
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

22.6K 896 1.6K

A new relationship blossoms between two young college students, but not in the way either of them ever expect... More

Tipsy (NSFW)
Big News
Support Needed
Parental Guidance pt.1
Parental Guidance pt.2
Party Crasher pt.1
The Ugliest Trait
Back Off
Open Up
All In Your Head
Bonus- Self Love (NSFW)
From the Source
Best Friends Forever pt.1 (NSFW)
Best Friends Forever pt.2
More Than Friends (NSFW)
Talk (NSFW)
Announcements pt.1
Announcements pt.2 (NSFW)
Bonus- Girl Talk
Satiated (NSFW)
Fun (NSFW)
Bonus- Transparency (NSFW)
Have Fun
Aftermath (NSFW)
Poker Face

Party Crasher pt.2

396 22 25
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

"Uh...." Natsu honestly didn't want to answer his phone, he'd only just got here, and he had no idea what to expect, "Your mom is calling me, Luce."

"Eh?" Lucy glanced at his phone, "You... you guys have each other's numbers..?"

"Oh, yeah. It just made things easier than emailing. But do you think I should answer?"

"Uh... Yeah, yeah go ahead."

He didn't leave the table as he answered, using his Bluetooth earbuds so he didn't have to hold his phone up to his ear. "Yo?"

"Natsu! How are you?"

"I'm... Alright."

"That's good... I was going to wait until I heard from Lucy, but she's out with her friends tonight, and I just couldn't wait! Did she tell you the news?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm with her right now."

"...You're with her?"


"Oh! Tell her I said hi!"

Natsu let out a quiet chuckle and turned to Lucy, "She said hi, Luce."

"Uh..." She was still struggling to process the fact that those two have each other's numbers, and her cheeks grew rosey from the way everyone was clearly invested in Natsu's phone call right now.

"Anywho, could you tell me the status of our meeting? Are you two able to make it tomorrow?"

"Uh..." He glanced at Lucy, and she seemed rather lost in thought, so he said the first thing he could think of, "Well, I'll make it for sure, I'm off tomorrow."

"Oh, okay, great. Hopefully Jude can make it, I know the two of you got off on the wrong foot..."

Jude... Natsu felt like if he never spoke to that man again, it'd be too soon. But he is the grandfather of his kid, so it's only fair that he gives him a chance. "Yeah, heh..."

"You're a doll, dear. See you tomorrow!"

"Uh, yeah, see you..." He released a deep sigh the second she hung up, "Well, I guess I'm seeing your parents tomorrow."

"Huh?" Lucy was finally able to process what he said, "Oh shoot, right..."

"Aw, you're meeting with her parents? How intimate!" The world's biggest instigator, Mirajane, gushed.

"Last time we were all in the same room, me and my dad got in a really bad argument. Also, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like Natsu," Lucy hated being a downer like this, but she couldn't help it, "Realistically speaking, it probably won't go well. I just wanna get this over with."

Natsu rested his hand on her head, trying to get her to feel better. "Stop stressing so much..."

"That's easier said than done..."

Even so, the headpats really seemed to be helping to sooth the poor girl's worried mind.


"I'm... so... sleepy..." Lucy groaned as she squirmed in her seat, "You should've just told my mom no..."

"I could always drop you off at your apartment," Natsu tried not to look at her sad face and kept his eyes on the road. He actually was a little excited to see what Layla might've found for them, they'll have to live together eventually anyways.

"I'm not leaving you alone with my parents."

"Oh..." Natsu couldn't help but feel guilty. Lucy's always in some sort of discomfort, and she seems much more reluctant to take these steps forward compared to him.

"Hey, uh, I think you missed the turn..."

"Huh? Oh..." He rubbed his eyes to help himself focus, searching for another route to the parking lot that Layla suggested they met up at.

A few left turns and corrections from the GPS later, the car pulled into what seemed to be the bougie side of town.

Expensive cars and fancy buildings as far as the eye could see, Natsu was sure they were lost.

"Where are we..?"

"We're just downtown," Lucy shrugged, "You've never been around these parts?"

"I don't think so... There's no way we'd be able to afford a house around here."

Lucy's eyebrows rose as she realized Natsu really had a good point there. She took out her phone to call her mother so they could clear up some confusion, but it looked like the college professor beat her to it.

