"50 first dates"

"Nope." she disagreed.

"Oh I know what to watch." she mischievously smiled.

"Oh no no, not that again please." Nialler complained.

"Oh yes" bubs beamed, by now lou was dozing off and bubs noticed it, so she shook lou.

"Lou, lou you can go sleep in the guest room ... if they agree." she blurted the last line.

"Of course we agree and C this is your house too so you don't have to ask our permission if you do something and it's you home not 'oned house'." payno said and we all nodded. She smiled and nodded.

"Fine then I'm going to take a quick nap because I've got to get this pretty girl ready for her date too." lou nudged bubs and bubs blushed.

"Thank you lads and lass." lou said walking up the stairs.

"Ok now I'll start the movie." bubs grinned and clicked on he play button which started with a disney intro. Oh god disney movie and funnily enough guess what movie it was princess diaries. Oh god!

"I don't feel protected. You try living for 15 years thinking that you're one person, and then in five minutes, you find out you're a princess." bubs recited.

"Just in case I wasn't enough of a freak already, let's add a tiara!" she continued. Somewhere along the movie she slept.

"Boys I'm gonna put her to bed and probably gonna sleep too." I yawned and picked her up. I tucked us both in and fell into a deep sleep.


"Bubs get up, you've to get ready for your date." sun shook me.

"Noooo." I whined

"Come on lou's waiting for you." he whispered and I finally got up and headed to the en suite, when I entered back into the room I saw lou staring at the clothes set at the bed. Wow she's fast, she already decided the clothes.

"Oh you're here." she clapped her hands.

"Go try this on." she handed me one of the three outfit. I quickly changed and got out. It was a white sweater with plaid pants.

"What do you think? I don't quite like it" I said

"Yeah I agree, too casual. Ok wear this." she handed me other outfit. I changed and headed out. It was the same sweater but instead of the pants, it was a skirt and long boots.

"Nahh" I said as I got out.

"Too extra." she nodded and handed me the last outfit, I quickly changed and got out. It was a black outfit.

"Perfect." she gushed and I grinned. I actually liked this outfit.

"Ok now onto your makeup." she pulled me and told me to sit down and turned the chair so I couldn't look in the mirror.

"How do you want your makeup?" she asked

"Neutral, Not to visible but I should look presentable." I spoke.

"Hair? Down or up?" 

"Probably up." I replied. After a while lou was done. I turned to look in the mirror and for the first time I felt good about myself.

"Thank you so much lou." I hugged her.

"No problem C, wanna see your hair?" she opened the camera of her phone and I eagerly nodded. She clicked a picture and handed the phone to me.

"Oh it's beautiful, I can't thank you enough. I'm gonna show this to boys." I got up from the chair, she smiled and nodded. I headed to the living room.

"boys! boys how do I look?" I asked getting nervous as the time for the date got nearer.

"You're looking pretty." haz hugged me.

"Absolutely beautiful." li walked and hugged me with haz soon enough Ni and Z too hugged me giving compliments.

"Where's sun?" I looked around the room.

"Probably in the balcony." Z informed and I walked to the balcony door, knocked and opened it. It snowed?!

"how do I look?" I did a twirl, while sun was smoking.

"Beautiful bubs." He gave me kiss on forehead and held me from back and I leaned into him. I took the cigarette from his hand and took a drag of it.

" I thought in the plane was the last time you would smoke." he raised his eyebrows. Well when we were coming here I was pretty anxious and nervous so I smoked a little.

"Hmmm nope." I replied

"Then why didn't you smoke when yesterday zayn and I were smoking?" he questioned

"Well I only like to smoke with you." I took another drag of it and I heard a car honk.

"It's time for you to leave." he took the cigarette and put it in ashtray and popped a mint in my mouth.

"I don't wanna go." I let nervousness take the best of me.

"Come on bubs, it's a triple date." he took me by hand and we walked to the living room.

"All the best C"

"Best of luck C"

"Thank you boys. Thank you lou. Are you sure you'll be able to handle the twins" I opened the door and turned back.

"Yeah but are you going like this?" Z asked.


"Oh no way! It just snowed." Ni took my coat from the hanger.

"Can't you wear something underneath the skirt that saves you from cold?" li hesitated

"Oh wait I have something." lou quickly ran somewhere and came back with a pair of boots in her hands. Everybody started walking towards me.

"Put you hand in here" Ni took ahold of my hand and started putting it the sleeve.

"The other one here" Z said doing the same thing while li picked me up and lou took out my shoes and started to put on boots. Sun took out my ponytail from the coat while haz flattened out the collar of the coat.

"Put me down." I said, I was to say pretty much blushing because kevin was watching everything, leaning on his car. Finally they put me down, and once again I headed for the door which was wide open to only get stopped.

"Wait! You'll get asthma button up your coat." haz buttoned up my coat and I huffed.

"Now can I go?" I asked

"Yeah ok, and don't forget to invite the brothers and their girlfriends to the new year party." boys replied and I looked at them confused. We are having a New Year Party?!

"Come on, go now." Ni pushed and I nodded, I last time looked in the mirror and lou did an amazing job is an understatement. I was wearing black turtleneck, black skirt, black boots and black coat along with subtle eyeshadow and a nice red lip shade and the hairstyle was beautiful.

I walked out and to the car, kevin opened the door for me and quickly made his way to the drivers seat. As he sat he stared at me.

"You look beautiful." he kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself too." I cheekily smiled and then we bursted out laughing.

"Well let's head to the date shall we." he started the car and I nodded.

"Hmm" I hummed in agreement.


Kevin held the door for me as I entered, it was was a fancy restaurant with the big chandelier hung in the middle of it with a dim lighting.

"Sir how may I help you?" came a lady waitress, she was in her 40's.

"We have bookings under jonas." kev said as I shivered, I should've listened to the boys.

"You're feeling cold?" he asked

"No no I'm fine." I replied and we both followed the waitress.

"Are you sure?" he put an arm around my shoulder and I nodded.

"Hello cherry, Kevin." joe greeted, from where we were walking both the girls back was facing us and both Nick and Joe's face was visible. I waved at them and we reached the table.

"Hi Nick, Hi joe." I smiled and I turned to the girls, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez were there. I so had to control my inner fangirl.

"She's Cherry the famous bestfriend of oned boys" I rolled my eyes "and Cherry this is Selena, my girlfriend and Taylor, Joe's girlfriend." Nick pointed to each of them. I waved at them, which they thankfully returned. They both were wearing pretty black dresses and Nick and Joe's coat but I don't blame them, it's cold.

We all sat down and were handed the menu, we ordered our food and fell into a comfortable conversation.

"Hi! I'm Selena , you can call me sel." thankfully selena started the conversation because if it would've been for me, I would've never opened my mouth

"Well nice to meet you too I'm Cherry, you can call me C." I smiled.

"and I'm taylor, for you both it's tay." she beamed.

"How about we introduce ourselves, I'll start I'm a singer and you look very familiar." sel pointed out to me.

"I'm also a singer and currently joe's girlfriend." tay cheekily smiled and winked and I smiled so much that my cheeks started hurting.

"I'm studying for my post graduate, I want to become an architect, I'm friends with oned, I actually stay with them and I have two little babies." I grinned.

"You have two little babies? Can we please see the photos?" tay requested and I nodded. I opened my phone and showed them the twins. I showed them a picture of the twins from christmas.

"It's their christmas picture." I informed them as I showed them the picture.

"They're too cute." sel gushed.

"What are you girls talking about?" Nick asked.

"Her babies are too cute. Can I take your phone." tay asked and I nodded. "Just look at them, they're just too cute" 

"Tell me about it, I couldn't take my eyes off of them when I first saw them." Nick commented and we all laughed.

"The bigger issue is you actually met them, I wanna meet them too." sel pouted

"I too wanna meet them." tay chimed in.

"How about you all come and visit me and the twins tomorrow?" I proposed

"Seriously?" sel excitedly asked

"Why not." I smiled.

"Thank you." they both hugged me and the food came.

"You all have bonded way more nicer than we expected, looks like you all know each other from ages." kev said, me and the girls looked at each other and started laughing.

"Oh by the way what's your insta id?" tay asked

"cherryel92." I replied

"Found it." sel cheered "Now I know from where I know you, some people were trolling you so I called them out." she smiled

"Thank you." I polietly replied.


We all started getting up from the table and I was extremely happy today, I earned two girl bestfriends today.

"oh well I forgot to inform you all, you all are invited for the new year party at our house." I facepalmed.

" Well we'll surely come." all of them replied and I grinned.

"C can I talk to you in private?" kev whispered and I nodded.

"You all head towards the door, we'll join you in sometime." kev said and they all headed for the door. By the look on his face I knew it was pretty serious.

"C I'm really sorry but I don't think we can continue dating, according to my management dating a girl with two babies is not good for publicity." he said with a sad look on his face and I nodded trying to keep a strong face.

"And actually yesterday while I was in the grocery shop I saw this girl and I think I fell in love. I never believed in love at first sight but here I am." he rubbed his neck and I smiled and laughed. "I hope you're not mad at me." he said and I shook my head.

"Not at all and trust me when I say I know how management can be. Also I wish to meet the lucky girl at the party." I winked and he beamed and nodded.

"You're good?" he was surprised by my reaction and I nodded.

"What's the name of the pretty girl?" I asked as we walked to the door.

"Danielle Deleasa." He blushed.

"Already blushing I see." I nudged him.

"You both are fine?" joe asked, shocked and I nodded.

"We're still invited to the party?" nick tried to lighten the mood, I nodded and laughed.

"Of course you all are and I'm hoping to meet danielle." I turned to kevin and he smiled.

"Let's head out." joe got out of the restaurant and there were a lot of paps surrounding the place. Suddenly tay took one of my hands while sel took the other and they whispered "We know you're new to this. We're here for you." and I nodded and they smiled. This is gonna be all over the news tomorrow.

We got out and they piled into their cars, joe and tay together, nick and sel together and kev was going to open my door when he got a call, he took me by hand and got back inside the restaurant.

"Hello" he spoke into the phone.

"Are you kidding me, I'm not gonna leave her alone." he fumed it's the first time I've seen him this angry.

"No I'm not gonna do that." he hung up and paced around.

"It's alright kev." I rubbed his back.

"No it's not, they are asking me to leave you here alone and leave." he clenched his teeth. "let alone you if it would've been any other girl, how do they think that I'll leave any girl alone at this point of time."

"It's fine kevin, you leave I'll call a cab." I assured him.

"I'll feel better if you call one of the boys." he sighed and I nodded.

"I'll call them, ok? now you leave." I pushed him towards the door.

"Are you sure?" He looked back one more time before leaving, I nodded and with that he left. I saw the time it was nearly 20.30 hrs, the boys must be asleep and tired so I decided against calling them and booked a cab.

"Excuse me." I called 

"Yes ma'am." the sweet waitress who served us earlier replied.

"Can you please show me the back gate." I asked, she nodded and showed me the way.

"Thank you." I smiled and with that she left. I was waiting for the cab when I got a message that strangely no cab was available so I headed for the main road from this dark alley but my luck was not good...

- Love. C.

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