"You guys!" Layla flagged them down as she rushed to their car, "Over here!"

"Mom-" Lucy got up to hug her, but she stopped once her mother got close, "Hang on... Are you wearing my dress?"

"Honey, if you leave your clothes where I can find them, I will not let them go to waste," Layla giggled as she squeezed her daughter in a tight hug, and then turned to hug Natsu as well, "I'm so glad the two of you could make it! Unfortunately, Jude has a very important meeting today, so he's still at work."

Natsu didn't mean to let out his sigh of relief as loudly as he did, but he played it off by pretending to cough. Layla didn't seem to notice, or if she did, she didn't pay it any mind. "Now, he and I found just the cutest condo for you guys-"

"A condo? In this city?" Lucy rubbed at her arm as she hoped her mother would correct her, and she panicked when she didn't, "Mom, we could never be able to afford-"

"Don't you worry about that, now. Of course we had a budget in mind when we picked this place. I know better, this is one of my jobs, y'know."


"Let us go, it's this building right here," She pointed to the fancier-looking structure that the lot surrounded, her daughter audibly gulping as she took in its size alone.

There is no way that is affordable...

"It looks nice on the outside," Natsu decided to be optimistic as he grabbed Lucy's wrist, "Let's check it out."

"You seem excited!" Layla perked up, and led the way, "This building has 3 stories, 4 apartments per story and the condo is on the topmost story. The condo has 2 floors, 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 office rooms, a kitchen, dining room, living area, gym, study, and an entertainment room. It's already pretty furnished, but most of the rooms are empty right now."

Neither of them caught any of what she said. Lucy grew so pale, it looked like she'd pass out. "Mom... there's literally no way we'd- I mean, do you even know our budget?"

"Do not doubt me, daughter."

"I say we check it out, window-shopping a little won't hurt." Ever the optimist, Natsu kept Lucy on her feet and guided her to follow them. "It'll be fun."


"You two are so cute," Layla giggled under her breath, but she tried not to embarrass them by continuously pointing it out, "Anywho, let's take the elevators up, okay?"

Walking into the large building was a little too unnerving for Lucy, but Natsu seemed peppy as ever. It seemed pretty empty on the first floor, which looked to be a front desk and lobby.

They loaded into the nearest elevator, and it was clear that Layla couldn't contain her excitement. "The lobby usually has staff, but they knew we'd be here to shop, so they decided to lay low. Luckily for you guys, your closest neighbors would be underneath you, so less chances of distractions or anything for you guys."

"That's great," Natsu matched her excitement, "I like how this place is only, like, 10 minutes away from my house right now, too."

"Yes, I wanted to find some place that was close to your current job and nearby other well-paying jobs you could apply for. The city is full of opportunities!"

Lucy wanted to scoff, Natsu just couldn't actually be encouraging this!

When the elevator finally came to a stop, Layla clapped to focus them, "Here it is! So, there is a hallway, but there's only the door to the condo, I have the key..."

She didn't mean to power walk on her way to unlock the door, but she couldn't help herself. As she opened it up for them, her face broke out in a brilliant grin at the sound of their gasps.

The main room was absolutely stunning, and bigger than either of them could imagine. Natsu was eager to explore the rest of the house, but Lucy had her reservations. "This is beautiful, but mom... We couldn't-"

"Holy shit, look at this kitchen!" Natsu interrupted, causing her to huff in annoyance.

"Oh, yes, I remember you said you had a knack for cooking because of your job, so I made sure to find you a place with a decently sized kitchen." Layla was a little too proud, clearly mentally patting herself on the back.

"Decently sized? This is huge! Oh my gosh... So much counter space... And look at all the burners on the stove..."

Ignoring how he is the first man she's ever seen get this excited about kitchen space, Lucy pulled Natsu into the corner to whisper in his ear, "Stop entertaining the idea of us getting this place, okay?"

"Huh? why? It's awesome-"

"And probably a million dollars over our budget! My mom must've forgotten I'm not living off of my parents' allowances anymore..."

"But... Layla did say to trust her..."

"Oh my gosh," Lucy facepalmed, "Be realistic-"

"What are we whispering about?" Layla's input startled them both, "Are you ready to see the bedrooms?"

"Oh yeah!" Natsu was like a kid in a candy store, running up the stairs and opening every door he came across.

Unable to wrap her head around how nonchalant he could be about this, Lucy flopped down on the black leather couch that was in the living room. This place was just too nice, looking around would just make her feel worse about what they'd probably never be able to even dream of affording.

Now she was seriously starting to get bummed out. Having to live with Natsu so soon was stressful, but she had hope that feeling secure in a house suitable for her baby would make up for it. It looks like they'll be back at square one now.


Lucy tried not to look so obviously upset when her mother sat down beside her.

"Your boyfriend really seems to like this place, you know."

She looked into her eyes, unable to put up a facade anymore. "Mom..."


"You know we can't live here, right?"

"Sure you can-"

"How much is the rent here?"

"Lucy," Layla's eyes went dark, looking almost as if she was annoyed, "This is my building."

"Huh? I'm not following..."

"Your father and I own these apartment complexes. This place is mine, I'm offering to let you two- or three, rather- live here for as long as you need."

Lucy was dumbstruck. Sure, she knew her parents owned multiple houses, and that they owned a few apartments that they'd rent out, but she had no idea what that exactly entailed. It felt too good to be true, like she didn't deserve such an opportunity. "B-but..."

"This is why I didn't want you to worry. I told you I'd be here for you, okay? Managing getting and paying for a place to live is just too stressful, I remember you were a wreck getting your first apartment. I just want to help. You don't have to worry about rent, or bills, or upkeep-"

"I can't accept this..." Lucy gripped the end of her shirt, feeling knots in her stomach, "I... It's not fair to you, I... I need to be independent..."

Layla wasn't sure what to say, anyone in their right mind would love to live in a place like this for free, especially someone in her daughter's position. "Honey... I've let people live in places for free before. This is a favor, but it isn't hurting me in any way. You have multiple opportunities to show your independence..."

As she continued to feel sick about all of this, Lucy could hear Natsu rushing down the stairs. He seemed to be out of breath, lord knows how many times he ran through each room, marveling at the sizes alone. "Yo... This place is... so nice."

"Isn't it?" Layla giggled, "So, what were you thinking? Is this it, or would you like to look someplace else?"

"Ah... It's nice, but we couldn't afford it."

"Oh? You kids are something else," She shook her head, "I'm giving this place to you for free, no expenses whatsoever."


"It's a lot to explain, just know that I could afford to keep this place while you live in it, okay? It'd be Jude and I's gift to you guys."

"...Huh?" Natsu looked stunned, and turned to Lucy, "Did you hear that?"

"Yes, and I just... can't accept it."

"What!? What do you mean you can't accept it? Just say yes!"

"No, it's not right... I don't want to take advantage of my parents' money any more."

Layla's heart broke when she heard that,"But sweetie-"

"Could I talk to you for a sec?" Natsu pulled her aside, but his loud voice defeated the purpose of him trying to speak to her privately, "Are you crazy!?"

"No, I just hate feeling like I owe them," Lucy shrugged, and she couldn't meet his eyes, "It's not right... I need to take accountability and prove that I can be independent."

"Yeah, yeah, I get that and all... But when someone offers to do something nice for you, just accept it... Stop trying to make yourself feel guilty, sometimes people just wanna do nice shit."

Lucy tried to bite her tongue, but she couldn't shake this horrible feeling, "But... I've lived a privileged life, I don't deserve-"

"This isn't just about you. Think about our kid, too."

Our kid... She held onto her stomach as she rethought about this all.

Having things handed to her all her life just made her feel useless, but she's been focusing on the wrong things. In a few months, they'll have a baby to care for, and her mother was right- finding a place to live is always so stressful.


"Yes!" Natsu was a little worried that he wouldn't get through to her, so he was ecstatic. "Oh my gosh, I gotta start packing tonight!"

His little outburst did muster a smile from Lucy, she couldn't imagine how exciting it must be to get special treatment for the first time. She noted he should probably get used to it now that he's becoming a part of her family.

But he did bring up another issue, they'd have to get ready to leave their current homes. Taking out her phone, Lucy opened her messages with her roommate, and took a deep breath as she typed,

"I guess I'm living with this dork now."

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